Alex (The Boys of Glensville Book 4)

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Alex (The Boys of Glensville Book 4) Page 6

by Nicki Rowe

  I stand, turning Callum and pushing him gently face first into the tiled wall. I reach for the lube that we always have in the shower and squirt some on my dick. I don't bother with a condom with Callum; we haven't used condoms with each other for years. We only use them with the other people we bring home.

  I push into Callum in one fluid motion, knowing that he can take me. He likes the burn of my cock stretching him. My hands curl around his fingers that are plastered to the wall. His heat feels so good around me, the muscles are squeezing me so tightly as I pump in and out of him. Being inside of him feels like home. I pump into him with quick hard thrusts, pushing the lower half of his body into the wall. I'm highly aware of Alex jacking himself to the left of us. His breaths are coming out as low guttural moans. One of his hands comes up and holds mine and Callum's hands on the wall.

  Too soon I can feel that tingle at my spine and my balls draw up tight. Callum's rutting against the wall, using the friction of the slick tiles to get himself off. Two more quick, bruising thrusts and I explode inside of Callum. He follows not even two seconds later, shouting my name and painting the gray tiles white. Alex is not far behind, shouting a loud 'fuuuccckkk' to the ceiling. His cum lands on my thigh and the floor.

  I slide out of Callum, loving the way my semen drips out of his ass. It's always been my favorite sight. I turn Callum and bring his mouth to mine in a gentle kiss. When I release him I go to Alex and share a kiss with him.

  “Thank you,” I tell him. “Thank you for tonight.”

  Then I reach for the loofah and wash the three of us. We are all smiles, even though the sun has come up and soon it will be time for Alex to go and I don't want him to leave. I know that this will be a night that I will remember forever.


  Chapter Six


  Two weeks after Declan and I had the threeway with Alex, I am basking in the afterglow of a mindblowing orgasm with Declan, and part of me wishes we could have shared it with Alex. It's weird, sex with Declan is still the same cosmic shifting, heart stopping, pounding, yet loving sex we have been having for nearly our entire relationship (there was a learning curve in our teen years), but I want to bring Alex into the fold again. I want another threeway with him. Sharing that night with Alex had been fucking surreal.

  But there are the rules. We only sleep with a person once. I have never wanted to sleep with anyone more than once besides Declan. For Alex I am willing to break that rule.

  “Cal?” Declan's voice is still rumbly from sex. “You're thinking about him, aren't you?”

  I roll to Declan, looking at his handsome face, his dark eyes. I smooth a hand over his curly hair which is still damp with sweat. His arms wrap around me, pulling me toward him. “Is that weird, Dec? You are the love of my life, we just had sex, and I am laying here thinking about fucking another man.” Guilt racks through me until Declan speaks again.

  “I was thinking about him too.”

  “You want to have another three way with him?”

  Declan nods. There's a look of guilt on his face. “Does it worry you that we want more than just one night with him?”

  It should, shouldn't it?

  “No. It's just casual, right?”

  “Right.” A smile breaks out on Declan's face. “Casual sex between three people doesn't have to mean anything.”

  “Well, sex between you and me means everything.”

  Declan pulls me closer to his body. My chest fills with that familiar, warm, comfortable feeling like it always does when I am near him. “I love you, Cal.”

  “More than the stars and sea.” I say. It's something we have been telling each other since we were seventeen, back when our love was new and all consuming. Nothing has changed. I still love him as much as I did then—maybe even more. We had gotten the saying from a children's book of all things. It had been part of Peter's collection when he was a kid.

  He chuckles at the memory. Declan used to read the book to Peter every night. Even when Peter was too sick to stay awake for the whole story. Sometimes Peter would have me read to him instead, and whenever I would get to the part where the child would tell the mom 'I love you,' Declan and Peter would always say the mom's line in sync, 'more than the stars and sea.'

  “How do we get ahold of him?” I ask, pulling both of us out of the sad memories and back into the present. “We didn't exchange numbers with him.”

