Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

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Ascension of the Warlock (Book 4 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 52

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  The black board suddenly appeared and the flight was smooth as he met up with the three dragons. The conversation was short and all began the gentle glide and landing on the platform. Meeka fell off like a teardrop and Cage caught her in his arms before helping her to her feet. “Damn, you look like hell.”

  “That good?” Meeka countered dryly. “That was harder than you knocking me senseless all day. Up, down, left, right, summersault, loops, stopping, starting, dropping, rising… I felt like throwing up the whole time, but I’m glad I didn’t eat or drink. All I want is to crawl in bed and go to sleep.”

  “As do I.” Poli panted as she tucked her tired wings.

  “Commendable.” Xamii announced. “Never have I seen such raw flying talent. Even you, Meeka Two-legs, have great potential. Others of your kind lost consciousness many times with what Poli Silverscales put you through yet you didn’t lose once.”

  “But I couldn’t stand half the time.”

  “G-forces.” Cage said. “I saw one move when I came out and you were pressed into Poli at seven times gravity. That is remarkable because although it was for less than two seconds, you weren’t wearing a suit that would help keep the blood in your head. It proves you have a very strong heart. Not many could survive that as you did naked. If you weren’t so physically strong you wouldn’t have lasted.”

  “Correct he is.” The green voiced.

  It really wasn’t long, but Meeka recovered thanks to the casual walk. Poli and the others were already on the beach. Ulon’s bulk drew his mate close, protectively, while she rested with eyes closed.

  Rena’s little arm waved the three of them over to where the rest of the family sat, eating nuts, berries and flame cooked fish filets.

  Meeka crumpled down in Brooke’s lap and laid her head on her shoulder. Brooke laughed. “Tired, Love?”

  “That is an understatement. Just give me a few minutes.”

  “Wouldn’t you rather hear what the magic woman found about me and our man?” Tohka said while placing the cooked fish down on Meeka’s thigh.

  “I can manage both.” She admitted while lifting her head and picking the meat from the bone, eating small bites to settle her queasy stomach. Meeka noticed many conversations die down as they too were eager about the news. She realized they had been waiting for her and offered a loving smile to Tohka who got up and sat down between Cage’s legs.

  “Love, you are better at explaining what she said. I’m still trying to fully grasp some of it.” She said while rubbing her pendant between her breasts nervously.

  “No problem.” He took a drink of fresh Pine needle tea Tohka made while he brought everyone in. “Actually it was found Tohka hasn’t been able to have children for a reason and likely has been pregnant before, but none have been successful. The best analogy I can come up with is everyone likes warm water to bathe in, but Tohka’s womb is more like a tub of scalding water no child can grow properly.”

  “But Tohka Mother doesn’t feel hot.” Rena said as she touched her other mother’s leg.

  “Not heat-wise. Tohka’s body isn’t balanced enough at the moment to carry a new brother or sister. Her body tends to be more acidic, Kiddo. Like all the oranges you like to eat. To have a baby of her own she needs to be more like an apple or bread.”

  “So there is a chance you mean?” Brooke’s expression was a mix of concern and hope.

  “Yes, but it will take some very delicate, and I do mean delicate work. Work not even I can do and is currently beyond me. It will entail minor alterations to Tohka’s brain to fix some hormones it releases so once she is pregnant the baby will have everything it needs. But I can verify that the witch isn’t making anything up and knows precisely everything there is on how to give Tohka the best chance. The witch believes it will take maybe a week each day to help Tohka out along with drinking and eating a protein based diet and not consuming anything with a high acidity during the process. Once it’s over all that we must do is wait till she ovulates and try.

  “As for me, I scared her a bit.” His devious grin made others chuckle. “When she tested my sperm to determine the genetic material she actually fell off her chair. Apparently while although when I loose my seed I send out maybe a hundred compared to other men who send out hundreds of thousand sperm, but if one binds with an egg it will be an instant pregnancy. My swimmers are stronger than any she’s ever seen and have a very tiny portion of my mana inside. It is the proof that all my children will be warlock. She’s never seen sperm she can detect with mana before.”

