The Billionaire's Secret: Billionaire Obsession (Tycoon Billionaires Book 5)

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The Billionaire's Secret: Billionaire Obsession (Tycoon Billionaires Book 5) Page 3

by Farrell, Julie

  She sat up and grabbed her phone. It was nine o’clock and she already had a few missed calls from Simon. That was normal, and it was why she always left her phone on silent at night – to prevent him from waking her up with his aggressive demands to win her back.

  She leaned against the headboard, dreading this morning’s meeting. The technology the Quinlan brothers wanted to invest in seemed progressive enough – artificial intelligence machines that sped into burning buildings and pulled out victims, thus saving lives. But the prototype hadn’t passed the most basic safety checks. Astrid was convinced this well-meaning technology would cause more injuries and deaths than it would prevent. As a health-and-safety officer, she couldn’t give it her blessing.

  Reluctant to get out of bed, she opened up her emails. Her heart lurched with anticipation as she saw that a lead who she’d been in communication with over the last few days had replied. If her own conclusions on the new technology weren’t damning enough, this person was confirming that Graves had bribed a wounded factory worker at his plant to remain silent about injuries he’d sustained while working on the prototype device. The lead was a broker in an insurance company, and he’d confirmed that the worker had placed a claim, then canceled it – despite his hospital treatment costing thousands of dollars. The benefactor of the hospital treatment was Graves’ own company. It stunk of corruption. It was circumstantial evidence, but Astrid was satisfied that Graves’ project was harmful and needed to be stopped.

  Also, there were rumors flying around that he planned to sell this technology to the Russian military…

  She hauled herself out of bed and padded to the bathroom, clutching her head and hoping her stomach would hold up. She needed to get to the Quinlan Brothers meeting and try to wrap up this ridiculous situation. She had no idea why Adam and Dylan would want to stake their reputation on something this shady, but that was their problem. They were arrogant, bullying assholes and the sooner she finished this investigation, the sooner she could file her report recommending that her supervisor make the decision to ban the project. Then she’d be away from them and assigned to her next job.

  She finished showering, put on her suit and heels, then left for the Quinlan Brothers building on the outskirts of Times Square – sticking to the backstreets to avoid the crowds. Her fear of crowds and confined spaces was relatively new, but sometimes she felt as if she might be stuck like this forever. Even just walking along the quieter streets caused her vision to blur up and her head to feel dizzy. Simon had a lot to answer for, and Astrid hoped she’d never have to see him again...

  Except he still lived in her hometown, of course. So if she ever wanted to see her parents and sister again, she’d have to see him…

  The Quinlan Brothers building was impressive – but it made Astrid feel small and insignificant. It had forty floors, and it was made of glass and steel. The interior was lavish, with marble floors and carved pillars. There was even a corporate coffee shop in the foyer. Astrid knew there were several other companies within the building, but she’d heard a rumor that Adam and Dylan actually owned this entire place, which meant they were making millions in rent alone. No wonder they had the money to frivolously invest in risky projects.

  Gripping her laptop case, she rode the express elevator to the top floor where the directors suites were based, then she strode into the reception area and smiled tightly at the receptionist, who gestured for her to go straight into the huge boardroom. She was fifteen minutes late, so she held her head high and tried to act casual as she strolled into the glass room – which overlooked the stunning New York skyline. This room was bigger than Astrid’s apartment, and the furnishings were certainly more expensive. Adam, Dylan, and Graves were standing at the head of the massive board-table, dressed in their designer suits, casually chatting and laughing. If only they weren’t all so bloody good-looking and charming, she might stand a chance of feeling less intimidated.

  They fell silent as she walked in. Graves gazed directly into her eyes and fear spiraled up her spine. Surely he wouldn’t try to assault her here…

  But really who knew? She’d recently discovered that he’d been arrested last year on charges of paying an assassin to murder his accountant, for refusing to commit fraud on his behalf. All charges had been dropped, but she wouldn’t put it past him. His aura was nasty – and it emanated from him now, smothering the confident air she was trying to fake.

