Becomes the Rose

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Becomes the Rose Page 5

by Pelaam

  Tarin stood up from where he’d been lying on the four-poster bed. Boyce’s home was a veritable mansion, and when he and the other vampires returned there had seemed to be people everywhere. Boyce had led him upstairs, leaving Flynn to begin explanations, and promised to return as soon as possible. He’d been served a beautifully prepared meal in the room but he missed his lover. Tarin could not stop the niggling inner voice that kept trying to insinuate that now that Boyce was free he no longer needed him.

  He stood at the French windows and drew back the thick lace. The garden had small lanterns hanging from the trees and solar powered blue lights picked out pathways. A large fountain was illuminated and it looked beautiful and ethereal but Tarin sighed and turned away. His eyes raked the room.

  The bed, bureau, dresser, and wardrobe were all in the same pale wood and looked antique. Tarin remembered Boyce’s origins and wondered whether the furniture was centuries old like the vampire himself. The walls were papered in muted greens and golds which were faintly echoed in the pastel green and cream bedding.

  And Tarin would have given it all up for the attic floor back in Boyce’s other home if only his lover was there.

  He decided to look for Boyce, hoping he would find him quickly. Tarin opened the door and peered around. He had not really looked around as he’d been brought in because there had been too much to take in. Now he was looking at furniture and furnishings and artworks that looked expensive, exquisite, and original.

  He walked down the staircase and was relieved to see Flynn heading towards him.

  “How’s Eric?” he asked immediately.

  “Recovering well, thanks to you.” Flynn smiled. “Boyce is sorry he has been so long, Tarin, but when we arrived a message was sent to the vampire who is overlord to our clan. He wanted to meet Boyce and have the situation fully explained. I think Boyce is at the end of his tether.” The blond grinned. “As much as he respects Varick, he wants to be with you.” The blond’s countenance became serious. “Varick wishes to meet you. He cannot stand in your way in regards to becoming Boyce’s mate, however, you will be in a position of power and one that commands respect from many of my kind as well as your own. It’s quite a responsibility.”

  “I don’t know…” Tarin began shaking his head, but the blond’s big hands caught and held tightly to his upper arms.

  “Don’t begin to doubt you can do it before you even try,” Flynn said reassuringly. “Thanks to you, we are all safe and free. You’ve already shown courage, intelligence, resourcefulness and, very importantly to Varick, fealty.”

  Feeling a mixture of embarrassment, nervousness, and anticipation, Tarin let Flynn lead him into a large sitting room. There, the most overwhelming emotion became love as Boyce immediately rose to meet him and enfolded him in a tight embrace with a soft sigh of pleasure. Tarin melded against his lover, opening his mouth and silently inviting the vampire to plunder its depths. By the time the kiss broke he was flushed and panting.

  “So this is your intended.”

  The amused voice had both men turning and Tarin stared at the man before him. Dressed simply in charcoal grey slacks and a black cashmere sweater, the slight blond before him looked nothing like Tarin would have expected of a powerful vampire lord. However, he had no real idea just how old Varick might actually be. As if reading his mind, the other man smiled easily and tilted his head.

  “I am indeed quite a bit older than Boyce, although outward appearances would belie that fact,” he said laughingly. “I am Varick, lord of Boyce’s clan and of several others in this vicinity as well as elsewhere. I am very pleased to meet you, Tarin. Your bravery and resourcefulness saved people precious to me.”

  “Thank you,” Tarin said, extending his hand to the blond and blushing.

  “You’re a lucky man, Boyce,” Varick said. “He’s quite exquisite. Now, I’m not so old that I don’t know you’re both itching to be alone. So I will do this very quickly and arrange for a more formal celebration in due course. Pascal du Bois, is this the man you wish to take as your consort?”

  “Yes, he is,” Boyce said, filled with love as he gazed at his lover.

  “Tarin Medway, do you wish to become as one of us, a denizen of twilight, and do you want to be taken as consort of Boyce?”

  “I do,” Tarin said without hesitation.

  “Then I suggest you make your arrangements with Flynn, and I will see you both when Tarin has recovered.”

  “Thank you, Varick,” Boyce said. He almost dragged Tarin from the room, speaking rapidly to Flynn before scooping Tarin in his arms and returning him to his bedroom.

