Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

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Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 19

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  “Oh shut it! I do not think Cage would be that cruel… Would you?” Bryan asked afterwards with clear hesitance.

  “If it were any other day you would lose that bet, but you’re all in luck. With all the cloud cover beneath us obscuring my island, I can create a hot water bath for us all. Sharpen a knife to shave while I get it ready… But keep Ananna covered till we’re all done… and I’ll also make another to clean our clothes.” Then just to frighten them some he jumped off Daku and plummeted towards the thick clouds below with Ulon enjoying the freefall together.

  The frigid blast of air felt good, but he wanted to finally try his newest spell woven into his robe. “Wing-suit Mode!” he yelled and felt his flapping robe snap tightly to his body like a second skin while the excess fabric wove itself into the resemblance of a sugar squirrel’s skin which is used to glide. A membrane of spider’s silk started at his wrist and ended at his outer ankle to either side while a third sail linked between his legs and instead of falling straight down he began to glide quickly. He had to add a little magic to protect his eyes from the wind, but it worked. He then sent out his magic to the air around him and could feel the currents even before his body could and manipulated it to fly. He sped towards the thick clouds and worked two spells which scooped two large balls of cloud and condensed it down into frigid water and shot back up.

  Ulon mirrored the skillful move and not one to be outdone, sent a burst of magic to also collect moisture and ascend.

  Cage found out quick how much easier it was to fly by the conjured board for its manipulation is far simpler than manipulating the currents of the air itself, but the challenge was what made the experience exciting. It took twice as long as it would have via the board, but he eventually flew up enough to align himself to Daku and land by yelling, “Default Mode!” his feet hit, the forward momentum forced him to roll in a summersault and spring up just as his robe returned to its original form. The former soldiers stared dumbfounded as he grinned widely and brought forth the two large spheres of water. Two fires sprung up inside them and began to heat the liquid rapidly.

  Just as the water began to steam there was a roar which drew attention to Ulon who’d opened his mandible and breathed a huge stream of fire at his large water bubble and the intense flames nearly instantly made it boil. When it was to his liking he simply began to glide and fly into the hot water which would have boiled the flesh off the bone of any human. Hot water soaked between pink scales and washed off every inch of the gigantic body from snout to tail.

  Cage stuck his hand into the water and soon said “Perfect.” and stepped in, robe and all. He held his breath and quickly scrubbed before stepping out clean since he just had to wash off the smell of old sweat. “While one bathes another may clean their clothes.” He then sent another spell to return the water clinging to his body back to the sphere.

  While the men were surprised at the convenience of hot water in the sky, Cage began shaving with a conjured knife that targets only hair and in a few routine strokes his jaw was smooth. A magic created mirror proved not one strip of beard was missed.

  He lounged while each man stripped and bathed and after each one Cage had to clean it for each man hadn’t bathed in weeks and their bodies shed copious amounts of dirt and grime and each time the water grew eerily dark. Their clothes weren’t much better.

  About halfway through cleaning up, Ulon passed his water across to Poli so she could make her silver scales sparkle more brilliantly. By the time the two were done their scales somehow glistened even more.

  Fredrick though took it upon himself to bathe the baby. Ananna could stand and proved entertainment these two long days, but she wasn’t able to bathe properly on her own yet. Every man other than Bryan chose to shave cleanly, but the man trimmed his beard closer and brushed it so he didn’t appear so intimidating and wild. And true to Cage’s word, none froze thanks to his magic.

  As the warlock went to throw the water away Cody said “Wait! Can we keep some of the water to tend to our weapons and clean them properly.” He then held up a leather bladder. “Water will clean it to a shine, but our blades need to be oiled right after.”

  “Alright.” He filled up a cup of water and threw the rest away.

