Vampires, Love Potions and Other Immortals: A Collection of Paranormal Short Stories

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Vampires, Love Potions and Other Immortals: A Collection of Paranormal Short Stories Page 9

by Susan G Charles

  There was simply so much to look at Elizabeth almost forgot about her injury – that is until she reached for an object on the table next to the bed and was instantly reminded. So Elizabeth sat back on the soft bed with a sigh and cradled her arm closely to her body. Her arm still hurt terribly, and her head was beginning to pound. Even with the helmet on, she must have hit the ground pretty hard. She closed her eyes, hoping that might help ease the oncoming headache and the nauseous waves that tempted to flood the gates at any moment.

  What a morning she’d had. Never in a million years would Elizabeth have imagined that she would now be lying in the bed of a stunningly handsome man, in his palatial home. “I’m lying here with a broken arm, nausea and a huge headache. Yes, very romantic, Elizabeth. I’m sure I’ve just swept him away with all my charms.” She muttered darkly to herself.

  “Something quite like that,” Henry’s voice and masculine chuckle from the doorway made her immediately flush with embarrassment at her previous statement. He carried a silver chalice in one hand, and a platter filled with tiny finger sandwiches in another. “Here, drink this first.” He handed Elizabeth the cup, which contained a shining, honey colored liquid. She drank hungrily and had forgotten the last time she had had anything to drink this morning. Her parched throat accepted the drink heartily.

  When she drank a bit of the liquid, her mouth seemed almost to explode with a sweet, fruity taste. Mmmmmm, she thought to herself. Instantly her headache began to ebb, as did the nausea and the constant ache in her arm. “That’s amazing!” Elizabeth said delighted. She swiftly emptied the contents of the cup and handed it back to him hoping for more. Henry sat next to her on the bed smiling, and began feeding her the sandwiches. They, too, tasted marvelous, a deeply spiced meaty flavor that she had never experienced before either.

  Once she had finished all the food and drink, Henry set the platter and cup down on the table next to the large bed. Then turning back to her he gently undid the sling covering her broken arm. Pushing up the sleeve of her sweater, he gently checked her wound. The touch of his fingers on her bare skin immediately distracted Elizabeth from any pain his tender ministrations might have ever caused. Knowing this might be her only chance, Elizabeth leaned in to the handsome Master of the Hunt and stole a kiss.

  Completely unexpected, the kiss exploded into passion between the two, and, using her good arm, Elizabeth pulled Henry closer to her as she lay down on the bed. Henry broke the kiss momentarily to look deep into her eyes. “So be it,” he murmured into her ear. “There is no turning back now my sweet.” So carefully and passionately, Henry then made Elizabeth his.

  Book 3: The Master of the Hunt (Chapter 5)

  After their lovemaking was over, Elizabeth fell into a deep, dreamless slumber. Hours later when she awoke, the room was awash in the rosy pink and orange of dusk. Henry was nowhere to be seen in the large bedchamber, but a deep red rose lay on the bed next to her. A note was tied to it.

  Elizabeth went to grab the rose, and suddenly realized with a start, that her broken arm no longer hurt. In fact, it clearly was no longer broken. “That’s not… possible.” She said wonderingly to herself. Opening the note, Elizabeth read Henry’s message, written in the beautiful handwritten style of a well educated man of years long past.

  “Beloved lady, dress in the clothes I have provided you here and meet us all out in the yard when you awake. All will be explained at that time. Henry”

  Elizabeth looked around the darkened room and saw a beautiful riding habit in tones of scarlet red and embossed with golden thread draped across a chair on the other side of the bed. She got up, stretched a bit and went to further inspect what was there. To her astonishment she also found a beautiful pair of black kid skin boots which stood next to the clothes as well.

  Elizabeth did as she was instructed in the note, and put on the new clothes. Amazing! Everything fit exactly as if it had been tailored expressly for her by hand. But how could that be? Once dressed she went walking through the immense house looking for Henry – or for anyone at that point. For some reason it was empty – then she heard sounds coming from outside.

