I licked my lips involuntary as I imagined that tasty little treat sat on the tip of his cock.
“Swipe the end with your thumb Jax and scoop it up for me” I told him, quite breathless.
I heard his groan through the door and my pussy clenched as I pictured him masturbating for me. “Stroke harder Jax. Imagine it’s my hand, sliding up and down your cock. Squeezing at the crown and then sliding back down. So, so slowly baby.”
“Fuck babe” he snarled and I slipped my hand between my legs, gasping at my own wetness.
“Is that good Jax?”
He groaned again and my whole body shuddered at the sound. Sliding a finger inside me and resting my forehead against the door I moaned with him.
“Oh God Jax” I murmured.
“You fingering that sweet pussy babe?”
“Yes” I whispered as my hand moved faster, bringing me closer but never quite touching it. It was too far away, too out of reach and I frantically pumped harder.
Fuck this!
I flung the door open and vaulted myself onto him. “Fuck me Jax. Hard and fucking furious” I demanded.
He wasted no time and I was suddenly bent over the bed, his hands wrapped around my hips as he viciously thrust into me.
“Fuckkkkk” he hissed as he hit the top of me and banged me hard.
“Christ yes” I shouted at him “Harder. Fucking take me Jax!”
His drives got harder and fiercer as he pounded into me powerfully. A hand yanked my hair as he pulled me upright, and then his arms circled my waist and he carried me to the wall.
“Hands behind your back” he ordered harshly. My arousal flew wildly and I groaned with lust as I did as he asked.
He was rapidly tying my wrists with something and then I was pushed flat against the wall, his hard body pressing into me as his mouth came to my ear. “Don’t. Ever. Fucking. Run. Again!” he growled.
Christ! I was on fire. One more word and I would orgasm without the need for his touch.
“You hear me babe?”
I nodded frantically. “I hear ya’” I whispered.
He palmed my butt cheeks and spread them wide. “Open your legs babe.”
My legs parted impulsively; no motivation needed, and I groaned loudly as his finger swept along the length of my sex, teasing my entrance as it passed then arrived at my clit.
I wiggled my hips, trying to get his finger where I needed it.
“Ah, ah, ah. You don’t deserve it. You’ve been bad babe!” he smirked from behind me and I moaned, still straining to get his touch to where I wanted it.
“God Jax…” I whined as his finger circled around my clit without actually touching it.
“How much you want it babe?” he said slowly as his teeth bit down gently on my buttock.
“God. With everything I have Jax. I need it. Please” I begged.
His mouth climbed higher up my back, his soft lips idolising my tat before he travelled all the way up my spine and rested them on my shoulder.
“And how much you want me babe?” he added and I frowned. “I’m not sure what you’re getting at Jax?” I asked as his finger plunged inside me.
We both moaned loudly at his intrusion and I pushed against him, desperate for the stimulation.
“So damn wet babe” he breathed heavily, his mouth now at my ear. “Do you want me babe? All of me. Lock, stock and barrel babe?”
He circled his finger inside me, igniting a roar through my body “Fuck Jax. You know I do. All of you, every single god damn fucking piece of you. Lock, stock and barrel baby!”
A low growl rumbled through his chest before he brutally drove into me again; his rock hard cock filling every single groove inside me.
“Yes!” I hissed.
About bloody time!!!
My head bounced off the wall as he began to pound into me, his anger and passion driving him wild. “Come back with me” he cried out as he continued to fuck me ruthlessly.
I was too far gone to acknowledge his request so I just pushed back against him, meeting each of his forceful drives.
“You’re mine Eve Hudson!” he roared as he erupted into me. His spunk hit the very tip of me and triggered my own climax. I bucked wildly against him as his arms circled my waist and he pulled me further onto his throbbing cock, making me take every single drop of him, as we both squeezed each other tight.
His head settled on my back as we both fought for breath. “Fuck babe” he panted before he undid my robe belt from my wrists and picked me up again, then gently set us on the bed.
He lay alongside me, on his side, gazing at me as his hand lifted and his fingers tenderly brushed my hair off my face.
“Come with me babe?” he repeated his earlier question and I frowned in bewilderment.
“I don’t think I understand you Jax.”
“America babe.” His expression was casual as though he’d just asked what I wanted for lunch and I looked at him in astonishment.
“Jax. I…I can’t just drop everything and leave.”
His brows lifted towards his hairline and his head tilted. “Why babe?”
“My God Jax. It’s not that simple. I have a career, a family, my band, my charity…It’s impossible.” I sighed heavily as he looked hurt.
“You was willing two years ago E.”
I shook my head and scoffed “Yeah Jax. And you promised to come back two years ago, but that didn’t happen either.”
“You know why babe.” He looked angry now and I clicked my tongue.
“Do you know what I can’t understand Jax? If our relationship had meant that much to you, when you saw that photo, why didn’t you fight for me? Why didn’t you ring and demand to know what was going on?” I asked and I noticed a flicker in his eyes. A flicker that made my stomach clench.
Rearing back, I glared at him “You went out and fucked someone. Didn’t you?”