  Thanks were given around as each man drew their swords, shields and knives to clean the blades to a high polish. A little cloth dipped in water wiped away every drop of dry blood. Bern and Gregory helped by sharpening the weapons on a whetstone while Cody applied an expert’s amount of oil to protect the weapons, no less or more than necessary. It took ten minutes of cooperation before Fredrick stood and belted his dual swords to his hips. Cody and Luke carried their single sword on a hip and shield on their back and showed themselves comfortable. The rangers straightened their armaments while Bryan slung his long sword and hammer to rest across his back. Shorty threw on his simple leather harness which held the two pieces of his quarterstaff and made sure his hidden daggers were ready in his sleeves.

  Everyone seemed prepared and ready so Cage said “Take us down.”

  “Here we go.” Daku rumbled before pointing at a steep angle.

  Poli and Ulon matched the descent and used magic to part the clouds since it would be suicide to fly through clouds so thick that they covered nearly everything below in another snowstorm that nothing could be discerned. The storm parted easily for the dragons and it took a good minute to drop below into a mild faling snowstorm, but it didn’t slow them much.

  To the East showed the islands being sought and Cage’s heartbeat sped since he made it home. Daku and the dragons flew slowly towards the South, to circle around to the lone eastern entrance. Going around the side gave a bit of a scare as the tip of the mountain flashed yellow at the wards detecting magic. “Ulon!” the dragon looked over to Daku. The griffin rumbled. “If you do not stop, the island will see you as a threat and attack. You were warned to not use magic till we get inside. Heed the warning.”

  The dragon ceased his actions, but the bright orb atop the lone mountain shot a continuous beam of light on him to give people a direction to look. Unless he flew away from the perimeter, the light would remain trained on the massive reptile.

  It took two more minutes to round the island when Daku called out “Hold on.” before splashing into the cold ocean, just outside the two pillars of skulls’ range. Poli and Ulon merely stood upon the water’s surface through a common spell Cage uses frequently. Ahead, Cage’s spirits grew even more when he saw much the tribe gathered, waving to those returning or pointing excitedly to the dragons.

  Daku swam forward, between the pillars and stopped when the giant white skull appeared to ask for the password. When it was received it disappeared, allowing the griffin and his riders to move ahead. Poli went next and answered correctly to walk further and Ulon was right behind.

  At the lone dock’s edge stood both Brooke and Meeka holding hands. They waved happily with some of the tribe and walked towards the beach as Daku swam. “He’s returned to us, Meeka Love!” He heard Brooke say cheerfully. Meeka simply sighed. “Our bed-furs will finally feel right again.”

  Some of them cheered while others were more reserved, the former soldiers noticed. A long whistle preceded Shorty’s comment. “Look at ‘em all. I expected to see them naked, but even clothed the women are breathtaking…”

  “None would be smart to be naked in this weather.” Cody said while wiping frigid snow and raindrops from his face. “Cage, which ones are hands-off again?”

  “Only my mates really… unless you defeat me and become chieftain.” The man swallowed, just imagining how foolish such an undertaking would be. “Remember the protocol I taught you. Remain quiet unless my mates or the elders speak to you directly… and Shorty?” the deceptively average looking man peeled his wide eyes off all the beautiful women running along the dock to reach the beach before Daku. “No jokes, puns or innuendos for the time being. Until Brooke decides to accept you or not, keep certain thoughts from spilling out. She sti
ll has trouble trusting men and one wrong word will be liable to lose an arm or worse. And whatever you do, don’t even casually go for your weapons or you will find yourselves a pincushion for arrows… unless you are asked, in which case you better move slowly.” Cage then pointed to shore where a dozen hunters had arrows notched and aimed in their direction.

  “Noted.” Shorty replied and also swallowed a growing lump in his throat. The other men instantly followed his example and held their hands clutched in front of themselves. Seeing this show of cooperation, the hunters on shore took tension off their bowstrings.

  By the time Daku reached shore Cage put a spell on each man and himself to jump onto the water, but instead of falling in, everyone stood on surface and walked towards the bulk of the tribe. When Daku found himself passenger free he raised himself out of the water and while walking he began to shrink down to the size of a horse. When he reached land he walked side by side with his partner while their guards followed behind the humans.

