Dangerous Mate

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Dangerous Mate Page 9

by Cecilia Lane

  Most of the glass had been swept up by the time he was able to return. He gathered the last few big pieces and leaned against the wall, watching Rylee sweep another pile of glass into the dustpan.

  Her brows wrinkled together when she realized he stood there. “How often does this happen?”

  His bear roared in his head, unwilling to even think about the sickness ravaging his father. Callum was the good son who forced himself to visit, but Cole had a hard time watching Pop forget him a little more each day. He’d always been in Callum’s shadow and accepted his role as spare to Callum’s heir. But that didn’t make losing a man he admired from afar any easier. “He has an uncontrolled shift about once a week. They’re not usually this bad.”

  “I meant in the population. Look, I know there are more enclaves. What is the rate of cases like this?”

  “I don’t know. It’s not really discussed. We’re supposed to be strong. No illness should touch us. No one likes to admit there’s a weakness.”

  “This is what I could help with. Tracking, researching, comparing to the rates of human population. And maybe linking into what’s already been learned from human trials. Prevention and treatment have come a long way.”

  “But not long enough. There’s nothing that will put his mind back together, is there?”

  She flinched, and he immediately regretted the sharpness of his words. She was just trying to help. She wasn’t the cause of Pop’s illness or the lack of treatment available.

  Cole stuffed his hands into his hair and blew out a breath. “I’m sorry.”

  The damage was already done. She retreated into her silence.

  Fuck, he was being pulled in too many directions. Callum had his plans and ways of doing things and suggestions about every-fucking-thing. Leah had her own unwanted advice on how everyone in the clan should lead their lives and solve all their problems.

  Then there was that horrid Olivia Gale. Mayor Gale had her own demands. And technically, yes, he owed his allegiance to her. She assigned him to watch over Rylee and learn all her secrets. Even when he wanted to keep the tiny woman at a distance, Gale was pushing him closer.

  He was caught between a rock and a hard place. His clan alpha wanted him back on fire duty, but that meant listening to the town mayor who held that fate in her hands. He wanted to keep a human woman at a distance, but Olivia wanted him to learn everything Rylee had in her head and her notes.

  And then there was Rylee herself. Nervous talker and smarter than he’d ever be, with wicked curves that made him strain against his pants. His bear didn’t just push him to get near her; the beast flat out shoved him in her direction. He couldn’t even sleep without seeing her face in his dreams.

  She couldn’t be his mate. Couldn’t, shouldn’t, wouldn’t. She was too human. She’d leave at the drop of a hat. He was too young to remember his own mother’s swift departure from Bearden, but he saw what it did to his father. The man stayed strong for his boys, but the wounds were there. And Cole didn’t want to be sour and alone once Rylee inevitably left the enclave.

  The excuses sounded worn and stale.

  Chapter 12

  Cole tested the new door and set the tools on the kitchen counter to be put away later. He inhaled deeply and let Rylee’s scent roll over him. Coating him, more like it. His bear wanted to roll in it.

  She hadn’t left and was easy to track to the living room. He’d told her to head to the lab while he finished cleaning up, but she hadn’t disappeared for more than a second to grab her bag from the truck and then tuck herself into the couch. The silent insistence to stick around made his head swim almost as much as her scent filling his lungs.

  He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest, just drinking her in. She frowned at whatever was on the screen, lips pursing together and hand twisting nothing at her throat. She was beautiful and gorgeous, all the words women liked to hear.

  And maybe, for a little while, she could be his. He just couldn’t let himself get lost.

  “I thought you were heading into the lab.”

  Rylee looked up from her laptop and a slow smile spread across her face. “I thought I’d stick around in case you needed any help. And maybe if you needed someone to listen.”

  “Pop will be out for another few hours and we’re all cleaned up. I could make us some lunch if you’re determined to stick around.” The suggestion was out in the open before he had a chance to think about it. And it sounded fucking perfect to his bear. Keeping her safe wasn’t the only instinct she triggered. He needed to provide for her. Feed her. He’d kept her flush with food when she had her little breakdown. He could keep her happy and fed again.

