Christmas Angel

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Christmas Angel Page 20

by Amanda McIntyre

Angel’s heart stilled, and she glanced over at Gleason who sat there with a cocky grin on his face.

  “I love it when she gets all homicidal on me.” He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her into a passionate kiss.

  “Cop humor,” Shado whispered near her ear. She turned to find him smiling.

  He’d pulled out a chair and was waiting for her to sit down.

  Angel sat, realizing how up and down her emotions were around the man. One minute they were arguing, the next being sociable, and in an instant ripping off one another’s clothes.

  He leaned down to speak directly to her. “I’ll get us something to drink. What sounds good to you?”

  While many options—one of them being a shot of whiskey—skipped through her brain, she glanced at the lovely, tulip-shaped glass filled with a pale pink liquid Marla had. “I’ll have what she’s having.”

  A few moments later, she sipped what she found out was called white zinfandel, and although the sweet, rose colored drink was not white at all, she found it delightful to let it rest on her tongue before swallowing it. Detective Gleason and his wife left the table to dance, and she watched them in rapt fascination, envious of how they looked into each other’s eyes. “He truly loves her.” She spoke the words aloud before she realized it.

  Shado had out a new device he called a smartphone. “Hmm?” He looked at her then followed her gaze to the dance floor. “I didn’t quite catch what you said. I’m trying to look up that antique store in the directory. What’d you say?”

  She waved her hand, dismissing him. “It’s nothing important. Just observing.”

  He glanced at his phone and then toward Detective Gleason again. “Okay, listen, would you mind if I excused myself for a few moments? There’s a guy over there who’s more familiar with this thing than I am. I need to ask him a couple of questions. Will you be okay here for a minute or two?”

  “Of course. I’ll be fine. I’m enjoying sitting here watching people.”

  He stood and hesitated before pushing his chair in. “You’re sure?”

  “Positive. I’ll be right here.” She smiled up at him, wishing with her entire being he’d ask her to dance instead.

  “Great, I’ll be right back.”

  She held her smile bravely until he disappeared into the crowd. The song ended, there was a smattering of applause, and several people returned to their seats, including Shado’s boss and his wife.

  “You two make quite the fetching couple,” she said, hoping her disappointment that Shado had left didn’t show.

  Marla smiled, and Gleason lifted his beer to his lips, looking around as he sat beside his wife. “Now where in the Sam Hill did our boy go?” he asked.

  “He said he needed to ask someone about his new phone.”

  The tall man shook his head and leaned his arm over the back of his wife’s

  chair. “I hate what a ruckus those damn things have caused in the precinct. But to hell with him, Angel. His loss. Do you like to dance?” He had a boyishly crooked smile. Maybe one too many beers. Angel found him endearing, both him and his wife.

  “It looks fun. It’s been such a long time. I’m not sure I remember how.”

  He kissed his wife on the temple. “Honey, you don’t mind if I take Angel for a spin, do you?” His grin conveyed how special she was to him.

  “Of course not, sweetheart. My toes could use the rest.” She grabbed his black moustache, peppered with silver streaks, and gave him a playful kiss.

  “But I told Shado I’d wait for him here,” Angel interjected, taking another sip of wine.

  “Marla can let him know where you are.” He stood and held her chair. “Come on now, your dress is far too pretty to be sitting here all night. Let’s give it a whirl.”

  “You’re sure you don’t mind?” She glanced at Marla, even as Angel was already being nudged to the dance floor. They danced one song, then a two-step number was announced. The happy detective let out a loud whoop and lifted her clean off her feet, whirling her in a circle. Angel looked over at his wife who raised her glass and laughed openly at his antics. Angel couldn’t remember the last time she’d laughed so hard. He was delightful, praising his wife and remaining a gentleman as he twirled her around. It didn’t take long for her to ease into the rhythm of the two-step as they danced side-by-side. “You’re quite the dancer, Mr.

  Gleason. I had no idea detectives could move so well.”

