Hope Springs (Compass Girls)

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Hope Springs (Compass Girls) Page 17

by Mari Carr

  Decades of joy and fun to offset life’s challenges.

  “I can’t fucking wait,” she whispered.

  “For a fivesome with your cousins?” Clayton looked as eager as one of the herding dogs going for a car ride.

  “Nice try, buddy.” She laid a smacking kiss on his cheek. “You’ll have to settle for me. For life. You’re mine.”

  The smoldering possession in his gaze thrilled her and almost made her forget they had an audience.

  “Ahem. Earth to disgustingly gooey couples,” Sterling grumbled, then squinted. “You’re about to lose your blanket Hope. Bad enough your guys are flashing us all. And where the hell are you? Is that a truck? Are you outside? Isn’t it too cold for that shit?”

  “Plenty warm.” Hope grinned as she shook her head. Wyatt and Clay reached for the corners of her quilt.

  “Don’t feel the need to cover up on my behalf.” Jade scanned the guys, admiring their inked artwork and piercings if her pausing gaze was any indication. “You know, those tattoos are sexy as hell. Maybe we should get one, Compass Girls.”

  “Why not? Our dads all have them.” Sterling nodded her agreement instantly.

  “I don’t know.” Sienna nibbled her lower lip before peeking up at Daniel from where she rested against his chest. “What do you think of that?”

  “Sounds sexy.” He traced the curve of her shoulder. “But I think anything on you is hot.”

  “What would we get?” Jade seemed to be seriously considering the proposition. “Not the same back-piece as our dads have. It’s gargantuan. It wouldn’t fit on us.”

  “I think it should be something…girly.” Hope smiled when Sterling wrinkled her nose. “Okay, not too froufrou, but different from those huge ones our dads have. Something for Vivi.”

  They all seemed to inhale simultaneously as they recalled the start to the evening. Hope would never forget the look on her dad’s face when he’d found out. Or the betrayal on her mother’s when she peeked over his shoulder at her daughter. Acceptance too. As a nurse, she had to have known something was up.

  “But what?” Sienna asked, breaking Hope from her regret. She’d fix that first thing in the morning. Apologize. Her parents would understand. She prayed.

  “You’ll know it when you see it.” Wyatt smiled down at Hope. “I think that’s how these things work. Over-thinking it doesn’t help. Just wait and when it’s right—”

  “It’s like you just know,” Clayton finished for his partner.

  “I know.” Hope kissed first Wyatt, then Clayton.

  “Me too.” Wy deepened the exchange. “You two are mine. Always and forever.”

  Clayton and Hope didn’t resist when Wyatt angled their faces toward each other then observed their lip lock. “And each other’s.”

  Hope nodded, slowly separating from Clay, happy tears stinging her eyes where only sad ones had lingered before.

  “Gross. Enough mushy shit.” Austin bounced onto the couch beside Jade, covering his eyes as he peeked over the Compass Girl’s shoulder. He must have opted to stay with his cousins, or maybe their mom and dads had needed time alone to cope. From the shouts in front of Sterling, there was some serious gaming going on.

  “Learning curses from Doug, huh?” Wyatt raised a brow at the young cowboy. Hope couldn’t believe he’d intimidated her with that look in the beginning. Now that she knew his secrets, his soft spots, he was in for a hell of a ride.

  “Sorry, Wy.” He sighed. “I mean, enough mushy crap.”

  This time Austin embellished the tame substitute by miming sticking his finger down his throat.

  “I’m going to remind you of this conversation in a few years.” Daniel shook his head. “You don’t know what you’re missing, kid.”

  “Nothing good. Not like ice cream. Or pools. Or my bike.” Her brother tossed a dismissal over his shoulder before dive-bombing his cousins from the back of the sofa. Looks like Jade and Sterling had a full house, and their hands full too.

  “Were we ever that hard to control?” Wyatt groaned.

  “Probably.” Clay considered for a second.

  “You still are.” She patted his chest. “But I’m up for the job. Not to mention maybe raising some of our own chaos.”

  The last came quietly, but Wyatt clearly heard. Beneath the covers, his hardness pressed into her hip, strong and eager to give her what she wanted.

  Someday, now, whenever.

  “I’d love to see you and Clayton blended into something so precious,” he murmured.

  “Okay, time to go.” Jade might actually have sported a blush in the face of their intimacy. “Have a good night. Don’t freeze your balls off.”

  “That’s good advice.” Daniel’s brows knitted.

  “I’ll never be cold again,” Wyatt said matter-of-factly.

  “Me either,” Clay agreed.

  “Goodnight.” Sterling sounded funny, as if she were crying again. “Compass Girls rule. Just remember I’m your favorite cousin. I want to be the maid of honor.”

  The three women chuckled as they disconnected, leaving the dark night sky and the two men Hope loved to illuminate the shadows. She winced. “Sorry. They don’t know when to quit sometimes.”

  “You don’t want to get married?” Wyatt spoke carefully enough to alarm her.

  “Do you?” She looked between him and Clay. “And you?”

  “Hell yes.” They both roared at the same time.

  “You’re not getting away.” Wyatt resumed his claiming by adding another mark to her neck. “Either of you.”