  She shut her laptop and set it on the side table. “Lunch sounds perfect. What’s on the menu?”

  Her, if he could manage it.

  She padded into the kitchen after him, but he gave no sign that he knew exactly how close she was. Hell, even if he shut his eyes and blocked his ears, he could probably still say the exact distance between them. There was a current that ran from him to her, something vaguely electrical, that he couldn’t ignore.

  “Sandwiches, probably. We could order something if you want anything fancier than that.”

  She peeked into the fridge under his arm. Wildflowers and rain entered his nose, all from her. His bear rumbled in his middle, wanting to take control. The beast sent him all sorts of images of Rylee with a mark on her shoulder, proclaiming her off limits to all others. Mate.

  Not when she’d leave. But fun could be had before then. He could think of her as he thought of every other woman he slept with: temporary.

  Convincing his bear that she wasn’t anyone important was for later.

  He twisted around, catching her around the waist and letting the fridge fall shut. One hand sifted into her hair and the other held her close. Two steps backward pushed her against the wall between kitchen and living room.

  He dropped his lips to her neck, relishing in the feel of her riling up his human half and soothing the animal. “I can’t stop thinking about you. Wanting you.”

  Fear entered her scent. The sting of it itched at his nose and forced him to back off. He pulled away, searching her face for any answers. “What’s wrong?”

  “I… I can’t,” she mumbled, not meeting his eyes.

  “Is this where you tell me you’re not supposed to sleep with anyone in town? You can. We can. We’re grown adults and can make our own choices.”

  “I’m not—that’s not...” Another wave of fear wafted off her, growing stronger with every passing second. “Cole, I can’t!”

  She shoved at his chest and he took a hasty step back from her. She planted one hand against the wall and the other over her heart, pulling breath after breath into her lungs and still not getting enough air.

  He cocked his head and tried to understand what went wrong. He thought she’d been more than willing. Hell, she smelled like she wanted him more and more leading up to that kiss that branded his soul. Maybe she was virginally nervous. “Have you ever been with a man?”

  “Yes—no. Not in the way you mean,” she whispered, big blue eyes tracking him as he stalked around the living room.

  “Fuck,” he snarled, shoving his hands into his hair and pacing. He made a circuit around the living room and turned, finding her big blue eyes watching him warily.

  He needed to stop. He was making her more nervous. His need to burn off energy to keep from punching the walls into oblivion wasn’t as important as soothing her.

  He took a seat on the couch, arms resting on his thighs and hands stuffed into his hair. He hoped he made himself small enough, but even seated he was still almost eye level. He willed his bear to the back of his mind. No gold eyes, no snarls. He was the epitome of calm for her.

  Please, please let him be wrong. He didn’t want to believe it. Not her. She was too sweet for someone to hurt her. It had to be something else. Otherwise, he’d kill someone.

  Pieces of an uncomforta
ble puzzle slid into place. She didn’t like being surprised, and she was wary near anyone larger than herself, which was over half the fucking population. She forced him as far from her as possible on the first day. All the nerves and fear she displayed suddenly made sense and turned his stomach.

  Red swam in his vision and his bear clawed at his middle. Blood. Blood needed to spill for her.

  “His name. Give me his name.”

  “Peter Glasser,” she breathed. Her shoulders slumped like a weight had been lifted. Even so, she still spoke to the floor instead of him. “Cole, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten close to you. This is my fault.”

  He lifted his head and locked his eyes on her. “You can’t possibly think I’m upset with you.”

  Her head snapped up, and she stared at him blankly. Seconds passed, and the gulf of miscommunication seemed to narrow between them. “You’re not?”

  “Of course not.” He shook his head, no doubt mirroring her bewilderment. “I want to kill him. I will kill him, if it’s the last thing I do. But I can’t be upset with you.”

