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Vindication: Of Demons & Stones: Tri-Stone Trilogy, Book Three

Page 3

by Anne L. Parks

  "Hmm, I can't promise anything." He chuckles and kisses me on the lips, his hand raising to caress the side of my face. "Just the thought of you not being here in the house makes me miss you. When you're not near me, it feels like a vital part of me is missing."

  "There's that romance from my unromantic husband." I lean in, my lips grazing his ear. "That is, however, one of the great tools in my box, my love—leaving so that you will miss me, and be that much happier when I return."

  "Good tool," he whispers.

  * * *

  The winding roads seem more treacherous going down than they had going up a day earlier. I grew up in this state, so driving in the mountains was routine, even in snowy conditions. But it's been a few years, and I'm not the one driving—which makes me very uncomfortable. Lack of control over the vehicle, coupled with being on the drop-off side of the vehicle, and the fact that there is little-to-no shoulder on these mountain roads, and I'm about to crawl out of my skin with every twist, turn, and passing car. If it weren't too dangerous to stop the SUV, I'd insist Jake let me drive before I have a heart attack.

  Not that there is any chance in hell he would ever let me.

  Suffice it to say, rolling through the streets of Telluride, I'm more than ready to find a coffee shop—or a bar—and get out of the vehicle. Jake pulls into an open spot on the main street, and we find a coffee shop about a half a block down. We grab one of the last open tables at the front, which looks out onto the small ski resort town.

  "It's beautiful here," I say, and blow on my cappuccino.

  Jake glances out the window. "Yeah, it's a nice town. Have you been here before?"

  "No, first time." Jake stares at me for a moment, his eyes slightly narrowing on me. "We didn't exactly have the money to go skiing, or stay in ski resorts. When I finally got a car of my own in high school, I didn't really travel too far from home. It was a clunker, and I had to do my own repairs to it. Since I had limited knowledge, and sort of learned how cars work on a trial and error basis, I didn't relish the idea of driving almost a hundred miles from home just so my car could break down."

  "Yeah that would have been a long walk home." Jake chuckled. At least he wasn't one to apologize for how I had grown up. I understood the need people have to say I'm sorry when they hear how about my less than ideal childhood, but it irritates me nonetheless. The only two people who should apologize for my childhood never will. One is dead, and the other might as well be.

  I glance around the coffee shop. It's quaint, rustic, with a large stone fireplace at the back. There are some small round tables, along with a couple of couches and overstuffed chairs. It's comfy, and a place I could see spending some time at while on our honeymoon. A good place to sit and relax after hitting some of the boutiques in town.

  "So, how are you doing?" Jake asks. "This has to have been a shock to the system for you."

  "You mean getting engaged, married, and traveling across the country for my honeymoon all in the span of twenty-four hours? Yeah, it's been crazy, but then—this is about par for the course with Alex. He's always full of surprises and grand gestures."

  "This tops all of them to date," Jake says. He finishes his coffee just as a young girl comes by and asks him if he would like a refill. "Although, I shouldn't have been surprised when he told me his plan. I knew when he found the right woman, nothing would stop him."

  "Did you know about his background? His mother? Father?" I'm not really sure if this is appropriate, but Jake doesn't open up and talk much, so I might as well get ask as many questions as I can while he's in a sharing mood. I have no idea which question will be the one to shut it all down, and make him clam up. But there's still so much I want to know about Alex and his past, and I'm hoping Jake can fill in some of the blanks.

  "Yeah, I did my homework on him—and made it clear that I needed to know all the skeletons in his closet, if I was going to do my job."

  "Any skeletons I don't know about?" I ask.

  "No," Jake responds, and raises an eyebrow. "How about you?"


  "I'm not intentionally keeping things a secret."

  "What about the fact that you grew up here in Colorado?"

