Cabin In The Woods

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Cabin In The Woods Page 7

by Kristine Robinson

  I would make sure every spot got its appropriate treatment in that case. I kissed up and down her body as she whined at me to stop teasing her. Ohh. If she thinks that THIS is teasing she will go insane with what I have in store for her beautiful body.

  Why does my mind leave so much when I’m drunk? All I can feel are the sensations and I wanted to remember every moment of this. Remember the feel of her silky hair through my fingers and her soft skin against mine. The scent of her strawberry shampoo when I buried my nose in the soft locks. The taste of her skin, and the sight of her bruises. The ones that I sucked and nibbled into her flesh. The ones that mark her as my lover.

  I needed more of her. I felt like I would die if I couldn’t see all of her. My clumsy fingers danced around her skin as I tried to nimbly peel off her layers. I kissed every inch of exposed skin as I did it. I needed to make the most of this, just in case it actually was just another one of our momentary lapses of judgment.

  I pushed her down, I had to taste her. My fingers and tongue explored her body, in a way that I am almost offended I wouldn’t remember it happening in the morning. She tasted of salt, some sort of tang, and a flavor I can only describe as burnt cinnamon.

  I was almost angry that I wouldn’t remember it in the morning. I wanted to be able to savor this. Savor the feeling of the soft pads of her fingers running over my aching flesh, after she had pulled me off of her as she wanted control. She only actually let her long, nimble fingers enter me when I barked at her for teasing.

  It wasn’t irony. Any of this. I wanted to tease her because she teases me with her very existence. It wasn’t fair for her to tease me. It was almost overkill. Or, that’s my excuse for whining when she did it to me.

  I mewled as she teased me, her fingers finding my most sensitive spot. A high pitched whine left my mouth as she touched the spot. Holy Shit. I didn’t even know that spot existed until now. How did she find it? I then got angry as she promptly avoided the spot so she could tease me so much more.

  The spot throbbed as she purposefully ignored it. I snarled at her, my body wriggling. I couldn’t force myself to stay still. She pulled away to tease me even more.

  She did this until I was whimpering and begging. Willing to do anything to get off. I was moaning and shaking when she finally took pity on me. I was shivering and growling at her. I couldn’t help myself, the body wants what the body wants. And my body was screaming for her. Always. Forever.

  How dare my alcohol-numbed brain make me forget the way she panted into my neck after I began to tease her after she finally granted me my release. The way her pupils dilated until I could almost no longer see her beautiful irises as she mewled. The feel of her moist heat on my fingertips as I teased her. The sound of her mewls and cries.

  The way she sighed happily and burrowed into my neck as we finished and fell asleep in each other's arms. The way I slept with her wild hair in my nose, assaulting me with the soft strawberry scent. She snored in my ear. I had never considered that snoring could be cute before. Clearly, I was wrong. Snoring was the cutest thing a girl could do, or so it seems.

  chapter 18

  Has the ringtone on my phone always been this annoying? My head was throbbing and my stomach was twisted into knots. I grasped for the phone, trying to get it without actually opening my eyes. Damn sun.

  I was having a good dream. A beautiful woman forgave me every flaw and held me as if I was important to her. A woman, the woman…Amelia. An angel who saw me at my worst and still wanted me.

  An angel with gross morning breath. My nose wrinkled at the scent. Okay, this must be reality. I definitely wouldn’t imagine the morning after would be morning breath, a head resting on my hair so it was tugged when I tried to move, and the pounding head and nausea of a hangover.

  I heard a dull thud as my Phone fell off the bedside table onto the ground, still incessantly beeping. I heard a groan next to me, her body twisted off my hair. "Shut it off," Amelia whined, covering her eyes with her arm to shield herself from the light. "Make the noise go Awaaaay."

  I groaned as I pushed the quilt off of me, grasping around in the dark until I got the phone. “Blocked number?” I said out loud. “Who did I even block?”

  “Who is this?” I immediately said when I answered the call.

