On a Gamble

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On a Gamble Page 9

by Rose Lange

  “Alexander Samuel McCray, we aren’t finished here,” he commanded.

  He looked at his dad, still resting one hand on the doorknob. “Well I am. I’ll talk to you later.”

  And with this he walked out the door.

  Charlie paced in front of the barnyard door for at least fifteen minutes, checking her watch periodically.

  Granted, he wasn’t that late, and he’d given her a head’s up. She’d fed the animals already, but was ready to start the rest of her day, and very anxious to see Alex. Who was she kidding other than herself?

  She shoved her hands in her coat pockets, remembering what he’d said last night, how they’d snuggled on the couch next to a roaring fire. That sweet, soft kiss, and not to mention that hotter than hell kiss in the barnyard that made the tips of her ears burn thinking about it, as if burned to memory with a red-hot poker.

  Everything about last night had been perfect. It blew her plan of fighting her growing attraction, right out of the water, and with every look, every kiss, every touch, it made it even harder.

  Charlie looked up in time to see his truck pull into the driveway. Waving him toward her, she turned to open the barn doors. Her gloves, along with other tools, lay patiently waiting next to the pail by the feed. She attempted to remain calm, even as her heart beat a rapid staccato. Her palms damp and clammy, she swiped them down the front of her jeans.

  Turning just in time, she watched as he thundered in like someone, or something, seriously pissed him off. His handsome face marred with a frown, mouth set in a thin, tight line. His entire body appeared tense, shoulders bunched, hands fisted at his sides.

  “Good morning,” he barked.

  She frowned. “Everything all right?”

  “I’m fine.”

  Crossing her arms over her chest, she curiously assessed him. “You don’t sound fine. In fact, you look mad as hell.”

  Alex speared her with an icy glare. “I’m fine. Drop it.”

  Taken aback at his tone, she set her things aside. “I’m sorry you’re in a bad mood, but you don’t have—”

  “Why don’t you mind your own damned business?” he snapped, cutting her off.

  “Fuck you, and the horse you rode in on, Alex.” Hardly believing those words had just come out of her mouth.

  His eyebrows rose, as if surprised by her outburst. Frankly she surprised herself. Annoyance mixed with a dangerous blend of desire, burned raw, splayed her chest wide open. She clenched and unclenched her jaw, wondering what the hell happened between last night and this morning?

  Pure heat and determination shone in his gaze as he walked toward her, like a panther attempting to catch its prey. Until he backed her against the barnyard wall. She had no place else to look, other than up into his anger-darkened face. Fury and lust came over his features, and she found something else hidden in those chocolate brown depths. Desire, unmistakable, and suddenly the air crackled with awareness. Her scalp prickled, breathing hitched.

  “Fuck taking things slow,” he rasped, just before he took her mouth in a searing kiss. Grasping her face in his hands, she moaned against his mouth. Her insides unhinged within seconds. She used his waist as an anchor, wrapping her arms around him, because she’d surely fall over from the sheer force of his kiss otherwise.

  He devoured her with a hunger that’d been absent in their first kiss. No doubt, her lips would be swollen, ripe from the ravaging, punishing kiss. He moved to her jaw, savagely scattering wet, open-mouthed kisses onto her neck, and going lower still as he greeted the skin just above her breasts. Placing moist kisses there as well. Her knees wobbled in their sockets, and if he weren’t holding her close, she might slump over.

  Her head lolled back, and she closed her eyes. Blindly fisting her hands through his hair, she twirled and twirled. Loving the wild texture beneath her fingertips. Loving his mouth, greedy with need, his facial hair against her neck, and jawline.

  Suddenly, her feet were suspended in mid-air as he carried her to one of the nearby crates. Tucked back, unassuming, and away from prying eyes. Secluded in shadows, and semi-lit, giving her an opportunity to take what she desperately craved.

  He wasted no time, setting her on top.

