Just Between Friends

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by A. Wolfe

  Just Between Friends

  A novel by

  A. Wolfe

  Copyright 2013 A. Wolfe

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

  All characters are fictional, and resemblance to any person living or dead, is accidental.

  ‘Just Between Friends’ is the copyright of the author, A. Wolfe, 2013. All rights reserved.

  Cover photo provided from PublicDomainPictures.net

  Red Rose

  For my family

  “Table of Contents”


  Chapter 1

  Chapter II

  Chapter III

  Chapter IV

  Chapter V

  Chapter VI

  Chapter VII

  Chapter VIII

  Chapter IX

  Chapter X

  Chapter XI

  Chapter XII

  Chapter XIII

  Chapter XIV

  Chapter XV

  Chapter XVI

  Chapter XVII

  Chapter XVIII

  Chapter XIX

  Chapter XX

  Chapter XXI

  Chapter XXII



  Arkansas Territory 1857

  It all started that day back in 57. She and Steven were only fourteen at the time, and it happened so fast. They were in the tree house that she, Steven and Alec had built. The three had always done everything together, but that day was different, Alec was sick and she and Steven were alone.

  There had been a sort of nervous tension ever since they had climbed up there. Steven moved closer beside her and their legs brushed against each other. It sent a queer sort of shiver up her spine.

  “Miranda, we’ve known each other a long time,” Steven had said, as he brushed her long dark tresses from her face. “Haven’t you ever wondered what it would be like to kiss each other?”

  Miranda was speechless, even though that’s what she wanted to do more than anything right now. She looked into Stevens big blue eyes, and it was as though the world had stopped. She felt his lips touch hers and she seemed to melt inside. She put her arms around his neck, as his slid around her waist. The kiss didn’t last long, but it seemed an eternity. When it ended, she felt disappointed. “Steven, what if someone would have caught us?”

  Staring into her dark brown eyes, he answered, “No-one is going to come up here. Listen, Miranda, I’ve been having these feelings about us for a while now. I just can’t stop thinking about you. It’s like being friends isn’t enough anymore.”

  “Steven, I ….”

  “Miranda, are you up there?”

  “Yes, Mama,” Miranda yelled.

  “Dinner’s on the table. Come down and wash up,” her mother ordered.

  Nervously, Miranda stammered, “I’ll be right there.” Slowly, she arose and started to walk away.

  Steven went after her. “Miranda, we have to talk about this,” he pleaded.

  “I can’t now Steven. I need to know what I’m feeling first.”

  That had been three years ago, and although she knew now that there would never be anyone for her but Steven, she just didn’t know what to do about Alec.

  Chapter 1

  Miranda woke early that morning, on the dawn of her seventeenth birthday. She hadn’t slept well that night, for Steven had said he had a big surprise for her. They were going on a picnic and he had promised to give it to her then.

  The sun was shining brightly through the thin laced curtains that covered her windows, and Miranda squinted her eyes as she tried to get them adjusted to the light. She stretched her arms above her head, and yawned, then quickly threw the covers from her body, and placed her feet on the floor. She was still sitting there when her door flew open.

  Cassandra, her younger sister, who was thirteen, came bounding in the room. “Oh Miranda, you’d better hurry downstairs. Mother has your favorite breakfast ready for your birthday, but act surprised.”

  Exasperated, Miranda exclaimed, “Cassandra, can’t you see I’m not even dressed yet? Now, go away!”

  Instead of obeying her sister’s command, Cassandra made her way to the bed, and plopped down beside Miranda. “Ooh, you have to look just right for Steven, ooh Steven.”

  Miranda, feeling very annoyed, picked up her pillow, threw it at her sister, and yelled, “Cassandra, just get out of my room!”

  Paying no attention, she only taunted her more. “If I was you, I’d go for Alec. He’s much cuter.”

  Miranda felt she knew the real reason Cassie thought this way. She was almost certain she had a crush on Alec’s younger brother Ben, but she just didn’t feel like putting up with her nonsense today, so she screamed, “Well, I’m not you, now am I? Now get out!”

  “What’s all the commotion up here?” Frank Porter demanded, as he made his way into the room.

  “Father, would you please make Cassandra stop pestering me?”

  Being the older brother of two younger sisters, Frank knew how annoying they could be, so he scolded, “Cassandra, go help your mother with breakfast.”

  Why did he always take Miranda’s side? Cassie pouted as she quickly leapt from the bed, throwing the pillow down on it. It wasn’t fair. She stomped to the door with her long dark braids bouncing, glared over her shoulder at her sister and father, and quickly left the room, bounding down the stairs to the kitchen.

  Miranda couldn’t help but chuckle. Her sister was quite temperamental. Frank just shook his head.

