Obsession (Seven Deadly Sins Book 2)

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Obsession (Seven Deadly Sins Book 2) Page 22

by Shantel Tessier

  “What are you gonna do? Stop me?” I ask with a laugh as if that’s not possible, but a voice in the back of my mind tells me to shut the fuck up. I ignore her.

  “That’s exactly what I’ll do.”

  I swallow nervously but try to laugh it off as if he’s the crazy one. “Try it.” I reach down and grab my bag and give him a fuck you smile as I walk past him to go put it in my car. Just as I walk past him, his arm wraps my stomach, my feet are lifted up off the floor, and I’m jerked back. I drop my bag. “Brecken,” I yell as I swing my legs, kicking him in the shins. “Let me go,” I snap as my nails dig into his arm.

  He spins us around and bends me at the waist; my feet are now on the ground, but my upper body bent over the side of the bed. “Stop,” I yell as I try to push myself up. He leans over my back, and I shove my right elbow into his side. He grunts and then grabs my arm, yanking it behind my back. “Let me go,” I scream as I try to fight him. His weight is off me one second, and then, he’s grabbing my other arm. My stomach, chest, and face fall down onto the bed as he holds my arms behind my back. “Stop it!” I scream, and I hear him laugh. “You fucking piece of …” My words cut off as I feel something wrap tightly around my wrists, tying them tightly. Before I can say anything, he yanks me up and then spins me around, shoving my back to the bed. I cry out as my arms are pinned underneath me. “Stop, Brecken,” I say trying to catch my breath.

  “Wanna challenge me again?” he asks with a smirk on his sexy face.

  I narrow my eyes on him as I try to get up; the position he has me in hurts my arms and back as I lean over the side of the bed. But he places his forearm on my chest and presses me down onto the bed. His legs pin mine to the side of the bed and I suck in a breath as it makes the position I’m in hurt worse.

  He growls as he stares down at me with narrowed eyes. “You’re starting to piss me off.”

  My mouth falls open, and my eyes widen. “Oh? I’m starting to piss you off?” I ask. This bastard has some nerve. “You’re starting to piss me off,” I yell as I try to get up, but he holds me down. I whimper as my hands start to go numb. I try to readjust to get my weight off my arms, but he doesn’t budge. I shake my head as I growl in frustration. “You’re hurting me,” I cry out.

  “Good,” he says simply.

  “I fucking hate you,” I scream at the top of my lungs. “I fucking hate you.” I thrash under him. He just stands over me, pinning me down. I wear myself out, trying to free myself. My hands are now completely numb, but I can feel them digging into my back. His forearm is on my upper chest, but I can tell he’s not putting all his weight on me because I can still breathe. That’s a plus. Then my body starts to soften as it gives out and the tears start to come. “I fucking hate you,” I whisper this time as the first tear falls down the side of my face. “Let me go,” I say on a sob.


  I whimper. “Please,” I beg. “Just let me go.” I close my eyes as tears run down the side of my face. “How could you lie to me?” I ask not expecting an answer.

  “Because I have a job to do,” he snaps.

  I open my eyes. “Right, the drugs.”

  “Yes, this is about drugs,” he shouts as he leans his face down to mine, putting more weight on my chest by placing pressure on my chest. “You’re not the only one who lost someone.”

  I blink the tears away as I look up at his twisted face. I swear it looks red; he’s so pissed. “What …?” I ask.

  “A twelve-year-old is dead, Skye.” I suck in a deep breath. “Tiffany is not the only one who is dead.” He lets out a huff and then stands up off me.

  My body slides down the side of the bed, and I fall to my ass on the floor. I look up at him confused.

  He starts to pace as I sit here, my hands still tied behind my back as the feeling starts to return. “How did she die?” I ask dropping my head to the floor. “Did they kill her?” I close my eyes remembering what Tiffany’s body had looked like. I can’t imagine a twelve-year-old going through something like that.

