The Billionaire's Secret: Billionaire Obsession (Tycoon Billionaires Book 5)

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The Billionaire's Secret: Billionaire Obsession (Tycoon Billionaires Book 5) Page 17

by Farrell, Julie

  Astrid’s phone rang, so she frantically answered it. “Yes?”

  It was Graves, not even bothering to disguise his voice anymore. “I told you no cops. See what happens when you disobey me?”

  Astrid’s patience broke. “Listen, asshole, you’d better be ready for me, because I’m coming to get my sister back and if you’ve touched a hair on her head, you’re dead. Do we understand each other?”

  She hung up without waiting for a reply.

  Jake grinned as the flames continued to consume the house down the hill. “You’ve changed, sweetheart. Improved.”

  She chuckled. “You’ve got to confront your fears in order to overcome them, right?”

  He pulled her close and kissed her. “Absolutely.”

  Daniel groaned. “Do you mind?”

  Jake ignored him and gazed into Astrid’s eyes. “You got any other fears you’d like to confront, sweetheart?”

  “Like what?”

  “Like, allowing an ex-cop who cares about you into your heart?”

  She grinned with joy. “I might be persuaded to open my heart to you. But first we’d better rescue my sister.” She glanced at Daniel. “Graves said no cops. So maybe we should leave this incompetent corrupt one out of it from now on. What do you think?”

  Jake inspected him. “I think we may still have some use for him. As long as he promises to listen to you from now on.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Jake drove Astrid to a secluded parking lot near the warehouse and parked the car. She was so glad he’d ditched the Ferrari back at Clara’s college and was now driving her car – it was much less conspicuous. She prayed Graves didn’t know Jake had switched cars, but he seemed to have a knack of knowing what was going on…

  Daniel followed in his car, and he pulled up into the space next to them. It was quiet here, other than the sound of the traffic coming from the highway beyond the trees. Astrid and Jake climbed out the car and they all stood facing each other in the grim parking lot. The gray clouds were starting to gather, and the temperature had dropped, causing an icy chill to creep through Astrid. She held Jake’s hand, trying to absorb his warmth and strength, preparing herself for their final showdown in a couple of hours’ time.

  Unless that was a trap too…

  The three stood there silently sizing each other up – Daniel leaning on his car on one side and Jake and Astrid standing next to theirs opposite. Daniel spoke first. “Listen, I’m sorry for what happened, all right? Astrid was right. I was wrong. What more can I say?”

  “How about ‘I was hoping you’d die in there, Jake?’” Jake growled.

  Daniel seemed rattled by this accusation. “It was a mistake!”

  “All right… let’s just keep our heads. We can still use you, Daniel. Your contacts. If Astrid’s in agreement?”

  She nodded. “Anything that’ll help rescue Emma. So we’re still on to go to the disused warehouse this evening. If that’s not another of Graves’ tricks.”

  “It might be,” Jake said. “Anything’s possible. But that’s where Graves is leading us, so that’s where we’ll have to go.”

  “I’ll go speak to the local cops,” Daniel said. “I think you’re right – we need some back-up.”

  Jake gazed at him. “Are you really gonna ask for help?”

  He nodded. “Yeah. We need more manpower.” He smiled sheepishly. “And they’ll probably be wondering why that house exploded – I’ll let them know what’s going on. I’ve got a few contacts around here – I’ll speak to them and get them to surround the warehouse for us later. You’ll go in and confront Graves. They’ll have your back.”

  “All right,” Jake said. “But tell them to stay out of sight. He’s already tried to blow me up because we ignored his ‘no cops’ request.”

  Astrid drew herself up to her full height. “I’m coming in too.”

  “No, Astrid…”

  “Yes. He wants me, not you. She’s my sister. I need to be there.”

  Jake sighed. “We’ll talk about it later. For now, Daniel, you’d better go talk to your friends. Tell them to be there before seven.”

  “I know. I will.” Daniel pulled open his car door and started to climb in. “See you later.”

  “Hey,” Jake said. “Don’t even think about screwing me over. It won’t end well for you.”