His expression said it all and I bit my lower lip. “Well fuck me. You saw a photo of me hugging someone then went and had a revenge fuck eh? Just thought ‘Fuck her’ I can do one better.”
He rolled onto his back and huffed “You been fuckin’ Sed babe” he said stiffly as though that condoned his actions.
“What the hell Jax? I’ve been sleeping with Sed for three weeks. That’s it” I stated angrily.
He turned to look at me with wide eyes. “You’re telling me you didn’t sleep with anyone until Sed?” I could hear the scepticism in his tone and I glared heatedly.
“Eighteen fucking months Jax. The first time I fucked after you! Eighteen long fucking months and it still felt like betrayal even then!” I shouted at him. “Don’t you dare twist this round to me to make yourself feel better!”
He looked sad for a moment, his top teeth nibbling furiously on his bottom lip. “You waited that long for me babe?”
“Yes Jax” I said quietly. “And now I…I don’t think I can just up and leave everything here because of that. You moved on too quickly Jax” I said sadly “And…to me, our relationship was everything. My life, my whole soul, I only breathed for you Jax, but you…you just gave up on us way too soon.”
He scrunched up his face as though deep in thought and I watched the many emotions cross his face.
“Wasn’t like that babe. I never got over you, never forgot you, and never pushed you out of my heart. Just cos’ I fucked someone doesn’t mean I didn’t love you babe.”
“Yet, you were willing to think that of me Jax” I posed softly.
The sadness in his eyes gripped my heart but I had to be strong. I had to make him realise what he had done. “Yeah” he said, nodding faintly.
Now it was sinking in, the pain on his face broke me in two but there was nothing I could do or say to change it.
Our relationship was doomed, unobtainable and just impossible.
“Don’t think I can do it again babe” he whispered softly as his eyes pierced mine and I frowned at him.
“Do w
hat?” I asked quietly as I took his hand in mine, attempting to alleviate some of his ache.
“Leave you babe.”
I closed my eyes and sighed heavily. “I know baby but we have to. You can’t let the guy’s down and I can’t do that to my boy’s” I said sadly.
The anguish on his face mirrored mine as we both accepted the inevitable. Our minds recognising we couldn’t be together but our hearts rebelling against the truth.
Monday morning we would finally have to accept the death of our relationship, once and for all.
Jax, Boss and I were on our way to see Bruce. I was driving but my phone wouldn’t stop ringing so I eventually switched it to Bluetooth when Leah had been trying to contact me incessantly for ten minutes.
When her call came through again, I managed to connect and her voice filled the car “E. God damn. I’ve been trying all bloody morning!” she grumbled and I rolled my eyes.
“Ten minutes Leah. You have been ringing for ten minutes.”
“Yes well, it seemed like all morning to me. Anyway I need to confirm for the MTV interview tomorrow and Saturdays performance, oh and Elizabeth wants to meet. Sed Tyler’s been ringing constantly and Halo’s manager has approached you about doing a single with them…” she raved on.
“Righ….” I tried but she spoke over me.
“Barney Graves has been after a meet with you and Wesley wants lunch next Wednesday.”
She finally took a breath and I opened my mouth to speak but I wasn’t quick enough.
“Oh and some weird guy has been hammering your personal line. Tried to take a message and really didn’t like the sound of him E but he wouldn’t leave one. Before I forget, I’ve stocked your fridge and picked up your dry cleaning. Oh and don’t forget you’ve got that photo shoot for Grey’s magazine Monday…”
“Christ woman. Shut…Up!” Jax declared loudly and I smirked at him. Boss, who was seated in the rear, growled out “I agree. Do you breathe or just absorb oxygen through your tongue?”
I chuckled quietly at her gasp. “Excuse me. Who are you?” she barked out horrified.
“The men with the bleeding ears” Boss shouted and I snorted but butted in before she got too upset. “Leah everything’s fine but I need you to decline with Wesley and Halo. Barney, I can do in a couple of weeks and arrange Elizabeth for probably end of next week?” I finished with a query.
She huffed and puffed as she went over my diary and I rolled my eyes again. “Nope E. Thursday you’ve got the Scottish morning TV performance and then you’ve got the talk show with Keith Kershaw don’t forget and Friday you’ve got to travel back, so it’ll have to be the beginning of the week after.”
Blowing out a huge breath I confirmed with her and ‘accidently’ disconnected the call.
Jax was staring at me and I glanced at him “Everything okay Jax?”
His eyebrows went high as he scoffed “Babe. Do you have a private life?” I laughed bitterly at that and shook my head as my phone rang again.
Groaning I hit accept on the dash “Christ Leah. What now?”
“Well, well, well. Eve fucking Hudson” the male voice growled and I knew instinctively who it was.
I shot a sideways glance at Jax and cringed. “I’m on Bluetooth and I have company. Can you give me ten minutes to pull over?” I asked nervously.
“Five. Be ready” he ordered as he disconnected.
“Babe?” Jax asked suspiciously.
“Just a private call I need to take Jax” I told him as I pulled over into a layby and wrenched my phone off the holder as I opened my door. “I won’t be long.”