  “But, Cage Love, only a hundred? You’ve shown me what this sperm looks like and how many are released each time you loose. But you have as much seed as you always had an it tastes the same.” Brooke admitted.

  “Determined as survival trait.” Mox said as he snuck up on everyone. The black dragon laid down. “Mating fluids of male warlocks are mostly to keep females from seeking other males to couple with. Females had it too, but males especially tended to make any female they mounted come for more. If you were not spirit mated it wouldn’t be as intense, Brooke Two-legs, but you would return again and again because his fluids make your body feel better. Like drug. His seed is a complex mix of testosterone and other chemicals females crave beyond the intimate act of coupling.”

  “You sound like you want to say more?” Brooke noticed.

  Mox grunted. “It was another reason we betrayed the White King and sent the warlocks to Earth. Human males and females had become addicted to warlock coupling. In time all would be born warlock and we feared. It is why we initially stripped ability for Cage Two-legs from making hatchlings with the great barrier around the universe. Some warlocks mated with every female and could make thousands of new warlocks without knowing the danger. If he was like this we would have stopped him till he learned responsibility. But he is responsible and made a promise to my mate. We of the eldest agree you have the right to have young. Cage Two-legs both is and isn’t like his ancestors. But he is the most trustworthy I have acquainted with. He will not impregnate every female he crosses pathways… though I do have request.”

  “And that is?” Brooke asked while wrapping her arms around Meeka.

  “Females want strong hatchlings. Cage Two-legs is strongest two-legs on Raliea in all measure. Some will want his child for status and try deception so he is unaware. If a female raises a warlock down dark paths, much can be destroyed. As I must that you care for any fluids he expels, allow none the opportunity to capture a drop. Swallow it, fill your womb or burn it if spilt…”

  Meeka piped “We already do that. We don’t miss anything and I or Tohka wash the bed sheets every few days, mostly because of sweat. Cage already told us this and we gladly do it. We all like his taste and filling our wombs. We waste nothing. As you said, we are addicted and love it.” A few women giggled.

  “Eases my mind it does.” Mox sighed. “You will make fine mothers.”

  “Thank you.” Tohka, Meeka and Brooke chimed simultaneously and laughed.

  “When will I expect a new brother or sister?” Rena asked immediately after.

  Tohka shrugged and laid her hand atop Cage’s resting on her coppery lap. “I do not know. The magic woman could not tell me when would be best to try. Your dad will tell me when he learns, but I will keep trying till I make you happy, Rena. After she sees Meeka and Brooke, she will help me.” The child priestess was content.

  “Mox, so what did you think of my notes?” Cage asked casually.

  “Read through the darkness of the rotation I did. Your ninety third hypothesis is of most intrigue and all that you detailed makes that one the most viable from our own assessments. A study is currently being initiated in my colony when I recommended it.” Mox admitted and grew a bright grin that was almost frightening if not for the mirthful onyx eyes hard to distinguish from pupil. “And it was met with complete success.”

  The four other dragons reared their heads in total surprise and roared “WHAT!”

His gaze returned to Cage. “I’ll translate for my people since you still have difficulty and you’re finding it hard not to misuse words.”

  “Grateful.” And he began rapidly explaining.

