Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

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Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 40

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  “Be my guest.” Cage said as he shut his new book.

  “Craft a temporary ward which will block your magic from doing things instantly. Make it so you must tell the ward you approve of it before it will allow you to make the spell.”

  “A safeguard? I can do that.” He barely focused on a diamond on his left hand and implanted the spell and went to create another fireball. He watched as his mana flowed to his hand and just before it appeared an almost unnoticeable darkness wedged itself between the wavy mana and where a fireball would have been conjured. The diamond warmed, but held. After ten seconds he gave the diamond a mental prod and instantly a warm blaze came to life. “It works.”

  “So I saw. Knowing you, you will master the forms and your new powers very soon… and I believe you should take the weapons too.”

  “Wait what?” Cage looked at his partner and then around the room. “Why would…”

  “The weapons also belong to you and I will not see them put on display. They were made for a purpose, to kill and protect those your ancestors loved. Also, you will find there are spells that require one of those weapons as a medium. Each one defended against the Tiaxm and had a bloody history. By learning the old ways, you can fully realize who you are. Being so close, I doubt the ancient spells…”

  “Already checked, their dead and out of power, but they can be fixed with spells. They are just blank.”

  “Well I’m sure somewhere in this,” Daku tapped the book. “are spells that can show you how to remake them as they were. They are fine weapons and look as sharp as the day they were made. Keep at least one of each, but give the rest to your flock if ever there is a time of need.”

  “Good idea. Never a bad idea to have too many weapons.” Cage began walking around the room lifting leather sheathed swords, lances of varying length, axes, war hammers, daggers, a lone whip coiled on a hook, unstrung bows and other pocket fitting weapons. Those unable to fit were mostly circular or large kite shields he teleported to a hidden spot none knew about.

  It took a few minutes till Cage last lifted one white sheathe housing a blade of three feet with a black gem the size of a quarter and shaped in a perfect infinity where the handle met the blade. It didn’t have a guard like all the other swords and the pommel was round. It had the paleness of a spirit, with only the blackness being the infinity gem. “Ah you found it.”

  Cage turned around to see a smiling griffin looking between him and the weapon. “I do not remember that blade’s name, but it belonged to the very first warlock. It was that blade that slew thousands of scouts in one swipe, hundreds of warriors and even a queen. He, like you, was an elite. That sheathe is leather made by the skin of the queen he felled that killed my grandsire. You should keep that one for yourself. Only the greatest living elite could carry it. It was perfectly made to fully harness a warlock’s energy. What you might first have assumed to be a gem,” an ivory claw tapped the infinity mark. “is actually crystallized blood from the owner and will only respond to the power of a warlock. It will be a great ally. Unsheathe it and send it some of your mana.” Daku smiled knowingly.

  The pale sword began to sing as it was coming out for the first time in over two million years. The blade was obviously made of some strange, non-reflective metal and had a natural powdered white coloring. It rang out, proving it was perfectly made and unquestionably balanced. A test showed it was razor sharp. It was also lighter than expected. “Daku, what is this made of?”

  “Iron from the blue blood of a Tiaxm. Before the Tiaxm were foolish and ruined their race, they were very timid herbivores, but they ate a specific plant no other creature could on their world and it had a special change when in contact with the iron in their blood. Their magic endowed could remove the special iron and forge it into an almost unbreakable weapon, but they rarely bestowed such gifts to any other race. None died to make it, but it took hundreds to get the quantity of iron needed. When they became carnivores without a soul and no longer ate the plant, their blood could no longer make more. What is most remarkable of that blade is that it is practically indestructible, even without magic. The forging turns it white, but there is no finer metal. It will not hold spells like other objects, but it can, with the union of a warlock, cut through the tough hide of a Tiaxm like no other…”

  “Because it was made of their flesh. Ingenious.” Cage mused. He then did as requested and poured a trickle of magic into the hilt, after telling his safety feature it was alright. The hilt began turning black while the infinity mark began glowing a soft white while the rest of the white blade turned black.

  “Now swipe the blade at the nest beside you.” Daku suggested.

