Monsters of the Apocalypse

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Monsters of the Apocalypse Page 14

by Rawlins, Jordan

  “You used to be human.”

  “I did. That’s true. But, I’m not anymore. The people you work for made sure of that. I mean, they didn’t mean for me to become this, they wanted me to be a corpse, which I think we can agree, isn’t human either.”

  “I didn’t have any part in that. I swear.”

  “I know you didn’t. If you were a person that high up, that important, you wouldn’t have been sent down here to... ah, now we come to the point. What exactly were you sent down here to do?”

  “If I tell you, will you promise not to eat me?”

  Jacob looked thoughtfully at the ground. He turned and looked at Arian who stood behind him, blending in with the darkening sky. Arian shrugged. Jacob turned back to the soldier and nodded.

  “Yes. I promise. Talk human.”

  “I was sent here to pose as a negotiator. I went to the survivors, the human survivors and said that I’d been caught, and taken to the King of the Mutants. I said that he’d let me live so that I could come to them and offer a truce.”

  “A truce?”

  “Yes. If they brought the head of Nestor Bravo to the King of the Mutants, he would agree to a human and mutant truce.”

  “Why on earth would the King of the Mutants want Nestor Bravo’s head?”

  “So that he can talk to all of his people. Bravo's camera is the greatest form of communication left on the mainland.”

  Jacob nodded and stood up. The soldier went to stand himself, but Jacob kicked him in the stomach, knocking him back to the ground, breathless.

  “Clever. Nestor dies. The mutants betray the deal, since they never knew about it. You Islanders declare war on the mutants in his name. October becomes loved again. Yes, very clever. I wish I were clever enough to think of something like that. Whoever thought of that was a genius!"

  Jacob burst into hysterics and turned to Arian who still stood silent and unmoving.

  "What's so funny, Jacob?" the soldier croaked as he continued to gasp for air.

  Jacob spun around and kicked the soldier in the stomach a second time.

  "Nothing, my boy. Now, they are coming to get you then?”

  “Yes,” the soldier managed to squeak out.


  “I can get there...”

  “No, you can’t. These woods, this world, it’s filled with mutants. You won’t make it without my help. Without my protection, why, you’ll be dead in minutes. I mean, Arian never promised not to eat you, did you Arian?"

  Arian smiled while shaking his head in the negative.

  "Where’s the pickup, soldier?”

  “A clearing about two miles from here. Called Hilltop Park.”

  “Then that’s where we’ll take you," Jacob said and then nodded at Arian. "You want to knock him out or should I?”

  "I'll do it."

  “What?” the soldier shrieked.

  “Nothing personal, soldier. I can’t trust you. You could signal or send a message, who knows what you’re capable of? No, you need to be unconscious, but don’t worry, I give you my word that you’ll make your flight. Now, don’t struggle.”

  The man felt his throat close as Arian's arm choked him from behind. The last thing he saw before he passed out was Jacob standing in front of him, reaching into his coat. He hoped he would wake up.

  Chapter 54


  Nestor had moved his wrists against the ropes for what seemed like hours, but alone in the darkness, in the silence of this new dead world, it was impossible to tell time. He didn’t rest or pause. When he felt his skin open up, he didn’t stop. When he lost the feeling in his hands, he didn’t stop. He didn’t stop until he heard the first gunshot.

  Nestor held perfectly still and listened. There was another shot. This second shot came from a high-gauge rifle by the sound of it. Next there came screaming, followed by a returning volley of handgun fire. Nestor focused on his breathing as he waited for the return of the rifle shot. In three breaths he heard it. It came from farther away this time. Either the gunman had moved during the hand gunfire, or there was more than one rifleman up there. Nestor took a moment to think of the possibilities. He could think of no one in the world who would come to save him. Steal him, yes. Kill him, yes. Hunt him. Torture him. He could think of people who would do any of those things, but not one name came to mind as the possibility of a savior. He began jerking his wrists with newfound vigor, unaware that he was doing it in time to the rhythmic, efficient firing of the rifle.

  There were more screams and then the sound of footsteps in the house above. Nestor heaved the full force of his body, torquing his spine against the restraints, but found himself no closer to escape. He maintained the tension as the screams were cut short by rifle shots and the thud of a body falling on the floor above. Finally Nestor collapsed, panting, no closer to freedom and listened to the footsteps above. They stopped. Nestor held his breath. He wasn’t certain where he was, but he assumed the entrance would be hidden, perhaps locked. He wondered which was preferable: for whoever was standing above him to find him and to be at their mercy, or to be left helplessly tied to a table and slowly die?

  The footsteps started up again and then he heard the door at the top of the stairs shudder under the weight of someone’s shoulder. The thuds continued with the same slow rhythm that had characterized the rifle shots. Each impact was hard, heavy, solid, and exactly the same as the last. Nestor could tell by the solid consistency of the impacts that that the thing on the other side of the door was not ever going to quit. They, or it, would keep pounding away until the door collapsed and then Nestor would have to face that same determination.

  Nestor closed his eyes to the light that poured in from above as the door shattered into a million pieces.