  “What do you even mean? It’s Claire.” Claire’s voice was more annoying than usual at the moment. “I have to talk-”

  I growled at the sound before, as politely as I could, spoke. “Not now, Claire. I just woke up and I’m not having a good morning and-”

  “It’s Claire?” Amelia was just barely awake. “Why is she- “I shushed her as politely as I could. The faster this call is over, the better everything would be better.

  “I took Albert.” Claire interrupted me rudely. Have I ever mentioned that I really hate it when someone does that to me? Because I do! “So-rry. I heard you were looking for him. He is my dog and-”

  “Oh no!” I immediately replied. “I am the one who takes care of him. Who feeds him and looks after him. He is MY dog. You may have bought him, but I’m the one who treats him like a sentient creature.” My headache practically melted away as my blood boiled. She can’t seriously be trying to pull this kind of crap.

  “He is MY dog. I bought him, his papers are in MY name. Don’t come over again.” She was just trying to hurt me. She didn’t even WANT Bandit.

  "I gotta go," I told Amelia, getting my clothes together.

  I was shocked when she replied, now fully awake. “Not without me, you’re not.” She was getting ready herself. She seemed just as angry as me, which confused me. She said last night was a goodbye and she acts like she doesn’t care. Was she lying? Does she really care?

  We stormed up to her house together. I banged on the door. “Claire! Let us in!” We ordered her.

  She opened her door only for a moment. “Stay, Albert.” She hissed, tying his leash to a table. He was trying to get to us. To go home. She wouldn’t let him.

  "You," She stared straight at me. "Are an immature brat. You think I want everything to be about me, but really, you just can't comprehend the world where everything doesn't go at your schedule. Whenever I want to do something that you don't you get angry."

  She turned to Amelia next. “You are not much more mature than Leela. You two deserve each other. You don’t have your life together and you want to spend your time with someone who doesn’t have her life together either. Now. LEAVE.”

  She slammed the door on my face right as I was about to argue with her. I had to jump back so my adorable button nose doesn’t get crushed by the door. How dare she speak to us like that. How dare she do that to us! How dare she!

  We kept banging on the door until a police officer comes into the scene. "Miss Albertson has requested you to leave the premises." The officer informed me. "She wanted you to be arrested but without disturbance, I cannot. If you refuse to leave, however…" He trailed off.

  I took the hint. “Thank you, Officer.”

  Amelia didn’t want to leave. She refused until I reluctantly admitted, we don’t have a legal leg to stand on. “The paperwork IS in her name.” Amelia scowled at me, but she did allow me to lead her home.

  I don't understand the way my breath caught in my throat. Her fiery eyes and the grim line her mouth had. She looked like an angel of vengeance. The way she held herself up and her mouth curled in a scowl, in a way that I always found disgusting in Claire, was so alluring. She was upset… for me.

  Nobody had ever been angry on my behalf before! She looked like she was almost willing to fight for me. She wanted to help me out. She genuinely… cared. Claire cares deep down but she’s never… no one’s ever…

  All I wanted was to taste her lips once again. To be with her again. I leaned in to kiss her, she didn’t even realize I was doing it. Or… did she? I chose to believe the latter, as she sharply pulled away from me and glared at the ground.

  She said she had to leave. I frowned as I watched her g
o. I don't have Bandit, and now I don't even have Amelia either.

  I wanted her to stay. To stay with me and make everything all better. Because the two of us could be together.

  chapter 19

  “How dare she?!” I seethed. I marched around my house as angry as it gets. She is so terrible. She gets worse and worse every time I hear her do or say anything.

  I can't do anything, though. It’s what she wants. She wants me to cause a scene and prove that I am no better than her. I tried to calm down, taking a shower and changing my clothes.

  It didn't help. I still wanted to- UGH! How does one say ‘rip her face off' without seeming violent or deranged? I am neither of those things. I am completely 100% cool.

  It’s just. I can clearly remember how upset Leela was. How she just… deflated. She is so disappointed and Claire doesn’t even CARE about animals. She just wants to hurt Amelia.

