Bite Harder

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Bite Harder Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  She was wet, her panties soaked, and her nipples were so hard they felt as though they would poke right through her top. Willow pulled back, tried to suck air into her lungs. Her pulse quickened as Devon stroked his thumb along her bottom lip.

  “This isn’t right.” The words came out, but they were nothing more then a meagre whisper. “This will change everything.”

  Devon and Case looked at each other, and Willow could see they were thinking the same thing. After what seemed like forever, Devon turned back to look at her and cleared his throat before dropping his hand from her face.


  These emotions that rumbled through her like a dark and impending storm grew each second as they stared at each other. The arousal, emotion, confusion, and hesitation moved through her. All she could think about was their bodies covering hers, all three of them naked, hot, and sweaty.

  “Let’s not think. Let’s just let this happen and finally be with each other,” Case finished saying, moving closer, and cupping her cheek in his big hand. Case leaned in again and pressed his mouth to hers, and this time it wasn’t just a tentative touch. He swept his tongue along the seam of her lips, and she opened her mouth. Devon moved out of the way, but she sensed his body heat and knew he was still so close. Case speared his hands into her hair and tilted her head to the side, deepening the kiss. Tongues moving against each other like silk in water, Case finally pulled back. He was still so close to her, and his hands were still in her hair that if she wanted to, she could have moved that inch that separated them and kissed him again.

  “We promise to go slow.”

  She turned her head to look at Devon when he spoke.

  Case moved out of the way and she closed her eyes in bliss when Devon pressed his mouth to the side of her neck. Tendrils of fire licked up her spine and she felt her nipples tighten in response. Never had she felt pleasure with a man, not even when she’d given her virginity to that one-night stand.

  Uttering an unintelligible sound, Willow submitted to the two men in front of her because not doing it seemed abhorrent. These two men, lions, could tame the fire in her with the flames they’d started, and she was willing to put everything else aside and just go for it.

  “Is this really happening?” As silly as it sounded, she actually contemplated that this may be a liquor-induced dream, although she was pretty horny, and they seemed pretty real to her, willing and not caring what the consequences might be after this.

  “It can happen if you want it to, but only if you want it to,” Case said, “We need to hear you say the words, sweetheart.”

  “We want to hear you say the words,” Devon finished, reached out, and right in front of her gripped Case’s cock and started to stroke it. Case growled deep in his throat as he stared at her.

  “Take off the clothes, baby, let us see you, like really see you, Willow,” Devon said, his smile slow, seductive, tempting.

  She couldn’t move, couldn’t even breathe.

  “We know you want us as much as we want you. We can smell it and it’s driving us crazy.”

  Her cheeks became hot at Devon’s heated words. The air suddenly became thick and electrically charged. Their forms started to waver ever so slightly, shift, change right in front of her, as if becoming their animal counterparts was going to lessen the arousal. In fact it would only make it more potent.

  One minute she was looking at Case and Devon in their human bodies, and the next she was staring at two massive lions. She felt her body start to pulse with power, felt her form start to change as well as her body became more and more aroused, her animal becoming alive inside of her, wanting out. It became too much to handle. She closed her eyes and willed herself to stay in her human form. Although some of their kind enjoyed having sex in their lion forms, being sexual in a human body was just as satisfying.

  Her gaze moved between the two of them, and as she stared at those two lions, seeing the power in their bodies, the massive heads and manes, she felt arousal and strength move into her. She didn’t think, just acted. Lifting her arms and taking off her shirt, she tossed it aside.

  “I want to do this as humans.”

  They both nodded their large heads, and before she could remove her pants, they had shifted into their human forms. She took her pants off before she lost her nerve, and then the three of them stood there naked, needy, ready, and about to fuck things up royally. They both roamed their gazes across her body and she shivered from the intensity of it. Her nipples became harder, ready for both of their mouths. They groaned in unison, and her pussy let out a fresh stream of moisture. She knew they could smell it, hell, taste it in the air. Their eyes zeroed in on her shaved pussy, both of their tongues coming out and licking their lips.

