Vindication: Of Demons & Stones: Tri-Stone Trilogy, Book Three

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Vindication: Of Demons & Stones: Tri-Stone Trilogy, Book Three Page 8

by Anne L. Parks

  "Thanks, it's my grandmother's recipe. She taught me how to bake growing up. My mother didn't enjoy being in the kitchen—which I think disappointed my grandmother—so, Grams adopted me as her student." Ginny grabs the milk from the fridge and pours each of us a glass. "While my siblings were doing chores around the house, I got to stay in the kitchen."

  I chuckle. "That must have promoted harmony among you."

  "Not really," she laughs. "Not that I cared. It got me out of dusting, laundry, and cleaning toilets."

  "Definitely worth it." I pop the last morsel of cookie in my mouth, and drink the remainder of milk in my glass. "You wouldn't happen to know where Alex is, would you?"

  She places our empty glasses in the sink. "I think he's in his study, talking to—"

  "Jake," I say at the same time.

  Of course.

  * * *

  The door to the study is open, which surprises me. Usually Alex and Jake have covert meetings behind closed doors, especially when it has to do with me and my safety, which seems to be all the damn time. I glance inside. Alex is sitting at his desk, his focus on his computer screen.

  "Knock, knock," I say, and step inside the room.

  Alex looks up, and the smile that spreads over his face reaches across the room and I can't help but smile, also. Will I ever get used to how gorgeous this man is? More importantly, will I ever get used to the fact that he is all mine? Probably not. Sometimes I still can't believe I'm married to the billionaire bachelor who never had a serious relationship before he met me.

  "Hey beautiful," he says, and rounds the desk and steps towards me. "Should you be out of bed?" He takes my hands in his and kisses the backs of each one.

  "I thought it was a better decision that beating my head against the backboard, in light of my latest brain injury." I drape my arms around his shoulders and step into him. Normally, he would rest his hands at my waist, but given the injuries along my sides, he splays his hands over the center of my back. "I'm rebelling against being confined to a bed, at the moment. Besides, I miss my husband. This is still our honeymoon—albeit nothing like we expected—"

  "Baby, we can't have sex," Alex says, his eyes wide with disbelief.

  I can't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of my new husband being mortified at the prospect of having sex with me. Only our lives could be this ass backwards. "Well, I never said anything about sex, for the record. I was thinking more along the lines of snuggling next to the fire and watching a movie. Maybe even something as scandalous as taking a nap together." I cover my mouth and gasp.

  "Ever the smart ass," he murmurs, and kisses me. "However, I have promised to make all your dreams come true, and if watching a movie on our honeymoon is what you want, then I will deliver."

  "Can we have popcorn?"

  "And break one of the sacred rules of movie-watching? Not on your life."

  I wrap my arms around him tightly. This man is everything I believed prince charming would be. I just never believed I would snag him.

  Jake clears his throat, and walks into the room. "A package was delivered for you, Mr. Stone. There's no sender information, and the delivery man didn't have any idea who had dropped it at the mailing faculty in town."

  Alex's eyes darken and the smile on his face drops into a grim line. The muscles in his shoulder tense under my arms. He takes the package from Jake and walks over to his desk. Glancing up at me, he exhales loudly through his nose. "I don't suppose I can convince you to go to the room and pick out a movie while I deal with this?"

  "No." I know Alex hates my answer, but I'm not going to let him shield me from anything. His deeply rooted need to protect me has improved lately. There was a time that he would’ve hidden things from me in order to protect me. After a few arguments, one that actually led to us breaking up for a short time, he has come around. A bit.

  Baby steps.

  Pulling a letter opener from his desk, he slits the top of the padded envelope, and tips the contents into his hand.

  "My wedding ring." Never thought I'd see it again. But why would the kidnappers take it from me, simply to give it back. This, on top of learning that the kidnappers never demanded a ransom, makes me wonder if Skinny Guy was telling me the truth—the kidnapping was just the first step in the plan.