  "I honestly didn't realize I had omitted that information." I look straight into Jake's eyes. "I don't like talking about my family or childhood, so anything that is revealed is not because I want to keep it from Alex—it's just not something I think about. After my dad died, I felt as if the Kylie that had grown up here—the daughter of a drunk who couldn't keep a job and whose mother abandoned her for wealth and high society—that girl ceased to exist. I became who I wanted without all the baggage."

  "Makes sense," Jake says. "But your experiences in life mold you into the person you are."

  "I get that, but I don't have to advertise my sad, poor life."

  "Well, you have certainly made a name for yourself beyond your childhood. It's impressive, not because of all that you overcame, but because you are a strong woman. The only one who stands a chance of keeping Alex in line."

  I shake my head. "I let John tear me down—not as strong as I had hoped to be."

  Jake leans over the table, and lowers his voice. "You did what you had to do to survive. Some women—strong women, like you—never get out and remain victims for their entire lives." Sadness sits at the corners of his eyes, and they droop.

  "You sound as if you have some experience in this area."

  He sits back, runs his hand down his face, and sighs. "My sister. She wasn't as strong as you. Never got out—until it was too late."


  "I'm so sorry, Jake."

  He shrugs. "She just couldn't see how to survive without him. I was in the Marines at the time. I'd send her money, set her up in an apartment, but she always went back to him." He pauses, then looks up at me. "That's probably why Mr. Stone and I have such a good working relationship. And why we were such hard-asses with you while Sysco was after you. We've both lost someone close to us because of domestic violence. We weren't about to lose you, too."

  My heart swells. I know how Alex feels about me, and that he wants to make sure I'm safe because he loves me. But I had just assumed Jake was so protective because Alex made my safety a part of Jake's job. Now I know a little more of the truth, and can't help but love this man in front of me, and weep for his sister. But for Alex and Jake—that could have been me.

  "Thanks for looking out for me, Jake. I know I didn't always make it easy."

  He nods and looks down. He's not comfortable with the mushy talk, but I needed to let him know how I feel. "You were quite the challenge, sometimes. There was talk of putting a lock on the library door to save you from yourself."

  "That might actually be funny, if I was sure it was actually a joke—which I'm not."

  Jake smiles, but just empties the remaining coffee in his cup, and throws the cup away.

  Out on the sidewalk, we part ways, and agree to meet up in about forty-five minutes. I have no idea where Jake is going, and he didn't say. I, on the other hand, noticed a store that caught my eye as we came into town. I cross the street, and enter the little jewelry store.

  It's about time Alex had his own wedding band.

  The interior of the jewelry store is small, wide enough for glass display cases that run along either wall, and a pathway between them. An older woman is seated at the back of the store behind the cash register, that looks as if it might be original to the space. She stands up, and walks towards me, as I browse through the display cases.

  "Can I help you find anything in particular, or are you just browsing?" she asks as she approaches. I glance up at her. She is stunning, with beautiful silver hair cut in a bob, and nearly flawless skin. A ring adorns every finger on her hand, and at least three necklaces around her neck with stunning jeweled pendants.

  "I'm looking for a wedding band for my husband." It still seems so odd to call Alex that…even harder to believe that we are actually married. It was only a c
ouple of days ago, but it seems as though more time should have passed by now.

  She smiles at me, and puts her hand out. "I'm Celia."

  "Kylie," I respond, and shake her hand.

  "Nice to meet you, Kylie." She walks around to the cases along the opposite wall. "We have a variety of wedding bands available. Do you have a particular style in mind?"

  "Not really." I glance at all the wedding bands. I never realized there were so many styles.

  "Well, let's see if we can narrow down the type of metal. Would you husband prefer yellow gold, white gold? Titanium?"

  "Titanium? Really?"

  "Oh, yes, it's very popular." Celia sets a block of wedding bands on the glass top, pulls one of the bands out of it's cushioned bed, and hands it to me.

  Within thirty minutes, I've picked out Alex's ring, placed an order to have it engraved, and made arrangements to pick it up in a couple of days. Crossing the street, I meet Jake at the SUV.

