Legends of the Damned: A Collection of Edgy Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance Novels

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Legends of the Damned: A Collection of Edgy Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance Novels Page 340

by Lindsey R. Loucks

  Tee lives in Auckland, Middle Earth. She loves the beach, and her readers, is a nerd, and a geek, hates crowds, and sings like Adele (only in her head). If she could grow up to be Wonder Woman she’d die happy.

  She’s blessed with 2 almost fully-grown girls, and a husband who plays just the right amount of golf to maintain the peace. Most days, Tee can be found typing away at her laptop, creating more words.

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  Love Bites

  Taryn Quinn

  Love Bites © 2017 Taryn Quinn second edition

  Love Bites © 2014 Cari Quinn first edition

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Love Bites

  It aches, it burns…sometimes it even kills.

  Vampire Kellan Barstow is tired of watching his best friend Lucas Phillips pine after his one true mate. Though he’s jealous that Lucas found his before he found his own, he wants him to be happy and hopes to spur him on to make a move toward his chosen human, librarian Emily Yost. But Kellan’s sick of Lucas's moping and decides one thing will convince Luke he needs to act.

  * * *

  Sleeping with another woman.

  * * *

  Except when Kellan and Lucas sleep with Sydney, a woman Kellan has flirted with for weeks, things quickly spiral out of control. Because Sydney may be more than merely a woman, and Kellan’s feelings for her soon go way beyond desire. Before long, Kellan and Sydney and Emily and Lucas are caught in a dangerous web of lust and love. And this love may do more than bite—it might end them all.

  Chapter One

  “Are you sure about this?”

  “I’m sure.” Kellan Barstow raised the hood of his Mercedes and stepped back to look at the mostly deserted stretch of road. Traffic was light in this area past sunset. Nothing was wrong with the car, but a broken-down vehicle was the perfect ruse to get the woman headed this way to stop. “Now, we wait.”

  “Odd place to pick up a female,” Luke Phillips said, scratching his stomach through his black button-down Oxford. His idea of clothes to go trolling in consisted of a trench coat, suit pants, and a dress shirt. At least he’d left the wingtips at home.

  Small favors.

  “Not so odd.” Kellan tipped the brim of his baseball cap back to check his watch in the thin beam of the street light. “Fewer people equals less attention.”

  “Shit, Kell, you planning on killing her or sleeping with her?”

  Kellan flashed him a smile. Oh, he had plans for the woman, and they required her to be very much alive. But men of…their breeding couldn’t be too discreet. “Sleeping with her will suffice. Though if you’re good, I’ll let you take your turn first,” he replied, though he was beginning to think that wasn’t too likely.

  Sydney would be his. Only his. And if he shared her with his best friend for Luke’s own good, that sharing wouldn’t last more than the night.

  He’d picked this street, approximately two blocks from the shop where he took his nightly coffee break, for two reasons. First, it was dimly lit and rarely traveled. Second, Sydney would come this way into town, as she did every evening. He’d taken note of her routine about a week ago when he’d arrived at Pastry ’n’ Joe earlier than usual. Speaking with her was the highlight of his day, so he’d waited until he saw her small white Chevy zooming down the street. She’d parked haphazardly, occupying one and a half spaces, and then run inside with her dark hair askew and her eyes delightfully wild. It had taken everything he possessed to calmly request his black coffee when he’d yearned to take her where she stood.

  She was gorgeous. Simply mesmerizing. That was the night he’d decided he would have her. Luke was along for the ride, mainly because Kellan was tired of seeing his friend pine for his One True Mate. If screwing another woman didn’t spur Lucas into action where Emily Yost was concerned, nothing would.

  Vampire logic and humans never mixed well. But the heart—and blood pheromones—chose what they would, reason be damned.

  Kellan took a deep breath. He didn’t see the Chevy yet, but he’d smelled the succulent aroma of Sydney’s sugar-drenched plum perfume as soon as they’d approached this stretch of road. He’d pulled off where she would be sure to see them and his car would be safe from harm.

  “Lot of work for some snatch,” Luke muttered. “Better be worth it.”

  Kellan only smiled and sucked in more of her scent. Close, closer. She was barreling right toward them, hellbent for something. Someone.

  Two someones.

  And they would be waiting.

  Sydney Langdon exited the highway in the same overexcited state she’d been in since discovering her boyfriend in bed with her closest friend. Her closest male friend.

  She needed sex.

  Most likely, becoming aroused by what she’d witnessed was an odd reaction. She was used to being odd. A woman who made her living reading chakras and doing tarot card spreads for bored housewives and naïve college students didn’t mind walking the path less traveled. Nor did she care if her parents or her friends would chastise her for feeling lusty rather than outraged.

  Her nicked heart always subjugated itself to sex. So did her appetite for food, which was why, at twenty-nine, she was the same size she’d been in high school. Other people scarfed down Rocky Road and loaded up on onion rings when they were down.

  She just went down.

