Confetti at the Cornish Café

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Confetti at the Cornish Café Page 6

by Phillipa Ashley

  ‘That will be a lot less trouble than the wedding. Is there anything else I can do to help?’

  ‘Not yet, thanks. I think I’m ready for that: or at least, Demelza’s is. We’ve closed for the day, which will help, and it’s a quiet time of year so I don’t think we’ll miss out. Robyn and Polly are going to lay out the buffet while we’re at the church ready for when we come back and stay to clear up. I’ve made the quiches and tarts and Rachel’s friend has made the cake. I hope it all works out OK but it seemed mad to let Dad and Rachel hire a pub or cafe when Demelza’s could put on as good a spread.’

  ‘It’ll be even better than anywhere else could do. And I’m here to give a hand any way you want. Happy to put on the apron and Marigolds any time.’

  She smiles. ‘It’s not help with the washing up I’ll need. I don’t think I could face the day without you, even though I’m getting to know Dad and Rachel so much better now. I’m relieved that you’re coming to the church.’

  ‘Of course I’m coming. I’m not suddenly going to bail out and abandon you.’

  She smiles in relief. ‘I know you’re not into these big formal family occasions, not that it’ll be that big or really that formal, but I’ll be on show to all our relatives. Some of them haven’t forgiven me for “abandoning my father and choosing to live like a tramp”, according to my horrible Auntie Serena.’

  ‘I’ll keep her away from you.’ I hug her and try to distract her from the ordeal ahead. ‘How many are you catering for?’

  ‘I think there’ll be about twenty in total, counting us, some friends and relatives on both sides plus my brother, Kyle, of course. Dad and Rachel wanted to time the christening with him being home on leave from the army. I’m excited about seeing him but also nervous because it’s been a couple of years since I saw him. We weren’t that close at home and while I’m getting used to the idea of being a family again. I’m sure there’ll be people there I haven’t seen for years and who will be on my case for leaving Dad … like Serena.’

  Demi mimes a fingers-down-throat action then rolls her eyes. She has my full sympathy where families are concerned but I have to suppress a smile. She manages to look sexy, covered in flour dust and pulling a face. Gently, I pull her down to sit on my lap and she doesn’t object. ‘Demi, Demi, there is no way in the world that I would miss your little sister’s christening or leave you to face the day alone. I will be there, so please stop stressing and try to enjoy it.’

  ‘Hmm,’ she says, very unconvinced, and I can hardly blame her. The relationship is still at an early stage although I know she adores the baby and is getting to know Rachel and rebuilding bridges with her father. I can well understand that a formal family occasion would freak her out. There are a few of my relations who were less than impressed with me spending most of my time abroad over the past few years, though I don’t care. They have no idea of the full story.

  ‘Rachel and Gary must be pleased you’re taking care of the catering.’

  She brightens. ‘I think so. They’ve only recently moved back into their cottage in the cove and it’s far too small for an event like this.’

  ‘Considering they were flooded out at Christmas, they’re very lucky to be back in so soon,’ I say, reminding us both of the devastation wreaked on St Trenyan and the surrounding coast by the tidal surge the day before Christmas Eve.

  ‘The damage wasn’t quite as bad as expected and their insurance company was one of the ones that paid out quickly, unlike some.’ She strokes my arm idly, leaving tiny traces of flour on the brushed cotton of my shirt. ‘Thanks for sparing some time to help with the repair work. It meant a lot to them to move out of Rachel’s cousin’s flat and get back into their own place and start enjoying life with Freya.’

  ‘I didn’t mind at all. It’s lucky that your dad is an electrician and has so many mates in the trade who could lend a hand.’

  ‘It also helps that he’s been off the booze he took to after my mum died. Starting up his own business has been really good for him …’ Demi toys with the top button of my shirt, unbuttoning it absent-mindedly but making me shift in my seat. This conversation is going to end with both of us in bed if she stays here much longer. Surely that would a good thing for both of us, not that I need any excuse to take her to bed at any time. ‘Even though I’ve spent more time with them all and things are going well with Dad, I can’t help feeling nervous about Sunday.’

