by A. Wolfe
Pulling free from his embrace, he noticed a change in her. Why did she pull away like that? He wondered. She almost seemed distant as he asked, “Sam, what is it? What did I do?”
She seemed unable to get Miranda’s words out of her mind, telling her if she had any feelings for Alec, not to hold them back. But Miranda didn’t understand. It wasn’t a woman’s place to be forward. Besides, what if she did tell him how she felt about him, and he didn’t return those feelings? She would make a fool of herself. No, she couldn’t. If Alec felt anything for her, like Miranda thought, then he would have to come to her. She could never go to him.
“Sam, did you hear me? I said I’m sorry if I did anything to offend you.”
She could hear the concern in his voice, but also hurt, and she would never intentionally cause him pain for anything in this world. Apologetically, she explained, “No Alec, you’ve done nothing. I’m sorry. I guess all this with Steven has had an effect on me too.”
Then realizing how quiet Sarah had become, they looked and found her lying on the rug in front of the fireplace. “What’s wrong with Sarah?” Alec questioned. “A while ago she seemed full of energy, now she’s half asleep. I think I should be the one to feel offended.”
“No, Alec, it’s not you. You see, Sarah was up most of the night last night with a stomach ache, and she hasn’t had a nap today, what with all the excitement going on. But she told me this evening she wasn’t going to bed until she saw you. She wanted to tell you about Steven herself. I guess once she did, that was enough for her. I’m glad she’s going to sleep. She needs her rest.”
Alec felt touched finding out Sarah had waited up especially for him. She was such a special little girl. He suddenly remembered what Sam had said and with concern in his voice, Alec asked, “A stomach ache? She is alright now, isn’t she? I know she seemed fine when she ran up to me.”
“Goodness yes. She’s fine now. She’s been very energetic today, wrestling with Steven. I think it was just something she ate. I’m sorry, Alec. I don’t know where my manners are. Won’t you please come in and sit for a while and wait on Steven? I know he’ll be glad to see you again. Here, hand me your coat and I’ll hang it up. Then please, go in and make yourself comfortable.”
Handing the garment to her, he then walked in and sat in a chair next to the fireplace. He was nervous. He wanted to have a talk with Sam and be honest with her in how he felt. Wiping his hands on his trousers, for they were so sweaty, he watched her as she made her way to her daughter.
Realizing she was about to pick her up, he jumped to his feet and declared, “No Sam, she’s much too heavy for you. I’ll take her. Where’s her room?” As he lifted her in his arms, she nestled her head against his chest, and he kissed her on the forehead.
Sam was touched at the sight. “Come on,” she directed, “follow me. Let’s be quiet though so we don’t wake mama or papa.”
He followed her up the stairs and into Sarah’s room. As he took her to the bed, he lay her down. Samantha came up from behind him, unlaced and pulled off her daughters shoes and tucked her in. She then leaned over her and kissed her goodnight. Even though Sarah was still fast asleep, and couldn’t hear her, Sam lovingly proclaimed, “Goodnight my sweet Sarah. I love you.”
How amazing she was, Alec thought. She was such a wonderful mother, and so kind. He felt his heart would burst with the feelings he was experiencing for her. Probably deep-down he had always had some feelings for her, but had never let them develop because of Miranda.
Retracing her steps, she motioned for him to follow. Leaving the door slightly ajar, they quietly made their way back downstairs. She was feeling those butterflies again, realizing that unless Steven and Miranda were to show up, she and Alec would be alone. How were they to act? What were they to say?
Alec made his way back to the chair he had been sitting in, while Sam sat on the sofa. She was so nervous her hands were shaking. “Well,” she began, “Can I offer you something to drink, Alec?”
“No, I’m fine,” he answered, rubbing his hands together.
Silence filled the air. Finally Alec broke that silence. “Sam, there’s something that I’ve been meaning to talk with you about, but it’s never seemed the proper time.”
Feeling those butterflies again, she didn’t respond, thinking it best to let him say what was on his mind first. Daring a glance at him, she only nodded.
Pausing only a moment, he continued, deciding it best to just say it and get it over with. “Now, I don’t really know where to begin, so please be patient with me, alright?”
Hearing the roar of thunder in the distance, he thought, oh wonderful, just when I begin to tell her how I feel about her, Steven and Miranda will probably show up because of the storm. But he knew this may be the only opportunity he would have to be alone with her, so he decided to go for it.
Gathering his nerves, he proceeded, “First of all Sam, I want you to know that Miranda and I didn’t break up because we found out Steve was alive. This all happened before Sarah was lost. Well, actually the same day is when it happened. That’s what we were discussing when you showed up. Well, no, that’s not when it first happened, but that was when we were discussing what we were going to do about it. Oh, it doesn’t matter about that.” He was starting to make a fool of himself because he was so nervous and unsure of what to say.
Noticing how quiet she had become, he remarked, “Sam, you can stop me anytime you like, alright? I know I’m rambling on so.” He paused to take a breath, before he went on, “If I say anything out of line, tell me. I’ll understand.”