  "Is there a note?" Jake says, stepping around me and reaching for the envelope.

  "Don't touch it," I say. They both look at me. "In fact, Alex you should probably put it down. It's evidence. The killer's prints or DNA could be on it."

  Alex's cell phone buzzes. He glances at the screen, and furrows his brow. He presses the answer button and places it on speakerphone. "Stone."

  "Hello, son. It's your father. I'm guessing you received my package returning your lovely bride's wedding ring."

  James. My blood runs cold, and a shiver runs the length of my spine.

  "You did this? Did you kill your accomplices, also?" Alex snarls. Blood rushes up his neck and into his cheeks. Even his eyes are ablaze with hate.

  "Collateral damage. They served their purpose, and that seemed to be the best way to deal with them."

  Oh my god, he planned to kill them all along. My mind races back to Skinny Guy telling me why he was involved—to help his mother get treatment. James played on the young man's vulnerabilities, and the kid had paid for it with his life. My heart breaks, and all I can think is that I hope James meets a cruel death.

  "What do you want?" Alex squares his shoulders, takes a deep breath, and calms his tone somewhat.

  "I want you to know that I can get to Kylie, no matter where you are, or how much security you have. I took her from you so easily, and I can do it again." There is a lilt to his voice. He's enjoying this. He knows how this will affect Alex. "You can't take care of her anymore than you could help your mother."

  Alex takes in a slow, steady breath, and places his balled fists on either side of the cell phone as it rests on the desk. "If you come near her, I'll kill you."

  "Good to know you have some of my genes," James says. My stomach roils. The idea that Alex could have inherited anything from that monster makes me want to puke. Alex is nothing like his father. He would never be cruel or abusive.

  And he would never take a life.

  "You can expect to hear from me again in the future, son," James says. "Until then, take care of that beautiful wife of yours."

  The line goes dead. None of us moves. Or breathes. The entire event feels like a nightmare come true. My stomach pitches. The beginnings of a headache strums through my head.

  "Jake, get ahold of Donner and Abbott and let them know about the package and the phone call," Alex says. He runs his hands through his hair, and glances at me.

  I strangle a gasp. His hands are shaking. I don't think I've ever seen Alex this way. He's scared. For me. For my safety.

  That's nothing new. He stood by me when John came after me—twice—and protected me from physical and mental harm. This is different, though. James has gotten inside Alex's head, and is reeking havoc there. Inciting the demons that Alex has worked so hard to banish. But the one demon that will always have the power to destroy Alex is the one that blames him for his mother's death. And James knows it.

  Jake turns to leave the room.

  "Get a copy of the phone conversation for them, as well," Alex says before Jake gets out the door. Jake waves at him over his head and continues down the hall to his security office.

  "You recorded the phone call?" I ask.

  Alex nods. "After we received the first—and only—call after you had been taken, Jake set up my phone to record any call I receive. Luckily, he hadn't gotten around to taking it off my line since you've been back."

  I walk around the desk, wrap my arms around his neck, and gaze into his eyes. I have never seen the lost look that resides in them.

  He pulls my body close, and holds me tight. His hot breath blows past my ear like a warm summer breeze. "I'm scared, Kylie. James is right, he was able to get to y
ou so easily. What if I can't stop him next time?" He pulls his head back, and I want to cry looking into his blue eyes creasing at the dipped corners. "I wouldn't survive without you. I need you so much, and I'm petrified I can't keep you safe from him."

  The vulnerability he's exposing nearly breaks me. He's always so strong. I forget that he's human, too, and has just as many fears and doubts as anyone. He's just better at covering them up, and channeling his feelings into other behaviors. But this…this is raw, as if he has sliced open a vein and needs me to staunch the bleeding.

  Sliding my hands over his cheeks, I caress his face. "This is not just your fight, Alex. We're a team, we work together, and have each other's backs. You're allowed to be scared, baby, but you're not allowed to take the burden all on yourself." I look directly into his blue eyes, and pray I can stave off the tears that are threatening behind my eyes. "There are no more secrets between us. I know right now you are coming up with a thousand different ways you want to keep me hidden from James. But you can't cut me out. In return, I will do what you and Jake ask of me to avoid James getting anywhere near me. Deal?"

