On a Gamble

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On a Gamble Page 19

by Rose Lange

  Alex’s features darkened, his eyes heavy lidded, and had lost focus. He pressed one last salacious kiss to her mouth, and wrapped his arms around her, moving as one until they both stood. She grabbed a nearby towel, and wrapped it around herself, exiting the tub. He followed suit, and feeling bold, she turned, dropping the towel slightly, but not all the way. His ravenous gaze fixed on her; as though she were the most gorgeous sight he’d ever seen.

  As he took a seat on the edge of the bed, and reclined on his elbows, he didn’t bother to cover his nudity. The intense, heated look in his eyes almost brought her to her knees. Her center throbbed, pulsated with unfulfilled longing. Her heart picked up speed, knowing this time wouldn’t be like the others. Because there were no more lies between them, no barriers, no hidden identities. This morning, she wanted to take her time, and experiment, explore, because she’d never felt freer with him than she did right now.

  Never once taking her eyes off of his, she grasped the towel with deft, shaky fingers and eased it off. Until it lay in a damp forgotten heap on the floor. She walked toward him, leaned over, and whispered, “I want to touch you, Alex, but I have one rule. You can’t touch me.”

  She sat down, tucking her legs in, and nestled herself between his parted thighs. Laying her hands on his chest, her pulse raced with excitement when he hitched a breath, and she knew she had him right where she wanted him. Continuing her sensual exploration, she moved her hands to his shoulders, reveling in the smooth muscles, reaching his stomach. She stopped just short of his groin.

  Charlie looked up, and saw the heat, the intensity reflected in his eyes, like molten lava. His hands clenched into fists at his sides, and it made her shiver. She realized how much patience he exerted in doing as she asked. As though he wanted to take his time as well, and the realization of it hit her like a bucket of ice-cold water.

  Scooting closer, she leaned in and pressed her lips against his. But before she knew it, he’d toppled her and she was underneath him, nearly depleting her frail lungs of much needed oxygen.

  Face-to-face, the warmth of his body, and the snow-white comforter made her feel all lit up inside. She hated to plead, but sometimes his silence unnerved her. “Would you say something please? Your silence is killing me.”

  Charlie’s spine did a happy dance as he brushed a lock of damp hair aside, cradling her face within the palm of his hand, and said, “I love you, Charlie.”

  Her stomach clenched, loving the sound of those four precious words passing his lips, and knowing she’d never tire of hearing them. So overcome, tears threatened behind her eyelids, and slid down her face before she could stop them. Gently, his fingers swiped the moisture away, the intimate action, and this intense, beautiful moment with Alex, made her want to cry harder.

  Stroking the side of his face, she brought him closer and leaned her forehead against his. “I love you, too, Alex.”

  “Now, let me show you,” he whispered.

  Charlie hitched a breath, as her entire being felt his rousing words. He leaned over, placing a reverent kiss on her forehead. Before going lower still, trailing kisses along her cheeks, past her jaw, and moving to the skin above her breasts. Placing moist, sweet kisses there, and that familiar throb continued to pulse, making her want to possess him. Not wanting to wait another minute. But she simply breathed in through her nose and out, allowing this moment to pass slowly. Closing her eyes, she relaxed her hands at her sides.

  Her back arched off the bed, as his mouth closed over her nipple, teasing and nipping at the sensitive bud in the most sinful manner. She relished in how delightfully wicked his mouth felt on her breasts while his other hand worked wonders on her other breast, plucking it between his fingers, until the nipple ached with need, and became as sensitive as the other. She groaned, but couldn’t take this blindly anymore.

  Opening her eyes, she watched him press a kiss to her stomach. Traveling lower, he gently spread her thighs apart, smoothing his hands down her legs. And when his gaze met hers, her heart stopped beating. She gulped, her entire being prickled, because he looked at her with pure love, and this desired sexy, needy lust all rolled into one. She felt free, and exposed with Alex, but in a good way. A way she’d never felt in bed with a man before.

  “So. Damned. Sweet,” he murmured, placing a soft kiss to the inside of her thighs.

  Not wasting another second, he lavished the most sinful attention to her womanly folds. Shamelessly, she watched him lave her most intimate skin. Nearly going through the roof, and crazy enough to go out of her damned mind with longing. Fisting his hair in her hands, she pushed him further into her sensitive flesh. Eliciting a groan from the deep recesses of his mouth, he answered her passion, swirling his tongue around her clit, until the tiny bud took on a life force of its own, pulsing and aching until her legs buckled. A slow growing orgasm built from deep inside, becoming stronger, the more he continued his seductive magic.

