Obsession (Seven Deadly Sins Book 2)

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Obsession (Seven Deadly Sins Book 2) Page 34

by Shantel Tessier


  I wake up and sit to find myself still at the hotel. I look around and let out a sigh as I feel more and more like myself. I’m still a little groggy and have a headache, but I’m able to see things clearly. I’m able to focus, and I remember things.

  I woke up in the hotel earlier and cried in Brecken’s arms. I’m ashamed. I felt like an idiot. Once again, I was trying to do something on my own, and I almost died. If I had not died, I would have woke up in prison. I think of Tiffany. I think of how Robert held me down and cut my wrist. Is that what it was like for Tiffany? We know that the killer took his time with her. Tortured her. Robert killed her. Did she cry and beg him to stop? Did she feel helpless? When I woke up in the hospital, I asked for Brecken. Did she ask for me? Did she scream for me to help her? Tears start to sting my eyes, but I refuse to cry. I refuse to give Robert any more satisfaction of hurting me. Of hurting her. I know now who the killer is for sure because he told me. I need to tell Brecken, and they need to go get that sorry bastard.

  I hear men talking in the other room. I get up and almost fall over from dizziness. “Whoa,” I say, stabilizing myself and taking a deep breath. Slow down, Skye. I make my way over to some clothes on the floor and slide on a pair of Brecken’s sweatpants. I look down at my left wrist and try not to cry at the sight of the bandage wrapped around it. He didn’t want to kill you. He just wanted to make you suffer.

  Swallowing down the lump in my throat, I open the bedroom door and walk into the hallway.

  “It doesn’t make sense,” I hear Jet say. “I don’t understand why she would go to Robert when she could have just told you where he could be found.” Because I was stupid.

  “None of it makes sense.” Brecken sighs heavily.

  “Have you asked her about Tiffany and Cricket?” I come to an abrupt stop as Case speaks. My heart pounds in my chest and my palms start to sweat.

  “No. It wasn’t the right time,” Brecken says softly. He sounds tired. I hate that I’ve done this to him.

  “What is the issue you guys have with this Cricket guy?” I hear Jet ask.

  After a few seconds of silence, someone sighs. “We have been trying to catch him for about five years now,” Brecken says. “Long story short, Case thought we could get him last year, when he brought Blane, Taylor’s brother, in on an undercover job. But it turned out that Case and I were both fucking a girl who was working for Cricket. She then got jealous when she realized Case had fallen in love with Taylor, and she went nuts. I ended up killing her. But she had been feeding Cricket information about us the entire time, so he was always one step ahead of us.”

  They were fucking the same girl? “Anyway,” Case adds, “he disappeared. Haven’t heard anything about him or his crew for about a year now.”

  “Well, it’s obvious he’s back in town. He was seen out partying with Tiffany,” Brecken says, and my breath catches in my throat.

  “Maybe she was buying from him?” Jet offers. “Have you ever done business with him personally?”

  “No,” Brecken answers. “We’ve never seen his face. He could be standing right in front of me, and I wouldn’t know it. That was why we sent Blane in to buy from him. We were hoping he’d get to see him. Case and I never understood how we hadn’t seen him. How we never ran into each other. But then when Rachel confessed she had been screwing us to give him information, we knew how he stayed hidden. She was doing all the work for him,” he says simply.

  “Does he know that you guys are undercover?” Jet asks.

  “No!” this time, Case answered. “Rachel swore up and down that she never told him.”

  “And you believed her?” Jet asks sounding skeptic.

  “Yes because Cricket would have killed her the moment he found out she was fucking two cops,” Brecken says matter-of-factly.

  The room falls silent, and I swallow nervously. I rub my sweaty hands together and then take a step, one after the other, down the hall until I’m standing in the living room. Jet spots me first as he sits on the loveseat facing me. Brecken and Case both have their backs to me as they sit on the couch. “Skye,” Jet says as he stands quickly.

  Case and Brecken turn around on the couch to see me. Brecken stands but much slower. “Hey, babe.” He smiles softly. “How do you feel?” he asks.

  I feel sick. I feel like I’m going to puke. I got Tiffany killed. I was the key all along and never even knew it. “I need to tell you guys something,” I say, and my voice is rough from just waking. I clear my throat.

  “Okay,” Brecken says slowly. “Are you sure it can’t wait?” he asks with a frown. “Maybe you would like something to eat first.”