  She headed out through the front door, to see the hunting party waiting there for her. There the group was arranged in a semi-circle, with the darkest horses on the left, and the lightest ones on the right. All of the ladies were dressed in clothing similar to hers, while the men wore gleaming suits of armor. And all of the party carried bows, with a quiver of arrows slung across their backs. The nine giant white and red hounds had placed themselves evenly between each one of the riders.

  At that instant a sound from the stables drew her attention. Henry was mounted on Stryker, riding toward her and the group, dressed in ornate yet light looking armor, a sword by his side, and a bow on his back. He led a mare the same color as his own stallion, the deep grey of a thunderstorm. With a start, Elizabeth immediately realized some how, that the dark colored mare she now was looking at, was her once white Braveheart.

  When he reached the others he entered the semi-circle and the entire party bowed to him. “I am Henry Edwards, Lord and Master of the Wild Hunt.” Henry’s commanding voice boomed out across the yard.

  “On this very magical day I claim Elizabeth Fox as a member of the Hunt. I am hers, and she is mine. From this day on until the last day, she shall ride at my side as we carry out the duties of the Hunt.” Henry looked directly into Elizabeth’s eyes. “You have ridden with the hunt, refusing three times to be dissuaded. You slept beneath the roof of the Hunt Master, and have given yourself willingly to me. You have eaten and drank of the ambrosia of immortality. You may not return to the mortal lands to live as you once did. Yet still you may choose your own path. I have given you immortality. It is up to you, my fair Elizabeth, to choose if you wish spend it by my side, or not.”

  Henry then held the reins of the newly colored Braveheart out to her. Without hesitating one second, Elizabeth took the reins from Henry and mounted her mare. “I choose to be with you, Henry Edwards.” She said and leaned over to kiss him. When their lips touched the other members of the Wild Hunt broke into cheers and wild applause. The giant hounds began to bay in approval.

  At long last, the kiss ended and a full moon broke the horizon, flooded the surrounding forest with white light. “Come, quickly, let us ride!” Henry said, and sounding his horn, the Master of the Wild Hunt rode off, with his new lady right by his side.

  Book 3: The Master of the Hunt (Chapter 6)

  And so their new life together began.

  This night was even more beautiful than what she’d remembered of her old life. The nocturnal sounds that she once paid so little attention to now were extraordinarily vivid and clear. Elizabeth could hear the multiple crackling noises of Braveheart’ shoes as she rode atop the leaves of the forest. She heard every bit of stick cracking, breath took, and wind blow. She was not afraid of her newfound self, knowing that her immortal lover was beside her in full stride.

  She was more alert than she had ever been, and like a newborn baby opening up its eyes for the very first time, discovering its new surroundings, Elizabeth was astonished at the gift of her eternal life, without knowing the full concept of what experiences her new world reality would intertwine with her mortal fantasies.

  “I wonder where the hunt will lead us this time?” she called out to her lover, with a carefree grin, slicker than the fox they imaginably hunted.

  Henry’s shining armor illuminated through all of the darkness; the moon’s light served him justice through the 3am black of night. He turned back with a grin, and said, “The dogs will lead the way, love. For now we ride with the nightfall.”

  But he knew there was more to it than that. He knew that Elizabeth would soon realize the gift he’d given to her to be more bewildering than any gift she would have received in her mortal world. Elizabeth was still in awe. As the wind brushed across her face she realized she could not feel its tingle as she would have normally, though her sense of smell wa
s greatly heightened.

  She then caught a whiff of the pack, the distinct smell of the men’s and the women’s musk, the canter gaiting horses and the running hounds. She picked up on deer, owls, and even insects; the grinding noises ants made when they feast together. She could almost taste berries and sap from nearby trees and bushes they had just passed.

  The freshness of the wilderness was enthralling, almost breathtaking. She was comfortable enough to close her eyes and tilt her head back to the intoxicating aroma within an instant. But was she really comfortable? Maybe her eyes locked and her head was tilting involuntary.