  "Successful shopping excursion?" he asks.

  I grin, and hop into the front seat. "Very."

  * * *

  Alex is waiting for Jake and me when we come in. Deep creases line his forehead, and he has a serious scowl on his face.

  "What's wrong?" I ask, my heart beating out of my chest.

  "Let's go into my study," Alex says, taking my hand and walking out of the kitchen. "Jake, you should probably join us."

  We enter the study, and Alex nods at Jake to close the door. My thoughts are running in so many different directions, and there is a knot in the pit of my stomach. Alex leans back against the edge of his desk, still holding my hand, but drags his free hand down his face. I swear, if he doesn't come clean soon, my heart may give out.

  "I got a call from Matt Gaines. Sysco and James have escaped from the hospital."

  "What?" I ask. Cold dread flows from my head over my body, leaving goose bumps in it's wake. "How?"

  "He wouldn't give me many details because it's still being investigated, but it looks as if they had help from the outside."

  "Do they have any idea where they are headed?" Jake asks behind me.

  Alex shakes his head. "They have no idea. They have the usual places under surveillance—airports, train stations, the borders of Canada and Mexico—but no one has seen them. Matt's promised to update me with any new information, but I'm not going to hold my breath. It's more likely he'll give me the minimum information so they can keep a tight lid on this. So far, there's been no press."

  "I'll check with my contacts and see if there's any chatter not being reported." Jake walks out, closing the door behind him.

  Alex pulls me toward him as he stands, and gathers me in his arms. "You okay, baby?"

  "I can't believe it?"

  "I don't want you to worry. I'll make sure John doesn't get anywhere near this house—or you."

  I pull back and look in his eyes. "Alex, I'm not worried. John and James are long gone. They would be idiots to stick around when they worked so hard to get free. And they certainly wouldn't come out here. I'm guessing your houses are on the list of places the police are watching, along with the airports."

  "Our houses, but yes, they have people keeping track of anyone coming or going at both places."

  I tighten my arms around his waist, and rest my head on his shoulder. "Then I'm not worried. They're watching out for us on the outside, and you and Jake are in here. Nothing is going to happen to me."


  A snow covered mountain greets me when I wake in the morning. Just below the house is a small lake surrounded by tall evergreens. A majestic peak sits on the opposite side, the many feet of accumulated snow softening the rough edges of rock. I love sitting here in bed, lost in the wonderment of this magical place, letting my mind wonder but thinking of absolutely nothing at all.

  Alex and I have settled into a routine since arriving. Every morning, he goes to the kitchen to get us coffee so I can snuggle in bed, and stare out the window. I'm spoiled by him, and it's still remarkable that this is my new life—sharing my life with a man who loves me completely, and treats me with respect and kindness. My past relationships were dull in comparison—with the exception of the abuse from John.

  I wonder where he is? John's not stupid. I'm certain he and Alex's father have gone their separate ways. And I'm equally sure that the last place on earth John will be is anywhere near Alex and me. While I have no doubt he would love to continue to harass me—maybe even hurt me—he loves his freedom more. Being locked up for the past few months must have taken its toll on him if he's desperate enough to escape.

  Alex slides a cup of coffee onto the bedside table, and sits on the edge of the bed. "What are you thinking about?"

  I banish thoughts of John, and gaze into Alex eyes. "Just how amazingly beautiful it is here." I hold my mug between both hands, and take a sip. "Thanks for the coffee."

  "Well, we haven't been married that long, but I at least know that expecting you to converse before you've had coffee is not the best way to start the day." He glances at me, and grins.

  "Very wise, indeed."

  "So, what do you want to do today, Baby? Skiing? Hiking? We can take out the snow mobiles, and then go into town for lunch."

  "Yes, that. I want you to see the coffee shop Jake and I found."

  "Okay, well finish your coffee, and I'll jump in the shower and start getting ready."

  "Wow, I guess it's true what they say—things change when you get married."

