Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

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Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 7

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  “And at our first encounter I didn’t understand how you were pulled from Earth to Raliea, Lord Death, but Zikon here solved the mystery when he realized the underlying ability of black diamond. It was so simple many forgot black diamond properties. I figured it out after some forethought and the spells I made on the diamonds. You see, I was their original owner, but when I put on the seeker spells for them to find the most worthy person to bring out their full potential it no longer responded to me. But after five thousand years of waiting they had the quality to circumvent the threshold between universes and bring you back.”

  Such knowledge finally put Cage at ease while his foot remained submerged. “Thanks for the end of settling the debate, Ceembura. Since I’m Lord Death can you tell me where the Tiaxm came from and who is responsible?”

  “That I cannot do.” Ceembura hastily stated. “I am no longer mortal. Those problems you must solve. Spirits cannot impart such knowledge whatsoever. I’m sorry, but no spirit will aid you in this. I’ve answered your most pressing concerns and now I must go. It was good speaking to you again Lord Death. Farewell.”

  Immediately the spirit of Ceembura disappeared, leaving the room in complete silence. “Well that was interesting.” Cage broke the silence. “Grandpa, do spirits often beat such a hasty retreat?”

  “Yes, but only if they have something to hide which in my observations are all of them.” He answered absently while his mind worked furiously over the entire conversation.

  “You seem busy.” Cage said and worked a spell to keep his foot in the water while standing. “I’m going to go let Brooke and Meeka know the situation. My boot should be done altering by the time I return. It will give you a chance to assimilate the knowledge and figure a few things out.”

  “Appreciated.” Zikon said and leaned back in his chair to rub his temples.

  “Daku, you go get some rest too.” Daku dipped his beak and laid it on his hands. “Can I ask either of you for a ride to a place where I can send my magic to call my mates and let them know what’s going on?”

  “I will accompany you.” Ulon said, his anger dissipating.

  Cage climbed, careful to keep his foot in the bowl of water while holding onto a thick ivory spike. Zikon allowed them to leave and Cage flew on the back of the huge dragon to speak to those he loves.

  Chapter 3

  Approaching a sheer, thousand foot high cliff, Ulon expertly glided to a soft landing on the eastern access. Cage held onto the spike of a horn atop the masculine dragon’s head mainly for stability. The pink dragon passed between the sentry trees that guarded the eastern entrance and the warlock noticed ten alert guards on different levels, on either tree who also looked strangely back at him since it was clear none rode a dragon without special permission. Like Daku, Cage barely felt the vibrations of Ulon walking, while riding, but the length of the steps would be hard to match even at a full run while this dragon was on a casual stroll. Ulon approached Twilight’s invisible gateway and Cage knew he past it for two reasons. One, the barrier’s tingle sensing he was an ally and allowed the both of them to pass and secondly because they left the heated city behind.

  Bitter wind slapped the two of them in the face immediately. Cage felt how his robe’s threading constricted automatically to lock the heat in while blocking the cold. Cage noticed that there were about twelve mages lingering alongside their Familiars, but what he planned couldn’t be overheard by prying ears. “Ulon?”

  “Yes, Little One?” The dragon stopped, but Cage knew he couldn’t be seen, but he did feel an immense magic scanning him so Ulon could see without his eyes. It was mildly disconcerting.

  “Would it be too much to ask if you could fly somewhere nearby where we can have more privacy?”

  “You wish to speak of secrets?” The pink male asked. He sensed Cage nod. “Very well, but not too far. White King Daku would be upset if I took you too far.” Ulon reared and took off, pumping his massive leathery wings. They took off and landed two miles from the giant landing zone atop a desolate, low mountain’s peak.

  Just before they landed Ulon warned for Cage to hold on and when they got close the warlock watched in awe as the dragon flared his wings, coming to an almost complete stop midair and spewed more than a hundred foot long jet of flame of white and pink fire. Ulon’s dragon flames struck the peak and instantly melted the snow in seconds till only grey rock was present along with steam. Cage was in awe of the demonstration and the magic which produced the flame. Cage’s magic showed him that Ulon had a special organ between his two massive lungs that was swirling with concentrated magic which produced the flame that could melt steel. Cage’s magical observation also said that Ulon could breathe fire indefinitely if he chose and it also seemed that no thought was required as the organ’s muscles simply opened and closed like a valve. Then the dragon landed to say “Your bodily reactions tell me you are impressed.”

  It was a statement, but Cage took it as a question when hearing the rumbling mirth. “That was fucking incredible! I didn’t mean to invade your privacy, but I was too curious to figure out how you breathed fire. If you don’t mind me asking, is that a natural organ or one you made?”

  Ulon didn’t answer immediately as Cage carefully walked over the forehead, careful to avoid the huge pink tourmaline gemstone set in a ring of gold, walked between scaly eyes and come to a stop by the snout. It was difficult footing with one submerged in a bowl. Ulon carefully lowered himself onto the warmed rock so he could keep the warlock balanced properly. “It is a natural organ, our living fire. Long has the fire been our ally. Is the heated rock enough to keep you warm? Your species has difficulty in drastic temperature changes. It is effortless to keep you comfortable.”