  Chapter 55


  Caleb and Mary had just finished dinner. They were laughing.

  When the knock came at the door Caleb glanced at his watch. He'd known it was coming, but now that it was here, he couldn't believe it. Suddenly, faced with it, he realized he needed more time, that he wasn't ready. He opened the door. The Indian looked pale and sick. Caleb glanced over his shoulder at Mary who stared back expectantly. Caleb smiled at her with a forced calm, then turned back to face the Indian.

  "It's time, Caleb. I'm sorry."

  "Let me grab a few things. I'll be out in a minute."

  "Take as much time as you need," the Indian nodded as Caleb closed the door.

  Caleb went and kneeled down in front of Mary with his arms out.

  "It's time. You're ready. Give me a hug."

  She hugged him without question and kissed his cheek.

  "You remember everything I told you? One more time, tell me what you'll do if…"

  "I can do it, Caleb. I can."

  "I know you can, baby."

  Caleb smiled and pulled the little girl into his lap. She looked up at him with her big eyes.

  "You don't teach anyone, Mary. You don't teach anyone ever, okay?"

  "You taught me."

  "That’s different. To me you're like… Listen, people, they're cruel and they're unpredictable. Always make sure they need you and you don't need them. Don't ever lose that power, okay?"

  "I know you have to, but I don't want you to go."

  He smiled and looked away from the girl. She saw the slightest of tears building in his eye. He was looking at the screen in the corner where Nestor was walking through an empty town.

  "Like your daughter?" she asked.


  "Was that what you were going to say? That I was like your daughter?"

  "Yeah," Caleb said with a choked sob.

  She nuzzled into his chest and squeezed him hard.

  "Who are you going to stay away from, baby?"

  "Actors, musicians and anyone else who needs people to clap for them."

  "Atta, girl."

  Caleb got up and walked towards the door.

  "I love you, Caleb."

I love you, kid."

  Chapter 56


  Miho walked down the street, only occasionally glancing up from her tablet to see where she was going. She barely managed to stop before colliding with Sage Carnegie who stood in the middle of the street. The men to either side of him were large and solid. Miho sighed slightly as she slid her tablet away and looked up at Sage Carnegie who was now smiling in front of her.

  "Good evening, Ms. Walker. What on earth would bring you out of the Presidential Compound at such a late hour?"

  "I'm going to visit…"

  "Dr. Taggert. The code specialist. Of course."

  "Yes, I imagine your spy, the maid, told you that, Sage. Excuse me, you're in my way."

  "Oh are we? I apologize, no harm intended I assure you. Though, since I do have you here, perhaps you could do me a favor, Ms. Walker?"


  "I would like to see that tablet that you are so often typing on. I can just tell that you're the sort of assistant who records everything for her boss, don't you?"

  Miho stared ahead with her eyes unblinking.

  "Look, Ms. Walker, you seem a bright and capable woman. Clearly you must see what's happening with your boss? October has always been a fool, of course. Since childhood I'm afraid my nephew has always been… weak. But, up until now, he's known his place and how to follow orders. There's nothing more dangerous, Ms. Walker, I assure you, than a fool in power with no oversight."

  "And you wish to be that oversight?"

  "Yes, me and the rest of the Founders that is."

  "You're an idiot just like your nephew, so I see no benefit in helping you."

  The old man drew back at the insult, but quickly regained his smile in front of the tiny woman.

  "I see that the large tree of a man that watches over you didn't escort you tonight. What's his name? Agent Flores, right?"

  "He's running an errand for me," Miho said without emotion.

  "You should have let him run this one. I always bring my security guards with me. Given, we should be safe on The Island, but it never hurts to have a trained killer with you, hm?"

  Miho simply stared at the two large men with Sage Carnegie, who shifted disconcertingly under her ceaseless gaze.

  "You are a striking woman, so exotic. What are you exactly? One parent is Asian I'd guess?"

  "My mother was Korean. My father is Jewish."

  "Indeed? Lovely combination it appears. I would be so fascinated to see what such an exotic mix would do when mixed with that of an Anglo-Saxon like myself. Do you think the child would be pretty?"

  "Most of your children are ugly despite the attractive wives you've bought over the years. Ugliness is a family characteristic that seems to be dominant."

  The old man moved closer and put his hand softly around her throat.

  "Well let's find out then shall we?"

  "No. I think I'll just kill all of you instead, Mr. Carnegie"

  In the dark of the street, Miho became a black swirling blur with only the silver edge of her Eunjangdo knife catching the moonlight. The antique Korean steel of the blade was quickly covered with blood as she opened main arteries on the three men with three precise motions. The men fell to the ground, confused looks on their dead faces. She took a breath as the blood on the knife dripped down into the puddle that was slowly spreading outward from the three corpses. Miho bent over and wiped the blood off the blade with the old man's coat and then slid it back into the sheath that was hidden in her sleeve.

  Miho thoughtlessly pushed a stray hair back into place as she walked down the street, her tablet held firm in her steady hand as she moved on to her next appointment.

  Chapter 57


  “This is the pickup spot,” Arian said dropping the soldier on the ground.

