Shocking Heaven
D H Sidebottom
Copyright © 2013 D H Sidebottom
This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to actual places, incidents and persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Thanks dpgroup forum.
Eve grumbled as shouting stirred her from her dreams and she rubbed her sore eyes, pulling her soft pink duvet further up to her chin as she tried to drag herself back to the pleasant dream she was having of Frankie, the boy she had the hots for at school.
She recognised her Dad’s voice but she struggled to identify the other man’s and it didn’t sound the least bit friendly.
Being used to these moments, Eve shut her mind off and closed her eyes. The shouting stopped and the voices seemed to be getting closer, in fact bang outside her bedroom door.
Suddenly all the hairs on Eve’s body stood up as goose bumps erupted and she shivered, her internal alarms were blaring loudly but she couldn’t understand why.
Her breathing hitched when she heard the voices outside her door and she strained to listen but she couldn’t ascertain what was been said.
She swallowed heavily when she heard her door handle squeak and she squeezed her eyes shut, feigning sleep.
“Eve?” Her Dad whispered but Eve remained silent.
“Mmmm not bad” the other man said as her Dad sighed heavily. “Please don’t hurt her” he whispered and Eve couldn’t help opening her eyes to look at both men.
“Dad?” she asked in a whisper as she took in his distraught expression. He looked away from her, sucking on his lips as he shook his head slightly.
Eve shuddered as she saw the other man’s leer. “Eve, Hi” he said as he approached and plonked his large body beside her on the bed.
Eve scrambled up the bed as the man reached up and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. “Hi Eve” he smiled and Eve gulped at his intimate touch. “We’re gonna have a bit of fun pretty girl” he smirked and Eve’s eyes widened.
She looked at her father. “Dad?” she pleaded, asking him to take him away.
She didn’t like him, he gave her the creeps and she scuttled further into her headboard when his hand stroked down her neck.
There was only Frankie that had ever looked at her like this man was looking at her. Even at thirteen Eve understood the look of lust in a man’s eyes and she was now frightened.
As his hand continued towards her small breasts she turned to her Dad. “Dad?” she choked out. Why the hell was her Dad stood immobile when this man was touching places nobody had ever touched before?
“You’re very pretty Eve” the man smiled and he turned to her Dad. “Deal” he said simply and her Dad sighed as if relieved but his pained expression turned to Eve. “I’m sorry Princess” he gulped and Eve frowned.
“Dad, what’s going on?” she asked but he turned away and headed out of her door, quietly closing it behind him and leaving her alone with this creepy man.
Eve shot off her bed as the man’s hand grasped her breast roughly. “What are you doing?” she stuttered as she backed her body against her wall.
“Get back here Eve” the man said but Eve shook her head rapidly. “You need to get out of my room” she said, pulling courage from somewhere, she had no idea where.
“Don’t make me come to you Eve or you will regret it” he demanded and Eve trembled at the man’s authority.
She shook her head and made a sprint towards her door but she wasn’t fast enough as the man’s giant hand grabbed her hair and yanked her backwards, flinging her back on the bed. “Now keep still you little bitch” he growled as he climbed beside her.
Oh God, why was he touching her legs under her nightie?
“Dad!!!” she shouted but his hand came over her mouth.
Eve shook her head rapidly as tears rolled down her cheeks. “Please don’t” she rasped but his hand got higher and higher “Noooo…….”
“You sure they’re okay here?” Mom asked and I smiled my acknowledgement with a nod. She smiled faintly before placing the boxes on the floor and took another look around my room.
“You think you’ll be okay here Eve?” she asked, no more than a whisper and I could hear the pain in her voice.
I smiled softly and nodded “I think so” but added a shrug.
We both stood silent as Mom came to terms with my departure. I could feel her tears and despair from across the room and I made my way towards her.
Not sure what to say I just smiled again. She nodded and sucked in her lips, desperately trying to control her emotions.
Dragging in an unsteady breath she palmed my cheek. “Eve” she whispered and I felt a tear escape at her turmoil.
“It’s gonna be okay Mom.”
She nodded determinedly “Of course.” A tight smile pulled at her lips “You have Cam and Aaron will be here in a few days.” I nodded again.
This was so difficult. I hated to leave her. She needed me. She needed all of us after…after Dad’s death.
And now we, all three of her children, were at university. Spreading our wings and leaving her behind…alone.
Mom swallowed heavily and grasped my hands, her sweaty palms sliding in mine.
