Foundation for Three

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Foundation for Three Page 28

by Vella Day

  Zoey needed time to process everything, but dammit, she wasn’t a fragile flower. Tonight she wanted to show them just how strong she was.

  “All set.” Pete flashed the key card and grinned. “Ready?”

  Zoey couldn’t wait to use this weekend to indulge in her fantasies and put reality at bay. Her body still vibrated from the rather bumpy flight, but that could be a combination of jitters and high expectations.

  After a short elevator ride, Pete slid the keycard into the door lock and motioned she enter first. They were in the mockup of the Chrysler building. She rushed to the window and took in the expansive vista. “I feel like I’m in the city.” The view from the hotel across from them probably afforded an even better view.

  Thad stepped behind her and hugged her tight. “I can’t wait for our adventure. No phone calls, no disturbances.”

  She doubted there’d be no texts between Thad and Cade. After all, Kara had attempted murder. During the flight, she’d answered all of Thad’s questions about what happened. When they landed, he sent the information to Cade.

  “Anyone up for a gondola ride?” Thad said.

  She spun around. “Seriously?”

  He laughed. “Have you ever been to Venice?”

  “Years ago. My parents brought me to Europe as a high school graduation present.”

  Thad laughed. “I got a hunting rifle. Then Nana told me to go ‘git her a deer.’”

  All three of them laughed.

  She ran a finger down Thad’s chest. “Or we could enjoy the room for a bit.” She wanted to try out those presents she’d brought.

  Pete moved over to them and angled behind her. Her body heated. Lifting the hair off her neck, he inhaled. “You always smell so good.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Zoey pressed her hips back, thrilled when Pete groaned.

  He palmed her tits then stepped into view. “As much as I’d like to ravish you right here, we have a reservation with a certain Italian gondolier.”

  Only because she might never get a chance to ride on a gondola with two such glorious men again did she give in. To think, her life had been turned upside down less than two weeks ago. So much had happened that it was difficult to comprehend. Zoey had counseled enough couples to know that the initial dating period was the best, and that real life would intrude. For now, she’d enjoy every wonderful second.

  “I’m ready for my adventure.”

  As soon as they stepped outside the hotel lobby, the balmy weather, colorful billboards, and noisy bustle invigorated her. Wide-eyed, Zoey tried to absorb all the sights and sounds. People milled about everywhere. If Zoey didn’t like the mountain views so much, this would have been a fun place to live.

  Even though it was daylight, she swore every light on the strip was lit. They passed through the Flamingo, where they stopped for a bit to watch the pink birds flaunt their long legs.

  Zoey shook her head. “I can’t imagine being an attraction and trying to compete here.”

  “It’s tough, but each hotel seems to have something unique to offer,” Pete said. “Come on. It would take a week to see everything.”

  She loved to watch people, but a date was a date. The noise reminded her of New York City with its cars, people, and amazing energy. When they arrived at the Venetian, her memories transported her back to her travels.

  “This is incredible. The water is more like a pool than the actual waters of Venice, but the details are fantastic.”

  Pete spoke with a woman gondolier and then motioned Zoey and Thad to get in the boat that had two opposing benches. Thad helped her onto the seat. “How about you sit across from us so we can see you?”

  She liked the idea of keeping an eye on both men, but she would miss their comfort, their touch. Once seated, the guide pushed off and then began to sing. Zoey giggled at the wonder of it all. Pete pointed out the Bridge of Sighs and several other Venice sights. As much as she liked reminiscing, she was fascinated by Thad’s expression of awe. The fancy signs, the expensive shops, and the massive amount of stone seemed to have drawn him into a world he never thought he’d experience. She would give anything to drag him off to Europe and show him the real cities.

  They were probably halfway around the lagoon when Pete asked the gondola driver to stop. She pulled next to a pole and steadied the boat.

  “Why are we stopping?”

  They both grinned and dropped to one knee in front her. Zoey’s heart nearly exploded. Her chest squeezed.