  Cage flicked his wrist and watched as the momentum sent all the darkness to the sharp tip of the double edged sword and at the greatest speed in the cut, a sharp wave shot like a crescent wave which sliced cleanly through stone ten feet away. “Whoa! That was cool!”

  “Now put it away before you hurt yourself.” Daku chuckled and Cage did as he was told. Instead of dropping it down into his pocket he undid his sash and slid the singe handed sheathe through the sturdy loop and tied it on at the small of his back, not on the hip. The sword’s unnatural lightness didn’t drag the brown sash down, but he did have to pull the top half back on. “What you did was activate the sword’s properties as only a warlock can. If you did not have the old blood, what you did wouldn’t have worked. That movement simply sharpened your mana into a physical force by using the physical properties of the sword and the momentum propelled the cutting spell for a close raged cut. If ever we face a Tiaxm, this blade will get through as easily as my beak and claws. Your new magic could kill it for sure, but against an army, this will conserve your strength. This is the only human blade ever forged, but all six Rex’ of each colony have a sword of their own and only carry it in times of great need. Other worlds who fought to close their nexus also have at least one blade. But there is one amazing aspect you will like.”

  “And that would be?”

  Daku grinned. “It only responds to warlocks. No mage can take it magically from you. It is like me, able to nullify other magics. Only brute force could rip it from your grasp. And now that you know it, if it is ever lost, you can magically retrieve it.”

  “Sweet!” The giddy warlock said as he patted his Familiar’s thick shoulder.

  “Take the book. You got what we came for. Let’s see where this place is and return to our nest and flock.” Cage scooped up the weighty book, but held it secure before climbing back up on his expecting friend. The pale sword wasn’t much of a hindrance, but he was glad he belted it directly behind otherwise the hanging tip would have annoyed the underside of Daku’s wing rather than lay across his back.

  This time Daku’s step had a spring to it as they walked out of the ziggurat. As they came out into the room it showed rain continued to fall. “My summoning of you really screwed up the weather.”

  “To be expected with powers as great as ours. But now you alone can Jump me around like no other, now that the bond was done correctly. It will still take considerable effort, but you could Jump with me three or four times a day rather than needing no less than three elder dragons to do it only once. But it is good, this desert needed rain too. It will actually aid the dragons when they come. But to see where we are I need you to disperse the clouds.”

  “No problem. Get started.”

  Daku launched off the great, mountain high building and spread his great, forty foot wings while Cage stared at the sky sending his magic up to it. He could feel the moisture and rapidly formed over a thousand points which gathered every scrap of liquid for more than twenty miles around and watched the large droplets break apart as the fell. Sunlight returned, but the sunglasses reappeared.

  The powerful griffin flew straight up, invigorated to be reunited and to feel the heat. Cage though began altering the wind and pushed much of the rainwater to full valleys. With the water he now saw and the lifeless desert he needed to ask “Da
ku, has the powerful, twice yearly storm gone though recently?”

  “Yes, a week ago today to be precise. The island is already coming back to life, almost all the snow either melted or washed away right after, why?”

  “Because I think I know where we are.”

  Daku leveled off over five miles above the ground, taking in the sights. “Truly? Where then?”

  “If it’s been a week since it went through, and my study of the first map I was given of this land is any indication, we are above Dead River. Far to the southwest of Emroc where an old battle between Twilight and the Laqura Empire’s mages made war, killing and ruining the landscape for centuries to come. If it’s been a week then the desert would be alive and thriving with life, but it’s still lifeless desert even though the rivers are full of water. The stories I learned lead me to this conclusion…”

  “Oh! I see it now! Noreen, my green scaled friend you met in Twilight, told me about it. I can picture how this place once was. It was a great place of forest and plains long ago… some of my flock used to raise their cubs in those rivers. I second your observation. This is Dead River, but was once called the Griffin Aviary. No use mourning the past. Let us return.”

  “With pleasure.” An instant blackness appeared right in front of them and Daku went right into it. Cage released a torrent of mana that would have made him pass out twice over before he was sent to The Deep. But it was necessary as it wouldn’t close and teleport them instantaneously to another place far away without it.