  There was a slight breeze blowing through the open window, and the sun’s rays weren’t quite as bright now, as Miranda rose to her feet and made her way across the room to where her father stood. “Papa, Steven and I are planning on going on a picnic. He says he has a surprise for me. It is alright, isn’t it?”

  Frank rubbed his fingers across his beard covered chin, then up over the top of his nearly bald head, where only a thin layer of his dark brown locks remained.

  He knew it wouldn’t be too much longer before his daughter would be married and gone, but he didn’t want to think about that right now. It made him feel sad inside, so he just smiled and replied, “Well, I suppose so Miranda, but I’m sure your mother also has plans for your birthday. You’d better check with her first.”

  She moved closer to her father and hugged him. “I assure you Papa, I wouldn’t ruin any plans mama has made. They mean a lot to her. I’ll just finish dressing, and be right down.”

  Frank stood, his dark eyes staring at his daughter for a moment. It was hard to believe that she was seventeen already. It seemed only yesterday she was just a little girl. Now, here she was, all grown up. Where does time go?

  “Papa, did you hear me?” Miranda asked, her eyes so like her fathers, were imploring his.

  “I’m sorry, honey. I was just reminiscing, I suppose. I’ll leave you alone then. Hurry up though, alright? You don’t want to keep your mother waiting.”

  Miranda only nodded, as he turned and left the room. She had to look just right for Steven today, just as Cassandra had implied, for she knew something special was going to happen. She could just feel it.

  After only a short debate, she decided to wear her yellow dress with matching bonnet. It was Steven’s favorite. When she had finished getting ready, she checked her reflection once more in the mirror, and after giving each of her cheeks a pinch, to bring color to them, she then hurried downstairs. Her mother had prepared her favorites for her bi
rthday breakfast, and when Steven arrived to pick her up at noon, she felt much better.

  “Good afternoon, Miranda,” he greeted her. “I hope I haven’t kept you waiting too long. The chores took longer than expected.”

  As she walked toward him, she answered, “No, I’ve been busy preparing a special picnic lunch for us. I sure hope you’re hungry.”

  Steven dismounted and walked to the passenger side of the wagon. He helped Miranda settle in, and declared, “I’m starving!” He was really just saying that, because he had something to ask her, and it was making him very nervous inside. Food was the last thing on his mind right now.

  The sky was so bright and clear, just looking at it hurt your eyes. It was hot, but not unbearably so, a perfect time for a picnic.

  As they drove along, Miranda noticed that Steven wasn’t his usual talkative self. His sandy-blonde hair was disheveled from the wind, and laid in strands across his forehead, and falling slightly over his eyes. He glanced in her direction for only a moment, and she could see nervousness in the deep blueness of them.

  “Steven, is something wrong? You’ve hardly said a word since we left my house.”

  He looked at her lovingly and answered, “No baby, I’m fine. I just have a lot on my mind, that’s all.” He could feel his palms sweating, as he held onto the horses reins.

  Neither spoke another word until they arrived at the spot where they were to have their picnic. Miranda had always loved this area. It was so beautiful, with the clear stream. The meadow was already beginning to come alive with wildflowers peeking through the grass. It was only the middle of May, but it had been so warm.

  Steven helped her out of the buggy, and they walked to a clearing in the meadow. They spread the tablecloth on the ground, and promptly began emptying the picnic basket. There was fried chicken, cole slaw, ears of corn, potato salad, and for dessert, a warm apple pie. Normally just looking at all the delicious dishes would have made Stevens mouth water, but today he was much too nervous. He had something more important on his mind.

  Miranda just sat there, staring at Steven. Why was he acting like this? His brow was sweating, making his hair stick to it. Every time she looked at him, he lowered his head. His shirt had the two top buttons undone, and she could see the perspiration trickling down his chest.

  “Steven, aren’t you hungry?” She inquired, arching a brow.

  As he sat there with his arms crossed over his knees, he wasn’t sure how to begin. He took a deep breath then swiped his hands down the sides of his trousers. “Miranda, you know how I feel about you, don’t you?”

  “Well, yes, Steven. I suppose so. Why?”

  He didn’t know quite how to start. What was he going to say? How was he going to say it? He just blurted it out. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. I’m bringing in good money now, and my job is real steady. Well, what I want to ask is, well I mean …”

  “Oh, for crying out loud, stop stammering!” Miranda exclaimed, “and just speak what’s on your mind.”

  After a long silence, Steven spoke, “You know how much I love you Miranda. You mean everything to me. Well, what I want to ask you is,” he took a deep breath before suddenly blurting it out, “Miranda Porter, would you marry me? There could never be anyone else for me, but you.” He then reached into his shirt pocket and produced a small black box, and handed it to her.