  She began to feel as if she was in ecstasy. She was in a fixated state of mind where her vision blurred and her body became light as a feather. Maybe it was a dream. But she could see only darkness, unaware of her vision being lost within this magnificent high.

  Before long she had begun to pick up the scent of something else other than wildlife and her immortal family, the aroma she had just acknowledged unlike any of that which she had recalled, it came and went in a flash as she rode on under the moonlight. It immediately brought on a feeling of uncertainty, an awkward sense that the presence of danger was lurking somewhere near, and then it went away just as fast as it had came. Did it come from above her somewhere perhaps? She was completely caught off guard.

  She heard talking amongst the group, but couldn’t make out the words or conversation, if there was one, during her distraction. Was this happening only in her mind? Surely it couldn’t be. When she finally thought to speak, she had to force her mouth open. It was like someone held her jaws shut, and she had to pry them open with every bit of muscle tone in her face. When she finally succeeded, nothing escaped from between her lips. She searched for the words, but there were none. The two words that she wanted to utter were ‘help me,’ which never made it to the ears of the other members.

  The hounds barked, the horses in her group galloped away, and she could make them all out, dwindling further away into the nothingness. As Elizabeth was going out of it, falling further and further into darkness, no longer being able to withstand the potent effects of her high, she built up enough strength to pull on the reins. Without being fully aware of her actions her weight shifted to the left, and she unwillingly pressed her right knee into Braveheart’s side.

  At that point Elizabeth was the source of a thump that was heard by only one when she collided with earth’s carpet, in a swept area encased within many trees. She didn’t feel a thing really – except maybe a distant pat to her thigh. It was strange how far away her body felt right now. She hadn’t a clue where she was, her body was paralyzed. Or she was possibly just exceptionally overwhelmed by her new senses. She wasn’t quite sure what had happened, but as she passed into the darkness she was strangely fine with it. Then everything went black.

  When she had finally awoken, the sun was up. It was brighter than it had ever been, and Braveheart was there nipping at the grass beside her riders head. She was a loyal steed, and Elizabeth wouldn’t trade her in for anything in the world times two. She bobbed her strong head a couple times and made that noise horses make, blubbering with the lips, before shifting her head toward the woods in the direction from which they had entered this open area last night.

  Elizabeth wiped at her face and then sat up. “We came from there, huh, girl?” She looked around, wiping her eyes and stretching. “I wonder where everyone’s at.” She looked back to Braveheart. “Well, I guess we’re alone again.” She thought for a spell trying to dust the cobwebs from her foggy brain. She wondered what had happened to her. She also wondered if Henry was even out searching for her. Why didn’t he come back in the night?

  Ultimately she remembered more of her earlier first new experiences, and then her spill into the abyss became more clear. She stood up, stretched a bit, wiped herself off, grabbed the reins dangling on the ground and walked around to Braveheart’s side, threw her left foot in the stirrup and grabbed the cantle of her saddle. Just as she was about to swing her right leg over and pull herself up a voice whispered to her out through the woods.

  “Hello, are you alright?” the person said.

  It was a person was it not? The voice was so distant one couldn’t possibly make the distinction of man or woman, boy or girl. Maybe it was the wind. Elizabeth gazed through the trees and could see nothing. Whoever it was appeared to have seen and knew what took place during that past night, off the trail. She wondered if it was the unverified smell she had sensed during that mesmerizing moment of ecstasy, the scent of danger. But would a dangerous person be as kind as into asking the well-being of another?

  Elizabeth removed her foot from the stirrup, stepped down and cautiously moved toward the direction of the voice, it came exactly from the direction Braveheart now gazed.

  “I’m fine. Who are you?” Elizabeth asked.

  No response.

  Elizabeth stopped walking toward the hushed voice. She had an uneasy feeling about the potential source of the voice that spoke to her now through thin air, although it was neither threatening or peaceful. She spoke again to see if it would respond. “Who are you?” After all, it did call out to her first.