  Standing alone with seven other humans, a warrior female stepped forward with two tomahawks on her thighs and raised a single hand up high in traditional greeting. “Welcome to our home, Great Dragons. If my mate hasn’t already told you my name, it is Priestess Brooke. You have our thanks for protecting our chieftain. If ever you need anything during your stay with my people, just ask. If you are hungry we will provide and should you require shelter I’m afraid our accommodations are lacking.”

  Ulon took a step forward and lowered his head so they looked to each other as equals, noting she didn’t flinch and liking her already. “Your gratitude isn’t necessary, but my mate any I accept it. Your own mate has shown us a place we can use to create shelter without harming your landscape. All we will likely ask of you is if you approach, to raise your voice. To sneak up on either of us will be foolish. And as we are so large, do not stand near when we lift ourselves or walk. Our weight would unfortunately flatten you two-legs.”

  “About what distance would that be, Ulon?” Brooke ventured.

  The dragon lifted his head attached to a long neck in consideration till the silver one blew a rope of silvery magic from her partially open mouth and laid it around her mate by laying it twenty yards around his legs and torso. “This would be sufficient, Brooke Two-legs.” Poli rumbled while closely watching the fearless humans standing around them in a half circle and noticing that the only dangerous looks were reserved to the other two-legs Cage had rescued.

  Brooke looked to her people. “Remember this boundary well and be sure the children later will not come near them. One accidental shrug and any of us will die… Just to be safe, make sure the young are far from them…”

  “Not to fear.” Poli took a casual step closer to get her tail out of the water and curled it around her mate’s. “Hatchlings I will welcome to learn, but supervised by their sires, of course. When I lay onto the ground, it would be permitted for the young to get close to me. Ulon though won’t allow this. Only we females allow hatchlings to learn. There is less danger.”

  “What is this danger?” Silver eyes met an older two-legged male, but with aged, long white hair. She cocked her head questioningly. Interpreting it right he said “Forgive me, Poli Silverscales, I’m Elder Metak.”

  She smiled some and lowered herself to get a closer look before answering. “Males as powerful as mine, if asleep, coat themselves in flames without intention. Should Ulon grow tired and sleep, time will be uncertain if his body combusts. Females do not combust so safety is clearer upon me, yes?”

  Metak rubbed his chin in consideration before nodding. “We have an accord then, Dragon.” He looked up when he noticed the pink one with his long snout in the air. “What is he doing?”

  Poli turned her supple neck and answered by sniffing the air herself. She explained “This land is remarkably untouched. It is rare we get to smell so rare a clean scent… We must learn this island more closely, Ulon?”

  The male looked down to his mate before meeting both Daku’s and Cage’s gaze. “May we? It is your territory, not ours.”

  “We are truly safe here.” Daku squawked. “These are my flock and are trusted implicitly. Do what you must and create your nest before nightfall. The weather seems to be worsening. We will return to our own nest when all is calm again.” Not another word was needed as both dragons launched themselves into the sky, leaving an entire tribe watching in absolute wonder after they could see without covering their eyes from the sand blown by those wings.

  When the spectacle diminished, some over the display from the dragons, Brooke found herself unable to restrain her stoic expression the moment her eyes lowered onto Cage’s and a seductive smile appeared all on its own. He stood ten feet ahead of seven clearly dangerous men as Daku stayed by his side, with a bundle of cloth clutched with care on a hip. He returned the private smile and merely glanced away and her gaze followed to meet Meeka’s as she stood with her tribal sisters, smiling brightly, even on such a dreary day. Brooke and the seven elders then approached the men while the tribe remained motionless. “Welcome home, My Love. And Daku you look well.”

  “It has been rather difficult of late, Brooke, but we are far better than the last you saw of us.” The proud griffin said while rubbing his cheek atop her head and got a welcome pat on his wing.