  Chapter 8

  An earthquake shattered through her, as his wolfish, suggestive gaze bore into hers. All rational thought fled, as the pulsing need between her legs turned to a powerful roar. A painful throb that morphed into a fire, one that needed to be extinguished as quickly as possible.

  “Alex, what are you doing to me?” Her mouth parted as he leaned forward, caressing the side of her face. She attempted to draw a breath, but he’d taken it completely away.

  The very devil in his eyes, he murmured, “What are you doing to me?”

  Not wasting another minute, she pressed her lips to his. Her hands in his hair, she tilted her head, attempting to bring him closer. Her chest pressed against his. His tongue sought entry, and she willingly allowed him in, possessed, and no longer in control of herself, making out in the middle of the day when they could have easily been caught. Not caring in the least. Her good sense got trampled; desire and an achy hunger prevailed. As though she hadn’t ever had a bite to eat. Ever.

  Alex took her by surprise, hastily removing her coat, chucking it aside with a light thud. Then, he wasted no time as he grasped her shirt, and ripped it open. Sending buttons scattering to the floor, until she was left in her bra. Glad she’d picked today to wear her black, lacy one as that sinful graze trailed slowly, downward, and he quirked a brow. “Very nice,” he murmured.

  Helping him, she fumbled with the hooks and easily whipped it off. Her breasts sprang free to the open air and his gaze, but he hesitated.

  Seconds felt like hours, and she grew antsy. Leaning forward, he pressed his lips to hers in a light, teasing kiss, palming one of the globes in his hand. The feel of his palm against her breast, exquisite, erotic, and made her toes curl. Just when she was about to tell him exactly what she wanted, he broke the kiss. Not hesitating another moment, he moved from her lips to take one globe in his mouth, until the nipple puckered and ached. She threw her head back and closed her eyes, unable to watch him giving her such seductive pleasure. Moving from one to the other, his hands roved to her bottom, bringing her closer. The bulge in his jeans pressed into her belly.

  Her body quivered with need. “Alex, oh my God,” she groaned, opening her eyes.

  “Charlie . . .” he whispered, taking her nipple and plucking it between his fingers until she winced.

  “You’re driving me out of my mind.” She couldn’t stop the words as they words flew out. Ready for him to make love to her right here in this barn, on this crate, in broad daylight.

  He paused, cupping her face in his hands once again. Drinking her in, studying her so closely she squirmed. A battle he fought within himself written all over his handsome face. He drew a ragged, labored breath, as if it took everything for him gather his emotions. “Not as crazy as you’re driving me. Damn, this is hard for me say, but I think we should stop. I’m getting carried away.” His voice thick, and heavy with desire.

  Charlie frowned, shaking her head. “No, Alex. I want you. Please. Carry me away with you.”

  Then she pulled his mouth back to hers, rejoicing when he yielded. His arms wrapped around her bare back. She furiously grasped at his shirt until it bunched from beneath her fingertips. Loving how his muscles reacted to the contact. Whipping it up and over his head, she relished the skin on skin contact. His lips on hers, teasing her until she thought she’d explode. He grasped her hair, and their mouths fused together. She couldn’t think straight, and needed him right now.

  Charlie fumbled with the fastenings of his jeans, unzipping them just far enough. Without removing his pants, she reached into his boxers, and grasped his erection with one hand. He
moaned into her mouth, as she continued to revel in the weight, and feel, of his thick shaft. Her heart thudded in her chest, eager to have him inside her right this second. But within minutes, the sound of tires against gravel drove over the erotic spell in the barn.

  Opening her eyes, her mouth only scant inches from his, she groaned, and regretfully pulled away. Her breathing still heavy, breasts aching from his mouth, and an unfulfilled need that would remain that way, with no way to quench her thirst.

  He didn’t say a word as he handed her shirt and bra back, and proceeded to right his own appearance.

  “I’m going to clean up,” he said simply, and walked away.

  Charlie took a deep breath. She’d never done anything this daring in her entire life, in broad daylight no less. But, oh God, it had been exquisite, sinful, and erotically sexy.