  A slow smile curves on Declan's lips. “I think Gideon will be able to help us with that.”


  It's been two weeks and all I can think about is that night. It plays in my head on repeat, like a song that is stuck in there to torture me throughout the day. The constant loop is making me achy with want and anticipation. I want to have another threeway with them, but I know they have rules. I know it was only a one time thing. I need to move on.

  I walk into Thorns and Roses Ink and find a tatted up biker looking guy, invading the personal space of a rather cute boy-next-door type. The blond man is laughing, holding on to the other man's biceps. The biker dude is sucking on the blond man's neck, whispering explicit things into his ear.

  “Behave, Axe, you have a customer.”

  The blond man nods over the other man's shoulder. The biker looks over at me, scowl set firmly on his face. I'm pretty sure he even growls. They are both beautiful in two different ways. The blond man is light and carefree, the tattooed man is dark and dangerous with scars all over his face. The contrast between them is staggering.

  “Can we help you?” the man's tone of voice makes it sound like I was interrupting something.

  Which, judging by the things the biker was telling the smaller man and the very prominent bulge in both of their jeans, I clearly was.

  “Um...hi, I was looking to talk to someone about a tattoo.”

  The blond man beams. “You've come to the right place. The guys are awesome at what they do.” He breaks away and comes to where I am waiting by the counter. He starts clicking away on the computer. “I'm Mason, and this is my boyfriend, Axe. He works here.”

  I nod at both of them.

  Axe comes closer, going behind the counter and pulling Mason to his side. “What you looking to get, man?”

  “I was thinking about a gypsy. Realistic, full color.”

  Axe continues to look at me. I am quickly beginning to feel like a bug under a microscope. “I can do that. I have some free time coming up. I have one appointment today, and I am free for a bit after that.”

  “Really? That would be awesome.”

  Mason is still beaming, looking between the two of us, and clicking away on the computer. “When do you want an appointment?”

  “Is there anything specific you are looking for?” Axe asks me, handing me one of his cards from the display on the counter.

  I shake my head. “No. Total artist interpretation. I saw the dark queen you did on Emily Price's arm. I loved it.”

  “Thanks.” Axe actually reaches out his arm to shake my hand. “Give me about a week to come up with the drawing. We can meet up......Tuesday?” he says as he looks at the calendar.


  Just then the door jingles. I didn't have to turn around to know who was there. The air in the room pulses with energy, his presence is so powerful, so potent my palms immediately began sweating, my mouth goes dry. My dick is trying to stand up in reaction to being so close to him again.

  I turn and there is Declan standing just inside the shop's door. He's dressed in black jeans, a tight gray tee and motorcycle boots. A helmet is dangling from his hand. Behind him I can see the bike he rode in on. A Harley Davidson Heritage Classic. It's fucking beautiful gleaming in the sunlight.

  “Nice bike,” I comment.

  Axe is looking at Declan's bike like he wants to steal it or have sex with it. Most likely both. “Is it new? Weren't you riding a Triumph America the other day?”

  “I was. Callum is working on it today. He's also found a Shadow VLX an
d is going to be fixing that up as well.”

  My heart nearly stops. “A VLX? Really?”

  Both Axe and Declan shoot me a look. “You ride?” Axe asks.

  “Yeah. A VLX was my first bike.”

  Declan smiles. “I didn't know you ride.”

  “Oh, stop talking about motorcycles already!” Mason gripes behind the counter. “Declan, you ready for your tattoo?”

  Declan is still looking at me. “We all go riding on the weekends. You should come out with us.”

  I smile. “I would like that.” My phone chimes, signalling that I have to get to my dentist appointment. “I'll see you guys around.”

  As soon as I step out of the shop, my skin stops prickling. All I want to do is turn around go inside and kiss the living daylights out of Declan.

  Instead I walk down the street to the dentist.