  Brooke stopped when she heard a gurgling coo from the bundle in her mate’s possession, even over the breeze and crashing surf. The priestess stepped closer to the man she loved completely and pulled the cloth back to gasp when it was revealed to be a baby with reddish blonde hair, bright blue-green eyes and chubby cheeks. Unable to resist, she reached forward and pulled the babe to her breast and smiled brightly. “Hello, Little One.” She wiggled her finger and the child caught it. “Cage Love, who does this child belong to? You said nothing of a baby coming.”

  “For good reason.” The tone of his voice had her look up with suspicion. “Meeka is going to need us when she learns this is her actual niece, Ananna. Her brother, Nolan, recently died and was a teammate to the very men standing behind me.”

  Brooke became speechless and Elder Shania grimly acknowledged the reason for her chieftain’s secrecy. “If it is as you say, she is now a Utala child, Chief. Meeka will surely need to be consoled when we speak to her. If you would like, I will hold the child until all settles. As a babe of our people, she cannot be here.”

  “Agreed.” He said deeply. “Thank you, Shania. Also have a large log made to burn with the three who accidently passed on so to represent Nolan. It would help Meeka forge ahead since I cannot summon his spirit so they can talk.”

  The eldest matriarch carefully took the child from Brooke’s care and walked away. Reaching the perimeter of people, she spoke quietly with two members who shot off down the trail leading to the three unnaturally large trees most everyone resides in.

  The grim priestess nodded mostly to herself before taking her mate’s now free hand and they turned to the outsiders. “Today will be a day of mourning. I assume my mate explained how our people do things in a certain order. Above all else the dead must be sent once prepared so their spirit is greatly accepted into the bosom of our ancestors. Because this must be completed immediately I must ask you outsiders to wait with our finest warriors watching over you. When the bodies are no more the tribe will return so that I may speak with each of you before determining whether or not to be welcome here. Since Daku says the storm will worsen then we must begin. Any acts of aggression will be dealt with.”

  Her intentional pause had Fredrick respond. “We know what must be done, Lady Brooke. We are prepared to wait until your time is free. If it will make you feel better then you may confiscate our weapons and return them once you’ve reached a decision. We are also aware of what will happen should you deny us.”

  She waved a hand dismissively. “You may retain your weapons in the unlikely event you are forced to defend yourself. Unless you provoke my people though…”

  “Understood, Ma’am. Where would you p
refer we stay? Right here?”

  “No, we are not so inconsiderate to a guest my mate obviously believes is worthy. You must prove yourself to me first. For the moment you may rest and warm yourselves by the fire. I know just how cold it is when Daku flies.” Brooke whistled and ten warriors approached with sharp spears. To the warriors she said “Guide them to the family homes tree and see them comfortable till the remainder of us return from the sending.”

  The warriors gave a nod before Zatal said “Grab your belongings, Outsiders, and follow us.” Fredrick and his men bent over to hoist their bags, but Bryan stopped when Cage touched him and held out a hand. The giant understood and removed the book borrowed from Twilight and returned the heavy thing since Bryan’s pack was the only one large enough to hold onto it. The ten warriors surrounded the seven former soldiers and led them to the largest modified tree that could be seen.

  When the group disappeared, the tribe relaxed and approached their chief and his Familiar, but none were so quick as Meeka who ran and threw herself at him. With great skill he balanced the book in one hand and caught Meeka with the other. It caused all the witnesses to laugh. “Welcome home, Cage!”

  “It certainly is. One moment...” He looked to his book and created a black portal, threw the tome into the magic and Jumped it directly onto his private desk back home. With both hands now free he snaked his other around Brooke and pulled both into his chest before giving both a quick kiss that brought a brilliant smile to each when they looked up at him. “Now I’m truly home.”

  Off to the side, Daku was also being warmly welcomed by the tribe.

  Elder Metak soon raised his voice to gain everyone’s attention. “We must begin walking to the pyre to send our brothers and sister on to their next journey.” He caught Cage’s eye and got a nod of thanks.

  Daku followed along with the tribe and Meeka went to pull away. Her sudden halt made her spin around. “Cage? What is it? You look really serious…” Then she noticed Brooke’s expression and felt her heart speed as fear shot down her spine. “What is it, My Loves?”


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