Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

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Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 21

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  “Boys, before our kids show up I’d like to introduce you to Meeka.” The men turned towards Cage as he held onto her hand and needed it for support.

  “Tell me of my brother!” Meeka blurted out before any could offer condolences.

  Brooke hurried to take her other hand while Fredrick bowed before her to say “As much as I would like to, Cage ordered us to refrain till your return from your parents.” Her blue eyes darkened before scowling up at Cage, but Fredrick continued in his defense “So much has happened and there aren’t enough hours in the day to tell you, especially since he explained we do not have a choice to refuse a woman’s first mating challenge.”

  “He is correct.” Brooke added. “They must have sex with a sister tonight, should they win. After the feast they must do their duty to those they make submit…”

  “But Cage didn’t fuck us that first night!” Meeka growled loud enough for their group to hear and it was obvious she was livid to not get immediate answers.

  Surprised at the hostility, Brooke firmly reminded “He is chieftain and when he beat me, none may order him to do anything! If he chose not to mate, he is the only one with that right, until another beat him for chieftain… if he decided to order our new brothers to hold their tongue temporarily, he must have a reason. Our mate isn’t the frivolous sort. You know this as well as I.”

  “But I want to know!” She forced herself to look up. “Why?”

  “Because it’s been nearly two weeks since I’ve had my mates and know they are safe.” Cage hinted and Meeka watched as his lance jerked meaningfully for a moment and she flushed brighter. “After the Tiaxm I need to know you are both safe and tonight I’ll make up for lost ground. When we return in two days, Fredrick and the others really wish to tell you everything of your brother, especially when they tell me he spoke fondly of his beautiful little sister.”

  Meeka turned to see the large men all nodding, but not leering as they tried to hide for all the other women about. She could tell they were under Cage’s orders as he had become their savior and commander. “Oh… Well… Oh! Why don’t they come with us tomorrow?”

  Her idea faltered as Brooke shook her head. “At sunrise they will be shown our ways and how to help… Eoin is in desperate need for skilled hands since he returned and Cody’s arrival will ease his burden…”

  “Eoin’s returned?” Cage asked at the same time Cody asked “Who’s Eoin?”

  “Sorry, you first.” Cody said quickly.

  Brooke answered. “Yes, he and Lanna finally returned. Eoin was the one who found the bodies while walking with Lanna when they walked out of their little cave to fish with a spear. He got scraped up pulling them over the slick ground that killed the three. Since they returned and stayed, Meeka believes Lanna is pregnant for they seem much more in control. Eoin has also had help creating a new area he uses to make new metal and has worked hard for two days, but the skill is difficult on one man who needs to supply for all his people… Ah, there they are.” Brooke waved.

  Lanna caught the signal first and grabbed her mate’s hand. Eoin stopped talking with another man and followed when he understood. They quickly made their way over. Eoin’s massive body was knotted in muscles only a blacksmith could carry and Cody wasn’t a slouch either. The large scar that marred Eoin’s face did little to show how pleased he was to look upon a familiar face. “Cage, good to see you returned!” They shook hands firmly.

  “Glad to be back. You look well.” His eyes shifted and he used a weak amount of magic when looking at the womb of the man’s spirit mate. “And Lanna, I guess congratulations are in order. Meeka is right, you are carrying a child, but you won’t start showing for about another two months I’d guess.”

  Lanna beamed and took her mate’s hand and Cage could swear he had never seen the easily temperamental woman so joyous that if she smiled any more her face would split apart. “Eoin Love, I knew it. You’ve done well for me… and I’ve made you a father!”

  “Me, a father?” Eoin looked at her questioningly for a moment before reality sunk in that his new superior used magic to determine the truth. His smile was slow to show itself, but it grew and then he scooped her up and yelled “I’M GOING TO BE A FATHER!!!” His declaration had the effect of the room turning and cheering for them.