  ~ ~ ~

  Later that night I am sitting in bed and scrolling through a forum dedicated to Diabolic Divas. There is a fan theory that Sienna March may have an evil twin, and I am fully invested in everything people are saying on the web about it. I'm in the middle of reading a particularly good argument about why a fan believes she has an evil twin when a call comes through from an unknown number. I think about ignoring it, I never really answer the phone for numbers I don't know, but something is telling me to answer now.


  “Hi, Alex.”

  Lucky's warm voice rolls over me like waves. I can't fight the smile that begins curling on my lips. “Lucky.” His name comes out of my mouth like a breath. “How did you get my number?”


  Thank God for Gideon.

  “And why did you ask Gideon for my number?”

  “Dec and I were wondering if you wanted to come over again sometime. It can't be tonight because we're meeting Declan's parents for dinner, but what about tomorrow?”

  My smile grows wider. “Really?”

  “Yes.” There's a slight pause. “We want you, Alex.”

  “Okay. Tomorrow.”

  “Good.” I can hear the smile in his voice. “See you tomorrow.”

  With that Lucky hangs up. I lay back on my bed and let out a long sigh. My cock is standing at attention just from the sound of his voice. I want both of them so bad, I feels like I can't think straight.

  Is it a bad idea to get involved with a practically married couple? Probably. But it's just sex. What harm could come from sharing a few steamy nights with two hot men?


  I hang up the phone and look across the guest bedroom in Declan's parents house at him. He's sitting on the bed, hands balled on his thighs, looking at me expectantly. “What did he say?”

  I go to him, crouching down in front of him. I take his hands, looking up into the dark eyes that I love so much. His mouth is pulled into an anxious line. Slowly, my mouth pulls into a smile.

  “He's in.”

  Declan laughs, letting out a relieved breath. “We should get back to my parents.”

  We exit the room and find Martie and Douglas in the living room. Martie is of Hawaiian descent, and has long black hair and the same dark eyes as Declan. Douglas is tall and broad—the reason Declan looks like a mountain. He has dark brown hair and blue eyes. They were the same eyes Peter had.

  All around the house you can see touches of Peter everywhere. Even after all this time, it feels like he's still here. Sometimes I half expect him to come out of the guest bedroom—which had been his room when he and Declan were growing up—and it takes me a minute to remember that he is gone.

  That was the hardest thing Declan and I have been through as a couple. Twenty years and the worst thing I can remember is the sheer look of devastation on Declan's face when he found out Peter had passed away. They had been expecting it; Peter had been sick for a long time. He had been a child when he was diagnosed with Leukemia, and he had went into remission when he was sixteen, but it came back when he was twenty. A year later he died. He would be twenty-six now. I remember he wanted to be a chef when he graduated college—I think Peter's passing was part of the reason that Declan bought Fred's BBQ. I fully supported the decision, and we pooled our savings so he could live out his brother's dream of owning his own restaurant.

  Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if Peter was still alive. Would Declan still be into MMA? Would Peter be living his dream of being a chef and owning his own place?

  I miss Peter. He had been my brother in a way as well. I had known him since I was fourteen and he was six; two years before he was diagnosed with cancer. I sat with him and Declan through his treatments. Read to him at night. We played games and watched television. When he was older he would make dishes for me to try, and I always told him I loved them even if they were over salted or over cooked. I loved him as much as if he were my own brother.

  “Baby,” Delcan whispers in my ear. “You okay?”

  “Yeah.” I turn, plastering a smile on my face. I can't bring Peter up tonight. I don't want to ruin the beautiful meal his mother had made. “Let's eat, yeah?

  ~ ~ ~

  Being with Alex and Declan is like a dream. That's the only word I can think of to describe the complete out of body experience I have as Alex sucks me off and Declan licks up my crack. Both of them holding my hands, and their hands are intertwined on the mattress next to me.

  “Oh my god!” I hiss between my teeth, letting go of their hands and clawing the sheets like a feral cat. “Fuck.”

  Declan pulls back, his tongue disappearing from inside of me, leaving me feeling empty. “Don't cum, Callum. You ready, Alex?”

