On a Gamble

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On a Gamble Page 7

by Rose Lange

  As if sensing her turmoil, he rested his hand on her knee, and she glanced helplessly in his direction. Oddly enough, he didn’t say a word, just quietly rubbed in a soothing, comforting manner.

  About fifteen minutes later, they parked at the top of a hill that overlooked the small, and homey town. Stars twinkled against a midnight black sky, and in the distance, everything looked all lit up.

  Gathering herself, she took a deep breath before finding her voice. “I’m sorry about what happened earlier. I didn’t mean to be rude. I just, had to get the hell out of there.”

  “I understand, Charlie. Don’t worry about it.”

  “Thank you, but I didn’t answer your question. Those two were my ex-husband and his wife, my ex-best friend. I caught them having an affair. In our bed.” Bile gathered in her throat saying it out loud, leaving a painful knot, and an even bigger knot in her chest.

  It hurt to remember that fateful day. She’d done so well at pushing it aside, but seeing them tonight brought it to the surface with full force. Unfortunately, it also brought back vivid details she’d just as soon forget.

  “Jesus. I’m so sorry, Charlie.”

  She shrugged. “It’s not your fault, but I guess I wasn’t good enough for him. I’m not able to have children, so he must have decided hell. I’m not wasting time on her. Even though the son of a bitch knew of my condition before we got married. He said he loved me, and that didn’t matter.” Her voice cracked on the last part, as another flow of tears escaped.

  Suddenly she realized she’d gotten very personal with Alex, telling him information she wouldn’t have normally told someone she’d only known a few short weeks. He was different, and she felt comfortable telling him, even if just how she knew wasn’t yet clear. Unloading pent up feelings felt good, freeing.

  As memories of the past came back, a gut-wrenching sob escaped, piercing the quite of the interior. Ashamed, she covered her face. Unleashing everything, her body shook. A pair of strong arms pulled her close, and she nestled into the crook of his shoulder. Relishing in his strength, his earthy, woodsy scent a soothing balm to her frayed senses.

  Leave it to her to be in the middle of a meltdown, and to notice how good he smelled. Good grief she felt ridiculous.

  She slightly leaned away from his embrace. Her eyes first connected with his chin, before traveling up and connecting with his lips, resting there. Tempted to kiss him, and finish what they’d almost started on the dance floor. Vulnerable, and tempted, was a bad combination indeed.

  As if he could read her mind, he backed up further. He tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear, kissed her forehead, and smiled. And my goodness his smile did funny, wonderful things to her insides.

  “Let’s get going. I think it’s getting late,” he said.

  “Thank you, Alex. Despite everything, I had a great time tonight.”

  “You’re welcome, and I did, too.”

  And with that, they drove home in silence.

  Alex rolled over in bed the next morning, staring at the bedside alarm clock. It read five a.m. Thoughts of last night crept back into his mind. His heart ached with the story she’d told him about her idiot ex, and her friend. He knew how she felt, because his ex-fiancée, Carrie, cheated on him as well. But he wasn’t ready to divulge that bit of information just yet, if ever.

  Despite everything, last night with Charlie was nothing short of amazing. And from the vulnerability in her eyes, her body language, she seemed very willing to make out in his truck, on a romantic hilltop. Even in her fragile state, or maybe because of it, he wasn’t sure. But he wouldn’t take advantage of her. Couldn’t do it and still look at himself in the morning, even if it was just a kiss. That’s why he’d come straight home, and went straight to bed. It didn’t ease the raging blood in his veins, or the throbbing of his dick.

  Admittedly, when she’d looked up at him with those big, beautiful hazel eyes, he was lost. Realizing if he hadn’t called the date quits when he had, he would have pulled her closer, brushed away those tears, and kissed her. But the timing was off, and it would’ve been for all the wrong reasons. He wanted her, yes, but not that way.