  “You are so fucking beautiful, Willow, so hot and ours … for tonight,” Case said, hesitating on the last bit.

  “So fucking hot, baby,” Devon replied next.

  Her breathing was erratic as she listened to those words. They both stood there, walking towards her and standing side by side in front of her. Their scent empowered her, had her forgetting that being with her two best friends wasn’t the right idea. She felt the first brush of a hand down her cheek, her eyes already closed as she inhaled their scents, felt their body heat. She opened her eyes and looked into Devon’s dark and heavy-lidded gaze. He gripped her arms, pulled her close, and she gasped as she felt his hard, hot erection press against her stomach.

  Before she could utter a word, Devon pulled her closer, and strode over to the bed with her tucked against his body. She sensed Case coming right along with them, his presence heavy. Case stood beside them, but Devon didn’t pull back when they got to the bed. She couldn’t help but close her eyes and absorb the feeling these two men conjured within her.

  The way Devon and Case looked at her had her breath catching in her throat. It was like they could see right into her very soul. Now, all those feelings built inside that she tried desperately to hide, to block because there was no future with these two males, especially not now that they were mates, threatened to burst free.

  They moved toward each other then, leaving her standing there, watching in awe as they climbed on the bed and faced her.

  “You want to watch as I take my mate before we both claim you, Willow?”

  She found herself nodding to Case’s words. They pressed their naked bodies together, not wasting any time. Their gloriously naked bodies were works of art that had her clenching her thighs together so she could stem off the arousal, but all that did was pinch her clit between her lips and make her hotter.

  Their chests were pressed together, their mouths latched as one now, and their hard cocks between them. Every time they moved, she got a glimpse of those thick lengths, moving against each other, and giving the other pleasure.

  “You like what you see, baby?” Devon murmured against Case’s mouth, and although they kept their eyes closed and didn’t break away, she nodded. She tightened her hands into fists, her nails digging into her skin. Case broke away from Devon to look over his shoulder at her.

  “You want to watch me and Devon fuck, Willow? You want to watch us do dirty, filthy fucking things to each other before we stick our dicks in you?” He cocked a brow at her and she nodded. Could she actually allow them to be with her at the same time?

  Chapter Four

  Devon smirked and pushed Case onto his belly. The other man lifted his ass, and to see someone so dominant, so powerful and assertive give up control like this had her wet and needy. This was like a dream, a total misplaced reality as she watched her two best friends touch each other. They seemed so rough and tough, and she knew that they’d been with females before, but they were mates, had a bond, a connection now, and there was no changing that.

  Case grunted when Devon ran his hand over the muscular swell of his ass. “Come here, sweetheart,” Case said and lifted his hand for her to come forward. She took those few steps to get closer to him, placed her hand in his, and fe
lt the alcohol and need pound through her veins. She wasn’t sloppy drunk, but she was buzzing pretty good, and the heavy sensation of her desire for these two lions was a powerful combination in her body.

  “You want this, want to see us together. Don’t you, sweetheart?” Case asked softly.

  She nodded, licked her suddenly dry lips, and looked over at Devon. He moved away only long enough to grab some lube and a condom from the bedside table, and then he was right back behind Case. He smoothed his hands over his muscular back, over the lion’s head tattooed on the entire width of Case’s muscular shoulders.

  “You trust us?” Devon asked.

  Without blinking, without even thinking, she responded, “with my life.” She trusted these males with everything inside of her. Willow wanted to feel their bare skin move along hers, but at the same time she was so very scared.

  She moved closer and closer until she could see what Devon was doing to Case. Devon got back in position behind Case, and she felt Case’s warm breath move along her hand that was still encased in his much bigger one. Willow inhaled deeply, wanting to imprint that scent inside her forever. She closed her eyes just as she felt Case run his fingers along her arm. Chills raced up and down her spine and her skin prickled with awareness. How could she not want to be with these two? How could she not want to feel them inside of her, moving as one, bringing her to what she knew would be exquisite pleasure?