  With that thought in mind, I was off. I once again went to the gaudy home of my irritating Ex. “Claire. Open up. Or I WILL pick the lock. I can do that you know! I’ve got skills.”

  She opened the door and scowled at me. “YOU again.” She hissed, her upper lip curling in a snarl. “What do you want? Albert is MY dog.”

  I can’t believe her nerve. “You are an awful person. You don’t want Bandit, you just wanted to take him away from people who cared about him!” I snapped. “You’re a bad owner.”

  “I am not. I am the better person to take care of Albert. That’s his name, by the way. ALBERT. A-L-E-B-R-T.”

  She glared at me and opened her mouth to say something else most likely awful. I beat her to the punch. “I haven’t finished talking yet! SO shut your damn mouth.”

  She was shocked into silence. “There is a reason she broke up with you. You are demanding and cruel and instead of helping, you just constantly tore her down. Instead of supporting her, you constantly insulted and degraded her.” I tore into her. "You are a pretty face but behind that, you're just a cruel, selfish, and self-obsessed jerk. You need to remember one thing. Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes down to the bones."

  She seemed frozen in shock. Good. Let Claire actually think about things. She could be a great person, I can tell. She needs to look at her behavior and see the problems with herself, even more than I want to just make her feel bad. I took Bandit and I brought him home to Leela. He was a sweetheart.

  "Come on, Bandit," I whispered. "Let's reunite you and your mommy.”

  He was hyperactively bouncing and barking happily as his tail wagged a mile a minute. He'll be so happy when he finally gets to his home again.

  chapter 20

  “Bandit!” I happily declared after opening the door and being bowled over by a hyperactive puppy. I pet the dog and nuzzled him. “Thank you.” I declared, smiling up at her.

  Amelia. She is so beautiful and so kind. Her eyes glitter like diamonds and her lips are thin but still so soft and pink. I remember how they felt against my own. I ached to reach out to her and hold her.

  I would kiss her and she would hold me as if I belonged in her arms. All the anger of the past days would dissipate as the two of us are exactly where we want to be, doing exactly what we want to do. We would be happy together. Amelia would decide she cared more about me than she cared about her new job.

  How can someone feel so happy and so disappointed simultaneously?

  I really like…okay, no. I can lie to everyone else but I will not continue to lie to myself. The truth is, I love her. I love her and she’s gonna leave. I love her and I might never see her again.

  I wanted to say something. Beg her to stay. But, I can’t hold her back like that. She deserves to be able to live the life she wants to live.

  I let Bandit go with her when she returned to her home to pack. Bandit makes Amelia happier than I ever have. While she packs, maybe, Bandit could make her happier.

  That’s all I want.

  For her to be happy.

  chapter 21

  When I was little I was told about the complex system of karma and destiny. I never understood it truly.

  We are destined to live our lives in such a way, yet we have free will.

  I understand now. I was meant to be born into my family. I choose to love them. I choose to live on my own. I was destined to have skills in writing. I choose to hone those skills and make a career.

  I was destined to meet her. To fall in love. That was all the grand plan.

  But to leave. That is my choice. Choice makes all the difference, does it not?

  As I packed, I had nothing on my mind but this. I am destined to live through some set of finite choices. But the lives that will play out due to my choices, were predetermined before the choice was ever made.

  ‘What would life be like with her?’ I allowed myself to ponder. ‘Would it be better or worse?’

  As I thought, I watched bandit come over to my open suitcase. He was pulling things out with his mouth. Pulling them out and throwing them on the ground.

  He doesn’t want me to leave.

  Neither of them does.

  What do I want?

  The smart thing to say is that I want the best option for me. I want to be smart. I want a stable income and a nice house, like all good girls, do (or so I am told).

  It took a bit for me to realize, that that was simply a lie. What I want isn’t any of those things, not really.

  I enjoy doing my freelance projects and working from home and creating fascinating creative works. And… I love Leela.