Exiting the car, my legs wobbled and I cursed myself for showing my nervousness in front of Jax and Boss.
I walked to the curb and waited.
I wasn’t quite sure how I was going to handle this and I nearly dropped my phone when it rang.
“I’m here” I told him.
“It’s ‘bout fucking time” he snarled and I turned away from Jax and Boss’s inquisitive looks. “It’s the first time you’ve rang” I argued as I endeavoured to keep my voice calm.
“But you were supposed to ring me weren’t you?”
I sighed loudly. “What do you want?”
He laughed loudly and it was the kind of laugh that sent chills down your spine and through your blood “You know what we want Eve.”
“Look. I’ve had the damn thing for seven years and I haven’t shown it to anybody. I can promise you that I won’t” I offered but he laughed again.
“Well you won’t need to keep it then will you” he jeered and I bit my lip anxiously.
“You know I’m not going to give it you so…how we gonna resolve this?” I closed my eyes as if to hide from him even though I knew he couldn’t see me anyway.
He barked out another laugh. “We gonna resolve it by you giving it to us” he demanded casually.
Running my fingers through my hair, I rotated my neck sideways and shifted my eyes around to make sure I wasn’t being watched…or targeted.
“I can’t do that” I said quietly.
He tutted mockingly. “Now you see, that’s not a very wise decision Eve. You’re gonna make my boss a very unhappy man.” He warned and I swallowed heavily “Such a shame when you have such a beautiful voice.” He finished and the line went dead.
Oh crap!
I stared at my phone for a few minutes as though I expected it to count down and blow up, then I made my way back to the car.
The guys were silent as they watched me buckle in and pull off. “Clue us in babe” Jax ordered with narrow eyes but I put on a smile and turned to him “Everything’s fine. Just something I had to sort out for somebody.”
Christ! Even the most gullible person wouldn’t have fallen for that.
The car was silent for a few moments and I set my attention on the road, repetitively checking my mirrors to divert my attention from the thick atmosphere around me.
“Bullshit babe” Jax said eventually but I ignored him.
The silence grew even thicker and it was becoming difficult to breathe so I opened my window a little, frantically striving to pull some air into my tight lungs.
I thanked god silently when we pulled into the vet’s car park and I was out of the car before the guy’s, my legs practically running across the tarmac but I could still feel Jax’s glare through the space between us.
Bill smiled widely as we entered and I grinned back. “Just in time Eve. He’s just woken up and so far he looks good” he divulged with a beaming face.
“Bill. I owe you big” I said as I hugged him tight.
He rubbed my arm and gestured to the back room with his chin. “Go on through.”
I bounced excitedly as I peeked my face around the corner of the door.
I could hear the thud of his tail on the wall of his cage before I heard his yap.
“My beautiful boy” I whispered as tears pooled in my eyes and I settled on the floor in front of him.
He tried to drag himself onto my knee as I opened the door but I held him back. “Oh no, you don’t. Stay there big man, I’ll come to you” I told him sternly as I snaked my arm in and scratched behind his ear.
“Hey dude” Boss said from behind me as he settled a hand on my shoulder. “See hot stuff. I told you he’d be fine.”
I nodded and smiled back up at him.
Bruce whined a tune and I knew what he wanted. “What do you want today then?” I asked him. He answered with a low howl, it was all he could manage but I was so proud of him.
I treat him to Guns N’ Roses ‘Sweet Child o’ Mine’ and his tail tapped in rhythm before Bill came in.
“Don’t wear him out Eve. He won’t sleep while you’re here and he needs to rest” he said and I nodded again.
My phone was ringing nonstop in my bag and I grit my teeth against it. I was spending a precious moment with my boy and some people needed to learn the act of respect.
r /> Even though they didn’t know what I was doing at that moment but I still thought it rude.
I leaned in and kissed Bruce as did Boss and we walked back into the reception. “I have to go back down to London tomorrow but Aaron will be in. Just send the bill to Leah and she’ll sort it but I’ll be back up Sunday if he’s out by then” I informed Bill.
He smiled softly “He should be out for Saturday so I’ll deal with Aaron.”
I smiled tightly as my phone rang again, just as Jax’s and Boss’s rang. We all eyed each other warily, knowing something was wrong as all of them went together.
As I pulled mine from my bag, I frowned when I saw Romeo on the screen.
“Hey” I answered. My skin prickled when I heard sirens in the distance. “Romeo?” I asked hesitantly.
“FUCK!!!!” Jax yelled beside me as he spoke to someone on his phone and I grew even more worried.
“Romeo?” I asked again. “Jax will fill you in, I gotta go” he said before he disconnected.
Jax was staring at me, his face full of anguish and my heart stuttered. “Just tell me” I barked out.
“Babe…” he choked out.
“God damn it! Tell me!” I demanded.
“Your house babe.”
I opened my hands in a ‘What?’ gesture as I glanced at Boss’s white face.
“What the hell is wrong with my house?”
I was seriously getting pissed off now as they both stared at me.
Shocking Heaven Page 29