by A. Wolfe
He nodded, and went upstairs. As he reached the room Cassie was in, he could hear Bens voice. He felt so sorry for the boy. He knew if Ben was to lose Cassandra, it would devastate him. They had been married only four months. Remembering how happy the two had been on their wedding day, for he had been there, he had thought these two would have a long and wonderful life together. Now here they were, their future possibly falling apart right before their eyes.
Tapping lightly on the door, he entered the room. Ben was sitting in a chair beside Cassandra, holding her hand in his. He could tell as he looked up at him, by how puffy and swollen his eyes were that he had been crying. “Hello, Ben. How’s our patient doing? Has she moved or made any sound at all?”
Ben shook his head and with discouragement filling his voice, answered, “No, nothing.”
Doctor Mitchell went to the window and pulled open the curtains. Rays of morning light filled the room. He then made his way to the bed, and gently spoke, “Ben, would you mind stepping out while I examine Cassandra?”
“I told you I’m not leaving my wife, doctor!” Ben screamed.
“Son, I promise it won’t take long, please,” he implored. “As soon as I’ve finished the examination, you’re free to come back in.”
Ben didn’t respond. He just rose to his feet and quietly left.
He had only waited outside the door for about ten minutes, when Doctor Mitchell opened it and told him he needed to talk with him. “Ben, it looks as if Cassandra is pregnant, and I’m afraid she’s about to miscarry. She’s doing some spotting.”
Ben felt paralyzed. Pregnant? He thought. Why hadn’t Cass told him? He would have been so happy. Now she was losing it. What had they done to deserve this? “Are you sure, Doctor? Cassie never told me she was pregnant. I’m sure she would have. She wouldn’t have kept something like this from me.” He looked bewildered.
“Yes, son, I’m sure she would have, but, Cassie probably didn’t know for sure herself. She most likely wanted to be positive before she said anything.”
Ben shook his head. “My wife, and now my child, it isn’t fair.
It just isn’t fair.”
“Now Ben, you haven’t lost Cassandra yet, and there’s always a chance the bleeding will stop. Have a little faith.”
As he looked up, he could see the agony in the boys’ eyes. “I’m trying, doctor, really I am. But when I look at her so quiet and pale, I begin having my doubts. If only she would show some sign of life, I …” He couldn’t go on.
“I know this is hard on you, Ben,” Doctor Mitchell remarked, “but you have to try to be strong for Cassandra. Now I’m going back in and see what I can do. If you would, please go down and tell the others what’s going on. I’ll be down as soon as I feel I can leave her.”
Ben nodded his head and began to walk away, then stopped and turned around. “Please, doctor Mitchell, try to save our child. If Cass survives, losing this baby would destroy her.”
Nodding, he answered, “You know I’ll do the best I can.”
After Ben had told the others, Miranda didn’t want to leave. She didn’t want to tell her mother any more bad news, but she had promised her father that she would let them know if there was any change either way, so she decided to go. Oh, how could her mother take any more?
The morning air was cold. She pulled the shawl she had draped over her shoulders a little tighter. Mrs. Williams had given it to her to wear, for all her clothes from the previous night had been soaked from the rain. It all felt like a dream as she and Alec drove along. She pondered as the easiest way to tell her parents about Cassie’s baby, their grandchild. Trying to look on the bright side, she thought, it’s possible she won’t lose it, for the doctor had said there was a small chance. She had to hold on to that hope.
Noticing how quiet she was, Alec advised, “Miranda, please stop worrying. I can’t stand to see you this way. Why don’t you go home and get some sleep? I promise I’ll come and tell you if anything changes.”
Looking over at him, she realized how very lucky she was to have him in her life. He was so good to her. “No,” she said gently, and reached out and touched his arm. “I can’t. Not until I’m sure Cassie’s going to be alright, but thanks, Alec. I really appreciate all you’re doing for us.”
He felt touched, for it seemed like Miranda was starting to rely on him more and more. “You know there’s nothing in the world that I wouldn’t do for you Miranda, or your family. I love you all.”
Feeling extra close to him, she laid her head on his shoulder and he slipped his free hand around her waist. Even though all these horrible things were happening, it felt so good to have her need him. He didn’t say anything. He just let her rest.
Chapter X
A flock of birds flew overhead, looking like a giant V. One could already feel it in the air, even though it was still only the fourth of October. Winter was coming, and most likely it was going to arrive early.
When they reached the Porter home, Alec parked the buggy in front of the house and climbed down, then going to the other side, reached up and helped Miranda descend. They walked slowly to the door. Miranda dreaded to face her parents. This news was going to be so devastating to them.
Alec drew her near, hugging her close. He made her face him, as he slowing massaged the tops of her shoulders. “It’ll be alright, Miranda,” he began. “Cassandra is going to pull out of this, and the baby is going to be fine, you’ll see.” He was trying to be upbeat for her sake, so he forced the brightest smile he could muster and said, “Come on, sweetheart, let’s go in and see your new brother.”