  Pete nudged Thad, who kept staring at her. Thad pulled out a blue velvet case from his pocket. His mouth opened then shut.

  Pete glanced to the sky then back at her. “I guess it’s my turn anyway since I’m the oldest.” He leaned closer. Out of the corner of her eyes, a few spectators on shore watched, but the men didn’t seem to notice. “I can’t even begin to tell you how my life has changed since you’ve walked into it, sugar.”

  “Me, too.” She never thought she’d fall in love with two men. She’d been the woman who’d sworn off any kind of ménage relationship. Boy, had she learned a few things since then.

  Thad’s chest expanded and his color seemed to return. “While I wasn’t the total ass-turned-good-guy, I, too, have found what I’ve been looking for in my life. I love you, Zoey, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He glanced over at Pete. “This lug comes with the package.”

  Tears welled in her eyes, and she was totally overwhelmed.

  Pete clasped her hand. “Will you marry us?”

  Her brain almost imploded. “Yes! But on one condition.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Pete’s shoulders curled into what looked like defeat. “Condition? I thought you loved us,” he said. Each word sliced through her.

  Zoey swallowed the intense pain. “I love you both. Very much, but we’ve only known each other a few weeks.” Didn’t he see that to jump into something like this too quickly might damage their relationship?

  Thad looked at Pete then back at her. “Are you saying our timing sucks?”

  She leaned back against the seat. The disappointment on their faces sickened her. Hurting them was the last thing she wanted to do, but she knew better. “I’ve spent my life talking to people with marriage issues. I see what couples go through. We need to be more cautious.”

  “I’m not understanding what you’re saying, sugar. We know you’re the woman for us.” The plea in Pete’s voice tore her up.

  She wet her lips needing time to figure out how to explain her reasoning. “What Thad said was true. The timing sucks. I want to marry you both. I just think we need to wait a bit. That was what I meant by a condition.”

  The curl of Pete’s mouth grew more pronounced. “What are we talking here? A month, two months, a year?”

  His enthusiasm allowed her to draw in more oxygen, and the blood finally returned to her heart and lungs. “Can we play it by ear?” The devil in her made her want to tease them a bit. She lifted her chin. “If you two can show me how incredible you are I might fold sooner.”

  “Hot damn!” Pete shouted as he slapped his thigh, lifted off his knee, and sat back on the padded bench. He glanced up at the driver and motioned she continue their tour. “We’re going to prove to you that we are the perfect men for you.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  * * *

  Pete and Thad’s willingness to give the three of them time to figure out the ins and outs of this relationship pleased Zoey to no end, giving her hope that tonight would be even more spectacular than the sights of Las Vegas.

  They ate at a fabulous Asian restaurant and she had to laugh when Thad seemed unable to keep from making faces at the raw tuna. For their next meal, she’d insist on a place that served cooked beef.

  After the gondola ride, they must have walked for over an hour, and fatigue was beginning to take its toll. “Anyone interested in going back to the room for a little R&R?” She was holding both of their hands and gave each a squeeze, hoping they’d get the hi

  They both shrugged, acting like they had no interest in making love to her. Two could play at this game. She yawned. “I could sleep for hours. I think the whole incident with Kara is finally hitting me.”

  Their expressions instantly changed from disinterest to concern. “Take all the time you need. We don’t want to exhaust you.” Thad winked. “We have big plans.”

  Yes! “That right? On second thought, sleep can wait.” She had so much to make up to them, and she wanted to start now.

  Thad held open the door to the hotel, and they made their way up to the room. Once inside, the bed looked so inviting that Zoey plopped down on the soft spread and toed off her shoes. She hadn’t been kidding when she said she was tired. She reached down and rubbed her insteps. “My feet ache.” She wasn’t used to all this walking in her boots.

  All of a sudden, two sets of hands clasped their warm palms around her feet and massaged the insteps. She moaned. “That feels amazing.”

  After a minute of intense rubbing, both men climbed onto the bed next to her. If the past was any indication, they’d strip her first, leaving her breathless and wanting.