  “Morning, Ms. Lawrence,” Dylan said, smiling politely. “We were beginning to wonder whether you’d changed your mind about coming today.”

  She dropped her laptop case on the board-table. “Good morning, gentlemen. My apologies for being late. Shall we begin?”

  The three men swaggered to their seats and she suddenly felt as if she was in a room with three hyenas. She forced herself to relax. She could handle them.


  “So, how are you getting on with discrediting my company?” Graves asked.

  Astrid steeled herself. He had a horrible habit of trying to humiliate her in front of Adam and Dylan like a school bully. She wasn’t going to let him. “It’s not my intention to discredit anyone undeservedly,” she said, holding Graves’ eye contact. “I’m here to protect the welfare of the people of this country, and I will do that to the letter.”

  “I’ve no doubt,” Graves said.

  “You’re almost ready to file your report,” Adam said. “What will you be telling the department?”

  “I’ll be telling them that I believe this technology is unsafe. And there’s been a cover-up of an accident at the plant. I believe Mr. Graves hasn’t been truthful with the American government or with your company, Mr. Quinlan. I would strongly suggest that you don’t invest in this technology. By all means pay for an independent second opinion, but I think if you invest in Mr. Graves’ company you’ll not only lose a lot of money – because we’ll be shutting him down – but you’ll also lose your reputations as wise and powerful businessmen.”

  Adam threw her that cocky grin of his, which derailed her for a moment. For some reasons, he reminded her of Jake… It was probably just because he was so prominent in her mind and she wished he’d left his number. But he’d made it clear he wasn’t interested, so she needed to forget him…

  “On what grounds, Ms. Lawrence?” Adam asked, dragging her back to her job.

  Astrid sat tall and focused on Adam and Dylan. “I want you both to know that Mr. Graves followed me home in his car last night and assaulted me in the street.”

  Graves guffawed. “What bullshit!”

  Adam and Dylan gazed at her with concern about this revelation.

  Astrid ignored Graves and continued. “He tried to pull me into his car. He said everyone has their price and he wanted to find mine. He wants me to falsify my report to grant his technology the green light. I just wanted you to know that. Obviously this point has nothing to do with the fact that I believe his product is totally unsafe – and the serious allegation that he’s paid off a wounded worker – but it’s pertinent nonetheless. This is the sort of man we’re dealing with here.”

  Adam and Dylan seemed shocked. Dylan leaned aggressively toward Graves. “Is this true?”

  “Certainly not.”

  “Deny it all you wish,” Astrid continued. “Your harassment of me in the street aside, I’ve received an email from a reliable source that the wounded factory worker wanted to claim compensation but he was silenced by Mr. Graves’ company with a payoff. And possibly with threats of violence.”

  Graves slammed his fist on the wooden table. “Slander! That is a complete lie.”

  “You have an email saying that?” Dylan asked, not taking his eyes off Astrid.

  “I do. I received it overnight.”

  “Can we see it?” Adam asked.

  “I’m afraid not,” Astrid said. “It’s confidential and I’m not here to work for you. Just to ensure the law is carried out to the letter.”

  Dylan held up his hands. “It�
��s okay. I’m sure we can get to the source of that email one way or another.”

  He winked subtly at Adam. Adam nodded slyly. Astrid frowned. What the hell were they implying? Were they planning to set their own investigation up and start hacking into all the emails of the factory workers?

  Dread crept over her. Perhaps they were going to figure out a way to hack into her emails…

  She cast her eye over Adam and Dylan. They both smiled reassuringly at her. But she suddenly had a sinking feeling that they were playing nasty with her. Was she being set up?

  She leaned on the table, confident that she knew she was right about this allegation. “Listen, you can do whatever you want with your money – it’s not my business. I’m just informing you of the facts. Mr. Graves knows the truth about his company, and it’s my job to tell the government what I’ve discovered. You can ignore me or not. It’s entirely up to you.”

