Cabin In The Woods

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Cabin In The Woods Page 14

by Kristine Robinson

The music had stopped and the only sound was their heavy breathing as they stared deeply into each other’s eyes, searching – unsure for what exactly.

  Teri could feel her heartbeat quicken in her chest as Nicola instinctively closed the gap between them, pulling her closer for a passionate kiss that felt like it lasted for a lifetime. At that point their bodies had taken over, pushing confused minds to an overwhelmed stand-still.

  Teri let her hands slip down to the perfect ass again, squeezing the firm flesh tightly as her mouth devoured the lips beneath her. Nicola had one arm hooked behind Teri’s neck, while the other grabbed the thin waist even closer to her.

  Gasping for breath, Teri finally opened her eyes slowly and looked at Nicola. She smiled and brought her mouth back to the seductive lips that tasted faintly of wine, her hands playing all over the back of the tall woman in her embrace. This was not how she saw this evening play out but now that it was happening, it felt so right; she didn’t want to let go. Her whole body tensed in lust as the explored each other’s bodies over the clothes that hid them– a feeling she hadn’t felt to this extent in years.

  Nicola had somehow expected Teri to pull away but she reciprocated instead. She knew it wasn't very professional but she didn't care. Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was the music, but for the first time in a very long time, she felt alive.

  Nicola slipped her hand down Teri’s spine, over her well-rounded behind, tracing the athletic spine with her fingers as they got lost in a moment. They didn’t once break their passionate kiss, hungry mouths consuming one another.

  …But a door slammed suddenly, bringing them back to reality!

  The night cleaner looked at them awkwardly and the two quickly pulled away from one another and composed themselves, leaving the room in a hurry as they instantly sobered up.

  Teri’s heart was still racing though. She could feel Nicola’s lingering touch on her body, her taste in her mouth. But the spell was broken.

  Nicola insisted on sticking to the plan and dropping Teri off at home. The short drive commenced in silence and Teri hastily disappeared up the steps without so much as another word or any acknowledgment of the moment they shared in the studio.

  But it was the only thing on either woman’s mind.


  As soon as Nicola opened her eyes the next morning, all she could think about was Teri and the kiss they shared the night before. It was more than just a kiss, though. The woman who at first filled her with a feeling of pity, and maybe a tad of annoyance, now seemed to have a different effect on her altogether.

  The memory brought back the lust from the night before, consuming her as her whole body ached for Teri’s touch again. She had never been good at suppressing feelings.

  Nicola reached under the covers and slid her hand into her panties, toying with the yearning flesh under the duvet. Her other hand squeezed her left breast firmly under her shirt as she quickly fastened the movements of her right hand – almost absentmindedly.

  First slowly, then faster, she drew little circles over her most sensitive part. Nicola closed her eyes and she could still smell Teri’s presence, feel her firm hands on her behind. She quickened the movements of her hand, reaching down with her other hand as well to slip a finger into the moist flesh, longing with every fiber of her being for it to have been the athletic hands of the feisty blonde at the dance studio instead.

  Her knees bent, legs apart, she kicked off her panties under the duvet for better reach and whole body arched towards her touch as she massaged the moist flesh below.

  She reached over to her bedside drawer and pulled out her purple vibrator, hand never stopping its rehearsed curves around the bud of desire between her legs. She moved her hand up and down, spreading the warm liquid over her whole sex before plunging the silicone deep inside her.

  She put it on the randomized setting that vibrated softly between her thighs as she shoved the ribbed purple vibrator in and out, rocking her hips in rhythm with the gentle hum, toes digging into the mattress.

  Nicola threw the covers off her and got on all fours to better reach. With her behind in the air, she carried on moving her hips over the vibrating piece of equipment, never stopping the quickening caress of her most sensitive spot that was getting ever more sensitive.

  Her eyes remained closed as she tumbled deeper into her sexual fantasy, her whole body erupting with need.

  She was panting heavily as her body eventually tensed in climax and she collapsed back on the bed, spent, throwing the vibrator to the floor. She didn’t need it anymore.

  For a moment she just lay there, exhausted, content with a smile on her face.

  But Teri was still on her mind. She had hoped relieving her body of the pen- up sexual tension would purge the dance teacher from her mind, but it seemed no such luck.

  This couldn’t happen, Nicola decided firmly. Girls like Teri only meant drama and she was nowhere near ready for such a big commitment in her life right now. She enjoyed her freedom way too much to get caught up with someone so sentimental. She was already getting too attached. It must have been the alcohol – there was no other logical explanation.

  There was only one remedy, Nicola decided, hastily grabbing her phone from the nightstand. She needed a distraction and quick. Clearly, she was getting attached to this Teri girl and no good could come from it.

  She scrolled through her chat history and quickly typed a vague message to an ex who she knew would be available to meet on short notice.

  It could’ve been anyone. Nicola never had a problem finding a string of suitors to follow her around. She was charming, rich and had no interest in anything other than a good time – she was every man’s fantasy.

  He didn’t take long to respond and soon the dinner date was arranged for that evening.