  Tarin was stunned to find they were both naked, his lover already kneeling between his spread thighs, within seconds.

  “Boyce,” he moaned, desperate to progress their lovemaking.

  Boyce understood the unspoken urgency. A low, feral growl escaped him as he settled over Tarin, pushing his weight onto the younger man. He aligned their already hard members and ground down. In response, Tarin whimpered, pushing upwards, and Boyce knew the younger man would be helpless to prevent himself from being pulled along by the current of their shared passion. His tongue traced along the jawline of the younger man, caressing down his lover’s bared throat and across his slender torso before finding a taut nub and taking it into his mouth. He nipped and sucked each in turn before his attention focused on his lover’s dripping erection and he enveloped it in his mouth.

  Groaning appreciatively around the hard, hot shaft filling his mouth, Boyce found Tarin’s desire an incredible aphrodisiac, making him harder than he had ever been before. He sucked, nipped, and licked in long, slow, teasing movements or swift, sharp strikes over his lover’s turgid flesh. One hand reached to stroke over his mate’s writhing body. He tweaked one nipple, pulled on the ring in the other, ghosted over ribs, played with the crisp fur at the base of Tarin’s member, and relished the moans and whimpers emanating from his lover. The other hand dipped into the oil Flynn had left, and his fingers pierced deeply into his lover’s molten core.

  Arching as his nipple was amorously assaulted, Boyce’s nips and tugs going straight to his groin, Tarin moaned appreciatively. He gave a sound of momentary distress as Boyce moved away from his nipple, which became a pleasured sigh as the vampire moved to caress the other hard nub, playing with the piercing. His hands ran along the older man’s back and arms as Boyce moved along his body, teasing, tormenting, and soothing in turn.

  As Boyce slowly took Tarin’s shaft into his mouth and sucked strongly, Tarin found his nipples tightening further into hard, little nubs. He was totally, achingly erect in Boyce’s mouth, his hips bucking up into the moist, hot cavern. He choked off a scream of pleasure as the wet heat engulfed his rigid flesh from root to tip over and over. Writhing and mewling as he was held in place, he found himself at the mercy of Boyce’s sinfully talented mouth.

  “Please,” he begged.

  Another cry rent the air as a slick finger pressed proprietarily into Tarin’s tight channel. The digit expertly found and stroked across his sweet spot. A second finger joined the first within his body, stretching and slicking him, even as Boyce’s mouth continued to work his shaft. They stroked, delved, and spread inside him, and Tarin’s hips began to thrust eagerly.

  Tarin shuddered and bucked on Boyce’s fingers, the motions working to arouse him beyond coherent thought.

  Their gazes locked as Boyce’s eyes seemed to bore into his soul. Slowly, Boyce released Tarin’s hard shaft from his mouth, exquisite torture. With a last, slow, deliberate lick from root to tip of Tarin’s erection, Boyce lifted his head from the engorged flesh and knelt up between the wantonly spread legs. He seemed to drink in the sight of Tarin; aroused, desperate, needy, his body open and ripe to plunder. Tarin was not above begging for the return of his lover’s touches, if only he could find the voice to speak.

  Boyce knelt, looking down at the bountiful, erotic feast offered to him, and Tarin thought he’d never been more aroused. His v
ampire reached to stroke his own member and then coated it with the same oil he’d used when preparing Tarin. As Tarin watched, Boyce gave a wide, sultry smile and the younger man moaned, licking over suddenly dry lips.

  Torn between the loss of the hot, wet mouth and anticipation of what was to come, Tarin spread his legs even wider, inviting the older man into his body.

  “Please, Boyce,” Tarin cried as a third finger pressed inside, twisting with each thrust into his eager channel. “Now, please.”

  The wicked smile on Boyce’s lips thrilled Tarin, and he panted as the older man positioned himself between his trembling legs. Tarin writhed as Boyce’s hands ran along the soft, sensitive flesh of his inner thighs, fingers reaching higher and higher until they reached his groin. One hand slipped below to teasingly stroke over Tarin’s glistening portal, and Tarin shivered in delight. Then his lover paused, looking intently into Tarin’s eyes, and despite his arousal he knew Boyce was seeking the final affirmation.

  “Please, Boyce,” he said, his eyes pleading.