As they entered the house, all they could hear was a baby’s cry.
Looking at Alec, Miranda replied, “They must not have heard us over all that crying. Let’s go find Aunt Alice and tell her first.” They then went to the parlor where she knew her aunt would be.
When they entered the room, there she sat, knitting, but having a worried expression on her face. When she saw them, she exclaimed, “Miranda, you’re here! I didn’t even hear you pull in. How’s Cassandra? I’ve been so worried.”
They walked over to the sofa and sat down. “Well, Aunt Alice,” Miranda began, with a grave expression on her face. “I really don’t know how to begin. You see, it seems Cassie is pregnant, and the doctor fears she’s going to lose it. She has begun showing signs.”
Having not seen her father enter the room, he cut in, “Has she regained consciousness yet, Miranda?”
She jumped. Quickly turning, she saw her father standing in the doorway. “No, Papa,” she answered sadly, “but, Doctor Mitchell is doing his best to save her and the baby.”
“How far along is she?” Aunt Alice questioned.
“The doctor said only about two and a half months along. He also said she probably wasn’t even sure she was pregnant. That’s likely why she had never said anything.”
“My poor little girl,” Frank shook his head. “Why are all these bad things happening to her? I don’t know how we can tell your mother any more bad news.” He paused as if in thought, then continued, “Are you going to be here very long, Miranda? I would like to go back over there and be with Cassie.”
“Well,” Miranda looked over at Alec, “Do you mind if we stay with mama for a while?”
“You know I don’t mind, Miranda. Whatever you decide is fine with me, you know that?”
Frank then looked at his sister. “Will you look after the baby, Alice, until I get back? Mary’s already fed him, and we just managed to get him to sleep. He was quite a bit fussy, but he’s finally calmed down. He was crying so hard one moment and the next he was out like a light He shouldn’t be any trouble now.”
She felt a little upset with her brother. Her dark eyes were snapping, so like his own. “Why do you even ask me that? You know I’ll take care of the wee thing. You go along and be with your daughter. She’s the one who needs you now.”
“Papa, do you think we’d wake the baby, if we
peeked in on him. I’m so anxious to see what he looks like.”
Her father smiled. “I know you are, honey. Sure, go on up, but if your mother is sleeping, try not to wake her. She needs her rest.”
She nodded her head, “We’ll be quiet. Have you and mama named him yet?”
“Yes, we named him Thomas Lynn, after my pa, your grandfather.”
Miranda was pleased. “Oh, I’m so glad! How proud he would be.”
“That’s what we thought,” Frank agreed. “Well, I’m going to go now. I’ll try not to be too long. If your mother asks about Cassandra, and of course she will if she sees you, try to tell her as gently as possible.”
“You know I will, Papa.”
“I know, Miranda. It’s just that she’s been through so much.” Without another word, he walked over and kissed her on the forehead.
It was going to be another long day, they all just knew.
Miranda and Alec went upstairs as quietly as possible. Seeing her mother’s door ajar, they moved slowly toward it and peered in. She could hear her mother breathing heavily, so she knew she was sleeping. They crept in and went to the baby’s cradle. He was lying on his stomach and they could barely make out what he looked like.
The only thing she could tell about him was that he had dark hair that lay in little ringlets, and he had a chubby little face. Miranda could tell that he was adorable. She wanted so to pick him up and hold him, but she dared not, for fear she would wake her mother. There would be plenty of time for all that later.
She then looked at Alec, who was also admiring the baby. She had always wanted a baby brother. Oh, how she wished Cassie could see him. She tried to stay positive, and thought that one day soon, she would, and her own as well. Her baby would live, it had to.
She took Alec’s arm and led him back into the hallway, then downstairs. She then spoke, “Oh, Alec, isn’t he beautiful? I wanted to hold him so badly. I can’t wait for Cassie to see him.”
Alec wished that too, but he just wasn’t as hopeful as Miranda was that that would happen. But he didn’t want to say anything to hamper her spirits, so he just agreed, “Me either, sweetheart. She’s going to love him, isn’t she?”
She nodded her head. “She sure is.” A lump was forming in her throat. What if Cassie never came out of this? Oh, but she couldn’t think like this. Her sister was going to make it, and she refused to believe otherwise. “Alec, I’m going to run up to my room and clean up a bit. Maybe you can go in and talk with Aunt Alice until I finish. I’ll go ask her if she’ll make you a cup of coffee, if you would like.”
“Whatever you want, Miranda, I’m not hard to please. I just wish I could persuade you into getting some sleep until your father returns.”
She shook her head. “No, I’m fine. After I’ve cleaned up a bit, I’ll feel much better. I’ll just run in and tell Aunt Alice. You go on in the living room and relax. I’ll not be long.”
True to her word, Miranda didn’t hesitate. When she returned, she looked more refreshed.