  Adam straightened his tie. “Cole, do you wish to add anything to this?”

  Graves smiled coolly. “I’m telling you, Adam, this woman is a liar. She’s trying to discredit me.”

  “Why would she?” Dylan said. “She’s a pencil-pusher. She has no reason to discredit you. Has she?”

  Graves gazed at Astrid as if she was scum. “Who knows? But – come on – you know me. I wouldn’t assault anyone in the street. I wouldn’t lie.”

  “We’re going to have to think about what she’s told us,” Dylan said. “We do actually have an independent agent working on our behalf who’s looking into things. We’ll wait until he’s given us his report before we proceed.”

  Graves’ expression flickered with worry. Astrid smiled, glad to hear Adam and Dylan weren’t just trusting him as blindly as she’d assumed. Hopefully their independent agent would confirm everything she’d said. Then perhaps Graves could go harass him, and leave her alone.

  “And,” Adam said, “if we discover what Ms. Lawrence is saying is true, we won’t be able to invest. There’s just no way.”

  Graves glared at Astrid with his beady eyes. “I hope you’re pleased with yourself.” He pointed his finger at her. “If my project doesn’t get funding, you’re going to pay one way or another.”

  The room squeezed in around her.

  “Hey,” Adam said. “We don’t threaten people around our board-table, thank you.”

  Dylan stood up. “Perhaps we should adjourn this meeting. Adam and I have a few things we’d like to look into. Ms. Lawrence, can you spare us another day?”

  “I planned to file this report to my supervisor today.”

  Adam shot her a charming smile. “Please? Just one more day?”

  She wished she could resist, but he was so charismatic… and perhaps one extra day might be enough to get them onside. Astrid cared very much about stopping Graves and she didn’t want the Quinlans to waste their time or money on him. It gave him far too much gravitas.

  “Okay,” she said. “I’ll give you an extra day. I’ll come back tomorrow to discuss the final report with you, and then I’ll send it to my supervisor who will make the ultimate decision.”

  Cole stood up and strutted toward the door. “Adam, Dylan, You will invest in my product. Your company has nothing to worry about. This woman is full of lies and the sooner she’s silenced the better for everyone.”

  He pulled open the door and strode out into the corridor, leaving the room reeling from his aggression.

  Astrid realized her hands were trembling. She didn’t want to let Adam and Dylan know she was rattled, so she quickly started to gather her things together.

  “Are you okay Ms. Lawrence?” Dylan asked.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Just trying to do my job.”

  “We appreciate that,” Adam said. “And it seems there are things Mr. Graves hasn’t told us.”

  “I’m sure your independent agent will uncover the truth for you, just as I have.”

  “Oh I’m sure he will. He has a knack for that.”

  She stood up straight and caught Adam and Dylan exchanging a glance. “If what you say is true,” Dylan said, “then obviously we won’t be investing in Graves’ project.”

  She zipped up her laptop case. “Good. I think having anything to do with Mr. Graves could be a dangerous mistake.” She glanced toward the door. “Let’s hope he’s not loitering in the foyer, in wait for me.”

  She chuckled lightly, but she was actually gravely serious. After last night, who knew what he’d do?

  “Would you like to wait here for a while and have some coffee?” Adam asked. “Perhaps you could tell us more about this email you’ve received?”

  Astrid softened. She was reluctant to bump into Graves again – and her hangover was screaming out for coffee. “Well, I can’t show you the email, or reveal the source, but I’d be glad to explain all the details.”

  Dylan threw her a sincere smile. “Great. Well, I’ll just grab some coffee, then why don’t we sit back down and you can tell us all about it?”

  Chapter Four

  Astrid left the Quinlan Brothers’ office feeling optimistic that they’d pull out of the funding for Graves’ irresponsible project. She’d spent a pleasant hour with them, drinking coffee and chatting about business – and also finding out about their partners, Amy and Sarah, who they seemingly adored. She realized perhaps she’d gotten them wrong.