  Unable to take his eyes off his lover, Tarin watched as Boyce leaned forward, letting some of his weight rest across him before capturing Tarin’s lips in a passionate kiss. His tongue surged into Tarin’s mouth, pushing in and out, imitating the act to follow. Tarin could feel his vampire smile as he wrapped his legs around Boyce’s waist, impatiently urging him to complete their joining. Their lips reluctantly parted and Tarin sighed as Boyce’s mouth trailed down the side of his face. One hand now balanced his lover, and the other reached down to guide the vampire into position.

  “Tarin.” His lover’s voice was soft and gentle. “Tarin, my love, I want to be inside you. Will you let me come into you?”

  “Yes, Boyce, yes,” Tarin gasped eagerly. “Take me, Boyce.”

  Tarin heard a low growl as Boyce positioned himself against his entrance, towering over him. His hands were braced on his lover’s smooth, bare chest. Their eyes met; Tarin’s wide, almost desperate, and Boyce’s narrowed. Their gazes never wavered from each other as his vampire slowly and steadily entered Tarin. As he felt Boyce sink into his tight, hot sheath, Tarin smiled.

  “You… make me…”

  The words were spoken in a deep, sensual groan, the sound of which was so erotic Tarin thought he would come from that alone.


  With a choked sound of joy, Tarin reached to hold Boyce’s shoulders. This was where he belonged, and Tarin would soon belong to Boyce for eternity.

  Remembering to breathe deeply and calmly, Tarin let his body slowly relax around the large, hard shaft impaling him. He was unable to prevent a groan as Boyce slid deeper. His lover stopped a moment, pulled back, and pushed forward again. This time, his lover’s movement buried him to the hilt and Tarin cried out as his prostate was pressed hard.

  As Boyce’s hard flesh fully breached his highly-stimulated body, Tarin arched up in response, almost missing the sharp prick of fangs as they penetrated his neck. He felt his heartbeat increase, thudding rapidly as adrenaline added to arousal. Feelings of elation coursed through him as, with each glide and hard, deep, possessive thrust into his body, Boyce suckled at his neck. His legs tightened around the older man’s waist, hands gripping Boyce’s arms as he bucked upwards on each thrust, trying to deepen his lover’s penetration of his body.

  Tarin tightened his legs around Boyce’s hips, tilting his lower body upwards to take Boyce deeper still. Beginning to feel weak, he breathed hard, desperate for release at the hands of this man he loved more than life itself. He clenched his muscles tight around the iron-hard rod seated deep inside him and moaned.

  “Oh, Boyce, please,” he begged, his voice barely more than a puff of air.

  Boyce fought for control, wanting to make their coupling as pleasurable as possible for his lover. He suckled at the rich, intoxicating elixir, Tarin’s lifeblood, as his hips continued to thrust in smooth powerful movements.

  For a second, Boyce stilled, and then he growled gutturally and surged forward, taking Tarin with hot, powerful thrusts. Bracing himself, he pounded hard and fast into the younger man, the feral nature of his subconscious taking over. All his being was focused on bringing the man beneath him more pleasure than Tarin could ever dream of or need again. Boyce never ceased to suck, even as he plunged hard and fast and deep into his beloved’s body, unconsciously aiming for, and finding, the tiny nub that drove Tarin wild with ecstasy.

  Boyce heard a mewl of frustration escape Tarin as he moved away from his lover’s neck and his hips ceased their pleasurable pistoning motion. Looking down at Tarin, his lover arched his head back, freely offering his life’s essence. Tarin’s eyes watched him, obviously enraptured as Boyce licked an escaped drop of blood from his lips. He deliberately raised his own wrist to his mouth, opening the skin with his teeth and offering it to Tarin.

  “Join with me, Tarin,” Boyce rasped. It was the penultimate step. If Tarin would not, could not, feed from him, he would not turn his lover.

  As Tarin hesitated, Boyce thought he was being rejected and he was helpless to prevent the pain from showing in his eyes.

  “I love you, I want this,” Tarin panted. “I fear failing you. I’m not sure I’m worthy…”

  “You will never fail me,” Boyce assured him, elation coursing through him. “I love you. Join with me?”