  Daniel shook his head, then he ducked inside the car and drove away.

  Jake turned and wrapped Astrid in his arms. “You should wait here, okay. I’ll be back soon.”

  “Where are you going?” Astrid asked, suddenly not wanting to be apart from him.

  “Just to grab some coffee and formulate my plan. I need a few minutes to clear my head and think. There’s a diner across the street. I won’t be long. I’ll get you some coffee too, okay. Stay here and I’ll be right back.”

  “Fine. I’ll formulate my plan too.”

  He smiled affectionately and opened the car door for her. “Good idea. In you get.”

  Jake kissed her and strode away, so Astrid laid down on the backseat. Her mind was full of Graves, Emma, Simon, and what would happen later when they all met at the disused warehouse. Her body relaxed into the soft leather seat and she started to drift into a dozy sleep. It’d been a crazy few days and exhaustion swept over her – physically and mentally. Behind her eyes, Graves’ face crept into her vision like hazy smoke, and he loomed down on her – threatening to choke her to death for thinking she could beat him. Her body tensed with terror. She opened her mouth to scream ‘no’, but the car door was ripped open from outside, jolting her back to wakefulness.

  “No!” She braced herself to fight.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart,” Jake said, climbing into the car. “It’s me.”

  Her heart thumped as the adrenaline pounded through her veins. “I was dreaming… I thought you were Graves. Or Simon.”

  He pulled her close, kissing her tenderly. “Sorry I scared you. You’re safe now.”

  “Yeah... It was just a dream – an illusion.”

  “It was.” He kissed her on the forehead and smiled protectively. “I got you some coffee.”

  She relaxed and sunk into his safe arms, allowing his strength and the backseat to support her. “Thank you. So did you formulate your plan?”

  “I sure did.” He hugged her tight. “But it was hard to concentrate because all I could see in mind’s eye was your cute hot little body, stripping for me.”

  She burst into laughter. “I can’t do that here.”

  “No.” He glanced along the seat. “But I’d love to go down on you. Then we can drink our coffee.”

  Arousal spun through her. “It’ll be cold by the time I come.”

  “Nah, I bet I can make you come in less than five minutes.”

  “You’re very sure of yourself. It can take me ages with oral. Simon always used to give up.”

  “Yeah, well, we’ve long established Simon wasn’t worthy to lick your boots let alone anywhere intimate on your body. Let me show you how much more worthy I am of your affection...” He placed their coffees in the cup holders in the door, then he leaned against her so she laid down on her back. He covered her with his body and kissed her passionately. “I need to taste your sweet pussy.”

  Her lust rocketed. Between kisses, she asked. “Do you enjoy giving oral?”

  “I love it. And I’m very skilled with my tongue – allow me to demonstrate, my love.”

  Astrid squirmed with desire. There was that ‘love’ word again… She was falling for him like crazy, but she didn’t dare tell him. What if it made him run a mile?

  She frowned. “Wait… we can’t do it here. What if someone comes?”

  Jake grinned into her eyes. “Babe, the only person who’ll be coming around here is you. Now just relax and trust me.”

  Astrid giggled. The thought of getting caught was actually quite exciting.

  “Make yourself comfortable, my sweet. We’ve got all the time in the world, so jus
t take it easy….”

  She tried to relax. “I feel a bit self-conscious.”

  “Let me help you to feel more comfortable, babe.” He pushed himself up and sat back on his heels, then he removed her shoes and massaged her feet, shooting warm fuzzy desire from her soles to her pussy. It felt amazing. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feel of his fingers on the sensitive pleasure zones of her feet.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He stopped massaging and gazed into her eyes. “You need to lift up your hips, sweetheart.” He grabbed his coat, rolled it up and positioned it under her hips. “Easier access for me, and more pleasure for you…”

  “Sounds like you’ve thought of everything.”

