Promises of Mercy(Montana Promises-Book 1)

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Promises of Mercy(Montana Promises-Book 1) Page 14

by Vella Day

  “It’s hard, but when I save someone, I feel good inside.”

  She smiled. “Me, too, but my efforts take a long time.”

  After they unloaded the groceries, Stone sorted through each bag and separated the items into groups.

  She nodded to the piles. “I thought only I did that.”

  “Makes cooking easier.”

  That was her reasoning, too, though she suspected hers might have had something to do with her need for control. Her mom always insisted the family do everything her way and Amber had rebelled.

  Stop thinking about Mom. It’s a libido killer. “What can I do?”

  He furrowed his brows as if he was deciding how she could help without ruining his masterpiece. “How are you with salads?”

  “The best.”

  Stone pulled out a bowl. For the main meal, he found a large casserole dish along with a pot for the pasta. From the ingredients he’d purchased, they were having lasagna.

  She washed the lettuce, tomatoes, olives, and then peeled the cucumber. “I’m surprised Cade’s not home.”

  “He texted me and said he was working on some assault case. He’ll be home later.”

  That might be for the best. Amber debated bringing up the whole ménage thing again but decided she’d rather talk about that sensitive topic after dinner, like when they were making brownies.

  “Do you two ever get to eat together?” With them being frequently on call, she doubted their work schedules lined up very often. If that was the case how did they manage to even share?

  “When we can. If I’m on day shift, we see each other more often.”

  “That makes sense.”

  Trying to find some clues about them, she glanced around the living room and kitchen area. Everything looked picked up. Did they have a maid, or was one neater than the other? Her money was on Stone for doing the cleaning.

  While he worked on the lasagna, she finished making the salad. Anticipation raced through her. Stone was everything she wanted in a man and more. Add in Cade, and she’d definitely have her hands full.

  Once Stone dumped in the noodles, he prepared the vegetables. By the time he cut off the ends of the beans and rinsed them, the noodles had finished cooking.

  “Now for the preparation of the final masterpiece.” He looked over at her and smiled. “Watch carefully. Just so you know, if I wasn’t in such a hurry to eat and spend time with you, I would have made homemade tomato sauce.”

  She moaned at the idea of him being in a hurry. “Maybe you can teach me to cook someday.” She knew the basics, but not much else.

  “I’d be happy to.” After making a big show of layering the noodles with the ricotta, Mozzarella cheese, and the sauce, he topped the dish with Parmesan cheese and shoved the finished dish in the oven. After dumping the beans into a pot of boiling water, he guided her into the dining room. “We need to wrap Katie’s present.”

  “Okay.” She glanced around. “Where did you put it?” While their home was neat, it didn’t look like either had really taken the time to decorate it. Most of the furniture ran toward the black and brown tones. It needed color. And a woman’s touch.

  The thought surprised her. She might be moving too fast, but she wasn’t a raw kid out of college anymore. Rarely had she met anyone, let alone two people, who she bonded with so quickly.

  “I set it down in the living room. I’ll get it.”

  She watched him hustle to the chair across from the sofa. Her attraction to Stone was easy to understand. He’d been there for her in her darkest hour. But there was more. He was a strong man, who like herself, cared about others.

  Stone handed her the present and the wrapping paper. “You any good at this?”

  She refocused on the task at hand. “As a matter of fact, one of my favorite times of year is Christmas. I take great pride in making the exterior of the present as nice as the inside.”

  “I suck at wrapping, just so you know. A piece of tape here, a piece of tape there, and all is good.”

  She laughed. “Chris used to ask me to wrap his gifts to Mom and Thomas. I loved to measure twice and cut once, as they say.”

  “A real perfectionist.”

  There was no offense in his tone. “It works for me.”

  He grinned. “I’ll get the tape.”

  While he rooted through a kitchen drawer, she spread out the paper to figure out how much was needed. “It’ll be easier if we put all the yarn and hooks in the bag.”

