“Babe, I may be many things but I aint no fucking joy-rider” he growled.
I think I had offended him.
“No” I stated simply with a small shake of my head.
I jerked when I felt his breath on the side of my cheek. “By the way babe, in answer to your earlier statement…if someone tonight does something I don’t like, then I will let them know that I don’t like it.”
I slowly turned my head to look at him. He was approximately an inch from me. His warm breath tickled my nose he was that close. His deep eyes shifted down to my mouth then back up as he held my stare “You hear me babe?”
I nodded vigorously and mumbled something incoherent.
A smile lifted his lips before he retreated and swung us out of the student village.
The man of not so many words was quiet for the first part of our journey and when my head was ready to explode with the silence, I reached across the dash and flicked a button for the stereo.
“iPod” Jax informed me as he pointed to the device sat between us in the console.
I smiled at the thought of rummaging through his playlists, wondering what genre of music he preferred.
I nodded in appreciation as I scrolled through. His tastes were very eclectic and ranged from AC/DC all the way through to the Carpenters. I giggled as I stared at ‘Close to you’.
He glanced at me. “Close to you?” I smirked.
A scowl pulled his face “Fucking ace babe.”
I nodded and bit my cheek against the urge to laugh and clicked a Pink playlist.
Her new song ‘Just give me a reason’ with Nate Reuss blasted through the speakers and I smiled.
I loved this track and after a while I couldn’t help the words leaving my mouth as I tapped the rhythm onto my thigh.
“Just give me a reason
Just a little bit’s enough
Just a second we’re not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
It’s in the stars
It’s been written in the scars on our hearts
We’re not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again”
I kept my gaze out of the window and when Jax came in with Nate’s part I smiled and turned to him.
“I’m sorry I don’t understand where all of this is coming from
I thought that we were fine
Oh we had everything
Your head is running wild again
My dear we still have everything
And it’s all in your mind
Yeah but this is happening
You’ve been having real bad dreams
Oh oh
You used to lie so close to me
Oh oh”
Then we sang together, both grinning at each other like fools.
“There’s nothing more than empty sheets
Between our love, our love, oh our love, our love…’”
We finished the track and Jax chuckled “Fucking top voice babe.”
I smiled at his compliment “Back at ya’.”
He laughed loudly.
“Yeah” he said simply.
Pulling my phone from my bag I braced myself as I dialled Aaron’s number and turned my body into the door, trying to hide my conversation from Jax.
Aaron answered after a couple of rings. “E” he whispered and I cringed at the roughness of his voice “You okay Aaron?” He was silent for a while then mumbled a confirmation.
I stole a quick glance at Jax before I asked the next question. He was tapping his thigh to the beat of the track spilling from the stereo and didn’t seem to be paying attention to my discussion.
“How many?”
The sound of Aaron sucking air through his teeth made me swallow heavily.
“About 8” he divulged and I hissed at his answer.
“You safe Aaron?” I closed my eyes in preparation.
“Yeah E, at the moment” I nodded and sighed thankfully. “Listen, I’m on my way with a friend. Should be about an hour. Pack your stuff. You’re stopping with Luce until Monday.”
“Luce?” I could hear the question in his voice.
“Yeah, Luce. I don’t think she’ll complain do you?” I smiled “We’ll be as quick as we can Aaron.”
He moaned low “Christ E, you shouldn’t come here, not tonight.”
I snorted “Aaron, I’ve managed eighteen fucking years. I’m sure I can manage another ten minutes. Be ready!”
Terminating the call before he could argue further I slipped my phone back into my bag and diverted my attention out of the window.
“Clue me in babe” Jax’s low voice slipped across the darkness of the car.
I swallowed. “I can’t, not really.”
I knew I had to give him something; he was helping me out after all “Just…just trouble with my Mom. We’re going to pick up my brother.”
He nodded and ran his teeth across his lower lip and I watched his tongue sweep across, soothing the plump flesh.
We were both quiet for a while and when we passed a sign for Derbyshire Jax’s voice made me jump.
“You born here babe?”
I nodded and shivered. His eyes caught the involuntary action and a frown developed on his face.
“Where are you from?” I asked, realising I knew absolutely nothing about him.
“Oh, not far then” I smiled, don’t know why.
He nodded “Yeah.”
It was like drawing blood from a stone…hard bloody work!
“Family?” I asked, trying to encourage any kind of conversation but he just shook his head once.
Fair enough.
I pursed my lips and picked up his iPod, scrolling back through his playlist just for something to do.
I swallowed heavily as we entered my hometown.
“Where to babe?” Jax asked eventually and I instructed him as we drove through the quiet town until we pulled up outside my former home.
Jax whistled as he took in the opulent house. “Nice.”
I shrugged. “Looks can be deceiving” I mumbled as I dialled Aaron’s number. He tipped his head and narrowed his eyes on me but didn’t say anything to my words.