  ‘You’ll be absolutely fine. It’s tough to rebuild relationships with family you thought you’d never see again for one reason or another but Demelza’s is fresh territory and you’re all making a new start.’ I rub my hand along her thigh, enjoying the feel of her shapely bottom in my lap. ‘And let’s look on the bright side: any social occasion that doesn’t include Mawgan Cade has to be a bonus.’


  Two weeks later


  ‘Come in, out of this bitterly cold wind. Who’d ever think it was the first day of spring? Oh, let me see the babe. She’s turning into such a little poppet. Such a lovely name too. Classic … nothing made-up or daft like some have now, and the shawl is beautiful. Reminds me of one my grandma made for me back in the day.’

  Rachel glows with pride as Polly coos over Freya Penelope, who is now fast asleep, her little pink face nestled in a lacy bundle of wool. One hand has escaped her wrappings and her tiny fingers are curled around a scrap of shawl as if she knows it’s been made just for her and she’ll never let it go.

  Cal was right. This social occasion doesn’t involve Mawgan Cade and it’s been way more enjoyable than I expected. So what if the leading lady was a bit of a drama queen when St Trenyan’s vicar, affectionately known as Rev Bev, poured water over her head? One of the christening guests told me it’s considered lucky if the baby cries at that moment. In that case, Freya should go on to win the lottery several times over.

  ‘I bet you could hear her howls from the harbour,’ I whisper to Cal, following the christening party out of the raw March afternoon into the warmth of Demelza’s. Despite the cutting wind, Kilhallon seems to have burst into life since Ben and Lily’s visit a few weeks ago. The sunnier hedgerows are already dotted with yellow primroses and the copse is studded with little white flowers that Polly told me are wood anemones.

  Rachel’s sister and cousin did the honours as godmothers while Kyle acted as Freya’s godfather. I didn’t mind not being asked. I’m not religious and also I think Dad knew that I wouldn’t want the spotlight on me in such a public way. I’m far more comfortable handling the venue and catering – and most of all, I’m just so happy to be Freya’s big sister.

  I watched Kyle taking on the role of godfather in quiet amazement. It’s been almost three years and he’s shot up: he’s a good few inches taller than Dad, and even a bit taller than Cal. Even though he’s in a suit, you can tell he’s in the army from the way he stands very upright and proud, with his shoulders back. His tawny hair is cropped short and his tanned cheeks are chiselled from all the exercise and drills. I have also never seen his shoes more shiny: when he was young, Mum could never get him out of his battered old Converses or trainers.

  We didn’t have much time to chat at the church as we were a little late arriving but managed a quick word and a hug while a few photos were taken in the church porch. Now we’re back at the cafe, I’m hoping to catch up some more with Kyle.

  Cal starts taking people’s coats and I head to the kitchens to make sure Polly and Robyn are OK with laying out the buffet. All the staff have had the afternoon off.

  Polly practically bundles me out of the kitchen. ‘No, Demi, you’re not coming in here today.’

  ‘Polly’s so right,’ Robyn adds, words I never thought I’d hear from her as she’s generally not our blunt PA’s biggest fan. ‘You’re going to relax and enjoy the party. You must have so many people to catch up with, especially Kyle. He’s quite cute, if he was my thing, that is.’

  ‘Ha ha,’ I say. ‘Are you sure I can�
�t help out with the tea and coffee? Have the ovens been OK? Because I was worried you’d have trouble with the temperature control. They’re so different to the Aga.’

  ‘Demi. Get out of here!’ Polly and Robyn chime in unison and Robyn virtually frogmarches me into the cafe area. The truth is that I’d feel far more comfortable in the kitchen or behind the serving counter than making small talk and facing family I haven’t spoken to for years. Some of them nodded at me at the church and an auntie on Dad’s side gave me a hug but I keep thinking that they’re muttering about me.

  After all, I did walk out on Dad, and for weeks at a time I didn’t even tell him I was safe. I must have caused him a lot of worry, even though I felt hurt and ignored by him at the time, while we were both grieving for my mum. I don’t think some of my lot can cope with having a relative who was voluntarily homeless for a while.

  Helped by Cal, Polly and Robyn bring the platters of food into the cafe and start serving glasses of wine and hot drinks. I feel like a spare part, watching other people do my job and not knowing quite what to say to anyone but Freya, except she’s asleep in her buggy at the moment so I can’t even go and cuddle her.