  “I’ve thought of nothing but you since the day I saw you…”

  Astrid’s eyes fluttered shut as he lowered himself down and pushed up her skirt, gently licking her thigh, taking it slowly – drawing it out. He made his way up to her panties and delved his tongue inside, varying the pressure on – what she thought of as – the petals of her flower. She ground her hips, rubbing herself against his mouth. It felt so good. “Ohh… Jake… yes.”

  “Like that, huh?”

  She groaned her confirmation. “Mmm...”

  He was totally focused on her pleasure, giving his all to her – as if this was the only thing in his entire universe right now.

  He probed his tongue upward and rubbed it hard on her clit, causing a flash of lust to wash through her, then he slipped two fingers inside her and started to rub her G-spot – targeting all the pressure from his tongue on the small area of her clit. The bliss around her pelvis was laser-like; tight and targeted.

  He continued to work on her from below, and she felt herself completely relax – suddenly it didn’t matter if the entire state came out to watch. She was liberated – these feelings were perfection. The glorious sizzles of delight between her thighs began quite lazily, like thick honey, but they quickly spread like wildfire, and her muscles tensed. She arched her back, pushing herself into him. Desperate to reach the euphoria she knew was coming.

  He was so good at it. Without breaking his rhythm, he continued to rub his tongue-tip on her clit – sucking it to increase the pleasure another notch. His fingers inside her stimulated her at the perfect pace – tingling her G-spot with utter delight.

  A wave of pleasure took her as Jake’s lips hummed – vibrating on her clit and causing a hot tingling sensation to envelop her, making her body buzz.

  And suddenly, the orgasm erupted inside, like a faucet turning on full blast. The world rushed backwards on rewind as she floated on the plateau of pre-orgasmic tension. Then the overwhelming bliss swept over her – beginning as a tight ball in her pelvis and exploding over her stomach, whooshing into her head like a tsunami. She pushed herself further into him, grinding her hips and extracting as much joy as she could. He moved with her, doing everything he could to make this dancing thrilling rollercoaster-ride as powerful as possible. She was taken by it – possessed entirely by nothing but Jake Quinlan.

  Another wave took her, and she felt as if she might blackout – but in the most wonderful way. Everything disappeared – reality melted and her sense of self dissolved into sparkling dust. She was a waterfall of delight – merging with the universe.

  And slowly the crescendo faded and she breathed hard, grinning wildly. She opened her eyes and beamed down at her gorgeous man. He propped himself up on his elbows, looking smug – with her wetness glistening all around his mouth.

  She burst into giggles. “Oh my god… I’ve never come from that before.”

  “Glad it was good for you.” He shuffled up to join her and held her in his arms. “Hey, you want your coffee?”

  She nodded, so he grabbed both cups, then they leaned against the door, wrapped in each other’s bliss.

  She sipped her drink. “It’s the perfect temperature.”

  “Told you.”

  Astrid’s body fizzed with joy as they drank in silence. It was nice to share this quiet moment – knowing they were comfortable together without needing to jabber on. But Astrid sensed there was something on Jake’s mind.

  “You’re deep in thought,” she said, gazing up at him.

  His face was peaceful. “Yeah, I’ve just figured it all out.”

  “Figured what out? Hey, I hope you weren’t thinking about the case while you were going down on me!”

  He laughed. “No I wasn’t, I swear. I was thinking about something much more important.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah. I was thinking about the fact that I’m in love with you.”

  He gazed down deep into her eyes, touching her soul with his sincerity. Her heart pounded with joy. “Me too, Jake.”

  “That’s so good to hear.” He kissed her. “All right, here’s the plan, we’ll go rescue your sister this evening, then we’ll go find my dad’s treasure. And start a life together. How about it?”

  She beamed at him. “Sounds like a great plan.”

  “Cool. This time tomorrow, we’ll be free.”

  She smiled contentedly. “I already think I am.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Jake wished he wasn’t in love with Astrid. It made him want to protect her more than anything on this planet – and getting emotional meant he was possibly going to start making mistakes. But the sexual tension and warm affection flowed between them like magnetic energy. And there was nothing he could do to stop it.