  When he set her down, they kissed and Lanna began to cry happily. Then Cage noticed the front door open and the children were being led inside and he reacted by grasping Eoin’s shoulder. “Sorry to spoil your time in the spotlight, but I won’t get a chance to talk to you for awhile. This is Cody and is also a blacksmith. Tomorrow he will help you out.”

  “Look forward to it.” Eoin said and stepped forth to shake Cody’s hand and noticed the burns associated all along the man’s arms which proved he knew the trade well. “If you win rights and still have the stamina, meet me at sunrise. Everyone know where I’ve made shop. It is temporary, but our people need properly worked metal with all haste.”

  “Our people?... Oh right.” Cody said awkwardly. “Any hints on getting a woman?”

  Eoin broke into another grin. “Get them before they get you.”

  “Dad!” Sean shouted over the crowds noise as he found them. Behind followed Rena and her new baby sister. When they got closer he proudly said “Ananna ate some berries from me, but Rena got her to swallow six cooked peas.”

  Cage whistled and patted his son and daughter on the heads and turned them around. “Introductions are in order. Guys, these are our kids Sean and Rena.” Hellos were exchanged and then he had them go sit with Meeka who wanted to hold her niece again.

  A piercing whistle overwhelmed all conversations and Daku woke with a start to look down as everyone turned to Cage. He raised his voice “We have new brothers among us and what better way to bring them closer than to see them bleed.” Laughter erupted for a moment. “We are still a war tribe, even against each other we fight. But tonight will be full of sex and orgasms, should they win. Unmated sisters, please come forth and everyone else step back. Girls, you know your order and will offer challenge if you want them. If not, say pass. Knives only will be allowed and choose your potential mate carefully.” Daku smiled when he woke right when he wanted and flew over to his partner’s shoulder for a better look.

  A group of nearly twenty females sauntered forward with wry smiles as they approached together. In their hand, all but three, gleefully gripped a knife and made it clear nearly all wished for a challenge. Most were in their late teens to early twenties with a few in their early thirties. The room became excited, but stayed remarkably quiet and watched.

  One of the smaller females of the group stepped forth to declare “Bryan the giant, I challenge you for mating rights. Prove you can defeat me.”

  Bryan laughed almost condescendingly before he heard Cage’s serious statement. “Better wipe that smile away. She is the seventh most lethal person of the tribe, Bryan. Don’t let her petite looks fool you. She has high standards and has yet to be mated… Yes, she is still a virgin to any man and to my knowledge she has been challenged to mate two hundred and fourteen times.”

  “Two hundred and sixteen, Chief.” She corrected in a pixie-like way. “The only men were you and my brother to have ever beaten me in combat.

  “Oh.” Bryan’s smile vanished. “Luke, may I borrow your dagger?” Luke handed it over after his friend removed his sword and hammer. The rest shed their weapons and shields.

  An area opened for the two to approach and in terms of size, weight and strength it was completely one sided, but the girl’s enthusiasm and confidence gave a deception that Bryan just began to realize. He barely heard Cage shout “Begin!” before the girl jumped forward and leapt between his legs like a rabbit through the brush. His experiences against Shorty is all that saved him as he deftly jumped to the side as the girl attempted to pounce on his back and press her knife against his throat. As she landed on the ground she blinked when her attack failed. Bryan roared when he saw an opening, but she roll
ed backwards, kicking him in the groin and opening a wound on the forearm he tried grabbing her with.

  Blood and pain made Bryan and all of the other men realize from then on that even if the woman fancied them enough to give a challenge, they wouldn’t withhold much without killing their perspective mate. They had to prove themselves their better if they were ever to be together.

  Bryan managed to trip the dangerous young woman as she tried standing and saw only one opening as her knife came upwards for his liver. He stabbed her precisely between the bones in her wrist and forced the arm down and his great strength stabbed the knife into the wooden floor and pinned her down.

  Tears of pain spilled down he cheeks as she looked at her injury, unable to move and yelled “I submit!”

  The victor though yelled “Bandage!” as he quickly pulled the dagger smoothly from the ground. His own wound was minor to hers and his large hands surrounded her wrist in attempt to stop the bleeding.

