Foundation for Three

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Foundation for Three Page 26

by Vella Day

  Thad’s lips pressed together, shifted, and twisted. “And you went to private school?” Thad shook his head. “You didn’t learn common sense, that’s for fuck sure. Listen. There’s so much more. There may come a time when I need to do undercover work, or I might land in the hospital because some punk stabbed me, or I just have to work late. I have to be positive that you’ll be there for both of us.”

  “You don’t have to insult me.”

  “Don’t I? From what I’ve seen in the last two years, every time the going gets tough, you crap out.”

  What he said was true. “That was the old me.”

  “Is it?”

  While Pete deserved the put-down, there had to be some faith here. He wasn’t going to let Thad walk all over him. “I’m committed. What more do you want me to say? Alex finally knocked some sense into me. I get that my dad is the way he is because of things he’s done in his life. I never should have expected anything else from him.”

  Thad chewed on his the inside of his cheek. “Really?”


  “How committed are you?”

  “I’m all in.”

  The lines around his mouth softened. “All right then. Let’s discuss exactly what that means.”

  Chapter Thirty

  Thad had come to bed around two in the morning, climbed under the covers, and kissed her forehead. When Zoey asked how things had gone between him and Pete, Thad said he’d tell her everything tomorrow. That he needed time to process what had gone down. From the lack of anger in his voice, she could only hope things went well.

  At seven, when Zoey got up, Thad was already gone. He left a note saying he’d been called into work early, but that he’d make it up to her. She swore he was trying to drive her crazy. As much as she was tempted to call Pete and ask about his “I’m a shit” apology, it might be best to give him time. For now, she’d go with the concept that no news was good news.

  At work, Zoey tried to keep her focus, but her sessions seemed more stressful than usual. She prayed she’d been able to help her clients.

  When the last person finally left, she leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes for a moment. As much as she wished she were in the men’s arms right now, not rushing into things would be wise.

  “Get moving, Zoey,” she told herself.

  Before she took off, she checked her calendar to see who she’d be meeting with tomorrow, as she liked to read the files beforehand to make sure she wasn’t missing anything. Just as she stood, her cell rang. It was Pete. Pleasure mixed with a bit of trepidation.

  “Hey,” she said, fingers literally crossed. That action was a carryover from something her grandmother always did. “So?”

  “Thad didn’t say?” Apprehension laced his voice.

  “No. He had to leave before I got up.”

  “Oh.” That didn’t sound good.

  Just ask him. “How did the talk go?”

  “As well as could be expected, I guess.” Pete detailed their rather rocky reunion, but Zoey got the sense Pete was keeping something from her.

  She wanted to make sure she understood. “So he was angry, but he listened.”

  “I guess that’s a fair assessment.”

  Zoey could picture Thad pacing and working hard not to yell. He honored commitment and loyalty above all else, and Pete hadn’t been committed or loyal. “Do you think he understood how the clarity about your father’s issues has changed you?”

  “I hope so, sugar.”

  The relief in Pete’s voice helped lower her blood pressure. “So are you two good?” She wasn’t at the point to ask if the three of them had a chance of being in a relationship.

  “Yes, but I had to promise that for the next twenty years of my life, I’d serve Master Thad.”

  The tension finally released and she let out a laugh. “I love it.” From the lightness in his voice, he was kidding—or mostly kidding.

  “We can talk more later,” Pete said. “How about you change into something sexy and casual, and I’ll pick you up at your house for dinner at five thirty? We’re going to meet Thad at Italiano’s.”

  Excitement caught in her throat. “You already spoke with him today?”

  “A few minutes ago. He just finished what he was dealing with and said he could get away.”

  “Fantastic. I’ll be ready.” She loved how the men made it a top priority to find time to be with her. Zoey gathered the files she wanted to read and left. She was cautious as she headed toward the elevator. Until Gloria’s killer was behind bars, she wouldn’t take the stairs.