  “Well, thank you, ma’am.” He nodded and gently pushed her into a once around twirl and effortlessly kept up with the flow of the other dancers. “You don’t grow up in Texas and not become familiar with how to two-step. I learned early on it was one surefire way of getting close to women.”

  “And charming to boot.” Angel laughed. She checked with each turn around to see if Shado had returned, but his seat was still empty.

  “He don’t like to dance.” Jack kept moving to the music, but he’d picked up on her apprehension at her date’s absence.

  “It was kind of you to suggest he bring me. I’m not sure we’d be here


  The tall Texan sighed as he scanned the room. “Marla and I have been trying to get him out more. But he can be pretty stubborn.”

  “You don’t need to tell me twice.” Angel smiled.

  He eyed her. “You know once we catch this guy, you can move on with your life. I’ve already spoken to a friend of mine who has a house for women in transition. She’s agreed to help you get on your feet, if you were to…happen to stay around here.”

  She looked at him as he twirled her under his arm. “Thank you. I don’t know yet what my plans are.”

  “Okay, just sayin’. I spoke to Shado about it.”

  Angel darted him a glance and fought not to ask what his response was.

  Captain Murphy saved her from the humiliation.

  “May I cut in?”

  Detective Gleason stepped aside and regarded her. “Okay with you?”

  Angel nodded and held her arms out to the captain. Two songs later and at least three different partners, she excused herself and sat down at the empty table. She slipped her shoes off and leaned over to rub her aching foot.

  “Well, it would appear you’ve been busy burning up the dance floor with nearly every man here.” Shado smiled and sat down, facing her.

  “All except for the man I came with.” She shot him a weary glance and leaned down again to nurse her tired feet.

  “Good God, Angel.” He leaned forward and spoke near her ear. “Are you wearing anything at all under your dress?” He pulled up on her shoulder.

  She straightened. “My only pair of panties was drying, and boxers would have ruined the line of the gown.”

  His eyes searched hers and then he looked away, swiping his hand over his mouth. “Okay, come on let’s get our coats.” He tugged her from the chair, giving her little choice.

  “We haven’t been here very long, and what about the presentation?”

  He stopped suddenly and she collided into his back. “How do know about the presentation?”

  “Miss Lillian told me, and I’d like to see it if you don’t mind.” She turned to return to the table, but he grabbed her arm.

  “I do mind, and we’ve been here long enough.”

  “I don’t understand why you’re in such a hurry.”

  He pushed his face close as he drew her near the cloakroom. “We’ve been here long enough for every man you’ve danced with to realize you’re not wearing a stitch under there.” He nodded toward her gown.

  She eyed him. “And why should what I wear bother you?”

  His mouth formed into a tight line and he stormed into the cloakroom, deserted except for row after row of coats. The scent of wet wool and leather was overwhelming. Angel waded in after him, noting the music and noise grew more muffled inside.

  “You know, this is so like you.” She watched him pushing aside hangers searching for their belongings.

  “Fine, it’s just
like me,” he repeated and then stopped, frowning as he turned to her. “What do you mean? Just like me?” He faced her then, close enough she felt the heat radiating from his body.

  She didn’t back down. “I can accept you may not find me to appealing. But you bought this damn dress and then brought me here only to disappear. I was asked by your friend to dance and so I did, for my own enjoyment, not some plan to make you jealous. But you’re not angry because I danced with other men, or that I wasn’t waiting for you to toss me some scraps at the table—no, you’re angry because I might have embarrassed you by not wearing the proper undergarments. Well, mister, I am through playing to your needs. It may have been my profession at one time to please, but I deserve more.”

  His eyes sparkled with a dangerous glint. She sensed his desire. They were both passionate people. However, this time she didn’t feel sorry for his loneliness, but for hers. She was frustrated, anxious about finally having the opportunity to move on with her life and at the same time curious as to whether he even considered the idea of having her in his. If so, he was going to have to make up his mind about it. He grabbed the metal closet bar above her head and leaned toward her, his face mere inches from hers.

  “You know how much I want you.”