  “Whatever you think is best.”

  She smiled. She liked his “a piece of tape here, a piece there” comment. Sad to say, she didn’t know all that much about Stone other than he was caring, wonderful, and great to look at. “What was your best present growing up?” She prided herself on the good segue since she was wrapping a present for Katie.

  He slowly walked back with the tape. “It might have been the GI Joe helicopter.” He drew in his bottom lip. “But I didn’t get to play with it much because Katie, who was two at the time, decided to see how well it held up under her plastic hammer.”

  “Ouch.” She could picture the rotors all bent. “That’s so sad.”

  He nodded. “Yeah. Worse, was what happened to GI Joe.”

  She enjoyed his reminiscing. “Don’t tell me she hurt him, too?”

  “It was nothing short of murder. She decided to play tug of war with the dog. She grabbed GI Joe’s legs, and Molly, our Pug, took the head.”

  She grimaced. “Joe didn’t make it, I take it?”


  “I’m sorry to have brought up your childhood nightmare. Any presents she didn’t destroy?” Amber spread out the wrapping and placed the bag on top so she could measure.

  “I’d been given the usual red wagon, water guns, a mountain bike, and even a train set, but I think it was the mini chemistry lab that my mom bought me I liked the best.”

  She hadn’t seen that coming. “What did you do with that?” He was just a kid. She cut the paper and folded it over the bag.

  “Are you kidding me?”

  She looked up. “I took chemistry in high school and college, but I never had any test tubes or Bunsen Burners at home.”

  His eyes shone. “Mom wouldn’t let me heat anything at home, either. She said it wasn’t safe. All I could really do was make crystals out of alum and make clear liquid turn red. I loved to experiment to see which chemicals created which reactions.”

  That did sound like fun. “Did Katie get near your precious gift?” She held out her hand. “A one-inch strip of tape please.” She pressed her finger on the present. He ripped off a piece that was a good three inches in length instead of one, and aimed it below where she held her finger. She said nothing about his measurement or placement.

  “She did, but it was mostly to watch. Dolls were more her thing.”

  “And your younger brother?”

  “He was too young.”

  She chuckled. “My bad. I meant what is he doing now?”

  “Craig? He lives in Philadelphia. He’s at Drexel University getting his masters in photography.”

  She would have guessed business. “Is your dad disappointed no one is going into the hardware profession?” She finished folding over the last piece. “Put your finger here, please.”

  He shook his head. “Dad just wants us to be happy.”

  What a refreshing change from how she grew up. The final piece of tape needed to be neat. She pulled off the correct amount and placed it on the point. “Perfect.” If they’d had a bow it would have looked amazing.

  The oven timer dinged and Stone smiled. “Now for my creation.”

  She couldn’t wait to eat, but she so looked forward to dessert.

  Chapter Sixteen

  After eating what seemed like a week’s worth of food, Amber leaned back and moaned. “That was fantastic.” She hadn’t wanted to stuff herself, but somehow Stone’s lasagna was better than anything she’d tasted in a long time. Now she had no room for desser

  “Tea?” he asked.

  She’d had two glasses already. “Have any red wine?”

  “Sure.” He went back into the kitchen and opened a cabinet. “You didn’t tell me what your favorite present was growing up.”

  He hadn’t asked. “That would be when my dad bought me Sandalwood.”

  He placed the glasses on the counter and pulled a bottle from the wine rack. “That some kind of perfume?”

  She laughed. “No. Sorry, she was my pony.”

  His hand stilled. “Your parents gave you a horse for your birthday?” He didn’t have to sound so surprised. She’d told him her mom was a surgeon, and that her dad had been a lawyer.

  “My parents were together back then.” Not that her comment really explained anything.

  “Did you live on a ranch?”

  “No. We kept the horse in the country club stables.” Now she sounded like a snob.