As she went to the sofa and sat down beside Alec, aunt Alice declared, “As long as the two of you are going to be in here, maybe I could lie down and rest for a while, and if the baby starts crying, you can let me know. Maybe it would be for the best if your mother doesn’t know you’re here until your father gets back and we can hear what he has to say. Who knows, maybe he’ll bring us some good news.”
It was several hours later when Mr. Porter woke them. They had fallen asleep, Miranda resting her head on Alec’s shoulder. He gently shook them awake. “Miranda, Alec, wake up.”
They were both confused at first, until they remembered what had happened and where they were. Finally Miranda questioned, “Papa, what time is it? How long have we been sleeping?”
“It’s nearly seven o’clock, and I have no idea how long you’ve been sleeping. I just got here.”
Becoming more alert, she asked, “How’s Cassie, and the baby?” Noticing the sad expression on her father’s face, she knew something bad had happened, and wasn’t sure if she wanted to hear this or not.
Franks shoulders slumped as he made his way to his chair, and sat down. Reaching up, he ran his fingers through his hair, took a deep breath and replied as gently as possible. “Honey, Cassandra lost the baby, but it looks like she may be making some progress. She’s opened her eyes, but hasn’t spoken. She only stares.”
Feeling a shade of relief, she then asked, “Well, what does the doctor say? Does that mean she’s regained consciousness?”
“He thinks so, honey. If only she would make some kind of sound, or show she recognizes us.”
Miranda felt such sorrow for the loss of her sister’s baby, but she was filled with gladness at the thought of her possible recovery.
“Have you talked with your mother?” Frank wanted to know.
“No, Papa. She doesn’t even know I’m here. She’s been asleep the whole time.”
“I’m glad,” he sighed. “She’s been through so much. This rest will do her good. What about little Tommy? Has he been a handful?”
She shook her head. “He’s been as good as gold. He woke once and began to cry, but after I told Aunt Alice, and came back in here, I haven’t heard a peep from him. I think she was purposely letting us rest. Oh, Papa, he’s so adorable. I wish he would wake up before I leave, so I can hold him, and really get a good look at him.”
Frank stood and started to walk away, then turned back to Miranda. “I think I’ll tiptoe upstairs and check on them and make sure they’re both alright. I’ll be back down shortly. If he’s awake, I’ll bring him down.” But when he returned, the baby wasn’t in his arms. “I’m sorry honey, but they’re both still asleep. Maybe you can hold him tomorrow.”
As she arose, she replied, “That’s alright, Papa. We’re going to have to be leaving now anyway. I want to get back and be with Cassie.” She walked over and kissed her father on the cheek, before bidding him goodnight.
The moon was full and stars filled the night sky. By the time Alec and Miranda returned to the Williams, it had turned dark. There was really nothing they could do at this time. Alec’s parents had decided to get some rest and had retired to their room.
After peering in on Cassandra and Ben, Miranda joined Alec in the kitchen where he was busy preparing sandwiches for them, for they hadn’t eaten since morning. Miranda had no appetite, but as Alec handed her the plate, she took a seat at the table, and tried her best to eat. He sat across from her then, and seeing the sadness in her eyes, he just reached out and placed his hand over hers.
Miranda just smiled weakly. They ate in silence then retired into the parlor where all they could do, was sit and wait.
Cassie showed no more signs of recovery, other than opening her eyes and staring. Ben had sat beside her all through the rest of the night, since the miscarriage, and once again, the sun was just beginning to rise.
He had felt such sorrow. Then when her eyes had opened, he had thought the worst was over, but now, he wasn’t so sure. She just lay there as if she didn’t see anything. He had talked and soothed, trying to get her to show some kind of response, but nothing.
As he sat there stroking his fingers through her long-dark hair that lay spread over her pillow, he tried once again. “Cass, sweetheart? You need to wake up now. I love you.” He sat reminiscing. “Cass, remember when we were little and one time your mama watched Alec and me when ma and pa went out of town? I guess I was about seven and you around four. I had always picked on you and was always making you cry. I remember I had taken your favorite doll and hid her where you couldn’t find her, and wouldn’t tell you where she was. You cried and cried, and told me you hated me, then you kicked me, and I pushed you and told you I wished you would go away and never come back. That was a long time ago, babe. I know this sounds strange, but I don’t think I ever apologized for that. I want you to know I’m sorry for anything I’ve eve
r done that has hurt you.”
Laying his head down gently across her stomach so he wouldn’t hurt her, he cried, “Oh, Cass, I wish I was the one lying here instead of you! I should have protected you, sweetheart! It’s my fault!”
Something snapped inside her then. She slowly reached down and placed her hand on the back of his head. Startled, he jumped. He then looked up at his wife. Weakly, she whispered, “Ben?”
His eyes were so filled with tears he could barely see her. He reached up and wiped them as they began spilling down his cheeks. “Oh, darling, I’ve been so worried.” He took her hand in his.
“Wh, where am I?” She asked voice shaky. “Wh, what happened?”