  She sighed and pushed the volume up button on her CD player. Nine Inch Nails would soothe what ailed her, at least temporarily. It wasn’t like her relationship with her now-ex had been all that long-term. Barely two months. Neither she nor Tate had ever brought up the future. And both Tate and Jed had apologized profusely and begged her to understand. They hadn’t planned on their…situation happening.

  Yeah, it sucked sideways, but she didn’t begrudge them finding each other, though a little disclosure first would’ve been nice. Hell, maybe the two of them would discover the spark she herself had never found with Tate.

  In the meantime, all hope wasn’t lost. She could always peruse her little pink book. After all, she hadn’t been coupled up that long. Surely she could find a man willing to console her with some doggie-style lovin’.

  She slowed down to get a better look at the two figures walking along the side of the road. It had started pouring a few minutes ago, but neither seemed in much of a hurry. Though she couldn’t see their faces, she caught a glimpse of long, white-blond hair. The other person wore some kind of cap. Both were tall and broad-shouldered, dismissing any possibility that either could be female.

  The dark-haired man turned and flashed a predatory smile as he stuck out a thumb. Even from the shadows, that smile blazed through her, causing her nipples to harden against her demi-cup bra.

  Did she dare?

  Nettles, Maine wasn’t exactly a metropolis. Her town boasted a population of less than a thousand. The last murder had occurred over twenty years ago. Besides, her reflexes were as energetic as her libido, and her street smarts had never failed her. A quick conversation with these two mystery men would let her know if they were likely candidates for the night’s festivities.

  Two. />
  Her own smile bloomed in return. She’d never done two at once. There had been that wild night her senior year of college when she’d stumbled, in a drunken stupor, from one friend’s bed to another’s, but that had been serial sex. Not simultaneous.

  Her pussy dampened at the thought.

  Sydney drove past them, then slammed on the brakes and steered over to the side of the road. This street was poorly lit, and it wasn’t safe for pedestrians. Picking the men up would be a public service.

  If they passed her test.

  She rolled down her window and blinked at the deluge that pelted her in the face. The endless thunk-thunk-thunk of her windshield wipers was annoying so she silenced them with an irritated flick of her wrist. When she glanced back, the two gentlemen were already approaching the car.

  And the darker of the two looked deliciously familiar.

  “Hello.” The blond man spoke first. His long, wet hair curved against the alluring hollows of his raw-boned face and spilled over the shoulders of his black calf-length coat. But it was his eyes, a startlingly vivid shade of Windex blue evident even in the dim light from her headlights, that caused her heart to pump faster. “Nice night for a drive, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” she mumbled. “Love the rain.”

  She swallowed over the sudden lump of nerves in her throat. These weren’t skinny guys. Not that she liked scrawny men, but if the lust tingling in her belly overrode her good sense and she turned out to be wrong, she didn’t know if she could take them. Even the pocketknife tucked in her purse next to her spray can of Mace wouldn’t help much, if the sheer potent masculinity pouring over her was any indication.

  Then the second man stepped forward, and her concerns floated away on the gush of liquid between her thighs. Black hair crept out from under his ball cap—Florida Marlins—and a wet white T-shirt clung to his pecs under the snug bomber jacket that hugged his waist. As he moved closer, the appealing scent of damp leather filled her nostrils.

  Oh, God, could there be a hotter cologne? Umm, no, she didn’t think so.

  Even better? This mystery man wasn’t a stranger, after all. At least not completely. She worked four nights a week at the local coffee shop, Pastry ’n’ Joe, and this guy had come in during each of her shifts for the last three weeks. Handy thing, too, because severe horniness aside, she’d had some doubts about having sex with two random guys.

  Sydney tugged her lower lip between her teeth. But since she sorta knew dark and dangerous….

  They’d smiled and flirted, nothing more. Rampant sex drive aside, she didn’t pursue other men while she was in a relationship, even a mostly casual one. She was horny, yes. A cheater, no.

  But all the rules had gone out the window now.

  “We meet again.” He had just a hint of an accent, faintly Southern, as if he hadn’t been home in a while. “Can’t say I’ve ever been happier to see a woman before.”

  She arched a brow. “Any woman?” Somehow that hadn’t been the opening she’d been hoping for. Not that she expected him to say she was his soulmate, but c’mon. A little charm never hurt.

  “No.” The intensity of his gaze would have been unnerving, if she hadn’t felt a matching intensity pulsating between her thighs. “You are the woman I’ve been waiting for.”

  Sydney swallowed hard. Okay. From stranger-danger sex to being the woman. That qualified as a quickie, all right.

  “Are you working tonight?”

  “Uhhh….” Great. Suddenly her lips weren’t capable of forming anything but grunts and her tongue had swollen to the size of a shoe. She’d had the same reaction to him every night he had strolled into the restaurant. “No, tonight’s my night off. I, uh, was coming from home.”

  “Well, as long as you come my way—” he smiled, lightning-fast and devastating “—I’m glad.”

  She pressed her legs together. Shit, she hoped she didn’t soak clear through to her shorts. She’d had to wring out a couple pairs of panties after their innocent exchanges over the coffee shop counter. What would happen if he touched her? Would she implode on the spot?