  Just then, a whistling noise broke out behind her. It was a high pitched whistle that spooked Braveheart off her front legs and compelled Elizabeth to turn around in a mouth gaping panic. Her fingers parted and her arms stretched across her face, she whelped as she caught a glimpse of her most prized possession in absolute hysteria. Braveheart looked onto Elizabeth with red eyes filled with fury. Smoke blew from her stout, and she charged.

  Elizabeth screamed.

  “Wake up! Wake up my love!” Henry shouted, shaking Elizabeth at the same time.

  It was night, the same night. That same night. She now opened her eyes to her knight in shining armor, and reached out and grabbed him knowing she was again safe.

  “What happened?” she asked, gently caressing his face in both hands.

  “I don’t know. The hounds picked up the scent of —” he paused. He was more concerned about her than the hunt. “Are you alright? Can you remember anything?”

  “Well, just that… the sun was up, and Braveheart was there…” She thought hard, placed a hand over her forehead and feeling exasperated said, “I can’t remember. What’s happening to me?”

  Henry gently grasped her cheek. “Nothing at all… The fall… you fell just a few minutes ago, that fall I believe, has shaken you up a bit. When you are stable enough to stand we will ride out together. I shall stay with you, here, for the meantime.”

  He said he would wait with her and he did. Henry was definitely a man of his word. He knelt by her and eventually detailed the events of that nights hunt before he noticed her missing. As it turns out Elizabeth was unconscious only for a few minutes before he revived her. He left the rest of the club members deep in the woods to come back and search for her. He informed her that if it were not for Braveheart’s companionship, maybe he would still be searching for her, possibly in the wrong location.

  Elizabeth’s mind was somewhere else when Henry spoke. She was now lying flat on her back staring to the moon. She had felt no pain in her body at all, and knew Henry was aware of it. She remembered her dream and the voice that called out to her in it. Now coming to think about it, she figured it could have been Henry’s voice she heard, he did ask if she was alright. But then she remembered the odd scent up in the trees that lasted for only a split second, and she immediately thought of what it might have been.

  She hadn’t spoken of this to Henry, nor would she. Now what happened within the dream to Braveheart was something she knew was not possibly capable of happening, nothing to neither speak on nor ever need be mentioned. Hopefully, soon she would be able to forget that wretched sight.

  “So, what did you smell?” Henry asked as they sat there waiting for Elizabeth to feel better.


  He laughed. Maybe he asked the question too soon. “Did you enjoy this night?”
br />   She now knew he was aware of her secret. He had to have been, the whole time. She lifted her head just a bit from the ground, smiled into his eyes. “I did…”

  He stood up, dusted off his armor and, as he made his way back to her, he extended his hand. “Are you ready?”

  She looked up to him with a radiant smile, even through the night. Her eyes sparkled at the sight of him and she giggled a bit to herself, feeling embarrassed and even a little silly about the whole event. Henry smiled in return, understood her body language and removed his helmet. He knelt down beside her before she grasped hold of his hand.

  He was pleasant when he said, “I yearn for you. I shall forever and always want you, my love. If this is where you wish to be loved, then I will fulfill the request your heart so sensually desires, your inner most parts so passionately crave…” Then he rose from his position, keeping grip of her hand. “But the time here is not right, my love.” He pulled her to her feet.

  “Why isn’t it?” she said, flustered.

  Henry gazed around through the woods of the open area. He did not say what was on his mind, nor did his movements give his thoughts away. You could almost say he was nervously searching for a predator; the one Elizabeth smelled in the trees and heard in her dream perhaps, but if you were to think that, then it would also be fair to say that he would also be able to sniff out the threat, if there was one.

  “Can you hear them?” he asked, still slowly looking about the forest.

  She opened her ears to the sounds of the wild. She focused on what it could have been that he wanted her to perceive, and again her senses heightened. She heard everything she’d heard before, all the sounds of the outdoors. She enjoyed it. It was beautiful, and with just a bit more focusing she heard them. She heard what Henry wanted her to hear, the reason he refused her love, or to give her his.


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