  Smaller hands touched his and his eyes looked into those of a boy’s. Bryan recognized Cage’s son Sean who said “I will tend to her. You must stand with your brothers.” Bryan’s hands pulled back and Sean’s were quick to wrap cloth treated with a prepared poultice he and his mother made specifically for this and wrapped the wound tight.

  “But…” Bryan began and stopped as the woman’s other hand tenderly touched his beard with affection while Sean tended her other wrist. “You did well. I look forward to finally having a worthy mate. I will make you proud as you’ve made me. Go, prove yourself again if another sister challenges.” She turned to the other women watching. “Don’t all of you challenge him. We cannot all fit in my room.”

  The other women laughed.

  “I decline!” one of the women announced who didn’t grip her knife, but did approach Bryan as he stood. She used a cloth and wrapped it around the wound tightly.

  “I want you, Fredrick!” Another stepped forth when Bryan stepped back.

  “But, you could be half my age, a daughter.” Fredrick said as he was startled to be called out by a voluptuous young woman, artfully tattooed like most of the tribe. Bryan wiped the dagger and passed it over since they usually kept a knife in a boot, but being barefoot made it unable to carry the smaller blade.

  The woman was undeterred. “I prefer more experienced men. And I like the length of your lance. It could give great pleasure. And I will give you the best chance to give me more babies. I have four already. Defeat me and I will give you great pleasure. Do you accept my challenge?”

  Before that he asked “Are all of you women so bold?” The answer was quick as every woman in the room laughed as if it was the best joke a man could ever make.

  “I warned you they were promiscuous.” Cage grinned at the man’s discomfort.

  “Well I can’t say no to such a beautiful woman.” Fredrick decided.

  The woman smiled and the match was quick. Experience as a captain of the royal guard and regular physical training made him quick to pull the woman into submission, but she was fierce as she broke his nose and cut him open in three areas on his wide chest. When she submitted she kissed him on the cheek and grabbed his lance. She whispered naughty words in his ear and all the pain he felt vanished at the promises she offered.

  Unable to hold her niece as long as she wished, her responsibility as a healer drew her away from the fire and over to Fredrick’s aid. Sean still worked on stopping the bleeding of the first woman and couldn’t leave her side. Meeka, as the tribe’s best, non-magical, healer found needle and thread and quickly sewed the wounds. As she worked she heard him ask “Why doesn’t the mage heal us? His power, as we were told, could heal us in moments?”

  “Oh he could, but Brooke wouldn’t allow it. Wounds from mating challenges must heal naturally and all scars are to remind you of what it cost to be with those you will soon fall in love with. Now stop distracting me so I can finish. You will likely need to fight again soon and I don’t wish to re-sew ripped stitches.”

  “Sorry, Ma’am.”

  Daku watched as Luke was next to be challenged and lost painfully as the woman dislocated his shoulder, making Cage step in and pop it back in place, but before he could return to his team, he was called out again, but now that he knew it wasn’t a game and these women didn’t tolerate weakness, he won through submission by painfully locking the woman’s arms behind and lifting till the pain made her scream while her front was pressed to the floor.

  Then the tensest moment arrived as the one of the tallest and largest muscled woman of the whole tribe looked upon Shorty, only Meeka and Brooke at six feet could boast to be taller, and said “I call for a Mating Death match on you.” and it made many gasp. She was heavily muscled, five foot eleven and a deadly warrior, eleventh in the whole of the tribe, but she added “If you cannot beat me you die here.”

  “Sister, are…” Brooke began and stopped.

  Shorty grinned and he jumped forward, choosing not a knife, but one half of his quarterstaff. “Oh, I like you! You can try to kill me, but tonight this whole island will hear your screams of pleasure when I make you mine.” She was five inches taller than he and heavier, but for a moment she seemed impressed of his reaction and confidence.