  It was time to turn the tables. “I have a request,” she said.

  Pete clasped her hand. “Anything.”

  “Wait here.”

  Before they could stop her, she slipped off the bed and rushed over to her suitcase. From the inside top pocket, she withdrew the velvet cuffs, blindfold, and two soft ropes. Her body heated from the anticipation of doing something so unorthodox. At least for her—a conservative New Englander with a PhD in psychology. Imagining the thrill about to take place, her lower body clenched with delight. She inwardly giggled. Mark and Dave never would have considered doing something so “vulgar.”

  Zoey whipped around, jutted out one hip, and dangled her new purchases from her open palm. “What do you think?” Her heartbeat soared, praying she hadn’t misjudged them.

  “Are you kidding me?” Pete’s eyes were wider than saucers, and Thad’s jaw lowered.

  When neither man moved, indecision nearly splintered her. Laugh and play it off as a joke or show them what she wanted? The latter won.

  Zoey squatted, placed the items on the floor then stood, going for her sexiest look. “Do what I say and I might let you use these on me.” Breath held, she slinked toward them.

  Thad shook his head. “Handcuffs? Ropes? I don’t think I could.”

  From the way his hand clenched then unclenched, he wanted to, but some macho thing was stopping him. She blew out a breath. “They’re real soft and won’t hurt me if that’s what’s worrying you.”

  Thad’s cheek sucked in. “You sure?” He came off the bed, bent down, and examined her new toys. “Why haven’t you mentioned you wanted to do this before?” His hesitation sounded like he didn’t believe her.

  “I’ve hinted at it, but I wasn’t sure I was ready. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

  Thad turned back to Pete before facing her again. “Why now?” His shoulders squared and his eyes flickered with uncertainty.

  This wasn’t going to be easy to explain. She inhaled and ran her hands down his muscular arms. His fresh scent teased her nostrils. “Letting you tie me up is all about trust. I want to experience both of you in many ways. Sometimes I like it hard, other times tender.”

  “Me, too.” Thad stroked her face. He looked like he wanted to say more, but wasn’t sure how to begin.

  A dreadful thought pierced her brain. “Please don’t think I’m in any way dissatisfied with our lovemaking. God, no. You both are amazing and beyond my wildest dreams.” Oh, shit. She hoped she hadn’t blown this. “I was thinking this might be a good way to learn more about each other.”

  Pete got off the bed and moved toward her in a lazy fashion. “I’m up for experimentin’.” The man always knew how to lighten any mood.

  “Thank you, Pete. Thad?”

  “Let’s give it a try.”

  Relief almost made her knees weak. “Okay then. How about we start our little experiment by you two taking off your boots?”

  They both got that cheeky grin she adored, and did as she asked. Being in control was a heady feeling.

  “What’s next?” Pete asked, clearly enjoying their little game.

  “I’m going to strip you boys naked, and once I’m finished, I’ll decide if I let you take off my clothes.”

  Thad cocked a brow. “For someone from the east, you’re acting like you know your way around a cowboy or two.”

  She laughed, loving that Thad was willing to sign onto this adventure. “We’ll just have to see, won’t we?” Her fingers hooked under his waistband and flicked open the button. She pulled back the material and looked inside. “Ooh. Someone is excited.” She grinned.

  He clamped her wrist. “If you don’t hurry, you’ll be experiencing some of that excitement before you’d planned.”

  She tossed him her best pout. “It’s all about the seduction. Now shush, and let me do my thing.”

  Pete stepped closer. “Yeah, Thad, let the lady take her time.” He dragged a hand over her hair. “You go right ahead and go as slow as you want, sugar.”

  Pete always knew how to soothe her. “Thank you.” She faced Thad. “For that, you’ll have to wait. And no undressing yourself this time.”

  Thad bent down, picked up the pink cuffs, and examined them. They were fur, built like a hair tie with a metal clasp. “What good will these do? Won’t keep a dead animal still.” There was lawman disdain in his voice. She laughed, shook her head, and returned her attention back to Pete.