  A soft pop later the dark light gave way to a heart lifting sight. Cage Island stood proudly before them. Instead of mostly covered in snow. Much was gray, but green was filling much of the land. Spring had come! But just outside the pillars were two huge, muscular and deadly looking dragons, one a soft green and the other a striking metallic blue, both being male. Past them Cage noticed the fiery orange of the larger dragon, Rex Gralla standing beside Poli, Ulon and the Rex’s mate, the black dragon Mox. In front of them stood the Utala tribe all pointing and a moment later there rose a dim cheer over the sounds of waves and wind. Off to the side sat Theresa with her Summoner, Megdline and Frill.

  The two guarding dragons circled them once before flying away, their expression revealed nothing till they got a good look at Cage and their eyes shot open wide as they saw his power. They backed away quickly.

  Daku flew down and Cage jumped off, instantly making a board and flew forward till the skull appeared, got the password and let him through. Right after he teleported his book to his study, wanting to keep it secret, especially with the most powerful and influential sorcerer of Twilight so close.

  Immediately after his eyes spotted three wondrous beauties in their naked splendor and blasted ahead. He yelled “I’M BAAACK!!!” and landed, blasting sand and water away as he took off in a run.

  Meeka, Brooke and Tohka all yelled “CAGE!!!” as they ran together for their man. His arms spread wide as he ate up the distance and was tackled to the ground. They all cried happily as they all kissed him at the same time, not caring or even hearing the cheers and laughter that followed. His new mind though made it easy to quickly meet their eager lips while hugging all three to him. He relished how the front of his robe slid and their large, bare breasts pressed into him. They all kissed and talked at the same time, so overwhelmed to have them back they made absolutely no sense. Not that it mattered, he knew what was meant. He was home and returned to those he loved unconditionally.

  Even his strength was no match for three strong and emotional women, so he used the gentlest of forces to lift his back up and gather all three around him. He watched as each woman wiped their eyes and stole his lips at every chance. Eventually he began to make them laugh till he pulled them all closer and laid his head on Meeka’s while Brooke and Tohka buried their heads in either side of his neck and began to shake with sobs. He murmured softly “Let it all out. I’m home again. I’m home.” He said over and over as they slowly regain composure. Then he made them laugh as he asked “So, did you all miss me.”

  Tohka and Meeka tinkled a wondrous laugh while Brooke managed to choke out “It was terrible! We could do nothing! It was worse than losing Meeka to the slavers, Cage Love. We were truly helpless.” This sobered the other two and Tohka bit her lower lip like she does when she’s nervous.

  “Well, it’s all over and I’m back, better than ever.” His black eyes scanned over their heads to find the tribe silently surrounding them. In a quiet tone only they could hear he said “I know I’ve got a lot to do to make it up to you three for not coming home faster and I promise you will enjoy my tending to your needs…”

  “You better.” Meeka whispered back. “We deserve full payment of our time pining over you for no reason.”

  The other two smirked.

  It was then he finally revealed a secret he’d been keeping and said it loud enough for those close enough to hear “Well I’ve got a present I know you all want. I’ve ascended and got back more than my full power.”

  Overhead, even patient dragons fixed their piercing eyes on him.

  “It’s my sperm, or seed like you call it. Whatever spell the barrier I passed through from Earth to get here that killed by seed has been broken. I can guarantee I can get you girls with child one day, but my sperm count is really low, either from my recent ascension or a product of my immortality and needing of a slower birthrate, but it’s true.”

  Immediately Cage felt the power of five dragons and two sorcerers sent magic and focus on his scrotum to verify the claim. The dragons were stoic, but Zikon and Megdline looked to each other worriedly.

  Meeka’s wide blue eyes were the first to understand and her bottom lip quivered. “Truly? You can give me children, us children?” she corrected as Brooke and Tohka looked to her with just as much hope.