  As Zoey crossed the parking lot, the cold air slipped through the heavy weave of her sweater and she hugged her folders to her chest. She loved Montana with its beautiful scenery, but she wasn’t sure she’d ever get used to the biting cold.

  Once home, she only had a few minutes before Pete arrived. Italiano’s was casual dining, so jeans and boots were called for, but she made sure to put on a sexy top and great undergarments. Another shopping trip with Jamie was definitely in order.

  Just as she finished applying her makeup the doorbell rang, and a thrill raced up her spine. She pulled open the door to find Pete wearing a hot-as-hell smile. The black eye, bruised jaw, and cut lip didn’t even detract from his good looks. From seeing his joy, every bit of fear she’d had that tonight wouldn’t go well evaporated. Without a word, she led him inside. A second later, she was in his arms, his chest pressed against hers.

  “I’ve missed you, sugar.”

  She chuckled. “It’s only been a day.”

  “A day is too long.”

  Ever since Pete banished his need to prove himself to his dad, he’d been relaxed and more fun. The kiss caused ribbons of lust to weave through her body so strong that her hand automatically slid to his crotch. His hardness made her moan, and Pete pulled back.

  “We can’t start,” he said as he clasped her hand and squeezed. “Come on. Thad texted and said he was on his way to the restaurant already.”

  “Really?” She’d worried that Thad might change his mind if they didn’t show up on time. Once she closed up, they rushed down the stairs. “You left the car running?”

  “I wanted you to stay warm.”

  “Aw. You are too good to me.”

  “I have a lot of making up to do.”

  As he headed downtown, she admired the lush trees that would soon be dropping their leaves when another winter descended. For now, she’d enjoy the scenery. Once in town, Pete had to drive around the block twice before snagging a spot close to the restaurant. She loved this part of town because the old buildings had been here for decades. Italiano’s in particular was as homey inside as it was out.

  When they walked in, Thad was speaking with someone she didn’t recognize. He waved and pointed to a booth in the corner where three waters had already been poured. She slid in and Pete joined her on the same side.

  Thad trotted over and eased in across from her. “Hey.” He smiled, though she didn’t miss the layer of concern.

  She nodded to the solitary man. “Who’s that?”

  Thad motioned his head in the man’s direction. “That’s Max Gruden, the man I’ve been working with.”

  “You mean, the man who keeps you out at all hours of the night.”

  Thad nodded. “I think it’s the gang members who are responsible for that.”

  Max Gruden was facing the street, looking lonely. “Do you want to invite him over?”

  Thad placed a hand on hers. “Already asked, but he declined. The man is as tight-lipped as it comes, except when trying to solve a crime. He’s focused, I’ll give him that.”

  “Sounds like someone else I know.”

  Thad tucked in his chin. “Don’t tell me you aren’t as focused. If I recall, you were so absorbed in your work that you didn’t know a particular man was in a standoff in a hospital corridor.”

  “I might be guilty of that offense, but what’s Max’s excuse?” Zoey didn’t know why she was d
rawn to the sad man. Her job, she supposed. His body appeared strong, but his face was a bit gaunt as if he never indulged in wonderful foods, like sweets. “I bet he drinks his coffee black.”

  Both of her men laughed. They’d had discussions about her excessive use of sugar and cream in her drink.

  “Max used to be a cop until a bust went bad. A few days later, his wife and child were trapped in a house fire and died. The arsonist was never caught.”

  “How horrible.” A strong ache sliced through her. She couldn’t imagine what it would be like to lose a spouse, let alone a child. She’d counseled people about picking up the pieces after a death and moving on with their lives, but she wondered if she’d ever have that kind of strength.

  A man with a broad smile and confident stride came toward them. He wiped his hands on his moderately clean apron and held out his hand to Thad. “Detective.” He then nodded to Pete. “Mr. Banks.” His eyes sparkled as his gaze roamed over to her. “And who do we have here?”

  “Zoey Donovan.” Instead of a shake, the friendly man captured her hand with both of his and brought the back to his lips.