  I shake my head. “No.” I need to tell them. “I’m the reason that Tiffany is dead,” I say, and my throat tightens. “Robert was right.” I swallow down the bile that came with that sentence. “I killed Tiffany.”

  “It’s not your fault …” Jet says, but I hold up my hand to stop him.

  “It is,” I snap and then take a deep breath. It was my fault; I just didn’t physically kill her. But she was killed because of me. “Robert told me he killed her,” I say, and I wish I would have shot that son of a bitch.

  “But why would he kill her?” Case asks. “Because he got her pregnant?” Case looks up at Brecken. “He tortured the poor girl. All over a baby?” Brecken doesn’t have an answer.

  “He said it was my fault,” I say in all honesty, and I take a deep breath. “But I think Luca ordered it.” I watch as Brecken’s back stiffens. His eyes widen just a bit as he stares at me and his nostrils flare. He knows!

  “Who’s Luca?” Jet asks. Case looks just as confused.

  I look down at the bandage on my wrist and take another deep breath, trying to force the tears back that want to fall. “Robert told me that Luca wanted me dead. But Robert thought it would be funnier to put me away and die in prison. What better way than to go to prison for killing my own friend?” I let out a little laugh. “It was actually genius.” I praise them. “Luca had called me the other day …”

  “Wait a second,” Case interrupts me as he stands. “Who is this Luca guy?”

  I look at Brecken to see if he’s still staring at me with hatred in his eyes and he is. I look at Case. “His full name is Luca Christoph Petros.” I swallow nervously. “But you know him as Cricket.”

  Case gasps as Jet rubs his head. He’s still confused. “How do you know him?” Case demands. He’s angry. Before I can answer, he looks at Brecken. “You’ve been fucking another one of his bitches,” he snaps. “I told you that she was working for Cricket!” he shouts. “Did you just not want to tell me?” he snaps.

  “He didn’t know …” I try to say, but he ignores me.

  “Don’t you dare start with this bullshit now,” Brecken snaps.

  “Start shit?” Case growls. “She knows you’re a cop. Shit, we got lucky that Rachel hadn’t told him. I’m sure as hell she did,” he shouts pointing at me.

  “Guys,” Jet says getting between them. “Calm down.” He tries but the guys are going at it. They’re talking so loud and so fast that I can’t even make out what they are saying.

  I take a deep breath and shout as loud as I can. They all turn to face me. “He didn’t know,” I say taking a deep breath. Case snorts. “I didn’t know you guys were even after Cricket until five minutes ago when I walked out of the room and heard you guys mention his name.” I run a hand through my hair. It has clumps of something in it. I feel so dirty.

  “Why does he want you dead?” Jet asks. His bright blue eyes look at me with concern, and I bow my head. I don’t deserve his concern, not after what I did.

  “He killed my parents,” I say softly.

  “Why did he kill them?” Case snaps as if he doesn’t believe me.

  I look up at him. “My mother was a slave,” I say, and all their eyes widen. “She got pregnant by a man by the name of Lewis. They were able to keep me a secret for a while. But when Luca found out, he set my mother
on fire.” I close my eyes as I remember that horrifying scene.

  Two men hold me back by my arms as I watch them force her to her knees. Tape around her mouth and her hands behind her back. “Mommy …” I cry as tears run down my face.

  She looks over to me, and they start to pour something all over her. She shakes her head, and I watch in horror as a man I have never seen before walks over to her. He lights a match and tosses it on her body.

  “MOMMY!” I scream as I watch her body go up in flames. I fight the two men who hold my arms, trying to get to her. Trying to save her. “Mommy.” I sob as what is left of her body falls forward to the ground as smoke fills the night sky.

  The man turns to face me and walks over to me. I try to run away from him, but one of the guys grabs me and picks me, placing his arm around my stomach. The man stops and smiles at me. “Hello, Skye. I’m Cricket. But you can call me Luca.”

  I blink trying to forget that memory. “He made my father watch.” I swallow. “Then my father was sentenced to jail. They starved him. They beat him. A year after my mother was killed, they killed him as well.”

  “What happened to you?” Jet asks. “How old were you?”

  “I was six when my mother died. Seven when my father died.”

  “Who took care of you?” Jet continues to ask questions that I wish I didn’t have to answer.