  She strolled across the busy marble foyer toward the exit, but the pull of the muffins in the window of the coffee shop made her halt. She still hadn’t eaten anything today and her hangover was pounding in her head and stomach. A muffin would be the perfect treat. But she knew she should resist. A moment on the lips was a lifetime on the hips…

  A figure appeared beside her and she tensed with terror. Graves had waited for her all this time!

  “They look good, don’t they?” he said.

  She exhaled and tried to suppress her grin at Jake’s masculine gravelly voice.

  She tried to remain cool. “Yes. Shame about the sugar and fat content.”

  They held eye contact in the reflection of the window. His presence made her feel like a goofy teenager – but also as free as a butterfly. Standing next to him like this, she could see him in all his six-four, muscular, handsome glory. More Greek God, than man.

  He looked her up and down with playful eyes. “I hope you’re not telling me you’re dieting.”

  She sighed. “Simon says I could do with losing a few pounds.”

  “Well, he’s either blind or stupid. Which is it? Maybe both?”

  She laughed. “Thanks. I know I shouldn’t really care what he thinks.”

  “You shouldn’t.”

  They gazed into each other’s eyes. Astrid felt intimidated by how handsome he was. He was like a superhuman – like Adam and Dylan in a weird way. She was just a small-town girl, feeling lost in the big city. The only thing a man like this could realistically give her was heartache and pain. He had left last night – probably in disgust at her drunken clingy behavior. Oh god, and she’d broken down into tears just before she’d passed out, hadn’t she? Her skin tried to crawl inside her bones with embarrassment as the memories slunk up and taunted her.

  She severed eye contact in the reflection and turned away. “Nice to see you anyway, Jake… bye.”

  “Wait, Astrid…”

  She froze at his command. Don’t turn around… just keep walking.

  He stepped over to join her. “Er, I was just wondering…”


  “If you… feel okay after last night?”

  “Oh. Yes, I feel okay.”

  “Just craving fat and sugar, huh?” He smirked. “I’m sure one little muffin won’t hurt – go on, treat yourself.”

  She chuckled. “If you’re so worried, why don’t you join me for a coffee?” She bit her lip as her blush swept fiercely over her body like an inferno.

  Jake winced apologetically and opened his mouth, probably to make his excuses.

  “I’m sorry.” She turned and hurried awa
y – pushing through the crowd of swarming suited people, not waiting to hear his rejection. He caught up with her and gently grasped her arm in his strong grip. “Astrid, it’s okay. It’s not that I don’t want to – I just don’t know if I should.”

  She studied his gorgeous face. “You don’t have to explain… I understand.”

  He caressed her cheek, taking her breath away. “There’s nothing to explain. I want to have coffee with you – it would be a pleasure.”

  “I should go home – I’ve got work to do.”

  “I know your work’s important, but we all need to take time to smell the flowers sometimes, right? To drink the coffee – don’t you agree?”

  She nodded shyly, unable to look away from his gorgeous eyes. “That’s true.”

  “Come on, let’s go in.”

  “Okay, thanks.” She started to walk with him, but then she frowned and halted. “Hey, did you have a meeting here or something?”

  His face flashed with concern, but he shook it away. “Nothing that can’t wait. Come on, I’ll buy you that muffin.”

  Chapter Five

  The coffee shop was clean and corporate with wooden tables, chrome fixtures, and smart uniformed staff. It was manically busy inside and noisy because of the sounds of the coffee grinder, milk steamer, and general chatter – competing with the tinny tune on the radio. Jake told Astrid to grab the last free table, then he stood at the glass counter and ordered two coffees – and a chocolate muffin for her. He felt terrible, and he knew a paltry cake couldn’t make up for the terrible things he’d done by spying on her. He didn’t usually care – and he was annoyed for actually giving a shit. It was stupid to get close to a target like this – to let her get under his skin. What the hell was wrong with him? He was always in control of his emotions. It was always mind over heart with Jake. But there was something engrossing about her.


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