  For the first time in a long while, he and his bear were one. He’d track down the bastard that hurt Rylee and make him pay. Lots of slow pain waited for the man.

  As for Rylee, she needed to be treated right. All that damage done to make her scared of people needed to be erased. He wanted to show her how a real man treated his woman.

  She could leave after that. He could even accept it. But he needed to help her heal. He needed to show her she had nothing to fear from him or whatever human man came after him, as much as that thought made his stomach clench with hatred for the faceless future.

  Fuck Olivia and her obsessive need to know what was in store for them. He’d get close to Rylee, on Rylee’s terms.

  He pat the seat next to him. “Will you come here? My bear is going crazy making you scared and having you all the way over there.”

  She nodded. Her first step was faltering, but she grew confident by the time she stopped in front of him. She slashed her eyes to the seat next to him, then tightened her jaw and planted one knee on either side of his lap.

  “Rylee,” he said, voice tight. His bear pushed forward, rumbling loudly in his head. Loud enough and strong enough to change his eyes gold, he knew.

  She touched her tongue to her lips. Determination entered her scent, and she didn’t back away. “I want you to hold me.”

  Cole shut his eyes and willed his bear under control. He wrapped his arms loosely around her middle and, immediately, his bear quieted. The fast thumping of her heart seemed to lessen, as well.

  But washing away her fear and his anger was a double-edged sword. With her so close, he was lost in her scent. Wildflowers blossomed all around him, growing thicker with every second. The feel of her straddling him sent the blood rushing straight to his cock, and he was harder than ever in his life.

  He refused to move and ease the ache in his jeans. The metal teeth of his zipper could leave permanent indentations and he still wouldn’t give in to the urge to thrust his hips against her. He wouldn’t set her back. He wouldn’t be the cause of her fear. She asked him to hold her, and that was all he would do.

  She relaxed into him slowly. Melted against him. A small shift of her hips dragged her against his hard length and she froze. Her breath caught in her lungs, and then she moved again, stroking up and down his shaft.

  “You need to stop that, little bit,” he groaned. “I want to show you how you should be touched, but you’re not ready.”

  “I’m so tired of him hanging over everything I do.”

  Cole pulled her back and peered up at her. Rylee shifted again, and he shut his eyes against the pleasure.

  “You make me feel brave.”

  “Brave isn’t enough,” he denied. Fuck, but he wanted to bury himself inside her. Fingers, tongue, cock, anything. He wanted to show her how a man should treat a woman.

  “Safe, then. Wanted.” She swallowed. Her fingers shook when they found the first button of her blouse. “Normal.”

  “Rylee.” A second button came undone and he couldn’t tear his eyes away from that bit of skin peeking through the slash. He tightened his grip on her thighs but didn’t make any other moves.

  “I don’t want to be scared for the rest of my life.” She worked her fingers down her shirt until the flimsy fabric parted. She shrugged out of it, blonde hair swishing as she twisted to drop it to the floor.

  Cole moved then, hands sliding up her back and tangling into her hair. He inhaled a long line up the column of her neck and savored the thickly sweet scent of her. He wanted her badly. Wanted to savor her. Convince her to part for him.

  His bear watched eagerly. Quiet, for once. Patient.

  Under it all, her heart fluttered too quickly to be just from her arousal. She wasn’t ready for everything. Hell, he wasn’t entirely convinced she was ready for this.

  That thought sent a flash of fury through him and tempered his own desire. She wanted to test her boundaries, see what she could or couldn’t manage. She’d deemed him safe enough for that, and he wouldn’t disappoint her. He’d rather die than see her eyes go dead and a frown mar her lips.

  “I want to kiss you,” he murmured below her ear. Another swallow, another nod. Another needle of desire he couldn’t acknowledge, pushing him to touch her and claim every inch of her.

  “Kiss me.”