  Because she loved his chest so much, she lifted off his shirt and tossed it on the ground. “These are pecs worthy of a Calvin Klein billboard.”

  Thad bumped her from behind. “I got a good chest, too.”

  She glanced over her shoulder. “Never said you didn’t, but I won’t be rubbing my tits down your body if you don’t simmer down.” She was enticing him, but Thad seemed blind to her wily ways.

  As she unbuckled Pete’s belt, she rubbed her chest against his rippled body. Suddenly she was airborne and then dropped onto the bed.

  Thad crawled on top of her. “Now, you get this straight, missy. When I want you, I’m gonna git you. I’m not a patient man. Pete, come help me get this little lady nikkid.” Thad’s hazel eyes darkened and her insides melted.

  This was just where she wanted to be. Pete slipped off her pants while Thad pulled off her top rather unceremoniously. “You don’t want my hands all over you?” She planned to touch them plenty, but it was fun to act hurt.

  “Sure I do, which is why I’m changing the rules. I can’t take this ‘I’m in control, boys’ attitude. We aren’t play toys.” He unhooked her bra, removed it, and sent it flying somewhere off to the side. “We men take what we want.” He wagged a finger at her, but the glint in his eyes told her Thad was enjoying this as much as she was. “And I want you.”

  Now he was talking. “How are you going to do that?”

  “You hear that sass, Pete? Strip her now.”

  Not much to strip as all she had left was her panties, but they were gone in a heartbeat. So much for shopping at a high-end shop. “Maybe I shouldn’t have even bothered with undies if you aren’t going to admire them.”

  Thad grinned. “Now you’re talking sense.” He got off the bed and undressed.

  Perhaps she’d pushed him too far. One of these days she’d take her time and make him beg for mercy. Nah. Not going to happen with these two. That was what she loved so much about them.

  Once they were both gloriously naked, Pete picked up the rope. Zoey looked around. Damn. The bed didn’t have anything to attach it to. So much for her plan to be tied down and ravished.

  Pete pulled over both heavy chairs and turned them upside down.

  “What are you doing?”

  He glanced at Thad. “How about blindfolding this little filly? She doesn’t need to see how smart we are.”

  Another smile c
rossed Thad’s face and dimpled one cheek. He was such a handsome man. She loved when he grinned, but his serious side spoke deeply to her, too. He nabbed the sleep mask off the floor.

  “You sure about this?” he asked.

  “I’m not exactly worried that you’ll pull out a knife and carve me up.”

  He dropped back his head and laughed. “Don’t have a knife. Couldn’t get it past airport security.”

  He dealt with gangs, and she bet he was quite competent wielding one. “Good to know.”

  “Now lie back and let the masters take you so high you won’t be able to breathe.”

  “Okay, but when I suck on your cocks, I would like the blindfold off. I adore seeing you squirm and pant and claw the sheets to keep from climaxing too soon.”

  Thad planted a palm on his chest. “You saying I’m weak?”

  She raised her brows. “Hmm. Blindfold, please.”

  He grinned and then placed the black mask over her eyes. As soon as she lifted her hands above her head, prickles of anticipation skipped across her skin.

  Thad pressed on one nipple. Or at least she assumed it was Thad since the bed hadn’t dipped. That one press had been light, but heat seeped straight to her core. Maybe the blindfold was a bad idea. The bed dipped again, indicating Thad had moved.

  “Still think this isn’t going to work,” he said as he lifted her arms from behind her head and slid the spongy cuffs around her wrists.

  It didn’t matter that it would be easy to get out of them. The idea of being restrained excited her. She returned her arms to above her head and straightened them to elevate her breasts.

  “Ah,” Thad said. “I see the light.”

  A second later a hand descended on her left breast and a mouth claimed her right. Instant sizzle danced across her body as he pulled and nipped at the tiny buds. Zoey arched her back for more contact, but he moved his hand down to her belly to keep her still. That only caused more hormones to race through her veins.

  “You ready, sugar?” Pete was the one at the end of the bed.


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