  Her heart thundered in her chest and at the same time, she wanted to claw his beautiful eyes out for his ease at making her knees wobbly. She swallowed. “Yes.”

  “Now,” he whispered, his stormy gaze holding hers. His cologne assaulted her, making her dizzy with need.

  Had she pushed him too far? Was he challenging her, thinking his unruly behavior would frighten her away? She looked at his mouth, so close, before lifting slowly to meet his stare. In a flash, he snatched her hand and dragged her deeper into the cloakroom filled with coats. Through the wood paneled wall, the music sounded muted, and so, too, did the applause signaling the presentation was likely underway. She halted and tugged against his hold, intent to return to the party. “Miss Lillian…I don’t want to—”

  He caught her and when she turned to speak, he pulled her to him, capturing her mouth with an intensity which shook her to the core. In the next moment, she was pressed into a corner, his touch sliding down her body, searing her. His kisses escalated to a fevered urgency. She clung to his jacket sleeves, meeting his mouth, her need every bit as great as his, her knees nearly buckling when his fingers eased inside the fabric of her dress, claiming her breast with gentle caresses. Her mind drifted into erotic oblivion with the trail of hot kisses he left on her flesh, his shadowy beard against her sensitive skin only heightening her desire. She grabbed his lapels and brought him closer to her.

  His hands cupped her butt, drawing her against him. “You drive me crazy,” he whispered.

  More applause came from the other room.

  “The feeling is mutual,” she countered taking his face in her hands and satisfying her need with another round of toe-curling kisses.

  His breath was hot against her bare shoulder as he slid his palms down the back of her dress. “I’ve got to touch you, Angel. I can’t get enough of you.” He held her gaze, drawing the silky fabric over her knees, past her hips, exposing her flesh, moving to tease the dull ache between her thighs.

  “What if someone needs their coat?” she whispered, though the concern was not real. This was real. Here and now was all that mattered. Molten heat flowed through her veins. His warm caress brushed between her thighs, and she held his smoldering gaze, sighing with each sensual stroke until her body felt on fire. She shoved his jacket over his shoulders, frantically loosening his tie to slip it over his head, dropping both on the floor. She needed to touch him, feel his hard, muscled flesh beneath her fingers. Together they undressed one another. She freed his dress shirt as he worked at his belt, pausing only once to look at her as though making certain she wanted him. She pulled her gown around her hips in response, and he dropped his pants, lifting her then into his arms, bracing her against the wall as he slid effortlessly into her, filling her completely. She cupped his face, wrapping one leg around him with her heel on a nearby shelf for balance.

  “This is crazy,” he whispered between kisses. Her mind spun with delirious pleasure. “You don’t know how many times a day I think of this.” He cupped her hips, drawing her to him with each thrust. She grabbed hold of the coat rack, her other arm hooked around his neck. “Seeing you in the tub…lying back on my bed, you parading around in my boxers—do you…have any…idea how fucking sexy you are?” He drove harder, and she squeezed her eyes at the heightened sensation, wanting to remember this moment no matter what the future held.

  “I want to know it’s me, Angel, who makes you feel like this—only me.”

  In the next room, there was another thunderous round of applause. The thought of missing her friend’s presentation flitted though her mind, yet somehow she felt she would’ve understood. Angel clung to Shado, silently pleading with the fates not to let her be taken from him. She no longer cared who Billy was or about the lyrics that once captured her heart. Right here, in her arms was the man who made her heart take flight.

  “Yes,” she whispered, turning her face to the heavens. Her body trembled with need, set free by an explosion of light. Wave upon wave shuddered through her with an ecstasy of delight and all her thoughts dissolved in a watery, erotic haze— save one…she loved him.

  “Angel.” He pulled his head up and she kissed him hard, stifling the scream of pleasure wracking her as he gave over to his own release.

  He lowered her legs until her feet touched the floor. Her gown slipped around her ankles as he held his forehead to hers. “Let’s go home,” he said, still catching his breath. She nodded. Tears pricked the back of her eyes. She held his jacket and tie, one in each hand as he righted himself. He tucked his shirt in his pants and then leaned forward to place a soft, slow kiss on her lips.