  “I’m not running.” She fisted her hand in his hair, holding him close and seeking Clayton with the other. “Besides, my dads are likely to haul out their shotguns when they get a look at your handiwork here.”

  She gasped as Clay nipped below her ear.

  “Well then, let’s make it real obvious. Maybe we can elope tomorrow. I’m not exactly a patient man.” Wyatt paused, growing serious once more. “I love you Hope Compton. And you, Clay.”

  “I love you too.” They spoke together.

  One voice.

  One heart.

  One future.

  About the Authors

  Jayne Rylon and Mari Carr met at a writing conference in June 2009 and instantly became archenemies. Two authors couldn't be more opposite. Mari, when free of her librarian-by-day alter ego, enjoys a drink or two or…more. Jayne, allergic to alcohol, lost huge sections of her financial-analyst mind to an epic explosion resulting from Mari gloating about her hatred of math. To top it off, they both had works in progress with similar titles and their heroes shared a name. One of them would have to go.

  The battle between them for dominance was a bloody, but short one, when they realized they’d be better off combining their forces for good (or smut). With the ink dry on the peace treaty, they emerged as good friends, who have a remarkable amount in common despite their differences, and their writing partnership has flourished. Except for the time Mari attempted to poison Jayne with a bottle of Patrón. Accident or retaliation? You decide.

  Jayne and Mari can be found troublemaking on their Yahoo loop at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Heat_Wave_Readers/join

  You can follow their book-loving insanity on Twitter or Facebook or send them a personal note at [email protected] or [email protected].

  Look for these titles by Jayne Rylon

  Now Available:

  Nice and Naughty

  Where There’s Smoke

  Men In Blue

  Night is Darkest

  Razor’s Edge

  Mistress’s Master


  Kate’s Crew

  Morgan’s Surprise

  Kayla’s Gifts

  Devon’s Pair

  Nailed to the Wall

  Hammer It Home

  Play Doctor

  Dream Machine

  Healing Touch

  Compass Brothers

  (Written with Mari Carr)

ern Exposure

  Southern Comfort

  Eastern Ambitions

  Western Ties

  Compass Girls

  (Written with Mari Carr)

  Winter’s Thaw

  Hot Rods

  King Cobra

  Mustang Sally

  Print Anthologies

  Three’s Company

  Love’s Compass


  Two to Tango

  Love Under Construction

  Coming Soon:

  Compass Girls

  (Written with Mari Carr)

  Summer Fling

  Falling Softly

  Hot Rods

  Super Nova

  Rebel On The Run

  Swinger Style

  Barracuda’s Heart

  Men In Blue

  Spread Your Wings

  Play Doctor

  Developing Desire

  Look for these titles by Mari Carr

  Now Available:

  Because of You

  Because You Love Me

  Because It’s True

  Black & White

  Erotic Research

  Tequila Truth

  Rough Cut

  Happy Hour

  Power Play

  Slam Dunk

  Compass Brothers

  (Written with Jayne Rylon)

  Northern Exposure

  Southern Comfort

  Eastern Ambitions

  Western Ties

  Second Chances

  Fix You

  Full Moon

  Print Collections

  Learning Curves

  Dangerous Curves

  Love’s Compass

  Wicked Curves

  Just Because

  Coming Soon:

  Second Chances

  Status Update

  Sometimes life doesn’t go according to plan. Sometimes it’s better.

  Winter’s Thaw

  © 2013 Mari Carr & Jayne Rylon

  Compass Girls, Book 1

  Sienna Compton has it all figured out. Her life’s goals are set and it is all systems go. At least, it was. Until her long-time boyfriend Josh threw a ringer into the master plan, requesting a “break” from their relationship. Now she’s left alone during the long, cold Wyoming winter, questioning what her heart has always believed to be true love.

  Daniel Lennon is facing an uncertain future. When a tragic accident leaves him unable to pursue his career as a professional bull rider, he finds himself at Compass Ranch, working to help Sienna’s father, Seth, build his horse breeding business. One look at Sienna has Daniel envisioning things he never imagined wanting—a permanent home, love, marriage—and he’s willing to use all the red-hot tricks in his sexual arsenal to melt the ice surrounding Sienna’s broken heart.

  When lust turns to genuine emotion, can Daniel convince Sienna to take a chance on something different and unexpected? Can he persuade her to consider a new path, one that will lead her directly to his arms…forever?

  Warning: Roping and riding, past and future, cold winter and fiery desire, lust and love all come together in this new Compass series. Saddle up and hang on. The Comptons are back!

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Winter’s Thaw:

  Daniel lay on his back, staring at the ceiling. He refused to look at his clock again. At last check—no more than five minutes earlier—it had been midnight. He’d ticked off every hour since he’d crawled into bed at nine and he was still no closer to finding sleep.

  Eventually, sheer exhaustion was going to have to win out. God knew he couldn’t keep going at this rate. It had been a week since he’d kissed Sienna in the stable. He would have tried to steal more than a few heated kisses from her, but Sienna pulled away when they’d heard someone enter the stable.