  I take a large gulp of wine and wonder if I dare slip into the kitchens again but spot Rachel make a beeline for me. She’s wearing a pretty shift dress and hot pink cardigan that shows off her slim figure. Close up, under her make-up, she also looks tired but that’s what you’d expect from someone with the worry of moving home and Freya to deal with. I think she’s in her late thirties although her clothes and make-up make her look younger. She’s at least ten years younger than my dad and she’s known him and me since before I left home.

  In fact, Rachel was one of the reasons I walked out. We didn’t hit it off immediately but she’s been making an effort to be friendly since Christmas. I’m ashamed to say I don’t know why I hated her so much, apart from the fact she wasn’t my mum. When Dad asked her to move in, I saw it as the final insult and left. Rachel must have taken it personally, but really, the main reason we became estranged was all about my dad and me. The damage had been done long before Rachel even came on the scene. I’m determined not to bring bad memories up today and even if I can’t forget how I once felt about her ‘taking Mum’s place’, I’d never dream of spoiling her or Freya’s day.

  Rachel arrives at my side. ‘Demi? This food is fantastic. Thanks so much for doing this. I couldn’t have coped with this tribe at the cottage. It’s great to have a professional take care of everything.’

  ‘Thanks. I only planned the menu and prepared it; Polly and Robyn have done a lot of the work while we were at the church.’

  ‘This can’t be easy,’ she adds in a low voice. ‘Even though we’ve been getting to know one another again, this is the first time we’ve all gone public. I know your dad was nervous about it and I have to be honest, so was I.’

  ‘Really?’ I take another gulp of wine.

  ‘I’d be on the wine myself if I wasn’t feeding Freya.’

  I laugh. ‘It’s OK. It’s not been as bad as I expected. Oh shit. I didn’t mean I expected it to be bad, only that I didn’t know how I’d react to a full-on family reunion. Arghh. I’ve put my foot in it already.’

  She smiles. ‘Hey, I’ll let you into a secret. A few of your dad’s family and mine aren’t thrilled with me supposedly stepping into your mum’s shoes, moving in with an older man and having a baby with him. Your Auntie Serena’s made no secret of the fact she thinks I’m a bit of a slapper.’

  ‘Auntie Serena has always been a nasty piece of work,’ I say, sliding at a look at the crow-like woman dressed like she’s going to a funeral, sniffing one of my savoury rosemary scones with suspicion. ‘She seems jealous of anyone who’s happy or successful. Mum couldn’t stand her either.’

  ‘We had no choice but to ask her, she was your mum’s great auntie.’

  ‘It’s fine. It’s your – Freya’s – day and I’ll keep out of Serena’s way.’ I don’t want to have a “mishap” with a smoothie or a glass of wine, I think, as I have had with Mawgan Cade in the past.

  ‘Come and have your photo taken with Kyle and Freya now we’re in the warm. It would be lovely to have a picture of the three of you together.’

  Grateful for Rachel’s efforts to make me feel comfortable, I join Kyle, Rachel and Dad for a family photo, even though I feel a bit like a cuckoo in the nest. It’s definitely a situation I could never have imagined six months ago.

  As I see people admiring the place and praising the buffet, I can’t help a warm glow of pride myself. I’m glad I suggested holding the christening tea at Demelza’s. After we’ve posed for some photos by the cake that Rachel’s cousin made, the sound of corks popping from the servery startles Freya. She throws her tiny arms out and opens her huge blue eyes for a few seconds. Her lips part and everyone holds their breath waiting for her to let out a wail but then she settles back into a snuffly sleep. Rachel puts her in her Moses basket while Cal hands round glasses of Prosecco and Robyn distributes the cake.

  ‘I hope no one minds me doing this but I’d like to propose a toast,’ Cal says, holding his glass up. ‘To Freya Penelope. Wishing her a long and very happy life!’

  Everyone raises their glasses and echoes his words, even Auntie Serena manages to lift her glass of orange juice a few inches.