  Alex barely nods. "Deal."

  "The thought of him using me to torture you in anyway makes me want to run away from you to keep you safe. But even then, he wins. With everything we've been through, the one thing I know for sure is that we are always stronger together. No matter what."

  Alex gathers me tightly in an embrace. "I love you so much, Kylie, and I'll be damned if James is going to pick up where John left off. I'll do whatever is necessary to keep you safe. But I promise that you will be a part of any plans to that effect."

  I nuzzle into the crook of his neck, and just take a moment to regather my strength. With everything that has happened, and this latest crisis, my head is feels like a buoy in the middle of the ocean, bobbing and swaying in the waves.

  Alex releases his embrace, and walks me back to our bedroom. I take the pain meds he hands me, knowing it will put him at ease. Besides, I need to get well. Since James has become our newest and biggest threat, I need to have a clear head and strong body in order to help defeat him.

  "I know this is our honeymoon, and all, but would it be horrible if I said I really want to go home?" I ask as Alex tucks the down comforter around me.

  "No, not at all," Alex says, and brushes the hair from my forehead. "As soon as the agents take our statements and gather the evidence, I'll make arrangements to leave. Right now, I want you to take it easy and get some sleep."

  He leans over and kisses my forehead before he leaves.

  I close my eyes, and melt into the warmth and comfort of the bed. I was more tired than I realized. What a crazy afternoon. Just when I think our lives will normalize, something from the past returns. James had been absent for so long that Alex and his siblings had convinced themselves that he was no longer an issue in their lives.

  James has other ideas, it seems.

  My eyes grow heavy, and the gentle hands of sleep pull me into the darkness. But in the back of my mind, a thought that has been lingering whispers to me, and a cold shudder runs through my body.

  Where is John?


  The two weeks since we returned from Colorado have been relatively uneventful. Alex and Jake are busy converting the house from highly secure into Fort Knox. I have been content to let them handle all of it while I concentrate on my recovery. The sooner my brain is unscrambled, the sooner I can start getting my law practice up and running.

  As much as humanly possible, I have avoided dwelling on the constant threat that James is just biding his time before he strikes again. Focusing on my somewhat dormant law career is just the elixir I need to heal me, and get me moving. Jack has been by a few times to discuss some strategies with me, and point me in the right direction. With not many few cases tried in the last few months, it's almost like starting over. Jack is optimistic that I can regain my stature in the legal community quickly. He's one of the most revered attorneys on the east coast, so who am I to argue with him?

  Alex and I have been able to meet in the middle on a few things, which is also encouraging. As long as I rest intermittently during the day, he does not harp on me working on the laptop. In all honesty, I can only handle it for about an hour or two at a time, anyway. My concussion is not fully healed, so staring at the computer all day is out of the question. Extending my recovery time is bad enough, but the headache that would lay me out for the night and probably the following day is not something I want to deal with right now.

  Laptop resting on my legs, I finish up an email to the contractor doing some work on my new office space, as Alex comes into the bedroom, his phone up to his ear.

  He glances over at me and smiles. "I'll let her know," he says to the person on the other end of the call. "See you soon." He pulls the phone away and ends the call.

  "You'll let me know what?" I ask.

  He slides beside me on the bed. "First things first, wife." He leans in and kisses me. My lips tingle, like they always do when he kisses me. The scent of his aftershave—spicy and woodsy—mixes with his own scent and leaves me lightheaded. "That was Paul on the phone. He and Ryan are on their way and will be here through the weekend."

  My heart jumps for joy in my chest. My two best friends are the only family I had for so many years before I met Alex. We met as freshman in college, and they have been with me through some the worst moments of my life. Their love and support are invaluable to me.