  He wondered, if he could switch off this feeling and walk away, would he? The part of him that was afraid of getting hurt wanted to. But it felt so good to be with her. Like coming home after years of wandering aimlessly in the wilderness. How could he not love her? She was the missing piece of the puzzle. The person he’d known was always there with him, just beyond the scope of his vision. It was as if perfection had been delivered to him in the beautiful form of Astrid Lawrence – and his life would now be occupied with worshipping and protecting the goddess she was.

  But first, there was this one final mission…

  He stood with his gathered men on the scrubby grassland under the suspension bridge, hoping he was out of sight of anyone looking from inside the warehouse. The huge disused edifice looked empty and lifeless from out here, but he knew Graves was in there, waiting for him.

  It was a ten-story red-brick building, which looked as if it was about to fall down at any moment. Jake hoped Graves wasn’t planning on blowing it up, but luckily it was on a reasonably busy highway – surrounded by other ramshackle buildings and scrubby bushes – so another explosion would attract way too much attention for Graves’ liking. The bottom of the warehouse consisted of five giant metal-shuttered entrances, held up by gray concrete pillars – presumably where trucks would’ve driven into when this place had been alive with industry. But now the shutters were dull, grimy, and rusted shut. All except for one, which was open – like a taunting grin with a missing tooth.

  And in the darkness was Graves, holding Emma hostage. And possibly Astrid’s ex Simon was in there too. He pushed away his fury. Not beating Simon to a pulp was going to take a lot of restraint...

  He briefed the ten cops Daniel had recruited to help – forcing himself to focus only on rescuing Emma. He’d carried out plenty of briefings like this before, but never with so much to lose.

  “You guys surround the place,” Jake said. “Daniel, you stay out here too – he’s already made it clear he’s not keen on having a crowd around. I’ll go in and confront him alone. You should provide assistance if you hear gunfire.”

  The cops nodded. Luckily they weren’t asking who the hell Jake thought he was to be giving them orders. But he knew from experience that if you acted like you were in charge, people tended to believe you.

  “What about me?” Astrid said, looking cold in the steely chill. “I want to come with you.”

  “No, Astrid, you stay in the car.”

  “No way. I’m coming in with you.”

  “Astrid, come

  She glared at him. “No. That’s my sister in there, Jake. And Graves wants to deal with me, not you.”

  “Well, he doesn’t get to decide what happens to you, sweetheart.”

  “No, he doesn’t. But I do. And I’m coming in. Let’s go.”

  She strode off and started to cross the busy highway toward the warehouse. Jake’s heart pounded with protective desire, suddenly terrified to lose her. He jogged to catch her up, but he realized he wasn’t going to be able to stop her without force. That would mean grabbing her, throwing her over his shoulder, and bundling her into the car. He wanted to do it, but he knew she’d cause a scene by screaming and struggling – possibly attracting Graves’ attention. Reluctant as he was to allow her anywhere near Graves or danger, time was ticking on, and they needed to rescue Emma. He glanced back to check the cops were in position, then fell into step with Astrid as they crossed the road.

  She was so beautiful. He pushed away his tingling love for her. “This is crazy, Astrid. I might not be able to protect you in there. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “I won’t let you down,” she said. “I’ll be helpful. You’ll see.”

  “Just stay behind me, okay. Do everything I tell you.”

  She nodded. “I promise.”

  It jarred with his inner-protectiveness – he didn’t want her in there – but from the tough expression on her face, he decided to trust her. He knew she wouldn’t try anything stupid. And he knew those cops out there had his back. He realized maybe it was okay to let other people help. Maybe it was time to start letting people in a bit more. Not everyone in the word was an asshole…

  Not everyone in the world was like Daniel…

  They arrived at the cavernous entrance, and he pulled Astrid away with force. “Wait!”

  “Hey,” she said, stumbling backwards. “I told you, I’m coming in.”

  “I know. I’ll go first.” He drew his gun. “You armed?”

  She smiled and flashed the revolver in her hand. “Let’s hope I don’t need to use it. But I will if he tries to hurt my sister.”


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