  Miranda was so taken by surprise that she could only stare, even though deep down she had suspected something like this to happen. With hands shaking, she slowly opened the gift that Steven had handed to her. She gasped at what she saw. Inside the box was the most beautiful, shining engagement ring she had ever seen. She opened her mouth to say, yes, she would marry him, for she loved him more than anyone else also, but nothing would come out.

  “Well, Miranda,” Steven asked again, “will you marry me?”

  The love she felt for Steven washed over her. She looked into his big blue eyes and it was as if the world had stopped. She heard the word, “yes,” come from her mouth, and she felt his lips brush hers then she felt his tongue slip inside. This was something new to her, and she felt a tingling sensation all over. She pressed her body against him and she heard him groan.

  “Oh, Miranda,” Steven said as he released her mouth. “I need you so.” He ran his hands down the curve of her neck and down her sides and she let out a gasp. Laying her down gently, he lay beside her. “You’re so beautiful, Miranda.”

  She instinctively reached out to him, and he positioned himself over her, and slowly lowered himself atop her. She had never known feelings like this. She reached up and caressed the sides of his face, and he lowered it to hers. When his mouth covered her lips, their tongues entwined once more.

  Finally, reality hit Miranda and she realized just how foolish she had almost been. Why, what if this went further and something happened? “Steven, we must stop!” She exclaimed.

  It was the hardest thing in the world to do, but Steven rolled off Miranda, both their breathing labored.

  It was a long time before either of them said anything, and Steven was the first to speak. “I’m sorry, Miranda. I never meant to go that far, but just being near you anymore drives me crazy.”

  “It’s alright, Steven,” she soothed. “I guess deep down I’ve wanted something like that to happen. We just have to be more careful from now on.”

  Steven nodded his head in agreement, but added, “We should hurry up that wedding, don’t you think?” She chuckled at that, but she felt the same, and couldn’t agree more.

  Only a few billowing clouds were scattered across the azure sky. They watched as two gray squirrels ran up a tree in the distance. Wind was lightly moving across the grass, giving it a ripple effect.

  Steven and Miranda sat, still feeling a little tension between them. They were doing their best to gain some composure from what had just happened between them. Their breathing was still a little shallow, but risking a glance in each other’s direction, they smiled, and reached for their plates. They tried their best to eat, but were still a little shaken.

  The air was filled with awkward silence as they sat on the blanket under the big oak tree. The water sounded relaxing as it rushed over the rocks, making its way downstream. The breeze was gently blowing their hair, and they watched as a flock of birds flew overhead. It really was a perfect day.

  They picked at their food for a long while, until Miranda finally spoke. “Steven, there’s only one thing I’m worried about. Getting married, I mean. How are we going to break the news to Alec? It’s going to hurt him so. You and I have always gone out of our way to keep our relationship secret from him, because of his feelings. What will he do once he hears of our engagement? It will devastate him!”

  “Well Miranda, we can’t put a stop to our lives just because of Alec. I know it’s going to hurt for a while, but he’ll learn to accept it in time.”

  “But he’s been our friend all our lives, Steven! We can’t just drop it on him!” Miranda exclaimed, worriedly.

  “Well, what do you suggest we do anyway?” He asked.

  “I’ve been thinking about that.” She answered. “You know Emily Simpson, and how she’s always had her eye on Alec? Now, if we could only get him to notice her, well, who knows?”

  “It’ll never happen, Miranda.” You know how he feels about you.”

  “I know, but it’s worth a try anyway.” She replied, as she reached up and pushed some strands of her hair from her eyes.

  They let it go at that and finished their meal. When everything was cleared away and Steven and Miranda were ready to leave, he gathered her in his arms and held her close.

  Looking into each other’s eyes, Steven declared, “Baby, I love you so much. I can’t wait until we’re married, until we can truly share our lives together.”

  “I love you so much too, Steven.” Miranda stated. As they stood in each other’s arms, dreaming of their future together, little did they know of all the hardships yet to come.
r />   ***

  Alec Williams, a handsome boy with rather long black hair and dark eyes, not quite as tall as Steven, but as equally good looking, was just leaving the General Mercantile when Emily Simpson came strolling up.

  “Good afternoon,” Alec,” she greeted, “fancy meetin’ you here.”

  She was a pretty little thing, Alec thought. Her golden hair, when worn down, cascaded more than half way down her back, and not one of those hairs were ever out of place. Of course most women wore their hair up nowadays. The fashion, he supposed. Her sky-blue eyes twinkled every time she looked at him.

  Why, if it wasn’t for the way he felt about Miranda, he might have even given Emily a chance. No, he knew no-one could make him feel the way Miranda did. Just thinking of her made his heart beat a little faster. One day he would get the nerve to tell her how he felt, that is, if Steven didn’t beat him to it. He wasn’t blind, he could see how close he and Miranda were.


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