  Not to mention his true identity still remained hidden, and with every passing day, it ate away at him. Strong feelings for her, combined with guilt, consumed him. He barely had any information to pass along to his dad. Another extra log on his already complicated fire.

  What the hell am I going to do?

  Alex had already gone further with Charlie than he should have. Emotionally more than anything else, taking stolen kisses that he had no right to steal. Just thinking of said kisses made his pulse race.

  He pushed his daydreams to the side, deciding he’d worry about them later, as he got ready for the day ahead.

  “So how was your date, Charlie darling? You got in kind of late last night,” Grandma Pearl asked.

  Charlie perched on the counter, the wonderful smells of breakfast wafting throughout the kitchen. Bacon, eggs, and hash browns made famous by one secret ingredient, which her Grandma would never divulge, made her stomach rumble in hunger.

  Looking down at her dangling feet, she tried to avoid the question, but realized this would only incriminate her even more.

  “By the color flooding your face, I’d say it went very well,” she chided.

  Her silence further incriminated her, and her face felt even warmer. Her grandma sure had a way with words. She met her inquiring gaze. “It was interesting. It went well, except we ran into Langdon and his wife.”

  Grandma’s face fell. Her hands stilled over the egg she’d just cracked over the bowl. “Oh, sweetheart I’m so sorry. How awful that must have been for you.”

  Charlie shrugged. “It’s nothing. It is what it is.” With this she jumped off the counter, grabbing an apple out of the basket on the kitchen table. Not wishing to talk about last night, as far as her ex was concerned, and she definitely didn’t want to divulge her almost intimate encounter with Alex.

  The tension in the truck had been so thick she could have served it up and eaten it with a spoon. He may have resisted doing anything, but the attraction was mutual. Usually, she shared most everything with Grandma Pearl, but hesitated, because all of them involved Alex. He was special, like an unwrapped present she didn’t want to show to anybody, not yet.

  The sound of his truck pulling up outside, jarred her thoughts loose. She set the uneaten apple aside, and didn’t hesitate to run out and greet him.

  Grandma’s light, amused chuckle followed her as she made her way out.

  The mere sight of him with the sun shining on his back, illuminating those gorgeous, warm eyes, and she could not help but stare. Just looking at him lit her up from the inside out, like lights on a Christmas tree. She smiled, thinking about spending her favorite time of year with Alex. “Good morning.”

  He nodded. “Morning, Charlie.”

  “I wanted to thank you for last night, and for listening. I didn’t intend on dumping all that on you.”

  Alex shook his head, and smiled. “No trouble at all. In fact, it made me want to turn the truck around, and beat his ass.”

  She laughed out loud, stuffing her hands in her pockets. “Are you hungry?”


  All the chores completed for now, she thought it’d be a nice day for a country ride. The crisp air, although slightly cool, felt good against her face. The leaves were falling, blanketing the ground. She loved this time of year, when sweaters, jeans, and a snuggling under a blanket with a cup of hot cocoa, was her idea of heaven.

  Charlie grabbed all the necessary pieces needed to saddle up Ginger and Stallion.

  “Is there anything I can do to help?” His voice a husky murmur, made her jump. Turning to discover Alex standing right next to her. Hands on his hips, hair ruff
ling in the light breeze flowing through the barn. He looked so God damned delicious and sure of himself in his own skin.

  She cleared her throat before speaking, “You can help me brush the horses. That’s the first step.” With this she handed him a soft brush.

  Charlie grasped her own brush, focusing on the task at hand. She took her time with Ginger’s coat, softly talking to the animal, lovingly scratching behind one ear. Smoothing her brush over the brown coat, as the motion soothed jittery nerves. Completely absorbed, she forgot Alex’s presence, until she looked up and their eyes locked from across the horses, his glance, so potent and heavy with desire.