  “Tiffany and I ran when we were twelve and went to live with her grandmother. She raised us until she died. We were eighteen.” A lump forms in my throat. “Luca has wanted me dead ever since that day I ran away.” I can tell by the look in Brecken’s eyes that he understands what I’m saying. Case and Jet seem a little behind.

  “I don’t understand,” Case says. “How did you ever end up with Cricket?”

  I swallow and take a deep breath. “Lewis, my father, was Luca’s brother. Luca, I mean Cricket … Cricket is my uncle.”

  The moment I stop talking, I feel the air in the room change. I feel their anger start to fill the large space. Brecken stares at me as if he wants to throw me off the ledge of our hotel room, and I don’t blame him. I’ve kept so much from him. His dark brown eyes narrow and his jaw clenches. His stiff shoulders showcase his large chest. Case sucks in a long breath and then turns to face Brecken. “You’ve been fucking Cricket’s niece?” he snaps. Brecken doesn’t respond. “What in the fuck were you thinking?” he shouts.

  “He didn’t know …” I say quickly.

  “What I do is none of your business,” Brecken speaks. His voice is low and controlled, unlike Case’s. His tone does not fit his tense posture at the moment.

  “It is when you’re fucking with our career.” Case takes a step toward him. “If she’s told Cricket who we are, we will never be able to work in this town undercover again. Possibly anywhere.”

  “Funny,” Brecken snaps losing his temper, “coming from you. You sure as hell didn’t mind risking our career for a lay.”

  “Guys …” Jet says trying to calm them down.

  “Fuck you,” Case growls.

  “I’m right, and you know it.” Brecken reaches out and shoves Case in the chest. He takes a few stumbling steps back.

  “Guys, stop!” Jet demands, but they don’t. They continue to go on and on as I stand there looking back and forth between them. I hate it. I have them fighting, and it’s all my fault. All I wanted to do was find who killed Tiffany, and now, I know it was my ex. But Robert knows that my uncle is Cricket, and he also knows that Cricket wants me dead. How can I make things right? How can I turn this around?

  “Shut up!” I scream at the top of my lungs.

  All three men stop immediately and turn to face me. “Don’t you guys get it?” I ask, and my shoulders slump. I reach up and wipe the sweat that has beaded on my forehead. I’m still so tired. I look up at them, and they just stare at me. “I’m your key. You guys want Cricket? Use me as bait.” It’s the only idea I can come up with, and Tiffany deserves that.

  “Absolutely not,” Brecken growls.

  I take a step toward them. “He wants me dead. And he knows that I’m with you, Brecken. Use me as bait. Let me help you guys.”

  “How does he know …?” Jet asks, but Brecken interrupts him.

  “I said no!” Brecken yells.

  I look at Jet, and he looks at me with an uneasy look. I look at Case; he doesn’t have a smirk on his face per se, but he does look like he’s pondering the idea. “He wants me dead …”

  “But he didn’t.” Jet is the one who interrupts me. “He was going to put you away for murder. Not kill you.”

  I shake my head. “That was all Robert’s idea,” I swear I hear Brecken growl. “But as soon as he finds out I’m no longer at the hospital or in jail, he’ll find me. And he will kill me.” I have no doubt about it. Hell, he may already know where I’m staying. A man like Cricket has resources, and he is just playing me. Showing me that I have nowhere to hide. He’ll pounce when he’s ready.

  Case takes a step toward me and goes to open his mouth, but he doesn’t get the chance to speak. “Leave!” Brecken demands.

  Case looks at him. “We need to have a plan. This man is gonna come looking for her. And Robert …”

  “Just leave, Case. I need some time to think. I will call you the moment that I decide what I want to do.” He’s lying, and we all know it.

  Case turns and gives me one last look before he walks out of the hotel room, shutting the door behind him.

  Brecken lifts his hands and runs them down his face as he sighs. “I can’t believe you,” he whispers, and that lump returns to my throat.

  “I’m sorry,” I say as my bottom lip starts to tremble.

  “You’re sorry?” he asks and laughs at it as if it was a joke. He turns to face Jet, who stands off to the side of him. “She’s sorry.” He laughs again, and tears sting my eyes. He turns back to look at me. “Sorry isn’t gonna fucking cut it, Skye,” he yells.

  “I know,” I say wrapping my arms around myself. I feel cold all of a sudden.