“Back door” I informed Aaron as he answered.
Taking a deep breath I opened my door and turned to Jax.
“I’ll be as quick as I can” I said quietly. My nerves frayed as my hands shook.
Turning sharply I shook my head at Jax as he exited the car. “No, stay here!” I warned but he snorted. “Might be trouble babe” he offered as his head tipped in the direction of my house.
Light was blaring from the windows and music could be heard playing loudly. I bit into my bottom lip and braced myself. “Please Jax.”
He lifted his eyebrows and his expression said it all…Not a chance!
I sighed in resignation as humiliation surged through me. Could I take him in, knowing what was happening behind the walls? I suppose I didn’t have any choice when Jax started walking up the long gravel drive.
“Round the back” I whispered to him. He nodded but didn’t acknowledge any other way.
We crept around the outer wall, through the large metal gates at the side of the house and into the back garden. As we passed the utility room window I tapped on it lightly. Jax frowned “Babe?”
I winced when his loud growl filled the silence.
I immediately put a finger up to my lips to shush him but he had other ideas “What the fuck’s going on babe?”
Scowling at him, I repeated my motion and put my finger against his lips this time. His eyes softened immediately and his fingers curled around my single one. “I won’t let anyone hurt you E” he said gently.
Well hell!
I smiled faintly in appreciation and he nodded once as light flooded from the back door before Aaron’s head appeared round the edge.
His grin lit my heart. “E
” he whispered softly and my grin grew into a beam. Aarons’ eyes shifted to Jax as he exited the doorway with a few bags.
“Okay?” Aaron mouthed, knowing the rules of remaining mute. I lifted a thumb in response as Jax moved forwards and took some of Aaron’s bags.
Aaron tipped his head towards Jax with his eyebrows high, a silent question of ‘who the hell is he?’ I smiled and nodded, reassuring him that he was a friend as Jax made his way quietly back to the car.
Aaron picked up the remaining bags as I followed behind him, closing each of the gates quietly on our get-away, my nerves making my legs tremble.
I nearly made it. God! So close.
She opened the front double doors as I scurried down the driveway to catch up with the boys, my heart stuttering as she called out my name.
I closed my eyes and stumbled to a stop halfway to freedom.
“EVE!!!” she repeated. I turned slowly and swallowed my fear.
“Mom” I took a glance behind me, grateful that Aaron and Jax had made it back to the car safely.
“What the Hell Eve?” her words were slurred, her face slack as she wobbled towards me and I grit my teeth severely, listening to them crack under the pressure.
Her whole body was bent nearly double as she braced herself on her knees and I cringed as I took in her appearance. She wore only a see-through pink negligée, her hair was wild and her make-up was shovelled on with the aid of a trowel.
My heart froze to a stop as I saw him exit the doors behind her.
I started to back up slowly. “Fuck…no!” I stammered to myself as I shook my head wildly.
“Don’t do this Mom!” She didn’t hear me, she couldn’t.
He carried on coming and my lungs began closing down. My head felt light at the sight of him and I was struggling to move.
Damn it E… Run!!!
He sneered at me, an ugly lift of his arrogant lips as he stalked over to me. My legs were wobbling and I had started panting.
His fingers curled around my arm as he leant in and I closed my eyes, swallowing back the nausea at his touch.
I was silently begging for Aaron to stay in the car but I knew he would come back for me after he realised I wasn’t coming. I wanted him to stay put…needed him to!
“Hello Pretty Girl” he breathed in my ear. His rank breath flooded my senses and I stared at my Mom, pleading with my eyes. She smiled that fucking smile of hers! The one I always wanted to wipe off her once beautiful face.
His hand started tugging at my arm and I wedged my heels into the gravel. “No!”
He barked out a laugh “Now we know better than that Eve.” Refusing to open my eyes a small sob erupted from my throat “No!” I reiterated.
Not sure where the courage came from but I fed from it.
“You need to let go” I choked out, no more than a whisper but still proud of my bravery. “Open your eyes and look at me bitch” I winced at his rage but shook my head in defiance. “No.”
Yelping when his hand grabbed my hair, I curled my fingers round his, striving for some relief against the pain. “Please don’t” I begged this time, my nerve had took the last train out of here, along with my mother who had conveniently disappeared.
“Shit!” I heard Aaron behind me and I flinched. “Get back in the car Aaron” I shouted to him but I could hear the crunch of the gravel getting louder as the hold in my hair tightened. “Aaron go back to the car NOW!”
“Remove the fucking hand before mine wraps around your fucking throat asshole” Jax growled at the back of me. My eyes flew open and I stood stock still, embarrassment coursing through me.
“Jax” Aaron whispered with a warning, all too aware of what Keith was capable of.
Keith scoffed.
Jax growled.
I whimpered.