  Daniel shuddered to think how close Seth had come to catching them. Even though they were standing a proper distance away from each other when Seth approached, he still sensed his boss was suspicious. For one thing, Sienna’s face had been flushed, her gaze roaming everywhere to avoid her father’s questioning stare. She may as well have stamped the word guilty on her forehead.

  Since then, Seth had kept a very close eye on where he was and who he was with. Not that Seth had needed to be on his guard. Sienna was doing a good enough job staying away from him without her father’s interference. He hadn’t caught more than a glimpse of her when she came home from work each day. She’d stopped eating dinner with the family and even eschewed riding her beloved mare, Maria.

  According to Doug, Sienna was depressed over Josh. Daniel knew that reaction was natural, but it didn’t stop him from wishing she’d open her eyes and see him as a suitable replacement.

  “Screw that,” he muttered. He didn’t intend to replace Josh. He wanted to erase him from Sienna’s thoughts forever. He wasn’t sure when his intentions had changed, but somewhere along the way, he’d stopped hoping to just get into Sienna’s pants. Lately, he’d been thinking it might be nice to find a way into her life, but that didn’t seem possible.

  For one thing, she’d just gotten out of a relationship. There was no way she was ready to hop right back into one. And secondly, he’d heard her conversation with Josh. They hadn’t broken up—not officially. They’d just taken a timeout. Daniel didn’t think Sienna would let the idiot come back, but, well, dammit, he wasn’t sure.

  He released an annoyed breath and forced his eyes shut. He’d never fall asleep at this rate. He tried to clear his mind of Sienna Compton completely.

  A knock sounded on his door.

  “What the hell?”

  He listened again, wondering if he’d imagined it or if it was the cold winter wind knocking a branch against the trailer.

  Another knock. Someone was definitely outside.

  He rose and slipped on a pair of sweatpants. Opening the door slowly, he was surprised to find Sienna, wrapped in a coat and shivering.

  “Sienna? Get in here. It’s freezing out there.”

  She quickly climbed the three stairs, passing him as he closed the door.

  “Is something wrong?” He couldn’t imagine there was anything—short of bad news—that would bring her to his trailer at this time of night.

  She shook her head. “N-no. Everything’s fine.”

  “Okay. That’s good.”

  She didn’t bother to explain more. Instead, she shrugged off her coat. Underneath she was dressed in a little slip of a nightgown. He hadn’t realized until that moment that her legs were bare. She’d walked all the way over here in a bit of silk and slippers. Obviously she was paying for the decision, given her uncontrollable shivering.

  “Jesus, Sienna. What the hell are you wearing? Or not wearing? You’ll be lucky if you don’t get frostbite.”

  She rubbed her hands together, blowing on them for heat. “This was a lot s-sexier when my cousins and I p-planned it from the warmth of my bedroom.”

  “Sexy?” Her words hit him like a sledgehammer to the forehead. “Did you come over here to sleep with me?”

  Her cheeks were red from the cold, but even so, her blush enhanced the color. “If you h-have to ask, then it’s s-safe to say I’m not doing s-so well.”

  He laughed. He couldn’t help it. She was here because she wanted to have sex with him? He’d never been offered such a delectable frozen treat. Unfortunately, she mistook his response.

  She reached for her coat, intent on putting it back on. “This was a mistake.”

  “Oh, hell no. No mistake.” He pulled the coat away from her and tossed it onto his couch. Then he tugged her into his embrace, trying to infuse her trembling form with some of his own body heat. He rubbed her back lightly.

  “You’re warm,” she murmured against his chest.

  “And your hands are like ice cubes.”

  “Sorry.” She tried to step away, but he stopped her, gripping her wrists. He placed her palms on his chest, holding them there.

  “Don’t pull away. Let me warm you up

  They stared at each other for a few hushed moments, as Daniel allowed his gaze to travel over her silky nightie.

  “Say something,” she whispered.

  He shook his head. “No. You first. Ask me, Sienna. Ask me to touch you, to take you. I promised I wouldn’t do that until—”

  “Touch me,” she interrupted.

  Daniel didn’t wait for her to say more.

  What do a madame and a bounty hunter have in common?

  They want the same man.

  River Bound

  © 2011 Myla Jackson

  Bound and Tied, Book 3

  When Rosalyn Smythe, aka Madame Rosie, steps aboard the Marie-Dearie, she hopes it’s the end of a year-long search for her runaway fiancé, Dalton Black. Her cabin holds a surprise: James McKendrick. Notorious bounty hunter, old lover…a man only too happy to help her clear the air—and her heart—of her murdering, thieving bastard fiancé once and for all.

  In disguise as a riverboat gambler, Dalton is determined to find who framed him for killing two U.S. Army soldiers and who stole the gold they were carrying. He wants his life back—and his woman, who just happens to be on board and on the arm of his former best friend.

  Convincing James he’s innocent is easier than winning back Rosalyn’s heart. Especially since Rosalyn seems to be enjoying their competition for her affections a little too much. There’s only one place to work out his dilemma. In bed.

  As the sheets become unbearably hot, threads of evidence leading to the real killer are unraveling, leading toward one fateful card game—and one man who’s hell-bent on making sure Dalton has nothing left to lose.


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