  Confused, I look down just in time to see Alex pop off of my dick and shift around on the bed. He hopped up from his stomach to his knees, kneeling in the middle of the large king sized bed. His brown eyes looked up at me with this smoldering heat that leaves my insides liquid.

  Declan had stood up from behind me and went to the chair. The old thing creaked as he lowered his big body into it.

  “I'm ready, Declan.”

  I turn my head to Declan. What have they been planning? I had left the room for two minutes to feed Sienna, leaving Declan and Alex to play with each other, and when I came back Declan had made Alex cum, but apparently they had come up with some plan for me as well.

  Declan offers me a smile. “Go to him, Callum.”

  I never refuse Declan's orders, so I crawl over the bed to Alex. He reaches out a hand to me and I take it, wrapping my fingers around his warm palm. He smiles. “I'm going to fuck you, Lucky.”

  His words go straight through me, sizzling in my blood and cock. I lick my lips. “Yes. Please.”

  He pulls me to him so his lips are against my ear. “Bend over for me, Lucky. Let's give Declan a show.”

  God, his voice is like velvet over my skin, creating little goosebumps along the flesh. I nod.

  I turn so I'm facing away from Alex and looking at Declan. He sitting in the chair, gloriously naked with one ankle resting on his knee. His hands are on the armrests, clenching the blue fabric. His dark eyes blaze with a fire, flicking between my face and Alex's like he can't decide who he wants to watch. His mouth is set into a line, his bottom lip red and swollen where Alex had bit it earlier. He's radiating sex and power, and I am just so deeply in love with him, my love for him consumes me.

  I smile at him. “Is this what you want? You want to see Alex pound into me.”

  “Yes,” is his gruff reply. There's no hesitation.

  There's a shick of the lube and then a generous amount is applied to my entrance, two fingers press into me. My head falls forward, and I push back against Alex's hand.

  “Fuck, Alex. Fuck.”

  He pumps his fingers in and out of me, scissoring them to stretch me wider. I groan at the burn, but I love it. The burn is what takes me closer to that edge.

  “Three fingers, Alex. He likes three.”

  Nothing is as hot as Declan directing Alex in what I like, how to make me cum. Alex likes
Delcan's demands almost as much as I do. Obeying Declan is a way for us to let go. We don't have to think. We just have to do and feel. There's something freeing in obeying Declan. Although Alex did cum the night before when Declan had told him not to. That resulted in a punishment that all three of us enjoyed. Alex had to watch Declan and me fuck and he couldn't touch himself. I had heard his groans of need almost mingling with ours. After Declan made me cum he made Alex cum after a lot of edging just by fingering him.

  Three fingers enter me, stretching me even wider. I rock back and forth, meeting his fingers, begging him for more, begging him to fill me with his cock.

  “Please, Alex. Fuck me already.”

  Those fingers crook and push against my prostate. I yell to the ceiling, jackknifing off of the bed.


  “Don't make him cum yet, Alexander. I want him to cum when your cock is buried deep inside of him. I want to see him come undone by you.”

  God, Declan and his filthy mouth. I look up at the man I love. A smile is on his face. His hands are still curled into the armrest. His cock standing at attention and it's leaking, begging to be touched.

  “” I pant as Alex continues to finger my ass.

  “I will, my love. Not just yet though.”

  A sheathed cock begins to enter me, filling me up. Alex grunts and pants behind me. His large hands on my hips, holding tight to the point of bruising. I love seeing the bruises on my body after a good fuck session. Alex is big, long and girthy like Declan, but still not as big as Declan. Declan has what I like to call a porn star cock.

  I groan as Alex continues to enter me, taking pleasure from the pain of him filling me. He enters me slowly like he was savoring it. But he's also torturing me with every drag along my insides and the amount of time it's taking for him to fully be inside of me.

  “You should see this Declan,” Alex says, “the way his ass welcomes my dick.”


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