  “Delighted. I’m Giuseppe Buscemi. The owner. Italiano’s has been in the family for fifty-three years next month.” He returned her hand. “What can I get you three to drink besides your water?”

  Pete spoke up. “How about a bottle of your finest Chianti?”

  “Of course.”

  That wasn’t what they usually drank. “Is this a special occasion?” she asked after the owner slipped into the kitchen.

  Pete leaned back and stretched an arm behind her. “Since my rebirth, as I’ll call it, I’ve redefined my priorities, and I wanted to make more changes in my life, besides wanting to be with you, sugar.” His look of love warmed her heart.

  “Care to elaborate?” Zoey leaned close, their lips within kissing distance.

  “Just tell her, for Pete’s sake.” Thad grinned, obviously enjoying his use of the expression.

  Pete placed a hand on her thigh, and tingles shot up her back. “I asked Alex to be my partner again.”

  “That’s a nice surprise.” She was happy the tiff between them was settled. Zoey thought it interesting that Pete didn’t say Alex wanted to buy his half of the partnership, since Pete had bought him out when Alex needed to take care of his ill dad. “How does that work?”

  “I’m giving him thirty percent of the profit in return for his total commitment.”

  “How can he do that?” From what Pete had told her, Alex was already working too much.

  Pete shrugged. “He’s a very talented man. He’ll figure it out. Actually, I suggested he hire another construction manager, and manage him.”

  She liked where this was going. “Will this mean more time for the three of us?”

  He tapped her nose. “That’s exactly what it means.”

  The owner delivered the bottle of Chianti, along with three glasses. “Enjoy, my friends.”

  As soon as the owner left, Zoey held up her glass. “To us!”

  They clinked their glasses. Tonight was going to be quite special.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Zoey had never been as happy as she had been in the last two days, in large part because her men had been considerate and amazing lovers. Just knowing Pete had found contentment had made their bond stronger. The problem was that Zoey wanted to dream about them and be with them instead of working. For the first time ever, her job was no longer her top priority. At some point in the future, she hoped she’d get her verve back. Helping others always had been and always would be in her blood.

  When the men sprang the weekend getaway on her, each day became increasingly more difficult to get through. Pete told her they’d be flying out at 7:55 p.m. this Friday to someplace warm. Having them all to herself for two days was going to be fantastic.

  Ever since Zoey had found out about the trip, she’d made some subtle and not so subtle hints about her desire to be tied up, but neither man would say whether they were into that kind of kink. She suspected Pete was, but Thad remained an unknown.

  “Knock, knock.” Her office door opened and Jamie poked her head in. “Rachel said your last client was gone. I wanted to make sure you’re coming to happy hour.”

  Zoey hadn’t been to the weekly get-togethers since before her first date with Pete, and she needed some serious girl time. “I am.”

  “You want to go a little early? I’m off work.”

  “Absolutely. Give me a sec to collect my things.”

  Jamie’s gaze latched onto the pink stun gun. She stepped closer and picked it up with her forefinger and thumb. “What are you doing with one of these? Do you know what that can do to a body?”

  The horror lacing her voice had Zoey smiling. “Don’t worry. I have no plans to ever use it. Pete suggested I get one after the break-in.”

  Jamie set the gun back down on the edge of the desk and raised her hand to the wound where Ben had shot her. “Weapons in general scare me.”

  “Me, too.” Jamie seemed like she needed to talk, and while Zoey could suggest they stay here and have a session, from the way her friend was rubbing her arm, if might be better if they talked outside of the hospital setting. “You up for a quick detour on our way to Banner’s?”

  Jamie’s face brightened, but in Zoey’s opinion, her friend’s skin was a bit sallow. “Where?” Jamie asked.

  “Naughty Desires. I need some lingerie for my big weekend away.”

  Jamie pumped her fist in the air, looking like her old self. “My favorite store. Or at least it used to be.”

  Her friend didn’t need to say the words “before Ben,” but Zoey bet that was what she was thinking. Once Zoey grabbed her purse, coat, and some files, they left. They’d driven separately. “Meet you at Naughty Desires?”