As she looked at him with those beautiful blue eyes, and nodded, he seemed to melt. Composing himself, he continued, “Maybe you don’t know what I’m getting at, but you will. Just give me time. First, I want to ask you a question and I need for you to be totally honest with me. Do I seem like a younger brother to you?”
Feeling a little less jittery, she answered, “Why no, Alec. Maybe you think I should see you that way since we grew up together, and I’m a little older than you, but really I don’t see you that way at all.”
Feeling a little more confident, he then asked, “Well then, how do you see me Sam?”
Oh, how could she answer this question? She wondered. “Well,” she stuttered, “I… I… I guess someone I feel very close to.” She couldn’t actually reveal her true feelings. Not yet anyway.
Standing to his feet, he went to the window and staring out, said, “Looks like it’s coming quite a storm. It’s been so warm for this time of year.” He remained that way for a while, then finally turned and walked over to the sofa and sat beside her. She was feeling those butterflies again.
“Sam,” he spoke as he gave her a sideways glance, “I want us to be honest with each other. Now maybe you could never think of me as anything other than a good friend, but that‘s not how I think of you. You’re on my mind all the time. Maybe you think this is all so sudden, but believe me, it isn’t. I’ve been feeling this way for a while now.”
He paused a moment to maintain his composure, then turned to face her. “Now look at me, Sam.” She was trembling, but did as he asked. Staring into her eyes, he stated, “I think you’re an amazing woman, Sam, and I care very deeply for you. No,” he corrected himself, “I said I would be honest, and I will. I don’t just care very deeply about you, I love you. I know that may seem strange to you, seeing how I had felt about Miranda, but things have been changing for quite a while between us, and well, once I faced that fact, something in me changed. I do still love Miranda, but it’s not the same anymore. It’s you I love, Samantha. It’s just taken me a long time to realize that.”
He could see the surprise in her eyes, but he didn’t care. He was glad he had said it, for he had held it back long enough.
As she opened her mouth to speak her eyes glistened with the tears that were welling up in them. “Oh, Alec,” she spoke softly, “I don’t know what to say.”
Watching a lone tear trickle dow
n her cheek, he reached out and gently wiped it away. “Please, Sam,” he begged, “say something, I have to know what you’re feeling, and if I’ve just made a fool of myself. I realize I’m only twenty-four, and you’re twenty-eight, but that’s not much really. I know it doesn’t bother me, if it doesn’t bother you.”
She felt a little calmer, and soon was able to speak. “No, Alec, of course that doesn’t bother me. But I have to admit, I figured the age difference would bother you. Yes, I also have to admit,” she remarked shyly, as she avoided looking at him, “I have had thoughts about us, but I never would have said anything.”
Placing two fingers under her chin, he lifted her face until she was eye to eye with him. “Don’t be embarrassed around me, Sam. You can say anything to me. I won’t laugh. Just please, tell me everything you’re feeling.”
Thinking this over a moment, she asked, “Okay, Alec, I do have one question.”
“Ask away,” he declared.
“You’re not just saying all this because of Sarah, are you? Because it would never work if that was the reason.”
He sounded hurt. “You know I would never do that, Sam. Everything I said to you is the truth. Even if there were no Sarah, I would love you just the same. Please, don’t ever think differently, and if you feel the same about me, then I need to hear those words from you. But don’t say them if you don’t mean them. It would only hurt more later if you was to be dishonest with me. If you don’t care for me like that, just tell me, and I won’t ever mention this again.”
Oh if he only knew, she thought. Her feelings were even stronger than ever. Looking into his eyes once more, she proclaimed, “Alec, I think this has to be some of the happiest moments of my life. First, Sarah coming home, then Steven, now this, sitting here with the man I love. I feel like I’m bursting inside with happiness.”
Alec was in a state of shock. Had he heard right, did she actually say she was sitting here with the man she loved? He had longed to hear those words. Touching her lips with the tip of his forefinger, he asked, with uncertainty in his voice, “Did I just hear what I thought I heard, Sam?”
“Yes,” she whispered softly, as she tenderly reached out and touched his face also. Not taking his eyes off hers, he slowly lowered his lips to hers. Then closing his eyes, he reveled in the taste of her. When the kiss ended, he opened his eyes and saw the love shining through hers.
Gathering her in his arms, he said once again, “Oh Sam, I love you!”
As she ran her fingers through his hair, she softly replied, “I love you too, Alec.”
The rest of the evening passed by rather quickly, as Alec and Samantha enjoyed their time together. They hadn’t even noticed the storm that was now overhead. As the thunder began to roar, Sam looked at Alec with worry in her eyes, “I hope Steven and Miranda managed to find a place of safety.”
“Me too darling, me too,” Alec agreed, only half realizing what she had said.