  “No,” he says roughly as he stops to pace. He looks down at me. He lets out a frustrated sigh and bends down to speak to me. “When Jet and Jones came to me with Tiffany’s death, they had another death as well. It was a little twelve-year-old girl, whose brother had a house party while his mom and dad were out of town. They had this drug called Gen.” I frown not knowing what that is. “They found the little girl dead in her bedroom. Her friend unconscious. Since I’m pretty sure Oscar gave you that same drug, we think it is being distributed through Throb. And I have been told that Tiffany did the same drug.” He stands up.

  “No, she was clean …”

  “She wasn’t, Skye.” He interrupts me, and I swallow the knot in my throat. “You even told me that you thought she was on something when the guy told you on the phone that she owed James.”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “But nothing!” he yells, interrupting me again. “Don’t you understand what I’m trying to do?” he asks.

  “No,” I say honestly.

  He throws his hands out to his side and then they drop. “I’m gonna go meet with James and try to get in on this drug. Me nor Miller, or Case, or even Jet have heard of this drug before. And I know you’re dead set on James being the killer, and he may be, but I have to follow the drug. The drug is what will lead me to her killer.” He leans down and lifts me to stand. He places his hands on my face and looks me in the eye. “I’m asking you to stop. Stop being this crazed, obsessed woman who thinks she knows what she is doing because you don’t.”

  I want to argue with him. I want to tell him to go to hell, but now, all I can think of is that little girl. And how her family must feel that they lost their child. “I’m sorry,” I say, swallowing my pride. “I didn’t know.”

  “You didn’t need to know,” he adds, and I hang my head. “Turn around,” he orders.

  I do as he says, and then he frees my wrists. I turn back to face him as I rub them to see that he used his belt. He lifts up his shirt and holds it up with his chin as he places it back on. I look away from his chiseled abs as I look at the bedroom. It looks like a tornado hit it with shit just thrown all over the place. I sigh heavily.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asks, walking up behind me.


  He slowly turns me to face him. He takes my hands in his. “I’m sorry if I did. I just needed you to see reason. To stop and listen for two seconds.”

  “I know,” I whisper.

  He looks around the room and then back at me. “Will you stay with me?”

  “Do I have a choice?” I ask seriously. What would he do if I told him I was leaving again? He probably would lock me in the closet. Or worse, just put me behind bars. You can’t escape bars.


  I want to smile but refrain. The fact that he wants me to stay with him has my heart beating wildly. “Yes, I’ll stay.”

  He brings my wrists up to his lips, and he kisses them tenderly. I look away. I don’t understand how he can go from I’m gonna kill you to soft and sweet in a second. He drops them and then places his hands on my face. He pulls me toward him, and his lips touch mine. He tilts my head to the side, and his tongue parts my lips. I kiss him back unable to deny him that. My emotions are all over the place as well. But I guess when you spend your whole life unwanted, it’s hard to turn down the one who does want you. He pulls away, cutting it off shorter than I would have hoped, and looks down at his watch. “I gotta go see James. I’ll meet you back at my house.” Then he walks out.



  I walk out of my rental house and get into my Range Rover. I get a glimpse of Skye as she enters the garage and pushes the button to close the garage door before she enters the house again.

  I sit here in the driveway as I try to calm down. I’m so wound up from what she did. From what I did. Once again, I ran out of Seven Deadly Sins to chase her ass down. When I walked into the house, I h
ear her screaming son of a bitch. It had scared me. I thought someone else had beat me to her. Oscar told me someone was after her, and although I haven’t told her that, I can’t forget it.

  I couldn’t let her leave. I had finally talked her into moving in here. And now, I pissed her off, and she wants nothing to do with me? Well, that is not an option.

  I didn’t mean to be so rough with her, but she challenged me. I couldn’t

  back down from her now. The woman doesn’t seem to fear anything that I do. So I gotta keep upping my game. And of course, everything I do to her makes me think of sex. When I had her bent over the side of the bed, all I could think about was undoing my pants and fucking her till she shut the fuck up or lost consciousness. It all turned me on, but I was able to hold back. I needed to get through to her once again, so I gave her a little bit more information to keep her right where I want her.