  A single droplet of Boyce’s blood landed on the skin next to his lover’s mouth and he watched Tarin lick it away. His lover’s eyes widened as the taste exploded on his tongue. There was a salty, coppery flavour, but there was so much more. Strength, integrity, passion, love, it was all there, all open to him, and Boyce fought down the urge to bellow his victory as Tarin’s lips tentatively closed over the small wounds in his wrist, clearly afraid of causing hurt.

  Boyce groaned in a heady mix of elation, pleasure, and arousal. Tarin suckled with increasing fervour, feeding hungrily, and his desire for the young man increased exponentially.

  It was time.

  He could hold back no longer, and with a long, guttural moan, he thrust forward again. His pace increased incrementally until he slammed forward into Tarin’s tight heat. He drove his lover to the point of release again and again until Tarin was shaking and sweat-damp. He felt his lover suckle harder as slender hips moved instinctively to meet Boyce’s thrusts. Boyce could feel his body tightening like a wound coil as he approached his completion.

  He moved with preternatural speed, removing his wrist from Tarin’s mouth, pinning his lover’s head to the side, and exposing the bruised throat. His hips pistoned frenetically, each sharp, feral snap ramming Tarin’s sweet spot. At the moment of his lover’s orgasm, Boyce bit deeply, suckling vigorously at what remained of his lover’s human blood.

  Boyce knew that pleasure and pain had melded into one intense maelstrom of sensation for Tarin. His lover’s eyes were slightly unfocused as if seeing something beyond their surroundings. He groaned as his mate’s inner muscles clenched hard around him. Slender hands dug deeply into Boyce’s flesh as the vampire felt his lover’s seed spurt in fierce, staccato bursts between their stomachs. To Boyce’s deep, primal satisfaction, Tarin was lost in an orgasm that consumed his mate like a tsunami, relentless in its intent, seemingly unending. His lover shuddered uncontrollably, erotically beneath him with hitherto unknown pleasure.

  Without releasing his teeth from his mate’s throat, Boyce unleashed a howl that rose and fell as Tarin’s tight channel clamped with brutal strength around him. The hot sheath squeezed every millimetre of his length, from root to tip, driving him to his own euphoric completion. The feel of the contracting channel, the scent of his lover’s release, and the taste of the last of his mate’s blood were a powerful and irresistible aphrodisiac. Boyce’s hips snapped forward in quick, feral thrusts and then he bucked powerfully with the force of his orgasm. His essence pumped hotly, possessively, and deeply inside Tarin, marking the human indelibly as his for all time.

  As if from a distance, Boyce heard Tar
in’s muted wail and his lover shuddered as he stiffened and gave one final hard, deep thrust. Bursts of liquid heat heralded Boyce’s seed filling his lover. As it pulsed over Tarin’s sensitised prostate a secondary orgasm tore through his human, leaving Tarin weak and helpless in its wake and the vampire threw back his head and roared again. Boyce could hear Tarin’s heart stutter as the last of his life’s blood drained away. However, Boyce was over him, around him, inside him, possessing him utterly in every sense, and he guarded his lover as Tarin surrendered himself utterly.

  Gently, Boyce eased from the haven of his beloved’s body and gazed at the pale, naked form. Tarin needed to rest while Boyce’s blood made its slow, inexorable way throughout his body. When he awoke, it would be to feed once more. Boyce was already relishing Tarin’s recovery, and he dropped a tender kiss to lax lips. He smiled at the look of bliss on his lover’s face. A tap on the door caused him to turn away from the beloved visage.

  “Come,” he commanded imperiously. He raised an interrogatory eyebrow at Flynn as the blond entered carrying a white silk sheet, a fluffy white towel and face cloth draped over one arm and a lightly steaming bowl of vanilla-scented water in his hands.

  “Eric has fed and is resting. He wanted me to perform this as much I wanted to myself.”

  “I should have guessed.” Boyce smiled. He was pleased that it was his closest friend that would tend to his lover. He used the water to wash himself as well while he watched Flynn tenderly clean Tarin’s unresponsive body. Finally, the blond wrapped the silk sheet over the pale form, scooped him into his arms and offered him to Boyce.

  “He’s strong, Boyce,” Flynn said with a smile. “You and he make a good match.”

  As if aware of the words and in whose arms he now lay, Tarin made a small sound and tried to nestle closer to Boyce’s solid frame.


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