“Eve” Her face tightened as she struggled with her words “It’s…it’s time to be free Eve, and live. Make sure you live, Eve. For me…”
I fought the lump in my throat and nodded. Simply nodded. No words were there for what she needed to hear.
She rested her lips on my forehead “Spread your wings Angel. You’re past is gone…left behind. Gone. Now it’s your time to flourish.”
She pulled away, nodded once and left, without looking back.
I sank down on my bare bed, my blurred vision concentrating on the swirls in the pattern of the threadbare carpet, as I heard her engine purr.
I was still sat in the silence as the familiar sound disappeared.
Alone, free…I sure as hell didn’t feel free.
A soft tap stirred me from my dark thoughts and I looked up, confused at how dark it now was.
How long had I been sat here?
“E?” a voice came from behind the door. I blinked. Another tap
snapped me conscious and I made my way to the door. “E? You in there?”
“Yeah” I answered quietly before I pulled open my door.
Cam beamed at me, his bright wide smile already lifting my spirits and I instantly relaxed.
He entered without an invite and I chuckled as he scowled, his open thoughts on my room displayed in his curled lip. “Christ E. It’s a bit…”
I shrugged as he turned to look at me. “It’s fine” I shook my head at him and he regarded me seriously “How was Mom?”
I exhaled a breath and then sucked it back in through my teeth “Rough but…”
Cam’s face clouded and he shrugged “She’ll live. It’ll do her good…some alone time. She gave us enough of it!”
I scowled at him “Don’t Cam.” He snorted but moved on “Anyway, you’ll be at mine more than here so...” he shrugged as he took another grimace at my room.
I agreed with him…it was shite!
“It is a bit…cold.” I admitted and he chuckled low “Cold?” he repeated with wide eyes.
I giggled. “Fucking shit would be better but cold sounds more…humane!” I rectified.
He flung his head back and laughed “Damn right E. Shit is still being lenient”
I slapped his arm. “Hey, this is my home for the next year, try and be…optimistic” I scolded and his brows lifted.
“Optimistic would be calling it derelict” he scoffed and I shrugged “It’ll be okay when I’ve put up some stuff and Luce will be here soon. I’m sure she’ll work some magic” I smiled, looking round my barren room with a slight grimace and nodded my head firmly; endorsing my thoughts to myself, rather than my older brother.
“Listen. Party at mine tonight. 9 O’clock. I can introduce you to everyone. Bring Luce” he grinned as he passed me his address on a piece of paper and waggled his eyebrows.
I smiled back and nodded. “Sure, although I do know where you live Cam” I frowned at the piece of paper. “Gonna go to the digs bar first and see if they have any jobs going before all the others arrive” I told him.
He nodded, rubbing my arm “Good idea. The address is so you get it right if you need to get a taxi. You’ve only been once!”
He tipped his head towards the door “Gonna go, catch up with the Guy’s. Settle back in before lectures start.”
He stalked across the room, making his way to leave but turned back with a dark expression. “Listen E” he swallowed roughly and I nodded “I know Cam. It’s okay.”
I shrugged. It had to be.
He smiled and sighed but nodded “Yeah.”
The ‘Z’ Bar was temporarily being used as a registration office for Fresher’s and as I entered through the door, the noise was deafening and the scent of sweaty bodies and beer permeated the air.
I squinted, already feeling the beginnings of a headache, and worked my way over to the bar, squeezing myself expertly between the mob already waiting to be served.
The dishevelled tall blonde girl situated behind the worn slab of wood, lifted her tired eyebrows at me “What can I get ya honey?”
Giving her my best smile, I leaned towards her “I’m looking for a job.”
She seemed to sag in both appreciation and relief.
“You got any experience?” She asked as she glared at a lad that hammered his fist on the bar “Wait!” she barked.
I nodded “Two years waitressing but I practically lived in a pub so…”
She didn’t give me time to finish.
Tilting her chin to her side of the bar she grinned wickedly “Come on. Let’s see how you hang on with this lot.”
I blinked.
She nodded slowly. “Yep sugar…Now!” she confirmed then disappeared to the other side of the bar to serve the hammering guy.
Shrugging, I tapped the boy beside me.
He turned and lifted his eyebrows in query. “Help me over and I’ll serve you first.”
He grinned and I suddenly found his hands around my waist as he hoisted me up. Luckily for me he was a big guy and luckily for him I was tiny.
I winked back at him as I dropped over the other side. “What can I get you?”
He grinned at me “VK Blue.” I nodded and turned, scouring the low fridges that ran the length of the back wall behind the bar.