  “I’m fine for right now and thank you. Get comfortable yourself.”

  “Hold still before you begin.” Ulon hissed calmly. The dragon placed several powerful spells around them in rapid succession. “There, only you or I can speak and hear each other. I will know if any from outside interfere so do what you must. Wake me when you finish should I slumber… Are your wards active which repel fire should I sleep?”

  Black eyes merely glanced at his hand and a thought later he said “It is now.” Ulon grunted then laid his long neck down and shut his enormous six foot tall eyes of the most clear pink rose.

  Cage sat down on the hard, almost uncomfortable scales, but they were warm. Especially when aflame. It was odd how Ulon could fall asleep in seconds. The wards around him blocked the fire that lay beneath his backside. He then lessened the siphoning rate temporarily and suffused himself with mana till he felt like he just downed ten cups of coffee and a cup of sugar water. He then focused his desire on finding two individuals. The magic flowed.

  About two feet away appeared a black vortex which swirled till it became an oval sight mirror, almost like a portable television. Colors warped and he said “Spear security password: Viking ship two.” and then the hazy colors instantly cleared as he bypassed the ship’s protective wards he put in should the boat need magical protection. He smiled.

  In his focus Cage looked upon the loves of his very existence. They saved him from a lonely life and he cherished them more than he ever could articulate. What was the best feeling is they shared his emotion. Brooke and Meeka were lying together in an intimate embrace in the Spear’s new cabin to get out of the wind and they had company in the fire lit room. The fire was mainly for warmth since the wooden windows had an almost clear quality which allowed much light inside. They were both fast asleep in each other’s arms with both of their large, firm breasts pressed together and were just a few short inches from kissing each other in their sleep. Brooke’s long legs were comfortably draped across Meeka’s as her silky black hair covered her soft, coppery cheek and full pink lips. Her coppery skin was healthy so she quickly got over her seasickness or never had it this time since the waters were relatively calm. Meeka’s long blonde hair remained in a tight braid, but it wrapped around the side of a golden tan
neck. Her generous ruby red lips were parted adorably and their setting proved she had been in need of sleep since her pallor spoke of recent seasickness. Cage personally hoped to find his mates naked, but it was far too cold for that aboard a boat. Still, Cage touched the solid magic screen, wanting to reach through and touch them, but such magic was impossible. He had tried. It did though set his heart at ease to find them both together in a loving embrace as if there wasn’t a thing wrong in the entire world. He sat there for a full minute studying their perfect profiles before adding sound to the mirror where he heard whispering and the subtle creaks of the boat. Lastly he added a third spell that required the most power and wrapped all three into one to send his words over vast distances and in the cabin appeared a baseball size black orb barely seen among the shadows.

  In a calm tone he said “Brooke, Meeka, wake up.”

  Those warriors of the Utala who accompanied them to Vin’re for the Winter Tournament jumped up and drew weapons till realizing what they saw wasn’t dangerous and where their chief’s voice suddenly came from.

  “Cage Love?” Brooke murmured while yawning and sat up from hearing his deep voice, not realizing where they were for a moment. Her lovely chocolate brown eyes scanned the cabin’s interior, hoping to find her male mate and pouted till she noticed her people staring at something and looked up. “Cage?” she rubbed her gritty eyes, obviously she was sleeping deeply when he roused her. “Oh!” she squeaked and shook Meeka’s shoulder quickly “Meeka Love, our man is contacting us. Wake quickly.”

  Meeka jerked upright, wiping a bit of drool from the corner of her mouth when her innocent cerulean eyes located the orb and knew her mate was looking upon them. She quickly said “Cage, we were worried! Did you make it? What news do you have?”

  “Well do I have a story to tell you all. Gather everyone in the cabin except for the boat’s driver so I don’t need to repeat myself. Be quick, I have a lot to tell and not long to say everything. Unlike you guys, a storm’s brewing over here while I’m sitting on the nose of an amazing dragon named Ulon. He’s a badass to speak to. I love it!”

  “Thanks for the compliment, Cage Two-legs.” Ulon said as the fire below dimmed and everyone knew at once no human could speak like that. Cage turned to see the dragon watching with one open eye that seemed happy for the kind, honest words.

  “A Dragon? You’re sitting on a dragon?” Meeka asked, clearly overwhelmed.

  One of the tribe could be heard at the door shouting for everyone to come inside and that their chieftain was speaking via magic all the way from the Blind Mountains, down in the southern territories of Emroc.

  “For the moment. Ulon is being very kind to me. He and his mate Poli, a silver female dragon, are mine and Daku’s protection during our stay here in Twilight. If I and Daku weren’t so important I doubt no one could crawl on a dragon without his or her expressed permission… Good everyone is in except Quitte. Hold all your questions till I’m done okay?”

  Cage watched as Brooke and Meeka wove their fingers together and sat down on a buffalo fur while the rest of the tribe sat and got comfortable. He began explaining his first encounter with Ulon and Poli in great detail while his tribe listened to his excitement at meeting them, clear he enjoyed the first meeting immensely. Everyone aboard the Spear listened with rapt attention to the story of his arrival at the grand magical city, Twilight. His descriptions could do no justice to the sights he saw. Nothing in the human language could remotely articulate the sprawling forest city and its inhabitants.