  And Alex has been adopted into our threesome. Paul and Ryan were not excited when they first found out who I was dating, but after meeting Alex and seeing how happy he made me—and how protective Alex was of me—they relented and gave their blessing. Paul and Alex even have some business dealings together.

  "I need to take a shower, " I say, practically jumping out of bed. Really bad idea. My head teeters like a fulcrum ready to fall over. My butt drops onto the edge of the bed.

  Alex moves next to me. "Slow down, speedy. It will take them at least two hours to get here—more if they hit traffic. There is no reason for you to be moving at breakneck speeds."

  I chuckle, and rub the stab of pain at my temple. "I would hardly call that breakneck speed."

  "In your condition, it is. Can you get up?"

  Alex helps me stand and walks with me into the bathroom. He turns on the hot water in the shower, and helps me get out of my clothes. This is always the tricky part for us. The doctor has not given us the okay to have sex, and I'm not sure how much longer we can hold out.

  Pulling my yoga pants down my legs, and tossing them to the side, his eyes travel up my body as he stands. God, what I wouldn't give to have him take one of my nipples in his mouth, run his hands between my legs, and make love to me with his fingers. A sex restriction is a massive tease for newlyweds.

  Shifting uncomfortably in front of me, Alex groans, and steps away. "I better go before I lose what little self control I have and take you where you stand, along with a few other places around this bathroom." His eyes are deep blue and stormy with desire.

  "The doctor better clear me soon, or we're going to have to discuss getting a second opinion."

  He laughs and turns towards the door. "Be careful in the shower. If you get lightheaded or anything—"

  "Use the call button…I know." I smile at him as he shakes his head and leaves. Just about every room in the house now has at least one panic button in case there is trouble.

  So far, I haven't had to use one.

  * * *

  "Damn, you look like shit, K."

  I can always count on Paul to tell it like it is. He rarely ever sugar-coats anything, especially for me.

  "Yeah, you should see the other guy, though," I say as he wraps me up in his arms.

  He pauses for a second, and then looks at me, his eyes a little wider. Laughter rumbles through his chest and breaks free. "The other guy…that's funny."

  Probably poor form to make light of the deaths of three men, but at th
e moment, it's the best way for me to deal with it. Either I find ways to laugh at it, or spend all my time crying. Neither seems like a good option, but I've shed enough tears lately to fill Lake Michigan.

  Ryan and Paul get settled in the guest room and rejoin Alex and I in the kitchen.

  Paul grabs a beer from the fridge and takes a long drink. "You want to go over a few things on the Holland Building?" he asks Alex.

  Alex nods. "Might as well get business out of the way so we can enjoy the rest of the weekend."

  This is usually the way it goes. Paul and Alex squirrel away in Alex's study talking business, while Ryan and I enjoy some one-on-one time. I grab the bottle of wine Alex picked out of the wine cellar, and nod at the glasses hanging on a rack under the cabinet next to Ryan. Pouring a healthy amount of wine for each of us, I slide back into the couch cushions.

  "Okay," I say, "get it out of the way and ask."

  Ryan chuckles and takes a sip of wine. "How are you feeling, darlin'?"

  "About how I look? Good but not fully healed." The bruises on my cheeks are gone, but I haven't regained all my color, and I’m still pale. Probably from not having more than two or three hours of uninterrupted sleep a night, on top of the lingering concussion that produces massive migraines.

  "What are the doctors saying?" Ryan asks, his eyes on mine. He's too good at reading me, and can always tell when I'm not giving him the full story.

  I take a drink of wine, and let it slide down my throat. Alex has excellent wine, and the red he picked out has hints of cherry and chocolate. "That my recovery is right on track, and to keep doing what I'm doing. I'm happy that I don't feel as if my head is filled with cotton, but it doesn't take much for the pain to hit me. You know how much I hate taking medication, but I can't avoid it once the jackhammer in my head gets going."

  "I know, but it won't be forever. How about things with you and Alex? Is he being his usual overbearing self when you are being threatened?" A quirky grin lights up Ryan's face and eyes.


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