  “Help me turn him over so we can take his pants off,” Jacob said as he pulled out a syringe.


  “They’re going to review him upon his return. The place their least likely to look for any spots, also happens to be the part of the body that a young man like this is least likely to complain about feeling irritation. So, that’s where we inject.”

  Arian helped Jacob take off the man's pants and turn him over. Jacob separated the man's cheeks.

  “Kind of wish there was another place.”

  “Me too, Arian, but that’s the thing about a war: you have to do unpleasant things.”


  Jacob stopped, the needle a millimeter from the skin, and looked up at Arian.

  “Yes, Arian?”

  “Are you sure about this? If you're wrong...”

  “If I’m wrong then you are an accessory to the death of what's left of mankind. Are you having doubts, Arian?”

  “We've always gone against the Founders and their kind. We've always defended mankind. We've never put innocent people at risk. Are you sure, Jacob?”

  “No. I’m not. What I am sure of is that the only reason to think mankind is worth saving, in a larger, good for the world sense, is if you’re a part of it. Which we’re not. Once you accept that, you’ll feel better.”

  Jacob pushed down the plunger on the syringe as Arian looked on uncertainly.

  Chapter 58


  When Nestor opened his eyes the room was still almost pitch black. It took him a moment to realize that the doorway was in fact still open, but what was standing in the doorway was so big that nothing but two pinholes of light slipped in. Nestor squinted at the big shape in the doorway and made out the silhouette of a human hand, rather than a claw. It was a man, a giant one, but a man. The silhouette was perfectly still and made no sound. Nestor guessed the man was waiting for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. Nestor wondered at the man’s calm patience. Nestor wondered why the man didn’t reach for a light switch or say a word.

  Finally, with heavy, even steps, the man moved down the stairs into the darkness. Nestor felt a large hand gently touching his face. It slowly moved down to his mouth and removed the gag.

  “Thanks. Who are you?”

  “I can’t say,” the man whispered.

  “Why don’t you turn on the lights?”

  “I can’t let you see me yet. Can you promise to keep your eyes closed when I tell you to?” the whisper was almost inaudible.

  “Can you promise I’ll live long enough to open them?”

  “No, that I can’t do, Nestor, that’s God’s Will. But, I promise we won’t live through the hour if you don’t.”

  Nestor took a moment to think about this.

  “My eyes are closed on your word.”

  “Thank you.”

  Nestor felt the ropes from his wrists come loose.

  “The man who was keeping me here? The one who tied me down?”

  “He’s dead.”

  Nestor smiled in the darkness.

  “It’s for the best.”

  The man put his arms underneath Nestor’s back and legs.

  “That was very clever. Close your eyes, Mr. Bravo.”

  Nestor then felt himself lifted up and carried into the light that burned red against the back of his eyelids. He heard the footsteps of the man and then the opening of a car door. He was laid gently down in the back seat.

  "I'm sorry about this, but, now I'm going to put a blindfold on you. It's a long drive and you can't be expected to keep your eyes closed for so long. I'm afraid we'll have to go off road, so it won't be a smooth drive, but try and sleep, you look like you need it."

  Nestor just grunted and then for a long time listened to nothing but the sound of the tires passing from road to dirt and then back. Once the car had stopped there was the sound of conversation, though Nestor couldn't make out any words. Finally he was once again gently lifted and carried. He was placed in a chair and the blindfold was removed. After so long in the dark, the light was blinding and he couldn’t see where he was. There was a sensation of a needle hitting the vein in his arm and then he passed ou

  He woke to a voice.

  “Hold still, this will only take a second.”

  Nestor focused on the sting that enveloped his wrists as his vision returned. He saw that it was a young man with bright blonde hair and blue eyes that was pouring alcohol on the cuts on his wrists. It made his lip curl, but he didn’t make a sound. The young man, who Nestor noticed to be small and delicate in build, spread some sort of ointment on the wounds and then wrapped them in bandages. The young man smiled and then left the room. Nestor looked over at the window.

  “Don’t go near that window.”

  Nestor turned and looked at a giant man who sat in the far corner of the room, his chair leaned back against the wall. The giant man had piercing blue eyes and short hair the same bright blonde as the young man's. His voice was the one that had spoken to him in the dark. The man studied a piece of paper in his hand with a grim look on his face.

  “Why not?”

  “For the moment, because I saved your life and I’m asking you not to.”

  “For the moment that’s good enough. How come I’m allowed to look at you now?”

  “This here," the man held up the piece of paper he'd been reading, "is a list of what’s wrong with you. While you were under, we did tests. You’re not a well man, Nestor.”

  “You felt you had a right to read my results? You don’t believe in privacy?”

  At this the man smiled and nodded his head.

  “How do you think everyone keeps finding you, Nestor? In the mall? In that basement? Why do you think that all of the sudden you can’t hide anymore? You must have suspicions.”

  Nestor didn’t say anything. He just stared at the man’s grin.

  “Do you have a cigarette?”

  “No, Nestor, I don't."

  "Who are you?"

  "Call me Bragg. I'm the leader of the human resistance.”

  Chapter 59


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