  And she desperately wanted more.

  Alex shook his head, taking a moment to freshen up in the upstairs bathroom.

  Good grief. What had he been thinking? He hadn’t. He felt like a fool, telling himself he wanted to take things slow, then doing the exact opposite. When he’d walked in this morning after the meeting, he’d been very angry. Then he saw her, and his anger turned to desire. Between the fight with his dad, and his ever-growing attraction to Charlie, mind and body were being pulled from every possible direction. He’d obviously been thinking with another part of his anatomy.

  He closed his eyes, remembering how she’d looked just a few moments ago. Head thrown back, mouth parted. Creamy white breasts perfection in his mouth. Rose bud pink nipples, completely eager for his touch, and his desperation to lay her down, and make love to her, kicked itself into high gear. A strong push and pull, tugged at the reins of desire, and he’d almost stopped. But then she’d looked at him with those gorgeous, bottomless hazel eyes, kissed him with such fire, such wanton heat that he couldn’t resist.

  The scary truth was if her grandparents hadn’t decided to make an appearance just then, he would have made love to her right then and there. Right on top of that crate. She’d been so close to freeing him from the confines of his jeans, and damn it, he would have let her if not for the interruption. Hot damn. The way her hand stroked his swollen member, had been nothing short of erotic, wetting his already hungry, and ferocious appetite.

  A knock at the door brought his mind back to the present.

  Charlie’s sweet voice filtered through. “Alex, open up. It’s me.”

  He opened his eyes, looking up at the ceiling and praying for strength. But with each passing day, the mission here only grew more complicated. His desire for Charlie intensified, especially after today. What he really needed was space between them, but how in hell was he going to do that?

  He opened the door, revealing Charlie with one hand on the doorframe, a puzzled look on her face.

  “Are you okay?”

  Alex nodded. “I’m fine, and I’m sorry.”

  A slow smile decorated her face. When she stepped closer, he hitched a breath. Reaching up, she caressed one side of his face. The softness of her touch did nothing to squash the fire burning within. Recalling that same, delicate hand on other parts. But for that matter, nor did her proximity. Her scent. Her everything.

  Leaning up on tiptoe, she drew closer to his ear, and said, “Don’t be sorry.” Her voice soothing at first, lowered to a whispered murmur, “because I’m not.”

  Innocently sexy words hit him like a bucket of arctic cold water, stealing his breath away. And the way she looked at him, as if she felt exactly what he did. The desire evident in her eyes, the stark honesty he saw there. How was she able to pull him in so quickly, so easily? He’d just convinced himself what happened in the barnyard should not have happened. Then she’d gone and looked at him like that, all innocence and sex appeal mixed into one deadly cocktail.

  Fuck. What now?

  “Charlie! Alex, come on down and get something to eat!” Pearl hollered from downstairs.

  Backing up, she took his hand, as they made their way out. “Come on, we’ll talk about this later.”

  Later that evening, Charlie showered, put on her pajamas, and crawled beneath the covers. A deep contended sigh escaped her lips, as good thoughts of the day settled in her mind. She closed her eyes, images of sinful kisses danced behind her eyelids. Her breasts tingled with awareness, recalling his warm, wet, ravenous mouth, and erotic touch. Even in memory, his presence gripped like a vice. Her mind spun like a tilt-a-whirl at warp speed, because God help her, how much she craved him again. Fearing she could lose herself. Fearing she already had.

  A light rap at the door stopped her train of thought. “It’s me, Charlie.”

  “Come in.” She smiled when her grandma opened the door, peeking her head in, holding two steaming mugs of hot chocolate.

  “I thought you might like your usual before bed.” She took a seat across from her, handing her one of the mugs.

  The warmth of the mug invited her to wrap her hands around it, relishing in its heat. “Thank you.”

  “So, how are things going between you and Alex?” Grandma Pearl had never been subtle, she realized.