  ‘And I’d like to congratulate her parents, Gary and Rachel, on producing such a beautiful daughter, and Demi and Kyle on their new sister. Wishing you every happiness,’ Cal adds.

  People raise their glasses again. My dad steps forward, shuffling nervously. He clears his throat and the room hushes in anticipation. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Dad give a speech and my palms feel damp with nerves at what he might say.

  ‘Thanks for the kind words, Cal. And thank you all for coming to welcome Freya into the world. She knows how to time her entrance: on the day after Boxing Day during the great storm that caused so much heartache and flooded our cottage.

  ‘Now I’m sure there are many on St Trenyan who wouldn’t agree with this but every cloud does have a silver lining. If it hadn’t been for that flood, we wouldn’t be standing here now, enjoying this fantastic spread and the hospitality of Demi and Cal.’

  Under my cardigan, my arms break out in goosebumps. Dad’s going to say something … about me – I know he is and I don’t know if I can handle it.


  ‘Demi will probably hate me drawing attention to her like this and, love,’ he looks straight at me, ‘it’s not easy for me to say it, either, but the ill wind that brought that storm was one of the better things that’s happened to me lately. It’s no use me pretending that things have been smooth in my family since Penny died …’

  Rachel’s arm slips through Dad’s. He pauses and when he goes on his voice is shaky.

  ‘But then I met Rachel and she helped bring back the light into my life.’

  There are a few ‘ohs’ and quiet murmurs of support from my cousins and a family friend. Kyle stands up straighter and his lips are set in a line as if he’s trying to suppress any emotion.

  A hand rests lightly on the small of my back. Cal knows instinctively that this situation is tough for me, even if I know Dad had to get things off his chest. I don’t know what I’d do without Cal sometimes and that realisation makes me feel exposed and raw. Letting down my guard and allowing myself to care about people again has been terrifying at times. It’s as if I’m being swept along by a current, unable to stop myself even though I want to.

  ‘As you know, Rachel, Freya and myself were forced out of our cottage by the floods on Christmas Eve,’ Dad goes on. ‘We were sleeping on the floor of the community hall and due to circumstances, we had nowhere to go. You could say we were homeless. Even though we knew we’d eventually have a place to go, for a few days, we experienced how that felt and it wasn’t an experience we’d care to repeat. We thought we’d be spending our Christmas on the floor of that hall.’

  Rachel look
s down at the floor and back up again, her eyes suspiciously bright.

  ‘Anyway, chance brought us in the way of Demi and Cal and, cutting a very long story short, they put us up here at Kilhallon, as you know. Family life is a shaky business at times, to say the least. We’ve had more than our share of rocks that we’ve foundered on. I’ve not been the best skipper, to use a seafaring phrase, and I’ve run my own ship onto the rocks in the past and my crew has suffered.’

  I see a few gentle sympathetic smiles, but I’m digging my nails in my palm. Cal’s hand now rests at my waist. I grip the stem of my glass tightly. The people in front of me swim in and out of focus. My nose itches but I must not cry.

  ‘But we’re in sight of the harbour again now,’ Dad goes on. ‘We’re safe and in our home and thanks to the flood, I have all my girls and my son with me for the first time in way too long. I’m thankful for that …’ His words are racing by as his nerves get the better of him. I half want his speech to be over too, though I know he had to say these words and I needed to hear them.

  He raises his glass and declares, ‘To my family. Rachel, Demi, Kyle and Freya. Thank you and good health and happiness to you all.’

  He lifts his glass to his lips, takes a sip then puts it on the desk. While everyone is toasting us all, Dad sits down and Rachel kisses him.

  ‘Are you OK?’ Cal whispers.

  ‘Hmmghh.’ It’s all I can manage.

  Freya suddenly lets out a loud yawn and everyone laughs.

  ‘She’s letting me know what she thinks of my speech,’ Dad says. ‘Good job I left it there.’

  People laugh in relief and normal chatter resumes.

  Kyle joins us. ‘I’m glad we’re all together again, even if it has been a tough journey. Would be good to have a proper catch-up while I’m on leave.’

  ‘How long are you back for?’

  ‘Only this week. Then it’s back to Catterick for my unit before we’re deployed to Cyprus for six months. I’m a corporal now,’ he says, proudly.


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