  As if getting lost somewhere between her mouth, and her brain, words failed her.

  The room spun, tilted, and shook on its axis. Her entire body tensed, and then relaxed. She closed her eyes. Her breathing irregular, and she took a deep cleansing breath. Because holy fuck, that had been the most intense orgasm yet, the moon and the stars like fireworks behind her eyelids. She tried to relax, but melted into the mattress from his sweet loving.

  Opening her eyes, she looked down at Alex, still at the juncture of her thighs. He wore the most devilishly wicked grin on his face. “Alex, take me now.”

  He moved up, until they were face to face. Chest to chest, the sweat from her body intermingled with his, a heady and seductive feeling indeed. Wordlessly, he entered her with one swift movement, his thick shaft filled her completely, and she found it hard to breathe. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, she brought him as close as she could, and still it didn’t feel like enough.

  She gently nipped at his shoulders, placing wet, open-mouthed kisses along his collarbone and neck, while her hands wildly roved his back.

  His gaze connected with hers. “Charlie, you’re driving me insane.”

  “Not half as crazy as you’re driving me.” She reached up and caressed his cheek, loving the stubble from beneath her fingertips. This moment with Alex felt right, her mind and body at peace, and so incredible that she could hardly put it into words. So she would allow her hands to do the talking.

  Meeting his gaze, she slowly made her descent from his strong shoulders, to his chest, thrilled when his muscles leapt from beneath her touch. She hooked her arms around his waist, settling her hands against his buttocks. She squeezed and pushed him further inside. He groaned, and his entire body shook with need against hers. The potent feeling that she’d elicited this reaction. That she was the source of his passion, and desire was a feeling unlike anything else.

  “Oh, Charlie, do you have any idea what you do to me?”

  Leaning up, she pressed her lips to his, and swallowed his moan. Her heart danced with joy, and she only tripled her efforts, sliding her hands up and down his back. Because she just could not get enough of this man. Cocking her head, she greeted his tongue, and he answered her passion.

  In the early light of morning, with no barriers between them, she relished in his sweet, slow, languid, lovemaking. Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into seconds, and the temperature in the room rose higher, and higher. This morning, this moment, nothing existed except her and Alex. Allowing the good sensations to flow over her, through her, around her. Relishing in his scent, of him inside her, playing her body like an expert would a flute, gently, slowly, and reverently.

  Alex pulled away, his breathing as ragged and labored as hers. “I can’t take . . . much more . . .” His voice hoarse, raspy.

  Then with several rapid thrusts, he poured himself inside her, and she’d felt complete, satiated, and full. He remained on top of
her, but she relished his weight. She swiped the sweat off her forehead, blowing out a breath. “Wow.”

  He held her face within the palms of his hands, and she melted all over again.

  “Ditto, babe.” He rolled over onto his back, sliding her into his arms.

  As Charlie lay snuggled against his chest, the afterglow of their lovemaking still pulsed through her being, she smiled, happier than she had been in a very long time. Warmth from his body enveloped her, surrounded her like a safe cocoon. The sun streamed in, bathing her room in its morning glow. Emotionally, physically spent, she didn’t want to move from this spot. Ever.

  Within moments, her inner critic made its presence known. He’d told her he loved her, but did it end there? She frowned, hoping she could keep the emotions off her face.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, it’s just. I guess I wonder where we go from here?”

  “I’ll tell you, but you have to close your eyes,” he commanded in a gentle tone.

  She quirked a brow as he got up, his bare ass made her eyebrows rise, and bite her lower lip appreciatively. Damn, coming or going it was a lovely, mighty fine view indeed. Seconds later he returned, hands behind his back, and took a seat next her.

  “Now put your hands out, and close your eyes.”

  Anxious, giddy, and excited, she did as he asked. Tucking a sheet under her arms, she couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled over at his teasing tone. She had a love hate relationship with the element of surprise.

  Then, finally, he ordered, “Okay, open your eyes.”

  Charlie opened her eyes to see a small, black velvet box resting in her cupped hands. The goose bumps instantly grazed over her arms. The surreal moment taking her breath away, and even that was an understatement. “Alex . . .” But her voice drifted off as she opened it, revealing the most beautiful, clear, cushion cut diamond she’d ever seen.

  She met his gaze, and attempted to open her mouth, and say something, anything. Before she could gather herself, his next words took what little was left of her breath away.