  She’d keep busy at the office in the morning, swing past the hospital in the afternoon and meet up with him for sundowners – perfect. No time for Teri to creep into her mind. Or at least so she thought.

  But throughout the day she found herself returning to the moment in the studio. Even during drinks, she was distracted and not from Teri as she had hoped.

  Nicola nodded when she had to, smiled at his small talk and shared rehearsed details about how her life was going. It was a pleasant enough outing but nothing special. She downed another glass of wine, hoping to get herself in the mood. She knew the sex would be just as easy but now the looming thought seemed like a chore.

  They had a light dinner and some drinks before calling an uber to take them back to his place. Neither parties had any interest in beating around the bush – this was a booty call and nothing more.

  He pulled her in for a kiss as soon as they got in the backseat, slipping his hand up her skirt. Her heart wasn’t in it but she didn’t stop him either.

  The driver stopped suddenly as the traffic light changed, and Nicola sat up straight, pulling herself together as she looked out the window.

  They had broken their kiss but his hand was still up her skirt – but that was not why her body suddenly tensed her, her breath catching in her throat.

  It was the familiar figure walking down the road, backpack slouched over the small figure that made the butterflies flare up in her stomach.

  The light changed and the driver changed gears to take off.

  “Wait!” Nicola exclaimed, hastily fiddling with her safety belt to free herself, shaking the guy off her.

  “Nicola, what are you doing?” ‘the ex’ exclaimed, confused.

  “Stop the car!” was all she said, jumping out.

  By now Teri had already rounded the corner on her evening commute back to her house and Nicola sprinted to catch up with her, managing a good pace even in the tall heels she had chosen for the date.

  “Nicola?” the girl exclaimed, shocked, as the panting figure grabbed her arm suddenly. “What are you doing here?”

  “Can I walk you home?”

  “Sure – but where did you come from?” T
eri was still taken aback by the sudden appearance of the woman that has been on her mind all day.

  “I was in the neighborhood,” Nicola simply smiled. She slipped her fingers over Teri’s naturally as they strolled down the road, hand-in-hand.


  Teri didn’t live too far from the studio and they reached her place shortly. Far too soon for either party to find a way to bring up the night before, despite this being the only thing on both their minds.

  They stood there for a moment in silence, Nicola looking terribly out of place in her short black dress.

  “Do you want to come in?” Teri asked eventually. She wanted to from the start but couldn’t read the situation.

  “Can we talk?” Nicola responded.

  “I’d like that – come, I’ve got some wine,” Teri smiled, leading the way in her normal relaxed way.

  The flat wasn’t big and the modest furniture testified to Teri’s simple life on the seventh floor of the aging apartment block. A small living area, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and balcony big enough only for two chairs. But the whole place was kept tidy and had a homey feel to it, despite being stacked with books and papers on all sides.

  They sat down on the couch and Teri poured them each a glass of wine.

  “I thought I’d see you today,” Teri said, putting the bottle down.

  “I’m sorry, I wanted to come by – but I didn’t know what to say,” Nicola admitted.

  “I don’t regret last night,” Teri said boldly, looking her straight in the eye.

  Nicola was silent for a while before putting her glass down. “Neither do I.”

  “Then why are you running away from me?”

  “No good can come of this. We live in different worlds. I don’t have space in my life for a relationship now – any relationship.”

  “You can’t tell me you didn’t feel something last night,” Teri persisted. She had been unable to think of anything else all day and it took every inch of self-control not to message Nicola. But now that she was sitting next to her on the couch, she didn’t want to go around in circles anymore.

  “It’s not that,” Nicola looked away.

  “So you admit it – it did mean something?” Teri put her glass down and reached her hand behind Nicola’s neck, lifting her face towards her. She wasn’t normally this forward but she couldn’t contain herself around the dark-haired beauty now sitting in front of her.

  “Teri, I…” Nicola protested but her sentence drowned in Teri’s lips as they found their way back to where they left off the night before.

  This time there was no cleaning lady to interrupt and all Nicola’s self-control vanished in an instant as she felt her heart catch in her chest with the feeling of Teri’s body so close to hers.

  Teri shifted herself to face Nicola, folding her knees under her on the couch without ever once breaking contact with Nicola’s lips, her tongue feverishly exploring the inside of her mouth. Her hands played over the tall woman’s back, pressing her closer, slipping down around the firm hips.

  Teri pulled away in the soft glow of the single lamp burning in the corner, slipping her shirt over her head, revealing the plain black bra beneath.

  Nicola grabbed her closer again, the urges of her body now completely overpowering the nagging in her head. With both hands pressed up against the firm C-cups in front of her, she could feel the flesh beneath stiffen. Teri moaned softly as she pressed her breasts into Nicola’s hands, leaning forward to kiss the seated woman deeply.

  Teri stood up, pulling Nicola with her. Without breaking their kiss, she slowly slid down the zip of the tight black dress, slipping it over Nicola’s shoulders slowly. She kissed her neck, her shoulder, her lips following her hands as it pulled down the dress. It dropped unceremoniously on the floor and Nicola kicked it away, now only dressed in lacy black panties and heels. Her smaller breasts perked up – exposed. She wasn’t wearing a bra with that dress and with breasts like that, she didn’t need to.