  Part of his mind scanned them while he said “Yes, my sperm is stronger genetically than every man standing around us. But none of you are ovulating right now. When I ascended, everything in me was fixed, including the ability to give my loves children. It is true, Meeka, you will most certainly have a child of your own one day.”

  The cursed healer squealed in delight and threw her arms around Brooke and Tohka. “My loves, isn’t this wondrous news!” Tohka happily kissed her love while Brooke jumped up to her feet and pumped her fists into the air like a happy child, not caring if others saw her tear stained face. Then the former priestess said “We will begin practice after Cage Love tell us his story and at every chance till all three of us are swollen with new life.” Tohka and Meeka grinned, all too eager to get started right away if it were possible.

  Cage stood and looked Rex Gralla right in the eye from over a hundred yards away and said “Seems like you guys forgot to incorporate a warlock’s ascension into the equation. I’m fertile now and comparing our mana, I’m magically stronger.”

  Heads turned to the large female Rex who simply smiled. “You are tired, but correct. Your power is equal to Rex Nattan from my observation, but do not fear retaliation unless in defense. And you are mistaken, a warlock’s rise to full powers was thought of ten thousand cycles ago. Nothing of manipulated magic could permanently block fertility in the moment your power is unlocked. And offspring will be conceived rarely like all immortals and those long lived. If you had been a threat, you would have been eliminated before rising up. You know history. Forget it not. Chaos is that way and the ascension you underwent is chaos alive itself, Cage Two-legs. Realize you must that it is your responsibility. Offspring from your seminal fluids will make warlocks when bred with your females and be your responsibility. Your responsibility to raise your hatchlings will be watched closely and if they become a danger to Raliea as your ancestors did…”

  “Then they will be punished or killed by whoever gets there first whether its you or me. I will raise my kids just like I have Rena and Sean. They will learn and not be like the untamable warlocks you remember. My kids will learn right away that their actions will have consequen
ce and if they become bloodthirsty murderers, I will kill them just like any Utala would do to their own lover if they were truly stupid. And if they have children they will be responsible for slaying out the weak minded unless only a combined effort is required to eliminate the threat.”

  “I will kill my own baby if they are stupid and do no learn from mistakes or the past!” Brooke stood beside him in full support of her man.

  “Bind by truth with me, First Elite Warlock!” Rex Gralla requested.

  “I’m going to put a lot of power so that if I ever break my oath you will have no question it is broken.” Cage warned and she rumbled a growl of approval.

  A black sphere exploded into existence, creating a spell Megdline once did to him on their first meeting, only this one was the size of a baseball field. Megdline yelped and heads turned to see her scratching frantically as she felt his magic. Zikon meanwhile held rigid. All the dragons didn’t reveal anything. When the spell was correct he glided it over and Rex Gralla pressed her head in and it shrunk till it completely disappeared and she stated “The accord has been fully assimilated, Cage Two-legs. Your oath is in my mind. If it breaks you will be responsible and punished accordingly for not being steadfast.” He nodded and no mother or father of the Utala disagreed. The strong and smart thrived while weak were weeded out. It was the law of the universe and the Utala lived by it.

  With that out of the way Cage truly looked at his three women holding hands. Meeka’s mana was a beautiful blue that had a tight, swirling motion that was cold feeling and swirled around her lips. Cage realized he was seeing her curse and the natural color of her mana. Brooke’s was green, but blasting off her so fast it couldn’t be properly measured and he realized that was how she didn’t have a scent or couldn’t hold one even if sprayed by a skunk. The constant spell threw off all scent particles so fast it couldn’t stick, but didn’t affect anything else physically. Tohka though was barely shrouded in an amber-gold color. Her natural mana was too weak to do anything, but the tattoo around her lower belly and gorgeous thighs drew mana in and constantly protected her from Meeka’s curse. Then he narrowed his eyes to see their naked bodies covered in a translucent, skintight hue of colors. All had black coating them and Cage knew his own color while each had a mixture of their other lover. Meeka had black, green and amber. Brooke was covered in Blue, black and amber while Tohka invisibly sported Green, blue and black. The colors blended together in unique ways, but all were flattering.


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