  Charlie nonchalantly shrugged. “Fine, everything is going just fine.”

  “Why don’t you ask him on another date? I mean I know you’ve been on one, but you should go on another.” She talked excitedly, just like a teenager.

  Charlie giggled into her hot cocoa. “Grandma, jeez you sound more excited than me.”

  Grandma nodded emphatically. “Of course I am darling. It’s been a long time since the light of love has been in my granddaughter’s eyes.”

  “I’m not in love.” Taking another sip of the beverage, she tried to hide the blush behind the mug.

  Her grandma merely waved the statement away. “Please, honey. I know when the love bug has bitten someone, and it sure has bitten you. Hard.”

  Charlie smiled wide, and didn’t say anything for a moment, knowing she was most definitely attracted to him, but in love? She’d never really thought of it that way. But yeah, maybe she started to feel something for him.

  She set her mug down on the nightstand. “I can’t afford to fall in love.”

  Grandma sighed, grasping her hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. “Honey, I know you’ve been through a lot, but you’re a strong woman. Don’t be afraid to love Alex.”

  Charlie took a deep breath, and let it out before responding. “I don’t know. Look what happened last time. I fell in love, and he broke my heart. I don’t know if I could go through that again.”

  “Relax, and just see where things go. I just see what I see, and I see it might have been bitten Alex, as well,” she chided.

  Another heat of a blush no doubt stained her cheeks. “Grandma.”

  “Well, I’ll let you get your rest dear. See you in the morning.”

  “Night.” She flicked off the bedside lamp, and snuggled into bed, as her grandma turned out the lights.

  Lying there, staring at the ceiling, she thought about the conversation, and what a disaster it had been the last time she’d fallen in love. It would no doubt be a crazy disaster if she were in love with Alex. Even more crazy if he’d fallen in love with her!

  Crazy, but maybe, wonderful.

  The next morning Alex was slower in getting ready than usual. Images of yesterday afternoon in the barn burned in his memory. Thinking if her grandparents hadn’t shown up when they did, he would have gone further, and allowed her to remove him completely from the confines of his jeans. Then he’d bury himself deep inside Charlie, making sweet love to her, and knowing once would never suffice.

  He blew out a sharp breath, sending the images scattering. Anxiety enveloped his heart, torn between his eagerness to see Charlie, and nervous about where this was going. Not to mention his dad constantly hounded him
about the business deal, warning him that they’d had till the first of the year to secure this land. Early November loomed, and his feelings were a mixed jumble. He couldn’t think straight half the damned time.

  He’d originally agreed to do this, thinking nothing of it. Thinking Charlie was a man, but it had proved more difficult than he’d ever imagined. Not only was he getting seriously involved with her, he liked her family. Pearl and Eugene already looked at him like a member of the family. It made him feel like shit for lying to them, and from the very beginning no less. Because he’d come here posing as an average guy that needed a side job, and hadn’t even fished for information like he was supposed to. As each day passed, he could not bring himself to do it.

  An inner battle constantly raged within, between fighting his ever-growing attraction and his sense of duty, he feared he knew which would win in the end.

  Charlie leaned her hip against the kitchen counter, staring out the window. Her cup of coffee in hand, she drummed her fingers on the smooth, wooden surface. After yesterday’s kiss, and almost going all the way in the barn, she wondered how he would act, what he would say. She shook her head, feeling silly and foolish at such amateur thoughts. He probably didn’t think anything of it. Heck, she wasn’t even sure what she thought of it to be honest.

  Her feelings became stronger, going beyond attraction. Even if she couldn’t afford to fall in love, because falling in love meant letting go, giving up control. It meant things got messy, involved, if not right away, then eventually.

  She wondered where the hell this new adventure would take her. Why on earth Alex had responded to that advertisement. Was it a sign? Taking a deep breath, she relished in the quiet of the morning. Alone for now, her grandparents decided to take the morning and sleep in, but she was glad. It would be easier to talk to Alex without an audience.


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