  “I love you, Charlie Anderson, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me? Make me the happiest man on earth.”

  She laughed out loud, pressing a hand to her chest. Tears of joy sprang to her eyes, and this time, she didn’t try to stop them, as they slid down her cheeks.

  “Yes.” Raising her hand out to him, he gently placed the ring on her finger. Kissing her trembling knuckles, she swiped the moisture off her face.

  “How about sealing it with a kiss?” she teased.

  A salacious, naughty smile decorated his face. “You drive a hard bargain, my lady, but I’d be more than happy to oblige.”


  Three Years Later

  Rolling onto her side, Charlie tried her hardest to get some sleep. She turned on the bedside lamp, and found Alex sleeping peacefully, with Elijah, there adopted and loving two-year-old, nestled in the crook of his shoulder. The poor baby had a terrible cough, and hadn’t been feeling well all week. Alex brought him to their bed hoping to soothe him, and had most likely fallen asleep with him.

  The endearing, loving sight made her heart grow ten times bigger.

  Married life with Alex agreed with her. Shortly after they’d become engaged, arrangements were made to have a small, country wedding at the farm that next summer. The balmy August day, absolute perfection, and she could still recall every minute of it. Grandpa and Grandma walked her down the aisle, to throwing the bouquet, the food, the music, and dancing with Alex under a blanket of stars, everything had been perfect.

  Shortly thereafter, she’d moved to Alex’s condo, at least until they could decide on a house. Charlie and Alex still helped on the farm, while Pearl gladly watched Elijah.

  Alex returned to law school, intent on finishing what he’d started. He’d begun after high school, taking two years of law in college, but had dropped the idea when his Dad asked him to help with the business. Now finished with school, he’d passed the bar, and already had several job interviews lined up.

  “Babe, you okay?” Alex’s voice startled her from her daydreams.

  She nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just having a hard time falling asleep.”

  Soothingly, he rubbed her back. She leaned into the touch, sighing with contentment. No matter how long she lived, she’d never tire of this incredible man’s touch, her husband, a man that brought her back to life.

  “I’m going to grab something to soothe my tummy.” She put on her robe and made her way to the bathroom.

  Turning on a light, she rifled through the medicine cabinet for anti-acids, and brushed past a container of Batman bandages before she found a pregnancy test kit. Reaching for it, she took a deep breath before removing one, hesitating for a moment before ripping it open.

  They’d tried for a full year, maybe longer to conceive, before she decided to stop. Her hopes always dashed down every time that stick came back negative. It broke her heart, but Alex had been nothing but supportive the entire time, and more than happy with adopting a child.

  Snapping her mind back to the present, her fingers shook as she held the still unused test in her hand.

  What the hell, it can’t hurt, right?

  She quickly did her business, set the test stick on the counter, and washed her hands.

  Moments later, she looked down at the test: positive. She rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn’t seeing things, when a light rap at the door drew her attention. Grabbing the stick, she held it behind her back, just as the door opened.

  “Everything okay, honey?”


  “What are you hiding?” He playfully and gently took the arm hidden behind her back, revealing the pregnancy test.

  Looking down at it, his eyes widened. “My God, really?”

  Moisture pooled in her eyes, blurring her vision as she looked up into his face. “I’m pregnant.” As if saying it out loud would make it more real.

  Alex picked her up by the waist, gripping her tightly against him. Then he paused, turning to look at her.

  “How do you feel about this, Alex?” The question burned in the back of her throat, and she just had to know.

  He caressed the side of her face, tenderly, reverently. “I got everything I ever wanted, Charlie. Starting with you.”

  And with this, he leaned in and kissed her.

  Also from Soul Mate Publishing and Rose Lange:

  Gracie’s Plan

  Convinced by her mother that she’s not woman enough to keep her husband, Annabelle O’Sullivan files for divorce after two years of marriage. Shortly thereafter, she enters an abusive relationship that leaves her frail, scarred, and broken. She’s convinced this kind of love is the only kind she’s worthy of.

  Annabelle also never thought she’d see her ex-husband, Kade Hoffman, again. But when her Aunt Gracie passes away, she’s not only inheriting her antique shop, but that it comes with a life-changing catch: that she and her ex-husband must live together in her aunt’s cabin for two months before either can inherit anything.

  Can she break down the barriers of her past and find the courage to love again?

  Available now on Amazon: http://tinyurl.com/hryv96o




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