  When Cage called “Begin!” she leapt forward with full intent to kill as the knife shot forth, the blade turned just enough to slip between the ribs and pierce the heart. But just as she was about to take Shorty’s life, he sidestepped, the longer handle of the metal bar smacked her in the back of the head. Immediately rendered unconscious, the warrior began to fall forward, but Shorty grabbed his new woman and threw her over his shoulder with a bright smile. He then smacked her backside and the sound echoed in the silent room and was so strong her cheek turned bright red and startled her back into consciousness. The tribe laughed as he walked her over, sat her down and kissed her on the lips while she was stunned. “You are a fine woman. Bring that feistiness to bed tonight. You’ll need it.”

  She looked up at him in disbelief at how easily she was beaten to nod. When she was rendered unconscious she lost and gained a deceptive mate. She seemed quite surprised she was alright with it.

  In the end Bryan won four new mates, losing one challenge. Luke defeated two after his initial failure. After Shorty’s match he was challenged five more times after his masterful display which aroused the unmated greatly, but declined, saying he wanted his new woman to be all his for now so he could prove he was worthy of the Utala and the honorable words were proud. Fredrick though got challenged three more times by the older, early thirties unmated women, and won so he got four woman who were all proven fertile mothers. Bern was challenged four times, but managed only to win twice. Cody won all three of his challenges and Gregory got a busty pair for himself.

  Only Shorty avoided any wounds and Bryan had the worst wounds of all, requiring fifty nine stitches as all the most lethal of the unmated had chosen him. The fights gave the men new respect for the tribe since no woman they knew in the whole of their lives ever chose a man in such a way. They had proven themselves worthy through blood, sweat and pain.

  Pleasure would be the final result, lots of it.

  While Meeka, Sean and the other apprentice healers tended to all the clean wounds and stopped bleeding, Elder Metak said “Begin the feast and bring our new brothers their beads!”

  And so began the next four hours of entertainment. The new mates sat together, learning of one another more intimately than their first encounter. Meeka gave all of them herbs to dull the pain, but not to sleep since they would need all the strength they could hold for the remainder of the night. Soon every man had an assortment of beads threaded into their hair over their left temple, but all at least displayed the bright orange of a warrior. Food was cooked and many came to welcome the new members, but not take up too much of their time. Daku played with the children off to the side, enjoying himself till they were worn out and surrendered himself as their pillow. Much of the atmosphere was jovial, but many still consoled
those who lost a loved one. Meeka especially since her inner emotional wounds were still fresh.

  Many questions arose, mostly to have events retold about the Tiaxm incident and his time in Twilight.

  When parents started collecting their children, Cage got up and held out his hands. “Let’s go home.” Brooke and Meeka agreed, took it and stood. “Enjoy your night, Boys!” Cage shouted over to the surrounded men getting pawed at by their new mates. “Sean, Rena, we’re going home!”

  His kids came over, but Rena brought two girls with her. “Dad, can they come too? They want sex with me and to see Ananna, my new sister.”

  “Of course, Kiddo.” Cage said. When he first learned that all girls were bisexual and started having sex with each other at the age of seven he thought it awkward, but he’s become desensitized. There are only three bisexual men in the tribe, but so far he hadn’t seen the boys playing like the girls. It was meant to make boys so frustrated that they trained hard so that when the day comes they will be fearsome lovers to their mate. Girls couldn’t challenge or be challenged for full mating rights till she had her first period. And Rena was a little minx from all the little girls who she brings to her bed. Cage knew whoever won her would be a proud man one day.

  Sean though shook his head. “Dad, I’ll remain should one of the men start bleeding again.” He then hugged his dad’s waist.

  “Alright, we’ll see you in the morning. If something happens beyond your healing skills don’t hesitate to call for me.” Cage gave his surrogate son a pat, feeling proud he was mature enough to know where he was most needed.

  Daku woke at Rena’s pat. “Dad says we’re leaving. Are you ready?”

  “Rena, inform Cage I’ll not be coming to roost this night. When the other cubs go to rest I need to speak with Ulon and Poli.”

  “Oh, okay. Good night then Daku. I’m glad you came home.” She hugged his thick neck and kissed his beak, making him purr.


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