  “All this time …” He looks up at the ceiling as if he’s taking a moment to himself. “All this time, I’ve been telling you that I’m trying to save you, and you keep this from me?” he demands. “There is a guy trying to kill you, and you don’t tell me?” he snaps as he points a finger in his chest. “When the fuck were you planning to tell me?” he snaps.

  Tears run down my cheeks. “I wasn’t,” I whisper honestly.

  “Goddammit, Skye,” he growls. He hangs his head and shakes it.



  “I can fix it,” she cries. “Let me fix it.”

  “Don’t you dare even think about going to Cricket again,” I growl.

  “It could work,” she says looking from me to Jet.

  “Over my dead body.” I shake my head.

  “You don’t make decisions for me,” she snaps.

  “You wanna fight me on it?” I snap. She’s Cricket’s niece! I’ve been chasing this guy for five years and would do anything to catch him, except give up Skye. Anything else but give her up. “You think you can beat me? How many times have I had my hand around your throat?” I demand, and she looks at Jet quickly, and her face heats up with embarrassment. “How long would you be able to fight me before you lost? How about the other guys you’ve tried to go up against? It worked so well with the guy outside your apartment. Like how it worked when you went to Robert?” I snap. Who knows where she would be right now if we hadn’t rescued her from the hospital. In prison? Dead? I fist my hands at the thought of those possibilities. I lean down and place my face close to hers. “You couldn’t stand a chance against any of them; you think I’d be any different?” I ask slowly.

  “Fuck you!” she growls.

  “What? Did I hurt your feelings?” I ask carelessly. “Did I make you feel small? Weak?” Her bottom lip starts to tremble. “That’s because you fucking are!” I shout. “You won’t stand a chance, and I refuse to offer you up
as some secret weapon and risk losing you in order to get him,” I say shaking my head. “Over my dead body.”

  “That’s what you’re not understanding, Brecken.” Her face is wet with tears, and she straightens her back, lifting her chin. “He’s gonna kill me. I can either die helping you get what you want, or I’m gonna die for nothing. That’s up to you.”

  “Guys,” Jet says, and I take a step back from her and suck in a long, calming breath. “Skye, you had said that Cricket knows you’re with Brecken? How does he know that?”

  She drops her eyes to the floor, and I run a hand through my hair. The secrets just keep coming. “He called me.”

  “What the fuck?” I demand, and Jet raises his hand to tell me to hang on before I lose my fucking mind.

  “When?” he demands.

  “The night after the whole Oscar incident at the club. I was in the bathtub while Brecken was up at the club with you and Case.”

  “Un-fucking-believable,” I growl.

  “What did he say?” Jet goes on in a soft voice.

  “That he was coming for me. That he had heard I had a babysitter.” She lowers her voice to a whisper. “But that he wouldn’t save me.”

  I rush over to her and stare down at her as my heart pounds in my chest. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I demand.

  Tears roll down her face. “What did you want me to say?” she snaps. “Brecken, please save me from my past …?”

  “Anything would have been better than keeping it from me,” I say shaking my head. The anger I feel starts to fade as fear sets in.

  “What about Tiffany?” Jet asks, his brows pulling together still somewhat confused. “Rusty told us that she had been out with Cricket. Why would she be out with a man who she knew was after you?”

  She crosses her arms around herself. “She had never seen him before.” She swallows. “I met Tiffany in kindergarten. I lived with my mom and dad at that time. Tiffany’s parents abused her.” She sniffs. “She was never able to come over to my house. Or go anywhere. They were very strict. I was only able to see her at school. I lived with my mom and dad. My mom was one of Cricket’s slaves, but somehow, he allowed my father to have her.” Bile rises in my throat at how easily she talks about her mother being a slave. “I don’t know how, but Cricket found out that they had fallen in love and had me.” She sighs. “They came and took us from our home.” A tear runs down her face. “They couldn’t keep me hidden forever. When Cricket killed my mother and kept my father, he sent me to live with another family in town. A family that was very close with him and what he dealt in …” She swallows. “So when we decided to run, I knew he’d look for me. Tiffany only knew what I had told her. And that was just enough to make her understand I had to leave. She wanted out just as much as I did, so she chose to run with me,” she finishes, and Jet turns away from her and shakes his head as if he’s trying to process what she just told him.


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