  The lingerie shop and Banner’s were on Fourth Street, but they were eight blocks apart, so Zoey parked halfway between. Because she’d snagged a parking place before Jamie, Zoey headed to the back of the store where a few items had caught her attention the last time she was there. She passed the whips and floggers, and went straight to the section that held the fur-lined cuffs. Nothing like this little restraint to get the men in the mood.

  The bell rang above the door, and Jamie came in. “Well, well. What do we have here? Have you been keeping something from me?”

  They’d never discussed Zoey’s sex life. It was sometimes hard separating being Jamie’s friend from her therapist. “I thought I’d spice things up a little.” One of the reasons Jamie had become disillusioned with Ben was because he never wanted to experiment. “You ought to pick up something.” Zoey was close to stepping on some of Jamie’s major issues, but since Zoey had kept her voice light, she hoped Jamie wouldn’t mind.

  Her friend planted a hand on her hip. “Not my thing to self-stimulate.”

  Zoey grabbed a sleep mask and some soft ties. “That’s a man’s job, right?”

  Jamie looked down for a second. “Yeah.”

  Zoey was about to point out that if Jamie would give some of the men who’d asked her out a chance, she might find Mr. Right—the real Mr. Right this time. Zoey understood that just because she was deliriously happy, it didn’t mean everyone else would be so lucky.

  “How about helping me pick out some indecent underwear?” Zoey set her fun toys on the checkout counter and headed to the lingerie section. Whatever Jamie picked for her, Zoey would buy.

  By the time they walked out of the store, Zoey must have spent half a week’s wages, but she loved everything. The men were going to go crazy.

  “Where did you park?” Jamie asked.

  “Between here and Banner’s.” They walked side by side. When Zoey reached her car, she dumped her purchases in the trunk, and then they made their way to the bar.

  Inside, the canned music was playing at a decent decibel level, and the place wasn’t yet crowded. Amber and Melissa were already there and waved to them. She and Jamie w
ere a bit late, so she guessed Becky wouldn’t be coming.

  After hugs all around, the tension slowly seeped out of Zoey’s bones. The place might have that distinct odor of beer and wood, but it was a smell that reminded her of good times.

  As soon as they were seated, Jamie clasped Amber’s hand. “I know your mom came to visit this past weekend, but we haven’t had a chance to talk. What suggestions did she have for your wedding?”

  Amber already had her glass of wine and Zoey motioned to the waitress for her usual. Zoey wanted to hear what Mrs. Delacroix had suggested before showing Amber some of the pictures she’d taken of Nana’s barn. Zoey had uploaded them to the Cloud so that she could share her experience with the girls.

  “Mom exhausted me. We went to every church in Rock Hard. While ménage weddings are common, not all places embrace them.” Amber pursed her lips. “Then we had to drive to Billings, where we met with similar disappointment.”

  Poor Amber. Zoey reached over to her and clasped her hand. “What do you and the men want?”

  “Yes! It does matter what the bride desires. Why can’t my mom see that?”

  Zoey smiled. “Well, she is a bit self-centered.”

  That seemed to cheer up Amber. “Yes, but she’s trying to be a mother, so I’m attempting to be a good daughter.”

  Zoey pulled out her cell phone and clicked on the app that brought up the photos of Nana’s barn. “I have a place I think you might like, though I’m pretty sure your mom won’t.”

  The glint in her eyes returned. “Let me see.”

  Zoey explained about Thad’s grandmother’s place. “Thad’s cousin, Erin, sent me some photos of her wedding that had been held there. The place is quite magical and homey and awesome.”

  Jamie leaned closer. “Nice, but see how the light leaks between the wooden slats? I bet it’ll be cold in there.”

  Zoey agreed. “Have you three set a wedding date?”

  Amber shook her head. “We’re thinking sometime in the spring.”

  “That will work weather wise.” Zoey handed her the phone. “There are about fifteen photos. Just scroll through them.”


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