  “I’m not sure we were ever properly introduced. I’m Kellan Barstow.” He extended a hand that gleamed as pale as his friend’s, but that didn’t faze her. She’d seen her share of fair guys around these parts, as Maine in early May didn’t lend itself to deep tans. “And you would be?”

  Should she tell him her real name, first and last? This wouldn’t be more than a one-night thing. Probably wouldn’t even take that long. And he patronized her workplace. Her nametag at the coffeeshop identified her just as “Syd” so maybe she’d be better off being as vague as possible. She had no intention of tying herself up in more strings after she’d just gnawed through one raggedy knot.

  Without answering his question, she reached out and clasped his palm.

  Her body jerked at the current that arced between them. Damn. What the hell was that? She’d experienced intense connections with guys before, but nothing quite so feral and all-consuming. It had only been six days since Tate had left for his business trip to Atlanta, which meant it had only been seven since she’d had sex. And yes, seeing Tate and Jed getting friendly had given her an unintended jolt, but this was ridiculous. She was half tempted to climb on the hood and spread her legs.

  “Sydney Langdon.” Her name tumbled out without regard to her earlier concerns. Then she fumbled around for something else to say. “Your accent. I’ve wondered where you’re from. You’re not from…around here,” she finally managed. God, he was still cradling her hand.

  Yep, her panties were toast. If her nipples got any more erect, she’d be saluting her new friends.

  “No. I’m from South Carolina originally. Found it didn’t suit my lifestyle, so I ventured north.” With his eyes on hers, he brushed his lips over the tips of her fingers. “Pity we haven’t exchanged names before now.”

  “Yes, pity.” She forced out a breath. “So why haven’t we?”

  “You’re always too busy serving and pouring. I didn’t want to intrude.” He gave her a slow grin that made her think he didn’t mind intruding at all. “You look like a Sydney. Actually, Luke, she reminds me of that girl from your show.”

  Because he was now speaking to his companion, not her, Sydney took a moment to gather her composure. She was so going to do this. Them. She didn’t much care what society said was proper. Besides, no one would ever have to know.

  For the next hour—or two, depending on how long she detained them—she’d get to scratch her itch with what she ventured were two really long poles.

  She moistened her lips, preparing to speak. But Kellan’s pal took her turn.

  “You mean Alias? Jennifer Garner? Oh yeah.” The blond man smiled, his lips stretching over straight white teeth that sparkled in the beam from her headlights. “I see what you mean. The dark hair, except this Sydney’s hair is shorter and straighter. The big brown eyes.” His gaze zoomed toward her breasts. “The gorgeous breasts.”

  She didn’t reply, but not because she was offended. If she’d ever been less offended, she didn’t remember it. She’d already been checking them out, too, though the stormy night hardly helped her efforts. At least the rain seemed to be stopping.

  “Hey, Luke, mind the manners. You don’t talk that way to a lady.”

  “Oh, I think this one likes it.” Hot on the heels of Luke’s eyebrow wiggle, his mouth turned down in a surprisingly sour expression. “Besides, this was your idea.”

  “This what? Asking some chick for a ride?” Her voice had finally returned, along with her spine. “Or playing two-on-one, Luke?”

  “Lucas Phillips.” The man in question reached into her open window and took her other hand. His grip was different than Kellan’s. Less possessive maybe, but no less arousing.

  Kellan’s hold on her hand intensified, as did the potency in his amber eyes. Even in the backwash from her headlights, they seemed to glow. They weren’t brown or hazel. Those shades were too bland to descr
ibe their molten color. “We definitely want a ride. But we also want to give you one. If you’re interested.”

  Interested? Hmm, now that was a nice, tame way to put her desire to screw them both until she couldn’t stand up straight. Still, it didn’t pay to seem too eager. “How’d you boys end up walking this way anyway? It’s not exactly the spot for a nightly stroll.”

  “Our car broke down.” Lucas motioned vaguely over his shoulder. “Over there. Engine overheated.”

  “Don’t have Triple-A?”


  “What kind of car is it?”

  “A Mercedes.”

  Sydney cocked an eyebrow as Kellan released her and directed a murderous look at his companion. “Wow. Didn’t think those puppies broke down too often.”

  “Bad luck.” Kellan smiled, flashing his teeth. “Until you came along, that is. So what do you say? Up for a ride?”

  “Depends. Where you guys headed?”

  “There’s only one place I want to be right now.” Kellan leaned forward and braced his hands on her car window. As his stomach muscles rippled underneath his wet T-shirt, her thoughts flatlined. “Inside you.”

  She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. Her belly clenched when Kellan’s gaze openly followed the move. “Looks like it’s your lucky day, boys, because I love giving rides. But if we’re doing this, I insist on a hell of a lot more than just one.”

  Kellan’s eyes never left hers. “Count on it.”

  “You’re of age?” Lucas asked.

  The phrasing struck her as odd, but she nodded. “Twenty-nine. Both of you?”

  Kellan merely smiled, again showing off a mouthful of blinding white teeth much like Lucas’s. There was something almost feral about them, as if they were blades poised to strike. But rather than concern her, the thought only turned her on more.


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