  When she opened her eyes, Case moved his hand down her body to stop at her hip. He pulled her closer so she was now on her knees on the mattress, her pussy right by Case’s face. Devon reached out and stroked her cheek with a finger. Her pussy became even more saturated and her clit throbbed. She knew what was about to happen, and her entire resolve crumbled as she was at the mercy of her desires. Devon pulled her close enough that he could claim her mouth.

  “I love the way you taste,” Devon said, his words laced with desire. “Your smell is addicting, intoxicating.” He ran his mouth lower until he was running his tongue over the pulse point right below her ear. She shivered.

  He started kissing her again. His lips were firm, yet gentle, and when he swept his tongue along the seam of her lips, she could do nothing but open and let him inside. She moaned into his mouth and pressed her ass back, loving how Case grabbed onto one mound and squeezed the flesh. Both males seemed to growl in approval, the sound so primal and demanding she felt completely feminine in their embrace.

  Devon broke the kiss and they both panted as they stared into each other’s eyes. She was turned around so quickly that her belly did a flip and her mind grew hazy. When she stared into Devon’s eyes, and looked over at Case who was right beside her now but still on his belly, she swore she could see a raging inferno burning behind their gazes. He picked up where Devon left off. His lips against her mouth weren’t as demanding as Devon’s, but there was still a fierce passion that burned within him.

  “Focus on what’s happening right now, baby,” Case murmured against her lips.

  Willow melted into him and let herself feel what was happening between her and Case, the feeling of Devon’s hands on her body, stroking her, making her wetter, needier. As they continued to kiss, Devon’s hands roamed over her body. He seemed to touch every part of her, igniting a lust that she had never thought could exist. It was then, as she was getting wrapped up in the sensations and feeling what these two lions conjured within her, that she felt Devon’s hands on her waist, and moving lower yet until he touched her bare pussy.

  She didn’t stiffen, didn’t even pull away from Case’s mouth. In fact, she opened her mouth wider. Here she thought she would see them fucking each other, but maybe they wanted to pleasure her first? Case was suddenly on his back, and pulled her so she was straddling him. He wrapped her arms around his neck. A deep groan sounded from the back of Case’s throat and she felt a flare of satisfaction well inside her.

  Devon gripped her chin and turned her head away from Case’s probing mouth. He ran his finger down the bridge of her nose and kissed her. Even the simplest of touches from them awakened a deep need inside of her. Just those little touches and her pussy cream slid down her inner thighs. Her nipples, rock hard, could have cut glass. Her hands shook and her breathing grew erratic. Being scared was only a small sliver of how she felt.

  Oh God. Willow was so ready for them. Case’s cock was a hard, thick rod between their bodies, nestled between her legs, and hitting the base of her clit. She didn’t want foreplay. She didn’t want any more touches and kisses.

  “I’m so ready. I want you both, now.” Neither of them responded to her comment. With Case’s arms still wrapped around her waist, he rolled them again until she was the one on her back now. When fingers traced down the valley between her breasts, she felt her skin pucker and goose bumps form.

  “Close your eyes.”

  She knew that voice, so deep and commanding, so sensual yet gentle. Case’s words seemed to entice her further.

  Fingers played with her nipples, plucking, pulling, and tweaking them until she had to bite her bottom lip or she would cry out in pleasure. When her thighs were pushed open, she tensed, feeling hot breath along her folds. She was so wet, so ready for them, that the very idea they would see her desire had her feeling embarrassed.

  “Oh fuck.”

  Willow opened her eyes when she heard Case’s harsh words. Looking down, she saw him between her thighs, his wide shoulders keeping her legs open as his warm breath teased her exposed pussy.

  “You’re so wet and ready for us, baby.”