Locating the blue bottle and popping the cap, I placed it on the bar in front of him with a smile. He handed me a note but I shook my head “On me.”
He smiled his thanks. “What’s ya’ name?” he asked as his eyes flicked over my body. “Eve” I answered as I wrote the amount I owed for his drink on the back of my hand.
He nodded and then grinned slyly “As in forbidden fruit?”
I winked at him “The very same!”
Walking through my dorm room door after three hours of serving drunken teenagers, I flopped exhaustedly onto my still unmade bed.
Smiling to myself I was already happy with the outcome of the day.
I had moved out; fair enough into a shithole, landed a job I could do and would enjoy, been tipped well by numerous lads and finally gained my freedom…or what I hoped would result in my freedom.
Lucy’s loud tones echoed through the thin walls and I grinned at the sound. I loved my best friend.
“You tell all the boys ‘No’
Makes you feel good, yeah
I know you’re out of my league
But that won’t scare me away, oh no”
Leaving my room, I made my way towards the kitchen where I could hear Luce singing Emile Sande’s ‘Beneath your beautiful’.
She was stood against the cooker, undoubtedly destroying some innocent, once edible food, singing loudly and I joined in behind her, prompting her to turn and grin at me as I took over.
“You’ve carried on so long,
You couldn’t stop if you tried it
You’ve built your wall so high
That no one could climb it
But I’m gonna try”
“E! Your voice eats some serious shit girl. It’s husky and sexy enough to land you in a band.” she declared loudly, always open and brutally honest was Luce.
She hugged me, squashing me enough for one of my ribs to complain “You’re here!”
I scanned my own body “Well, I think it’s me Luce but you never know, aliens and all that…”
Rolling her eyes she walked back over to the cooker as a girl glided in. Her bright pink spiky hair, skinny frame and pale skin made her look ill but she smiled widely at us “Hey girls.”
Holding out her hand I took the offering and smiled back at her “Kaylee Miller.”
“Eve, but people call me E and this is Luce” I introduced as we surveyed each other.
She seemed to accept us both when she nodded. “Anybody else here yet?” she asked as her eyes scanned over the room and her lip curled when she spotted Luce’s bright orange concoction. She flicked me a disgusted grimace and I nodded in agreement with a cringe.
“No, there’s a lad coming in today but the rest aren’t joining us while Sunday” Luce revealed as she turned back to us.
“What ya cooking Luce?” I held my breath, waiting for the dreaded information.
“Well…it’s kinda a mix of veg soup, bacon and sausage…so sausage casserole” she shrugged as though it would be expected that, of course it was a sausage casserole.
Kaylee and me nodded slowly. “Uh huh” I acknowledged before she turned back round to guard her fodder.
“Ladies” a deep voice sounded from behind us. I jumped and we all spun round.
He was tall, in fact he was huge and I silently wondered if he was a basketball player. His light brown hair was messy but it gave him that cute boy next door look and his smile was wide and filled his whole face.
“Hi” I smiled and walked over to him, holding out my hand in greeting “E.”
He frowned. “E?” His eyes perused every inch of me.
; “Short for Eve.”
“Ahh” he accepted before he turned to the others, his gaze stalling on Luce before returning to me “Gavin White.”
I smiled and nodded “Welcome to Huntsman Block Gavin White”
Returning the smile he stalked over to Luce and peered into the pan “What the hell?”
Kaylee shot me a horrified look and I cringed.
Luce glared.
Gavin grimaced.
“Looks really…good” he backtracked quickly but Luce wasn’t convinced. “Wanna try?” she pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes on him as she offered some on a spoon.
He held up his hands in front of him as if to ward off evil spirits, which may have been released from the fumes of Lucy’s concoction.
“Thanks but I gotta…unpack.” He retreated swiftly and disappeared through the door.
We all exchanged glances and Luce sucked in her cheeks; a sign of her temper.
“Well I’m starving” I placated as I silently cursed myself for my softness. Kaylee nodded as if sensing Lucy’s hurt feelings too “Me too. How long until it’s ready?”
I gave her a grateful smile as Luce turned back to her meal. “About five minutes” she answered and we both swallowed in apprehension.
“That’s good then… Hey, party at Cam’s tonight” I informed her, trying to shift the mood.
It worked.
She grinned widely “Goody. I can’t wait to meet his housemates. They’re supposed to be in a rock band.”
I nodded “Yeah. I think so. You wanna join us Kaylee?”
Shocking Heaven Page 1