  Hypnotizing and mind teasing, as though he could read her thoughts, and thinking the very same thing. The unwavering gaze sent shivers of stark need up and down her spine, tempting her to forget the horse ride, and walk right over to his side. Lean up, and bite that thatch of skin exposed by the V-neck opening of his button down shirt, his very essence brought out raw, animalistic hunger she couldn’t contain.

  Biting her lower lip with the heat of her thoughts, she immediately lowered her stare, no longer able to look into those devilish pools. She returned her focus back to Ginger, and let’s be honest, how embarrassing to be caught staring like some lovesick buffoon?

  Charlie’s mind drifted to last night. How he’d taken her in his arms, offering comfort when she’d needed it most. Since their first kiss several days ago, and their romantic dance, she longed to put her arms around him. Recalling the sweetness of his lips, his tongue invading her mouth, her senses.

  Good Lord and oh my, but he had fantastic lips.

  Hardly able to look his way, she directed her question to the horse. “Okay, ready for the next step?” Not waiting for a reply, she turned to grab two of everything else needed.

  Charlie saddled up her horse before going to check on Alex’s progress. Hanging back, she watched him, crossing her arms over her breasts. Seeing he hadn’t had one piece on Stallion, he angled his head as though trying to read a foreign language. She smiled, because even in his frustrated state, he looked adorable.

  “Do you need a hand?” she asked.

  He shrugged, straightening. “That would be great, thank you.”

  She picked up a saddle pad, followed by the saddle. He bent to help her reach under his belly, cinching the girth, and making sure it was on just right. Her fingers brushed with his, shooting sparks through her fingers, catapulting to her limbs, settling in her belly, before landing at her core. She felt like a human pinball machine.

  “All set?” His voice snapped her mind back. Back to where it needed to be.

  “Yes. You?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Alex came around next to her, appearing as though he wanted to help her mount Ginger, and she had to smile. Having visited her grandparent’s farm often as a little girl, she’d learned how to mount and dismount horses, but said nothing as he gave her a hand. “Thank you,” she said.

  Amused, she watched from atop her horse, as he tried to mount Stallion. Failing miserably when he landed flat on his ass, she hid a chuckle behind her hand, but it didn’t work. He speared her with a frown, and if looks could kill she’d be dead.

  Although she had to admit, he looked delectable sitting on the barnyard floor. A disgruntled look marring his handsome features, long, denim clad legs sprawled out, hands resting on said legs. God help her, the way he looked made her want to jump down and take full advantage of him.

  Clearing her throat, she tried to keep all hints of sarcasm out of her voice. “Do you need a hand?”

  “No, I’m fine thanks.”

  “Okay,” she said, barely stifling a giggle.

  He brushed off his pants, attempting to get on the horse once more, and this time succeeding. “I’ve never ridden a horse before,” he confessed.

  Charlie smiled. “That’s okay, you’ll learn. Let’s go. It’s the perfect morning for a ride.”

  With this she gently kicked Ginger into a canter, and the horse trotted off.

  She turned to find poor Alex looking ill at ease on his horse. Posture stiff, hands practically death gripping the reins, shoulders slightly hunched, and looking about as comfortable as a lobster in a tank.

  “Alex, relax. If you’re tense, the horse can feel that.”

  “I’m trying.” And finally looked as though he was making an attempt.

  They rode in companionable silence out into the far open land. This land belonged to her, it was in her blood, and she could never regret leaving the city to come here.

  The gentle sway of the animal lulled her eyes closed. Soothed her. Relaxed her bones. Eased her mind. A fresh morning breeze carried the scent of clean, fresh country air, as it brushed across her face. Her hair blew slightly all around her, and she sighed with satisfaction.

  “You really love it here, don’t you?”

  Charlie opened her eyes to study him. “Oh yes, always have. It’s home.”

  “I can tell.”

  “What about you, where do you call home?”

  “I live in a little condo in town.”

  Charlie nodded. “How long have you been on your own?”

  “Since I was eighteen, my parents told me it was time to leave the nest and be a man, explore the world.” But he didn’t further elaborate.