  In heels she towered above Teri, who grabbed her behind close, burying her face in the exposed flesh in front of her, tongue slowly, seductively flicking over the erect flesh of first the one breast, then the other. Her nails dug into Nicola’s firm behind as she gently bit down. This time it was Nicola’s time to moan!

  Teri pushed her back down onto the couch, slipping out of her pants before climbing on top of her, one leg on either side of one of Nicola’s long, shapely legs, her warm center pressing against Nicola’s exposed thigh. Nicola reached for her bra, unclasping the clip in the front and replacing its support with her hands, cupping the large mounds tenderly as Teri moved her hips, pressing herself against Nicola’s leg. Slowly she moved back and forth, rubbing her most sensitive spot against the leg beneath her while Nicola pinched the hardening flesh between her fingers.

  Nicola could feel the warmth on her knee moisten and it was her turn to get up and push the blonde down on the couch. She knelt over her, kissing her passionately and letting her kisses sneak down slowly, down Teri’s neck, circling her breasts, her tight stomach, her belly button, lower and lower as her tongue left a trail of goosebumps on the excited flesh in its path.

  When she got to the hem of Teri’s panties, she placed a firm kiss on the only material still separating her from the younger girl’s burning desire, before teasingly moving on and kissing the milky inner thighs in front of her. Teri buckled her hips toward the warm mouth and Nicola moved her hands from Teri’s breasts to the thin piece of cloth, pulling it down excitedly, slowly – over the thighs, the calves, down onto the floor – discarded.

  Nicola sat up to admire the naked beauty beneath her, cleanly shaved but not all the way – but neat. She bent down for a kiss before placing her hands on either one of Teri’s knees, slowly pushing them apart to unveil the treasure hidden between her silky thighs. Gently she bent down for a kiss, sinking her face down between the exposed flesh. She moved the lips apart with her nimble fingers, revealing the swollen bud beneath, trembling with desire. Her tongue lightly flicked over the sensitive flesh and Teri’s whole body stiffened under her, hands grabbing hold of Nicola’s hair as she dove down deeper, devouring Teri hungrily.

  Teri pulled her back up for a kiss, wrapping her legs around the body on top of her and licking her own juices from the beautiful lips. She pulled down Nicola’s panties, lustfully rubbing her palm over the finally-exposed flesh.

  But Nicola wasn’t done. She slipped down between Teri’s legs again as they folded around her back. Her tongue moved up and down the excited flesh beneath her, flicking into the moist hole momentarily before following with first one finger, then another. As she plunged deep into Teri, the body below her squirmed in ecstasy. One hand holding Teri down, pressed firmly on her left breast, her mouth playing over the sensitive spot and her other hand rapidly, in rhythm, plunging in and out of Teri’s sex, there was nothing the exploding blonde could do but hold on to the couch as she felt her entire body erupt with a pleasure she never knew possible!

  Panting, she pulled Nicola back up by the hair, their chests breathing heavily against one another, their moist parts resting gently on one another as she kissed her passionately, digging her nails into Nicola’s firm behind.

  Satisfied, she pushed Nicola up and over the couch on all fours, her perfect bottom raised in front of Teri. She lowered her head and slid her tongue over the blossoming lips below, parting them gently to find the path to Nicola’s hidden lust.

  She returned the favor and so much more as she worked the dripping sex until it exploded in pleasure, Nicola digging her hands into the couch as she screamed involuntarily in the midst of her overpowering climax.

  She turned around, pulling Teri’s naked body down on top of her, legs intertwining with the blonde head nestled fatigued between her breasts, breathing heavily as they softly caressed one another without a word.

  They fell into an exhausted sleep, still holding one another. One from which Nicola would awake confused in the midd
le of the night, the naked Teri still slumbering, body entwined in hers.

  Careful not to wake Teri, she disentangled her body, scourging for her clothes while hastily ordering an uber on her phone. She wasn’t ready for anything serious.

  Nicola made her exit quickly, rushing down the stairs two at a time with her heels in her hand.


  Teri slowly turned around, her eyes trying to adjust to the light streaming through the window in the lounge. She looked around the flat confused – there was no sign of Nicola.

  She got up, threw the discarded shirt over her naked body and walked through the small flat but she already knew she’d find it empty. No note, nothing – just two half-drunk red wine glasses the only evidence that Nicola was ever here. That and the touch she could still feel lingering on her exhausted body.

  She climbed into the shower and put on the coffee, trying to not overthink the whole experience but it was impossible not to. The night before was magical and her insides fluttered just thinking of Nicola – her kisses, her touch, the taste of her desire… She only noticed the scratches scattered over her body when she got out of the shower. She stared at her spent body in the steamed up mirror. There was no evidence to prove that any of the marks belonged to the tall, dark-haired goddess that brought her ultimate climax last night. It could have been anyone. But it wasn’t. ‘Anyone’ didn’t put her in such a daze, in such a state of longing – of yearning.


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