  “I see.” He poured them each a glass of wine and brought the drinks over. “Here ya go. Let’s sit in the living room. It’ll be more comfortable.” She chose the sofa and Stone sat next to her. “You want to ask me anything else?” He stretched his legs in front of him and wrapped an arm along the back of the sofa, looking totally at ease.

  She didn’t know if he was referring to his childhood or the act of sharing. He and Cade had convinced her they were okay with being a threesome, but she wasn’t so sure she was. The logistics confused her.

  She nodded behind her to the kitchen. “How do you and Cade decide who cleans?”

  He cocked a brow and lifted the wine to his lips as if he wanted to give himself a moment. “I clean.”

  “Do you share a bathroom?” That sounded so dumb, but it was those types of things that might be important later.

  “No. I’m a health care professional. I have this crazy need for cleanliness, and Cade’s would never meet any standard for sterility. Besides, we have three bathrooms, so we each have our own.”

  He was a man after her own heart. Maybe she’d avoid Cade’s bathroom, though she’d bet Stone was exaggerating. She wanted to ask about whether the women they’d shared spent equal time with the men. If Stone needed to go to bed early because of his shift, and Cade didn’t even get home until say, nine, would he expect her to stay up with him until two in the morning when he decided to hit the hay? What if she had to be up by six?

  Stone removed the still-full glass from her hands and set both hers and his on the coffee table. “You’re thinking way too much about something. How about helping me make the brownies.”

  Maybe she had spent too many hours in the hospital, but these men seemed to be able to read her mind. She followed him into the kitchen, glad not to have to think about practical matters when she had such a nice man in front of her.

  He located a large bowl and placed it on the counter. “How about I line up the ingredients and you pour and stir?”

  She liked the teamwork. “Okay.” She checked the back of the mix and turned the stove to the proper temperature.

  He set out the eggs, oil, and filled the measuring cup with water. “I’ll get the pan ready.”

  When she lived at home, she and her mom never cooked together. That was the job of the hired help. She missed out on what could have been quality time. “Did you help your mom cook?”

  His eyes widened slightly. “Only when she needed help. I actually learned in the service.”

  So much for genetics. With a wooden spoon in hand, she tossed in the ingredients and stirred until they were mixed. Once Stone greased the pan, she poured in the mixture, scraping the bowl mostly clean. He placed the brownies in the oven and set the timer.

  She ran the spatula over the little bit of batter that was left. “Want a taste?” She waved the dollop of chocolate at him.

  With his gaze plastered on her, he moved close and slowly licked his side of the rubber scrapper. She did the same, and their noses almost touched. Her body ignited at the closeness.

  Once the extra batter was gone, he leaned back. “I have something else you might like.” He retrieved the can of whipped cream from the fridge and carried it with him into the living room. “Come on.”

  “What are you going to do with that?” She followed him.

  “I don’t want to wait for the best part.” He raised a brow. “You didn’t think I was going to waste this on the brownies, did you?” He grinned and her heart smiled.

  “Oh, surely not.” Whipped cream was good for a lot more than a dessert topping.

  He took her hand and dragged her down to the sofa. Stone shook the can and uncapped the lid. “Open up.”

  This was going to get messy, but she obeyed. He pressed down the nozzle and swirled cold cream on her tongue. It tickled. She laughed as she swallowed the sweetness. The aftertaste was divine.

  “Turnabout’s fair play.” Without waiting for him to hand over the can, she took it. “Open up, please.” She squirted the whipped cream into his mouth, purposefully missing.

  He made an exaggerated motion of swallowing all of it, but a bit of cream remained right above his top lip. “You missed some.” Before he had a chance to lick it away, she swiped the cream from his lips and slipped her finger into his mouth. His eyes sparkled as he clamped down on her finger and ran his tongue around and around. Shards of electric shocks splintered along her spine.

  Holy shit, the man was potent. Before he turned her on too much, she lowered her hand. “All clean.” She had to say something.

  He took the can back, and instead of aiming for her mouth, he squirted some over her right breast. “Whoops.”

  “Stone!” The shirt was a cotton blend, and the cream would wash out, but what was she to do now?