  The tribe looked to the tribe protector for clarification. “The idea I had he spoke of was having a female who hated a male because he took her female, just like what I did to Brooke and Tohka when I showed up. She had to want to kill him for a time while also wanting the female he had. Utala and dragon society is almost scary at how closely they resemble one another. And apparently there are many who are in Tohka’s circumstance. Most female dragons are bisexual or entirely lesbian and only couple with a male to have offspring.” Then he explained what Mox was saying. “Unbreakable dragons, who’s mate died before they hatched, have no color. And I know some wonder why Daku has color though as the last of his kind. His didn’t die before he hatched. They were never born.” Daku affirmed with a serious nod while curled in Sean’s lap. “Apparently one female just twenty minutes ago just spirit mated to a male. Her circumstance was almost exactly like ours. She didn’t have a true mate, but was in love with a female for over three thousand years and has hated the male that took her female for more than a hundred years. She even tried maiming him a few times… and acted on it, but he healed and recovered. He has four mated females and isn’t the least bit offended she did what she did. He understands. But she followed Gralla’s command after, she and Mox had a conversation, to mate the male who had what she felt belonged to her and be loved by him and the very female she thought she lost. And without her knowing, Gralla had the male give a gift to the female to show he did care for her and never once held animosity. The female dragon accepted the gift and broke down in tears to realize how foolish she had been… and just like that she is now fully mated to him and his four loves.”

  Cage’s fingers wove intimately with Tohka’s. “My hypothesis was that the spirit of the one unable to meet its mate in the mortal body needed three strong emotions to shift. It needed jealous hate, physical loving and lastly to be given a token of meaning that proves they care. It was after sex while emotions were high that the gift must be given and that the individuals do not realize what is happening. Forethought of the parameters could ruin the binding.”

  “What did he give her that could make a dragon realize such love?” Someone asked.

  “Mox,” Again those dark eyes shifted back to Cage’s black. “while we are being so open, show what Gralla gave you in your courtship.”

  “Very well.” He balanced and used the claw on his index finger to lift a thick, pale scale at his breast to reveal a vibrant reddish orange scale hidden.

  “For beings who can get or make anything,” Cage gestured as he sat. “nothing to them is more intimate and valuable than their own scales. The beauty of a dragon scale is beyond compare and they only give away a single scale to their mates. In their society a scale is who they are and to share that is the ultimate commitment… Generals’ show yours.”

  They allowed it. The green had four different size and colored scales hidden while the Xamii had nine individual lovers.

  “And so now dragons have found at least one way to aid those who never had the chance to meet their mate.” Cage said.

  Mox laid down, his great head almost touching and a dozen feet from where another Utala sat. “And my peoples are already thankful. New life is blowing into the colonies. Four more trials are already underway at the moment. Our debt to you since your short arrival seems to continue growing. And you, Tohka Two-legs, are held in great esteem to my people. What you have done for us is greatest magic I have ever witnessed outside of watching my eggs hatch.”

  Tohka looked down in complete embarrassment and went to leave till Cage whispered in her ear “Don’t. I’m right here. I know you have a difficult time being center of attention. What can I do to get you to stay?”

  She looked over her shoulder and whispered. He nodded with a crooked smile and let himself stiffen. As a distraction he found a dolphin in the water and sent it out of the water to do a flip. Some children were watching the sea and yelled and pointed, making everyone turn to see the spectacle. Tohka took that moment to raise herself up and slide down on his shaft. She shuddered and held still, relishing in the joining. When attention returned they simply noticed her smiling, not that she had risen slightly and crossed her ankles to keep others from figuring out what she had done. Not even her own nearby mates realized her deception. Tohka felt more confidence now and managed to hide the sultriness from her voice rather well. “I do not want thanks, Mox Shadowscales, just to not be pointed out. I’m just glad someone else is as happy as I am right now. It was an accident that brought this about, but if anyone else can feel as I do, I’m glad it could now be known. I know how loneliness was for me and do not wish it on anyone. But I would appreciate it if you stop looking at me like I knew about this all along. I did nothing special, just fell in love with two beautiful women and a handsome man.”

  “Though I and most of my kind will disagree, it shall be done.” Mox allowed.

  Conversations broke down into smaller groups till the meal was over. Tohka didn’t move from her exquisite comfort and Meeka fell asleep not long after eating, right on Brooke’s chest. Brooke loved the intimacy, especially when more clouds continued building and didn’t need to move to the shade of a tree. The children went back to the slides just as soon as they were allowed.