  Willow swallowed roughly and licked her parched lips.

  “I want you to watch exactly what I’m about to do to you.” There was a dark promise in Case’s words. “I promise we will go slow.” His voice was thick with arousal.

  Devon suddenly latched onto her aching nipple and started to gently suck at the tip. She couldn’t contain her moan any longer. Between the sucking and licking of Devon’s mouth, and the whispering feel of Case’s breath against her pussy lips, Willow found herself writhing between them. She’d said she didn’t want foreplay, but God did they make her rethink that.

  “Keep looking at me, Willow, because I don’t want you to miss when I eat this pretty pink pussy out.”

  It was hard for Willow to swallow, what with her mouth going completely dry and what Case did to her, and the fact Devon was stroking his big, hard cock with one hand and touching Case’s ass with the other. Neither of their gazes left her, and she felt ensnared by them. The touch of Case’s tongue along her folds had her eyes rolling back in her head and a moan escaping.

  “No, baby, look at me.”

  She forced her eyes open and continued to watch Case lick and suck at her swollen flesh and then turned her attention to Devon and watched him move his hand up and down his cock. She looked back at Case, saw the hard bud of her clit poked obscenely out, and as if he read her mind, he dragged his tongue up her center and latched his mouth on the bundle of nerves. It was a torturous feeling, having his mouth and tongue do wicked things to her body.

  He used his thumbs to spread her labia apart and he dragged his tongue up and down her cleft. When she felt him dip into the entrance of her body, she gripped the sheets between her hands and cried out. The urge to close her legs, to keep him right where he was grew inside of her, but his impossibly wide shoulders made that impossible.

  She flicked her gaze between the two lions, not knowing which scene was hotter: Case between her legs or Devon stroking his shaft. Had she ever been this turned on? No, never, and she didn’t think she ever would again. A powerful flick of Case’s tongue along her clit had her arching her back and all thoughts vanishing.

  “Stay with us, Willow.” Devon’s words had her looking at him. He was running his hand along the other male’s ass. It was such an erotic sight, seeing these two virile men touch her and touch each other.

  Devon tore the foil from the condom he’d grabbed earlier, sheathed himself, and when he saw her watching, he gri
nned. Licking her dry lips, she stared at him with wide eyes, knowing what was about to happen but not knowing if this was reality. Case must have sensed what was going on because he attacked her pussy with more enthusiasm and she felt herself climbing close to completion.

  “That’s it, baby, let me taste your cream,” Case’s gruff words vibrated against her clit and she gasped at the sensation. “It’s okay. Don’t be scared. Just let yourself go. All over my mouth.” He ate her out so fast and hard that she had difficulty keeping her eyes open and not obeying.

  “I—” Whatever was building inside of her was about to explode. “I think I’m about to…” Wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her, and she couldn’t hold her body up any longer. Case was relentless as he moved his mouth on her, and the sound of two male groans filling the room set off a series of smaller shocks of pleasure through her. She would have been mortified at the fact she was thrusting her pussy in Case’s face, but the pleasure was too much, too strong, and she just didn’t care.

  She felt Case mummer incoherent things against her over-sensitized flesh, and she peeled her eyes open. Case’s ass was high in the air. His mouth still on her, giving small licks and nips. Devon was still behind him, his hooded gaze on her as he thrust his hips in and out of what she could only assume was Case. Never had she seen such a thing, a sight so highly erotic she felt her arousal grow again even after she just had her first intense orgasm.

  “Come here, Willow.” Devon’s words were so deep, so rough, that he sounded like the animal he housed deep inside him. With eyes that seemed to glow under the shadows, Devon watched her with an intensity that had chills racing across her flesh. Dropping her gaze to Case, she saw his eyes closed and his mouth slack against her pussy. As if he sensed her stare, he opened his eyes and they locked. The next thing happened in slow motion. She watched Case lift his head and felt him push two fingers slowly inside her.


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