  Rylee didn’t know how long they stayed locked together. Her hands balled into Cole’s shirt or stroked down his chest while he stayed the perfect, sexy gentleman. Well, maybe not perfect. There were a few choked groans and hitches of his hips that sent a thrill spilling through her veins, but that was all and seemed almost involuntary. And they excited her more, so she couldn’t blame him.

  He trailed a line of soft, wet kisses down her neck and over the mounds of her breasts. His hand cupped one while his mouth found the other, sucking her nipple through the cotton. “Perfect. Just fucking perfect,” he said thickly, switching places and paying the same amount of attention to her other nipple.

  Rylee bit down on her lip to keep from crying out. She didn’t have time for fear or panic when Cole was making her drunk on lust. She’d never felt so good. He was leading her back to the land of the living with one pleasurable twist of his mouth at a time.

  He released her nipple and gave her another long, lingering kiss that sparked need inside her. His hands moved up and down her legs, along her back, across her stomach. His fingers settled on the button of her slacks. “Can I peel you out of these?”

  “I don’t know, can you?” Rylee shot back without thinking. She slammed her hands over her mouth in embarrassment.

  Cole snorted a laugh. “May I? I didn’t know we were in grammar class. Nerd.”

  Pressing her lips together and ignoring the flutter of fear that wanted to come to life, she nodded. Cole held her eyes as he popped the button, then pulled down her zipper. Gold churned in the grey, fascinating her into relaxing a fraction. Silently, she went to her feet and let him drag her pants down her body.

  Then she was nearly naked with another person for the first time in years. Her fingers itched to cover herself until Cole raked his eyes up and down her body. A flush worked its way across her cheeks and down her neck and dropped heat straight to her core.

  “You smell so fucking amazing it makes my mouth water. I want to touch you, little bit. Do you know what that means?”

  Unable to find her tongue, she nodded.

  Cole shut his eyes and inhaled sharply. His hands tightened around her thighs, but he didn’t move. “Need to hear you say yes,” he said, voice thick and low.

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  He pulled her into his lap again, lapping and sucking at her nipples while one hand, one impossibly hot hand, slipped beneath the lace of her panties.

  Rylee gasped when his finger slid through her curls. He circled her entrance slowly, giving her every chance to take back her agreement. The words were there on h
er tongue, ready to push him away, until they suddenly died.

  She didn’t want to give into old panic. She wanted to see what Cole could give her.

  He slid one finger deep inside her and drew a ragged moan from her lungs. Just that threatened to send her flying into the unfamiliar. That touch alone erased the last bit of fear lingering in her veins. She wanted more.

  Cole was there to provide. He added a second finger to the first, and she stretched deliciously around him. Her sudden intake of breath jerked his head up and he fixed his eyes on hers.

  He stared straight into her very being as he pumped his hand against her.

  Rylee wanted to shut her eyes, wanted to lose herself to the darkness behind her lids, but she couldn’t. She met Cole’s gaze with naked longing. There was a promise in his eyes, convincing her that he meant her no harm. He lived for her pleasure.

  Each thrust of his fingers bumped and curled against her sweetest spot and drew pants from her lungs. He played her body like an instrument he’d mastered and cherished for years. Her hips bucked against him, taking his touch, loving how he felt inside her, daring him to look away.

  Then she shattered amid his throat growls and her panted, mewling moans.

  Still locked with his eyes and gasping for breath, Rylee rode the thick waves of pleasure that pulsed through her. The spasms intensified until she had to shut her eyes, had to just let herself feel what she’d never attained on her own, and rarely wanted to try after… after…

  Cole didn’t slow and ripped another orgasm out of her right on the heels of the first.

  It was his deep growl that forced her eyes open again. Her stomach hollowed with every gulped breath, and a new flush of excitement zinged through her when he stuffed his fingers in his mouth and licked them clean.

  “You taste as good as you smell,” he told her with a smirk on his lips.

  Her hands fluttered at her sides and her mouth worked wordlessly. She had no fathomable idea of what to say to that and she fell back to her idea of what normal looked like. She should reciprocate in some way. “What about you?”


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