  I put my Range Rover in reverse and back out of the driveway and head straight to Throb. Ready to get this over with.

  Twenty minutes later, I park in the back of Throb and get out my car. I run a hand through my hair when I see Case getting out of his car as well. “What are you doing here?” I ask not even looking over at him.

  “Look, Brecken, I’m …”

  “Save it!” I say, interrupting him. “Let’s just do what we came here to do. I have somewhere to be.” Right between Skye’s legs. Or in her mouth, wherever I decide to go.

  We walk inside the club, and I look around for anyone I know, and the only guy I recognize is the bartender. He’s a younger guy who is known for being a druggie. He’s been in and out of prison several times. He also beat a man to death, but I’m not judging. I’ve been known to do things that are over the edge as well.

  He looks up to see Case and me. His dark eyes look clouded over, and his dark spiky hair is standing every which way as if he had just rolled out of bed to come to work. He gives us a head nod. “Hey, guys,” he says, lifting his hand to wave. “What brings you guys in tonight?”

  Case and I walk over to the front of the bar where he stands. “Want a drink before last call?” he asks already getting a shot glass out.

  “No thanks,” Case says shaking his head.

  “I’ll take one,” I say.

  He reaches underneath the bar and brings up a bottle of Fireball. He pours some into a shot glass and slides it to me. I knock the glass back as Case speaks. “James in tonight?” He nods as he fills my empty shot glass. “Can you get him for us, please?” he says through gritted teeth, and I down another shot glass full of Fireball. Just what I need on a night like this.

  “Yeah, let me go and get him,” he says before he walks off.

  “What are you doing?” Case growls as he turns to face me.

  “Whatever I want,” I say simply.

  He gives a hard laugh as he slams his hand down on the bar. His laughter cuts off, and his eyes narrow on mine. “Brecken, you …”


  We turn around to see James standing behind us with a smile on his face. You’re probably wondering why two undercover narcotic officers have so many drug dealer acquaintances. You’re probably wondering why we don’t arrest them. We can’t. If we arrested every drug dealer we came across on the street, they would realize the pattern. Case and I would be the common denominator. So we have to play it cool. We have to sit on it and wait for the right time to strike. Like Rox, Monica’s husband. We knew him for years before we had enough evidence to take him down, and it almost bit us in the ass. He ratted out Case but not me. When he had been taken in, he gave them Case’s name and said that Case got his supply from him. Which he did, but he had to prove it, and we couldn’t. Jones intercepted the surveillance video from his club, Fusion, that showed Case entering and leaving that night.

  “Hey, man,” I say as I grab James’ outstretched hand to shake and pull him in for a half-hug.

  “What brings you guys in?” he asks, pulling away and turning to Case.

  I haven’t seen James in a while. We’ve only known him for about nine months, but it’s been at least six since I saw him last. He looks even older than he did then. He’s probably in his late fifties. He has jet-black hair that I would bet my life he dyes. He has eyes so dark they look black, but his skin is ash white. I swear the man never sees the sun. He is wearing a three-piece suit just like Oscar was, and it makes my jaw tighten. Oscar knew who Tiffany was, and he had said that someone was after Skye. Does James know who he was talking about?

  Case and James are in the middle of a conversation when I interrupt them. “Can we speak to you privately?” I ask.

  They both turn to look at me, and James frowns. “Of course. Come, we will go to my office.”

  We walk away from the bar, across the dance floor, and down a long hallway. We come to the end, and he opens a door to the right. He holds it open for us as we enter.

  “Would you guys like anything?” he asks as he goes behind his desk and sits down.

  “We’re here on business,” I say, sitting back in my seat.

  “Oh?” he asks sounding surprised. “What do you need?”

  “We hear that you are the man we need to talk to,” Case adds.

  “What is it that you need exactly?” James asks. “You know I’m more than willing to help you boys out if it’s something within my reach.”

  “I am looking for a new drug.” I get to the point.