  She frowned. “And how do you feel about that?”

  He said nothing for a moment, then, “I guess it would have been nice to stay at home for a little while longer, finish college, and get a job. You know, get settled before I was kicked out of the nest.”

  “Yeah, I can only imagine that must have been hard on you.”

  “Both my brother and me were kicked out. Only he decided to go into the Army right away,” he offered, and then got very quiet.

  The expression on his face told her everything, as did the way he stared, stony eyed into the distance. She wanted to change the subject, but before she got the chance, he continued.

  “It’s just too bad he couldn’t reach his full potential. He wanted to come back home, go to school, and become an engineer.” He took a deep breath.

  She listened, understanding his need to talk about it.

  Alex turned toward her, his face still stony, still angry and hard. “I’m still not over it. I don’t think I ever will be.”

  “I know how you feel. Some days I’m still not over what happened to my parents. It never gets easier.” She turned to pet Ginger’s fur as they rode.

  She felt a raindrop on the back of her hand. Charlie looked up at the sky, realizing the weather was about to take a turn for the worst. The sunny blue sky gave way to clouds, and gray skies. The faint rumbling of thunder sounded in the distance.

  Ginger’s ears pricked, sensing the impending bad weather. She turned the horse to go the other way, back to the barn. “We’d better be going home.”

  He nodded, following her.

  Charlie flinched as the raindrops hit her head, and gently prodded her horse to go quicker. Relief flooded her as they entered the enclosure, and just in time. Loud pelts of rain fell, hitting the roof within seconds of reaching the barn, soaking the earth. The sun hid behind the dark, gray clouds, ominous thunder rumbled, but the sounds of Mother Nature were oddly comforting.

  She quickly dismounted. Alex followed suit as they put the horses back in their stalls, making short work of removing, and storing the riding gear.

  Rubbing her hands together, she paused in the doorway. Admiring the thick sheets of rain soaking the earth, thunder pierced her ears, and a spear of lighting cracked the intimidating sky in half. She couldn’t stop staring at the beautiful spectacle. “I just love thunderstorms. Something about them that’s so wild, unpredictable, powerful. Beautiful.” The last word coming out as a sigh, so overcome with e
motion, she couldn’t help it.

  “I know what you mean.” The sexy timbre of his voice broke her hypnotic stare. She hadn’t realized she’d spoken her thoughts aloud.

  Her eyes roved toward him, discovering his warm, melt in your mouth gaze already locked on hers. Shivers did the rumba up her back. Prickles ran over her skin, and through her veins. Unfulfilled awareness cloaked the air, only then hyper aware of him beside her. Standing hip-to-hip, so close, almost touching, and something in the air changed.

  Before she could second-guess her actions, she turned toward him. Surprised he did the same, until they were face to face. Slowly, her eyes roved from his chest, then further up, only making it to his chin. Timidly, she sneaked a peek at his lips, and before she lost her nerve, wrapped her arms around his neck. Pressing her mouth to his, the pressure of his lips as fantastic as the first time. Wasting no time, she grasped his hair, her fingers seeking his thick mane.

  Strong, warm hands came around her waist, bringing her body tightly against him. A moan escaped into his mouth, as every crevice of her body ignited with need. Greeting his tongue, she lost control. Moving her hands from his hair, to around his waist, molding his mouth to hers, as if she were dying of an unquenchable thirst.

  Before she knew it, he backed her up against the opening of the barnyard door, shielding them from view. She brought her leg up and around his, hungry to have him closer, as if he couldn’t get close enough. Lowering her hands, she grasped his ass, and squeezed. Her heart beat double, triple time as the hardness of his desire pressed into her.

  “Alex . . .” But the rest of her words failed her when he rained kisses down her neck, and back up toward her jawline. Her head lolled back, and he took ferocious advantage. His mouth ravaging sensitive flesh, and goodness she hoped her knees wouldn’t give way beneath her.


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