Southwest Truths (Semiautomatic Sorceress Book 3)

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Southwest Truths (Semiautomatic Sorceress Book 3) Page 25

by Kal Aaron

  Although I enjoyed taking a detour to Last Remnant, I plan to get Lyssa back to the streets of the Shadow world soon. I wanted to provide a glimpse of the kind of lost glory underlying every plan and scheme in the Illuminated Society.

  We’ve come a long way from the original concept of a demon hunter from Chicago, but I’m ecstatic with how this storyline has developed. I’ve even happier with how positively it has been received by readers.

  Writing, like all art, is a form of baring one’s soul. There’s an inherent vulnerability to the act.

  All writers understand they can’t please everyone, and the risk of rejection comes with putting creations out into the world, but your embrace of Lyssa and her adventures has made this whole project worthwhile. A novel with no readers is nothing more than a long, drawn-out way to talk to oneself.

  I’ve enjoyed developing this world and characters along with Mike, and I’m grateful for the editorial and beta reader feedback that has made this book was it is.

  There are plenty of stories remaining to be told about Lyssa and the Illuminated Society, and I hope I’ll be able to keep you entertained.

  Thanks again for reading!


  Please note you can contact me at [email protected]. If you want to be added to my new releases mailing list, please go to and fill out the form on the bottom of the page.

  Author Notes - Michael Anderle

  April 2, 2021

  Thank you for reading through this story to the author's notes here in the back!

  I’ve had an interesting learning week, and the other thing I delved into was Unreal Engine for building movies.

  I’ve been working on this concept for what seems like years. Well, technically, it IS years. However, the process has been very slow.

  For example, the first covers we built related to doing entertainment with digital actors was the series Protected by the Damned (Click here )

  You see Katie on the front cover, and later, you will see Pandora as well. These are two examples of models LMBPN owns that we have used to play in the background.


  Well, the short answer is being on the bleeding edge is @#T%@#% (read hellishly, pun intended) expensive.

  LMBPN has grown by self-funding our company to the tune of easily over a million dollars a year for the last couple of years. We don’t have the extra funds to play in what was a bleeding edge area of technology.

  But we were—sort of.

  I have been spending between $60k-$100k a year on efforts to learn more about the technology by hiring someone and having them learn while also working on projects that helped sell books, like creating covers.

  I’ve used some of our R&D projects in advertising.

  Frankly, anytime I could use what we needed to play with in some form or capacity for generating income, I would. The Protected by the Damned series is the answer to us working with 3D models but using what we were learning to generate covers and 3D assets we could use later too.

  Also, acquisition of resources.

  To do covers, you need a LOT of purchased 3D assets (guns, buildings, vehicles, clothes (so many clothes!) and special effects). Over the last three years, we have accumulated a pretty large selection of software, hardware, and digital assets for our little—and I do mean—studio.

  I’ve used the time to learn more in small pieces as my mental capacity allowed me to go play. I’ve spent time learning about purchasing music compositions, and LMBPN has built up a name for doing audio and the contacts.

  Audio narration that is used for both selling audiobooks and building small animated stories.

  Eventually, I hope that to produce our stories from book to audio to graphic novels and then animated tv or movies.

  It might be a stretch, but hopefully, I have another ten or fifteen years in me yet.

  See you next book!

  Ad Aeternitatem,

  Michael Anderle

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  About Kal Aaron

  Kal Aaron loves a good challenge, whether it’s intelligence analysis, programming, or research science. After years of bouncing around the academic and corporate worlds, he was blessed with a family and the rare opportunity to make a living telling entertaining lies.

  When not imagining dangerous fantasy worlds, he spends his time in the deserts of the American Southwest with his feisty wife, children, and pet bird.

  Books By Kal Aaron

  Semiautomatic Sorceress

  Southwest Nights (Book one)

  Southwest Days (Book two)

  Southwest Truths (Book three)

  Books By Michael Anderle

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  For a complete list of books by Michael Anderle, please visit:




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