  His facial expression doesn’t change nor does his posture. If you ask me, he was expecting this. “A new drug?” James repeats slowly. “What makes you think I can help you with that?”

  “I was told you could,” I say, and I watch his body tense. I refrain from smiling. That’s right, buddy, you have a rat.

  “Who …?”

  I raise my hand to James, cutting him off. “I’m not gonna reveal my source.” I give him a cold smile. “That’s bad for business. But since we’re both in the same business, I want a part of it.”

  “I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re referring to.” James stands as if our meeting is over. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must be leaving. My business partner is in the hospital, and I have to handle the club on my own. I must get back to it.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Case says as we both stand.

  “You’ll let us know if you hear anything about the new drug?” I ask.

  He straightens his already straight red tie and gives me a tight smile. “Absolutely.”

  I didn’t expect him to give me a piece of what they are selling, but I wanted to put the bug in his ear. I wanted him to know that I was on to what he and Oscar are doing. That someone in their clique is out running their mouth.

  Case and I walk outside, and he speaks. “Well, that went well.”

  I ignore him as I head to my Range Rover. “Brecken?” he calls out. I keep walking. “Brecken,” he yells.

  “What?” I growl, turning around to face him.

  “He knows you are the one who put Oscar in the hospital.” I snort. “Why else would he have told us that?”

  “He was using it as an excuse to avoid us,” I tell him.

  He runs a hand through his hair. “Now, what do you plan to do?”

  “I’m gonna track down Rusty and break his arm. And then I’m gonna tell him that I went to see James and that if I don’t kill him, James will when he finds out where I got my information.” Then I turn and give him my back as I walk to my car.

  “Jesus, Brecken.” He hisses. “How many guys are you gonna kill?”

  I get into my Range Rover and look over at him. “However many it takes to get answers.” Then I slam my door shut.

  I smile when I see Skye’s car parked in my driveway. I had given her the key to my house when I left her earlier. I’m not gonna let her in on my little secret; I’m not gonna let her leave my house.

  I walk inside and notice that all the lights are on in the house. I frown as I start to turn them off one by one as I pass through the rooms and halls. When
I walk into my room, I come to a stop. She’s lying in my bed. Her back is toward me, and she’s tangled up in my covers. I can see part of her leg and the top of her shoulders and back. Her dark brown hair covers the pillow.

  I take a deep breath as my eyes take a long look at her. I’m not the type of guy who lets a woman stay over. Even back when I was sleeping with Rachel, she wouldn’t stay all night. She would come over to do her thing and then leave. But I think that was mainly because she had other guys to go blow. It never bothered me. I didn’t care that she left when we were done because I do better on my own than I do with a woman. But with Skye, I find myself drawn to her. I need to be around her.

  I reach down and pull my shirt up and over my head. I kick off my shoes as I undo my jeans. As soon as I kick them off, I make my way over to the other side of the bed. I lift the covers and crawl under them. I stop when I feel her hand hit my chest. Lifting the covers, I see she has her left arm stretched out. I lift it and inch closer to her, placing it over my side as I turn to face her.

  She lets out a little moan as she shifts. Her lips part and she sucks in a deep breath. I watch her chest rise and fall under a white t-shirt. All I can think of is removing it, throwing it to my floor, and placing my hand on her body while enjoying the feel of her. The sound of her. But would she let me? After our fight earlier, would she let me get that far with her? I doubt it. And I’d be an ass to even try. So tonight, this is gonna have to be enough.

  I roll onto my back, making sure her arm stays over my chest, and I close my eyes as I sigh. Some things take time, and Skye is definitely one of those things.


  “You’re safe here, Skye,” Tiffany says as we enter a little house on a corner lot.

  I bite my lip nervously. “I don’t know, Tiffany.”

  She runs her hand through her blond hair as she tosses a backpack onto the bed. “We’ve been here for six years now …” Her grandma that we ran away to passed away last week. A heart attack. Now, we’re living in her house, taking care of ourselves. I mean we are eighteen now, so we can take care of ourselves but still. It’s time to move on from here.


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