  About the time Poli recovered and said “Tohka Two-legs, fly with me.” A warrior knelt between Brooke’s lounging form with Meeka’s head lodged between her breasts and Cage to say “The magic woman wishes to work with you, Brooke Sister. Meeka Sister too.”

  Tohka extracted herself from Cage’s lap carefully and managed to do so without arousing suspicion. “What are we going to do?”

  Poli answered. “Same as I did with Meeka Two-legs. The general’s request it.”

  “I will do what I can.” She said and went climbing.

  Brooke managed to rouse Meeka and together they and Cage went inside to sit in front of the witch. Meeka was reluctant to remove her bracelet, but knowing her man was there, she did so, especially since Brooke played with her tomahawks, knowing it wasn’t just to pass the time playing. Brooke was ready to sheathe the crescent heads deep into flesh at any moment.

  When it was Brooke’s turn, Meeka flipped her perfectly balanced daggers around. Protecting the woman she loved too.

  By the time darkness arrived the witch finally spoke to each. “Brooke, Meeka, you each have nothing pressing to worry about in terms of bearing children. You are each healthy and will likely have larger than the average child because you and your husband are all so tall. Your hormones and bodily functions are perfect for having children. Tohka will be the only one in need of my services since I dare not try improving Cage’s sperm count. I might made a grave mistake since his sperm are so unique. But I wish to know the moment any of you three do grow with child. I will wave my fee just to follow their development. Contact me for any complications.”

  “Will do.” Cage admitted

  “Then in the morning I will aid your wife. And do please remind that lovely woman from earlier that I want her husband to show me how his lance fairs. I’m indeed intrigued.”

  Chapter 16

  It was another eight days that passed, mostly rainy, but that didn’t stop anyone.

  Tohka began her treatment and stuck to a strict diet the entire time. She laid down on a soft table and a spell was used to put her to sleep and relax the body while the fertility witch did alterations no brain surgeon could ever achieve. And during the treatments Poli kept one eye trained through an open window and was very protective of her friend and followed the witch’s every step. This pleased the whole tribe, Meeka and Brooke especially, glad to have such a great friend.

  So the overprotective dragon gave Cage ample time to train in his new skills that were progressing ever faster as he became more and more comfortable with how it fe
lt. About a quarter of the sequences were female based so he skipped the breasted illustrations and was about ten pages from mastering the entire book. In it he learned new weaving spells for the weapons he recovered from the Stronghold. Powerful and useful spells that activate in a specific movement rather than by word or reaction most wards utilize. Mostly the fighting styles required a sword although the most powerful weapon used in warlock training was a hammer which caused an earthquake that shook the entire island slightly on the most minor of supplied energy. If Cage added more he feared destroying his home and was grateful for Daku’s coaching. The fastest weapon though was the long spear. It could pierce nearly anything and fly right back to the user like a boomerang.

  Barbav, Frill and Megdline were rarely around, but were known to be constantly working in one of the caves Ulon made.

  The other dragons were patient, but worked when time was available. Ulon and Brooke trained most of the time, learning how to better coordinate and fight and now could best a general alone in open combat. The second eldest general, the yellow one Xamii, became rather attached to Moril and they fought Ulon and Brooke. It was clear then that the advantage was right in front of them, but Cage said nothing although he clearly saw they had made up their minds. One mistake could screw it all up so he stayed away from Barbav so she and Megdline could work it all out.

  Poli though would fly, attack and mostly evade in the later hours when Tohka and Meeka were free. And they showed that their combined efforts were mainly good in support of others. It was Poli which suggested she could carry wounded on her back and showed how as twenty Utala laid down and were stuck to her back, acting wounded, while Meeka tended to injuries and Tohka assisted. That in particular intrigued the generals’ for in war, most cannot move or Jump to safety. Poli didn’t care if she was seen more as transport so long as she could save lives, especially if others can work while in transit so she doesn’t need to work on healing if danger is near. Breaking tasks between a single objective is key.


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