  He described first meeting Megdline, Frill, Colby and Leon and went to her gargantuan apartment, making sure to explain just how big the front room is, using Tate’s castle as a reference to fill half the room. He got irritated looks from everyone by telling how warm the city is compared to the fearsome winter gripping the land. He moved on to greatly surprise his people by telling them she is the wife of the most powerful man in Twilight and got a laugh when hearing she actually had twenty five children. Thankfully Meeka, Brooke and the others didn’t ask anything, but it was easy to see they were bubbling with hundreds of questions.

  “Let me go back a second to tell you what happened in the meeting, but don’t let outsiders know what I’m going to divulge.” He said seriously and retold his experience in the council chambers, then about the Tiaxm and all he witnessed. Cage bounced around slightly in the telling of his story for good reason, making sure his loves and tribe of fearsome hunters fully understood the seriousness of the current situation. The most recent meeting of Ceembura lasted about a minute before he finally explained Daku’s plan for him.

  “A week!?” Meeka half shouted. “Why don’t you come home…”

  “Meeka, Daku and the dragons know about warlocks better than anyone alive. It would be too dangerous to be anywhere near me when my mark comes out on my back. I am to train deep underground to minimize this danger. If you or anyone alive were near me when it happens it will kill you and everyone else. I’m told an elite’s ascension can reach ten miles in every direction. Even if I did it in the heart of the mountain it wouldn’t be enough to contain me without killing someone.

  “But I will be home in about ten days. I’ll check in every other day around this time and leave on day seven for home. Just keep heading for home so I know you are all safe. Knowing Tate, when he hears all of this from Grandpa and the First Council he’ll likely send a ship to help protect the island in my absence. There is a high probability of this so do not be alarmed. If you need me in an emergency you know how to get my attention. Now you can ask questions.”

  “Knowing you are well, Cage Love, makes my heart at ease. Just be careful in this training and don’t die, for it sounds more frightening than what I saw of you and Daku when fighting these Tiaxm, you call them.” Brooke said. “I will make sure everyone knows the situation. Just come home as soon as you can. I need my man and to feel him and know you truly are home. Work hard for us so this training doesn’t take long.”

  “You better believe I will.” Cage said as from the corner of his eye he saw Theresa flying down from the clouds to the landing area as her sparkling scales had dimmed without direct sunlight. She quickly acknowledged Ulon and him with a passive glance before walking through the barrier and flying off the inner ledge to soar to her home.

  “Chief,” The deadly woman warrior Moril spoke. “you’ve been speaking for more than an hour and we all know this magic is tiring for you so I’ll ask this quickly. What is it you wish the tribe to do in your absence?”

  “Since everyone is fully stocked for food for the next two to three months I’ll just say to stay warm and not allow any outsiders on Utala land until I say otherwise. If ships do come, send either the Spear or Dagger out to investigate, but do not allow anyone on the island for any reason. If it is known I’m not on the island someone might attempt something foolish. If any Vlaran ships stay outside the pillars for a prolonged period of time, send them supplies from time to time, but any outsiders are to be hunted down and eliminated if they somehow pass the reef. Make sure Hammit and his mates know this and to be constantly vigilant for any oddities… Make sure the children practice fighting at least twice a week of the skills I’ve taught. Other than that you can all do as you like unless Brooke or the elders make decisions in my stead. Just get home as fast as the wind can carry you and tell Sean and Rena to behave.”

  Many in the cabin nodded or chuckled.

  Brooke said “To have reached Twilight so quickly means you’ve had little sleep, Love. If what you say is true, you’ll need it for what is to come. We are safe at the moment so do what you must and return when you can. We will be waiting and keeping the bed warm till you can come join us again.”

  “Just don’t be too long or there will be nothing left of Brooke when I’m done with her and you’ll be left with nothing but a tired husk.” Meeka smiled seductively and brushed a knuckle down Brooke’s silky cheek.

  “Such a tease.” Cage laughed and turned his head as
a snowflake landed on his knee. “I love you both, but I need to go. It’s starting to snow here.”

  “We love you too. Remember two days and we’ll be waiting for you to check in… as you say.” Meeka responded.

  The sight mirror disappeared and Cage sighed heavily now that the magic no longer was so demanding. “We leave?” he heard Ulon ask as the head lifted him and his fiery form snuffed out.

  “While we have some privacy and the snow isn’t too bad, may I first ask why you and Poli were tasked as mine and Daku guards?”

  Ulon lifted his neck into a comfortable arch while staring at the human sitting on his snout with a steaming bowl of water his foot remained submerged in. “Rex Gralla, my colony’s leader, and her elders who care for the colony chose us for our magical and physical prowess. Though my mate and I haven’t completed our maturing we are powerful scouts and guardians. Poli is among the fastest in the sky of all Raliea dragons while I can do magic with great speed and can simultaneously do three hundred and twenty nine spells. Only thirty two elders can boast to do more than I. We were chosen so to not hinder you and the white king while able to react to large numbers if cornered.”


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