  There! I said it.

  I know she loves me back, but I don’t know. Leela is so different from what I imagined.

  I need to know what I really want. Who am I fooling? I know exactly what I want. Her.

  That’s all I want.

  To make her happy.

  chapter 22

  All right, I want everyone to understand this; I was NOT moping. I, Leela, do not mope. I have never moped and I will never mope. I wasn’t pouting because she was leaving. I wasn’t replaying the sight of her smile or the sound of her laughter until it was seared into my brain. I wasn’t envisioning the taste of her soft lips or the sound of her voice laughing in that beautiful, melodic tone of hers. I wasn’t desperately trying to force the taste of her on my tongue to the back of my mind so it doesn’t torment me for the rest of my days.

  I was simply a bit upset, that the love of my life was gone. And I was just…STUCK. There is nothing I can do anymore. She has made her decision.

  I thought she had until my door was pushed open and I was greeted by an excitable pooch and an athletic, caramel skinned, goddess. She pulled me to her by her collar, but her kiss wasn’t rough in any way. It was soft and loving and said everything I wanted to say to her.

  I melted into the kiss. I could have simply taken her in without question. Her being mine was all I needed to know. Why her mind changed or if this was all just a cruel trick my hopeless mind was playing upon me, were superfluous. It was better if I didn’t know.

  Sometimes, I have discovered, it is better to live in blissful ignorance. I was so much happier believing I wanted her to leave me all alone than to actually feel the agony coming with the realization of how deeply she had pushed herself into my life.

  Chaotically she added herself to the mess of my life, and then she ripped all of it away. Like a tornado jumbling up all the pieces, before ripping it to shreds even worse than it ever was.

  That was why I had to pull away. I had no idea what was going on. I needed to know. I needed to see the truth with my own eyes if I were ever to actually believe it. Why was this even happening? She’s leaving! Is this a goodbye kiss? It can’t be! She can’t just leave now.

  “Amelia!” I protested.

  The second her name left my lips the strong arms wrapping around me in a warm, protective embrace pulled away, the hands entangled in my mass of red curls pulled away. “Leela,” My name has never sounded better. “I… I love you.”

  My eyes widened. My he
art was beating so harshly it felt as if it could burst. My body froze as if paralyzed. My mouth was dry and my throat burned, I couldn't speak. How… how could I reply to her? How does one explain the complete and utter devotion I felt to her? The fact that I wasn't moving seemed to make her deflate. What?

  She seemed to be waiting for me to say something. "Me too!" I squeaked out, "N-no. I mean that I, not to say I don't also lo-" I stuttered, my cheeks burning. "I LOVE YOU!"

  She began to giggle at me. I caught sight of myself in a mirror. Her fingers messed up my hair further, and my entire face was a darker red than my hair. “Don’t laugh!” I argued, embarrassed by her melodic giggle.

  “Stay with me, please.” I wasn’t begging. Get that right. I do not beg either. I am in complete control. “Please.”

  Amelia wrapped her arms around me and was kissing me all over my face. “Of. Course. I. Will. You. Beautiful. Angelic. Sweetheart.” I don’t know how I could possibly be any more embarrassed.

  My eyes were fogging over with tears. I couldn’t even see her beautiful face as the water in my eyes distorted it. I wanted to tell her how much I cared about her, but the only thing that could leave my mouth was a strangled sob.

  I had the feeling she knew anyway.

  I was so embarrassed by my own lack of control of my own body.

  I also don’t know how I could ever be happier.

  As I felt her soft lips on mine once more, I knew in my deepest heart, this is how the search for love ends.

  Of course, it is also how the rest of our lives together begin.


  ~ Bonus Story ~

  A First Time Straight To Gay Lesbian Romance

  Being a veterinarian isn’t always as thrilling as you might think. Some days, a clinic is really, really quiet and you find yourself filling out paperwork all day. Other times, however, you get an emergency case that just turns everything around. Those are the days that I wait for. Those are the days I yearn for.


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