  “I’m sorry, baby. Let me help you.” He dragged a thumb across her nipple but that only made the smear bigger. “That didn’t work, did it?” He gave her an exaggerated frown. When his mouth latched onto her breast, she cupped the back of his head. She groaned. Damned bra. She could barely feel his tongue.

  He sat up. “I think I made it worse. I know. I’ll wash it for you. Off it goes.”

  Without giving her a chance to agree or object, he lifted the shirt over her head. Good thing she already decided she wanted to make love with him.

  His cheery tone disappeared. “Holy fuck, baby. You are hot.”

  Now it was her turn to smile. “What were you expecting?”

  “I don’t know. Not something this perfect.” He leaned back. “No wonder Cade lost all control around you.”

  She tossed him a coy smile. “It’s not all about physical attraction, you know. I want a man to see me as a person, to want me for who I am.” Damn. She hadn’t meant to get all philosophical on him. She’d been trying to keep things light.

  He winced. “I fucked this up, didn’t I? I haven’t stopped thinking about you, and now that I’m with you, I’m making a mess of things.”

  “No. I was kidding. Though I admit I want a man to appreciate what’s inside here.” She tapped a finger over her heart.

  “I do appreciate you.” Stone clasped her hands in his. “You are an incredible person. Remarkable, in fact. You’re strong, brave, kind, and good-hearted. You are the cream on top of a brownie sundae.”

  Now that made her laugh. “Okay. You’re forgiven.”

  Stone pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Nothing was tentative about the way he took her. She didn’t wait for him to ask permission and opened up, needing to explore him. Their tongues collided and danced, sending joy straight through her. He tasted of spicy tomato topped with sweet cream, and she couldn’t get enough of him.

  He broke the kiss and sucked in a breath. “God, but I’ve wanted to do that for so long.”

  His kindness and considerate nature poured out of him. “Me, too.”

  His thumb rubbed across her damp bra, and she wanted him to touch her heated skin. Just as she reached out to undo the buttons on his jeans, the damned timer sounded.

  “Already?” They said in
unison then laughed.

  “Hold that thought, baby, while I take the brownies out to cool.”

  It would give her a chance to gather her wits. He opened the oven and placed the dessert on the counter. The rich aroma of chocolate filled the air and her stomach grumbled. But she’d forego the pleasure of the brownies if she could taste Stone.

  Within seconds, he returned. Keeping his gaze on her, he leaned her onto her back and stretched out on top of her. “I want you. Now.” He slipped his hands under her and kissed her again. This time, he nibbled her lips, drawing her bottom lip between his teeth. The slits in his eyes narrowed. “What I’d like to do is dribble cream all over your body and lick you clean.”

  “Uh-uh. I’ll get all sticky, but if I put cream on your cock, it’ll be easy to wash off.”

  “I say we try it.”

  The cock part or the cream all over my body part?

  She squealed when he unhooked her bra and dragged the straps down her arms. He then dropped it on top of the table, barely missing her wine glass.

  “Oh, yeah, baby, that’s what I’m talking about.” His gaze raked across her breasts and his mere look made the tips harden into peaks. He pressed a finger to her nipple and smiled when the pink crest bounced back. “So nice.”

  “I have a mind, too, you know.”

  He tilted his head. “If I could kiss and touch your brain, I would.”

  “That’s better.” She tried to give him her sexiest look, though she’d been out of practice for so long, she might have looked goofy. Fortunately, Stone didn’t act like he thought so.

  “Hold on.” He lifted the can of whipped cream and spritzed a glob on top of her nipple.

  “Ooh. Cold.” The end stood up even more.

  “I’ll warm you up.”

  Leaning over, he captured the tight bud in his mouth and ran his tongue around several times until heat raced through her. When she arched her back for more contact, he captured the other breast in his palm then twirled the taut peak. The double sensation had her wanting more.

  “You are so sweet,” he whispered. “I need you.”


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