“Think you’re hard lad?” Keith snarled at Jax. Jax laughed loudly.
I blinked as Keith was ripped from my side and floored in one fluid motion.
“Fuck!” Aaron whispered.
I just blinked…again!
Jax grabbed my hand and pulled as I stared at an unconscious Keith, laid out on the gravel, his nose splattered across his face. “Now babe!”
I nodded, more to myself as my knees buckled and I crumpled to the floor.
Jax swept down and scooped me up, holding me close against him as he strolled back to the car. “It’s okay babe” he said softly.
“Thank you” I whispered, not sure what else to say. He looked down at me; a small smile lifted his lips as he nodded once and my heart fluttered involuntary.
Well Hell!
Aaron climbed in the rear of the car before Jax settled me down into the passenger seat beside him and pulled off, I never looked back.
Monday morning rolled around all too fast. First day of classes and lectures had me exhausted before my shift at Z even started.
Jax hadn’t mentioned or even asked about what happened Saturday night and I was grateful of his discretion. Aaron and Luce kept everyone up Sunday night with their loud love-making.
Aaron moved into his own dorm across the village on Monday morning and we all breathed a sigh of relief hoping for some sleep tonight. And Sunday brought the arrival of the rest of our dorm mates.
Josh White was a blond haired quiet guy. He had informed me he was studying English language with creative writing same as I was. We both welcomed each other as study partners and I was pleased to have a familiar face to accompany me to classes.
Austin Pearce, well I couldn’t quite work him out. He seemed moody. One minute laughing and joking with the rest of us but then he seemed to withdraw and retreated into himself. Gavin kept shifting his eyes between Austin and me, both of us shrugging in puzzlement.
After language studies Monday afternoon, Josh and I found ourselves in the campus Starbucks. “I’ll get ‘em” Josh declared as he nodded towards a table in the corner. After giving him my order I settled in a seat where he’d directed and pulled my phone from my bag, noticing three missed calls from my Mom.
Checking Josh was still in the queue I quickly dialled her number, cursing myself for being subservient.
“Eve?” her voice was strained and rough causing a slight pang of guilt to surface. “Yeah Mom, it’s me.”
Her sob tore through me and my teeth sank into my bottom lip “You okay?” Knowing it was a stupid question, I asked it anyway.
“Not really.”
I nodded, well aware she couldn’t see me. “Eve…” another sob broke free “I’m so sorry Eve, I…”
I could taste her guilt and I squeezed my eyes shut against it.
The familiar intense pressure was building and I was struggling to contain it as I listened to her guilty cries. I couldn’t deal with it now; I wouldn’t be able to fight the urge to obliterate it, the pure craving of release I so needed.
“Mom, please…I…I can’t do this now.”
I heard her gasp and I forced back the tears as my blood started tingling, the shiver racked its way through my whole body and I clenched my fist, desperately trying to push the longing back down as I concentrated on the wall clock behind the counter, forcing my eyes to track the movement of the second hand.
My hands were shaking violently and my eyes blurred.
Quickly ending the call with my mother I dialled Cam before it was too late. He answered after the second ring “Hey.”
Shaking my head wildly, his voice became distorted. “Cam” my voice no more than a rasp.
“Shit E! Where are you?”
I dropped the phone as the trembles ravaged me and I closed my eyes, my whole body screaming with the need for liberation, the pressure developing to an extreme level as though it would explode any second.
I noticed Josh squat down beside me, his face and voice a blur as he picked up my phone and spoke into it.
/> I covered my ears and tried to control my breathing. In, out, in, out…
You don’t need it E, you don’t need it, you don’t need it! Over and over until it was all I heard.
Strong arms wrapped around me and I felt myself being carried out of the shop. Jax’s scent permeated my brain, as I was placed into a car and my body jerked violently. My tears and the strain clogged my throat, as my fingernails dug deeply into my palms.
Cam’s voice filtered through the haze as his hands took hold of mine, gently prizing my fingers open “You don’t need it E, you don’t need it.”
Yes Cam, I’ve been telling myself that for the last half an hour for god’s sake!!!
I came to a while later, locked in Cam’s arms as he rocked me back and forth.
“Hey” his face appeared before me, his smile soft and tender “You good?”
I checked myself and nodded slightly.
“Good girl” he kissed my forehead gently “Well done.”
I smiled at the pride in his voice and I’ll admit I felt proud of myself for not giving in to the craving.
“Eleven weeks now E.” I nodded in acknowledgement as I pushed myself up and took in my surroundings. We were at Cam’s.
“What time is it? I need to get to work!”
“Six” Jax’s voice sounded from the doorway and I spun round, a blush creeping up from my neck and filling my face as his eyes skimmed over me.
“Okay babe?”
I nodded, just nodded. He returned the motion “You need a lift?”
Shocking Heaven Page 4