They had been returning when the down-pouring had begun. Since they had almost reached the deserted home in which Steven had been staying, they had decided to wait inside until the rain had passed them by. When Steven and Miranda had first entered the house fifteen minutes earlier, they were soaking wet, and since it was such a cold rain, they had needed to get out of their wet clothing.
Steven had found them each a blanket, and finding a place for privacy they removed their outer clothing then wrapped the blankets around them. Feeling a little uncomfortable this way, Miranda asked, “Steven, how long do you think this storm will last? We really shouldn’t be here like this, you know?”
Moving toward her, he soothed, “Relax, Baby, It shouldn’t last too much longer. But until it does die down and our clothes dry a little, you must stay warm. I promise nothing will happen, unless of course, you choose for it to.”
He still had that same mischievous grin she noticed. Of course she wanted something to happen. She had waited such a long time for him to return to her, but she had resolved to herself that nothing would happen between them until they were married, and she wouldn’t change her mind. They had waited this long, they surely could wait two more weeks. Then as she looked at Steven, she knew it would be difficult.
Slipping one hand through his blanket while steadying himself with his cane in the other, he motioned, “Come on, baby. Let’s go over there and sit down.” As he took her by the arm, he led her to the rug that lay on the floor before the fireplace. He had only stayed in this house for one day when he was in hiding, but he had filled the fireplace with kindling, but now had no way of getting it started.
Oh, this must have been a grand home at one time, Miranda thought. It was a monument of brick and stone, but now the walls were partially blackened by the fire that had obviously sent the family who had lived here fleeing. Such a shame, she thought, to have had to desert such a once grandeur place. She could only imagine the many grand balls they must have had here, all the women in their beautiful gowns, sashaying across the floor.
She was so into her thoughts, she hadn’t noticed Steven as he moved up close beside her. When he began to speak, she jumped.
“Just think, if you hadn’t come looking for me, baby, I’d be sitting here alone right now. But I would still have been imagining you were with me.”
Glancing at him, she saw him staring at her. Seeing that desire in his eyes, she looked away. Oh, this was going to be so difficult, especially knowing they both were sitting here in nothing but their undergarments, and the blankets they held around themselves. She felt his hand as it first touched her face.
He pushed her wet hair aside, and asked, “Are you cold, Miranda?”
Shaking her head, she avoided his gaze, fearing if she looked at him, she would be lost. “No, I’m fine,” she answered.
Placing his hand on the other side of her face, he forced her to look at him. “Miranda, you don’t have to be so nervous. You know I’m not going to persuade you to do something you don’t want to do, I promise.”
A flash of guilt ran through her. “Steven, you know I want to more than anything right now, but it wouldn’t be right. Besides, I made a promise to myself that I would wait until we were married. I just never expected to be in a situation like this. I want our wedding night to be really special, Steven. Can you understand that?”
Yes, he thought. He did understand how she felt, but it didn’t help him at this moment. Since this is how she felt though, he did his best not to touch her. “Yes, Miranda, I understand how you feel, and I respect that.” Feeling that need to get away from her until he gained control of himself, he arose.
“Where are you going, Steven?” She asked excitedly.
“I’m going to check on our clothes, then walk outside and check out the storm. I’ll be back shortly.”
“Steven, you’re angry with me, aren’t you?”
“No baby, I’m not angry. You just don’t understand how it is with a man. I need to do something to get my mind off these feelings I’m having. Please don’t worry.”
He was gone about twenty minutes when he finally returned. “The rain has stopped Miranda. Our clothes are still quite wet, but it won’t take that long to get home. Then Sam can lend you some of her things until you get to your house.”
As he handed her the garment, she saw he had already dressed. He then announced, “I’ll wait outside.” Without waiting on a response, he just turned and left, leaving her to stare after him.
“Oh Steven,” she spoke softly to herself, “I didn’t mean to upset you. You know how much I’ve missed you and how much I’ve grieved. I want to be with you more than anything, you know that. Just two more weeks my love, just two more weeks then we can be together, forever. Please, try to understand.”
She pulled the dress over her head, leaving it unhooked down the back, wrapped the blanket around her once more and slowly made her way outside. Steven was waiting for her in the wagon. Reaching out his hand, he helped her climb up. Making no attempt to move
, he just sat there.
When he finally spoke, he apologized. “Miranda, I’m sorry. You just have no idea what I was going through in there, sitting that way beside you. I had to get away before something happened. Right now baby, two weeks seems like a lifetime.”
“I know, Steven. It does to me also. It would have been so easy in there to have lost control.” Touching his arm, she added, “After we’re married, we can be together anytime we please. Thank you for understanding.”
Staring into her eyes, he replied, “I love you so much. I just so long to touch you and be able to be one with you.” He kissed her, then, as he pulled away, he added, “I guess I’m going to have to keep busy and do my best to keep my mind off all this.” But said one last thing before picking up the reins and driving away, “I sure do feel sorry for you though, Miranda, once we are married.”
She blushed at the thought. Then looking over at him, she smiled, thinking to herself, I can’t wait.