  “Home sounds good,” she whispered, for the first time feeling she was where she belonged.

  Chapter Ten

  God Almighty, he wanted her again. Shado stared ahead into the dark night; the beams from the streetlights cast pillars in the dense fog. Beside him, Angel had been uncharacteristically quiet. “Are you okay? Are you having second thoughts about this?” He refused to touch her, afraid he couldn’t trust himself to stop, and though he’d risked being caught in public once, he wasn’t about to tempt fate again. Besides, he wanted her at home, in his bed—alone and to himself.

  She smiled a smile that sent his libido into a tailspin. “No, but I am curious though.”

  “About what?” He slid a glance toward her. Though it was freezing outside, he was itching to get out of the stifling suit.” He turned the car heater down a couple of notches.

  “Were you jealous tonight?”

  The question hit him hard between the eyes. “Jealous?” He glanced away. The idea was ridiculous, of course. Had she not been listening when he told her he cared for her, but there was little for them in terms of a viable future together?

  Sure, the sex was incredible, but jealous?

  “What I want to know is if it bothered you—the idea of another man touching me like you did?” Her small hand touched his arm. “Don’t you know by now I don’t want anyone but you to touch me?”

  He eased the car to the curb. “Look, Angel….”

  She leaned toward him, searching his face and her wrap slid off her shoulders, revealing the satiny smooth skin he’d memorized. “What are you afraid of,


  Here it was. What he’d feared most. She was looking for something more—a commitment from him. He struggled with his guilt. It was maddening to want her like this and yet know in his heart he couldn’t give her the happily ever after she deserved. But her tempting mouth, the thought of his hands gliding over her skin, washed away all good intent. He didn’t want to hurt her, but he was addicted, needing what she so freely offered—selfishly perhaps—unable to let go, just yet.

  He grabbed her chin and groaned at
how their mouths fit, how quick the hunger between them exploded. A glorious ache, like sheer madness, traveled all the way to his groin. If they hadn’t been on a public street, he would have taken her to the back seat right then.

  “Home.” He tore himself from her, reminding himself how crazy it was to be this absorbed with her. It wasn’t going to last. Nothing good ever did. All he had to do was look at the picture of Penny and Danny Jr. to see it was true. He gripped the steering wheel in a futile attempt to gain perspective. Needing to distance himself, and aware he’d already taken too many chances without protecting Angel, he pulled into a drugstore parking lot. “I need to make a quick stop in here.”

  She leaned back in her seat, tugging the wrap around her shoulders. “You’re avoiding my question.”

  “No, I’m not, really. I just need to get…something.” He stopped in front of the double doors, debating whether it was wise to leave her alone. There was plenty of light, enough people milling in and out, and what he needed would only take a heartbeat. Still he hesitated. “Do you want to come in?”

  She glanced at him. “I'll be fine here. Look, you can see me through the glass.”

  “Okay, I'll be right back. Lock the doors after me. And I promise, we'll talk later.”

  He waited until she touched the button, securing her inside then hurried through the store. The sheer variety in products designed for sexual pleasure stunned him. Grabbing a box that looked familiar and a bottle of cheap champagne off a New Year’s Eve display, he made his way to the front register. His heart sank when he saw the line ahead of him. The longer he stood there, the more his impatience grew. Tapping the box against the bottle, he eyed the clerk— new guy by the look of things—methodically checking each customer’s item thoroughly before he rang it up.

  Are you jealous of other men touching me like you did? Her words filtered into his thoughts, occupying his mind. Was he jealous? Not of guys he knew.

  Gleason, Murphy—they had his best interests at heart. Hell, Gleason and Marla had been trying to hook him up with blind dates for the last three years without success. So why should he feel frustrated at seeing her having a good time without him? He spied a pack of mints at his fingertips and added it to his purchases in a futile attempt to distract his mind from the real issue.


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