  He tilts his head to the side, one eyebrow rises. "Meaning?"

  "You want to me to stay in bed while you get naked and shower." I shrug and look away. "No problem, I'll wait until you are done so I can shower, all alone. With no one to wash my back." I inhale noisily and sigh.

  Alex chuckles, takes the coffee cup from my hands, and places it on the nightstand. "Mrs. Stone." He scoots closer to me, and caresses my face. "Will you please do me the great honor of removing all your clothes and joining me in the shower so I can show you just how much more fulfilling showering will be now that we're married?"

  He pushes me down on the bed, and slides over the top of me. His lips are on mine, and his tongue sinks into my mouth. He pulls his head back and gazes into my eyes.

  "Can we get a head start here in bed?" I ask.

  The palms of his hands glide over my body until they reach the waistband of my pajama pants, and starts pushing them down my legs. Tossing them onto the floor, he places his hands on my knees, and gently pushes my legs apart. "I think I can accommodate you, my beautiful wife." He places kisses on my neck, across my chest, and all the way down to my abdomen before he plunges his tongue inside me.

  I love being married.

  * * *

  Alex's cell phone rings, and he glances at the caller id. "It's Amy. I'll just be a minute," he says, pushes the answer button, and walks into the study. It must be something important because Amy, Alex's secretary, was given strict instructions not to call while we're on our honeymoon. I guess I better get used to this—you can take the man out of the business, but you can't take the business out of the man. Stone Holdings has been such a huge part of Alex's life, way before I came into the picture. It would be impossible for him to just place it completely on hold so we can take an impromptu honeymoon.

  My cell phone buzzes with an incoming text message.

  Mrs. Stone, your wedding band is ready to be picked up. We will be closing the store early today, and will not reopen until Monday. Please call the store and let me know when you would like to stop by.

  I poke my head into the study. Alex pulls the phone away from his mouth, "This may take a little while longer. Sorry, but it just can't wait."

  "No problem. I'm going to run into town and grab some things."

  "Do you want Jake to drive you?"

  "No, I'll be fine. Should only be gone about forty-five minutes."

  "Okay, I'll try to wrap this up by the time you get back. Then, I'm all yours."

  "That is an offer I c
annot refuse." I blow him a kiss, and head to the mudroom to grab the keys to the SUV.

  On the way into town, I call the jewelry store.

  "Hi, this is Kylie Tate—sorry, Stone. I hope I'm not too late to pick up the wedding band before you close."

  "No, we're still here. Just locking things up now. Why don't you come around to the back of the store. I'll watch for you."

  "Sounds good. I'll be there in a few minutes." I end the call, and resist the temptation to press on the gas pedal so I can get there sooner. The roads aren't really slick, and I don't want to chance running over the edge of the mountain.

  Celia is standing in the doorway to the back off the store as I pull up. I follow her inside. She pulls the ring out of the box and hands it to me. I run my finger over the brushed titanium. Diamonds are inset along the outer rims of the ring. I tip it towards the light so I can inspect the engraving on the inside. Two words: Always. Forever.

  "It's just beautiful, " I say, unable to take my eyes off the inscription. "Thank you so much for getting it done so quickly."

  "We were happy to do it," she says.

  After a few minutes of small talk, I say my goodbyes as the couple locks the back door and leaves. I turn the engine on in the SUV, but let it idle. I want to do something special when I give Alex his ring. He is always surprising me in the most romantic ways, and I want to return the favor. But what? I always kid Alex for being the most romantic non-romantic guy I know. I'm pretty sure that if there is one of us in the relationship who is unromantic, it's me. I can't remember one romantic thing I have done for him.

  Well, that is just sad.

  The passenger door of the SUV opens. I stare at the man as he slides into the seat. A moment passes before I register the black ski mask covering his face.

  "Hello, Mrs. Stone," he says. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm going to need you to drive west out of town."

  Fuck that. "I'm not going anywhere with you."


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