Cabin In The Woods

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Cabin In The Woods Page 81

by Kristine Robinson

  “You may steal my phone, but I tend to steal hearts. I think you have more to lose than I do.” Send. Too cheesy? Perhaps. But I didn’t care. Two could play at her game. Within seconds the text dots flashed on my screen. “I can see that being true. ;) “she responded. I couldn’t help but smile. I replied, “Must be why you keep asking me on dates, then, huh Sarah? ;)” I was giddy. “There is something about you, you are very sweet but I have to admit it’s your beauty that caught my eye on the train.” My eyes widened. I could sense that I had the choice to take this train down the path that it was very definitely heading down or I could send her a witty comment and say goodnight. Remembering my time in the shower, I decided to continue to have fun. “Why, thank you. You’re quite striking yourself…I can’t believe you’re single.” I reply. Flirting, yet testing the waters to make sure she really was available. “I haven’t met my match yet.” My fingers drummed on the bed. Do I make the first move? “Check mate.” I said. I sent another message, “You’re so charming, I’m almost wishing you were here with me still.” I began. She had been typing, then stopped. My heart raced. The seconds felt like minutes. “Oh, do you now? Well, if I were there we wouldn’t be talking.” “Oh, there it is”, I laughed to myself. I felt like a school-girl. “Because your lips would be on mine…” I said. “Yes, and my teeth would be biting your lip.” She continued, “I want to be on top of you, my face buried in your neck, my hands on your breasts and my fingers gripping your thighs.” I was getting very hot and bothered. I responded, “I want to feel you inside me, your kisses make me so wet.” I sent it, not believing what was actually happening. “I’d prefer my tongue pressed against you, moving side to side between your thighs, driving you wild.” I got under the sheets and tossed off my sweats. Things were getting heated. We continued like this, toying with each other. “Lick, suck, tease me” I told her. “I want to make you explode, Meredith. I want to lay on top of you and hear you say my name.” she said. This went on for an hour and I told her I was touching myself. “I am too, of course” she said and sent a screenshot of her legs on her bed, her hand reaching below her boy shorts. I could not take this. I laid back and let myself feel it all, I screamed her name and finally and explosively, came. I was breathing heavily now, a few minutes had passed since we last spoke. “If you are this good via text, I can’t imagine what it will be like in person.” I reply with a smiley face. “Same to you, babe.” She responded. “Sweet dreams…” “Goodnight, gorgeous” she sent back. I took a deep breath and my mind swirled over the events. Two days ago I loathed her smug attitude, now, I’m having phone sex with her! Am I crazy? The adrenaline made me not care, I felt alive and yet relaxed. Things like this never happen to me, I thought. Then a very obvious idea hit me. I went to my bag and took out her business card. “Sarah Samuels” I typed into the search bar. “IT Guru Sweeps the State” “Samuels and Stevens are the new ‘IT’ couple” I clicked on it and saw a photo of both of them. Sarah was smiling, looking professional as she does and her ex, Rebecca Stevens, stood at her side. She had auburn hair, was also tall but fair-skinned. Her hair was cropped short and she had piercing blue eyes. An expansive office was behind them, concrete floors and clean lines. To Sarah’s left, was her desk, I could make-out a framed photo of her and Rebecca, they looked happy. I imagined them making love on that desk after hours but then shook the thought away. I scrolled through more articles when another caught my eye. “Tech Entrepreneur Launches Celeb Site”. Very interesting, I thought as I opened up the link to a bright pink site. Article after article of celebrity gossip-something with algorithms were behind this, showing the most trending topics at the moment. There were photos of her with soccer superstars, singers, actors-she was hob knobbing with A-listers? “Color me very impressed” I said aloud. I set my phone down and turned off my light. Who was I getting involved with? I asked myself as I drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Six

  The next morning, I was in good spirits. I awoke with a sense of adventure and excitement. Last night felt like a dream, one I didn’t want to wake from. I had one more work day to put under my belt before Sarah could be. Walking into the office, Dana was on my tail immediately. “So, tell me the gossip!” she pleaded. Normally not one to sext and tell, I was too giddy to keep it to myself. I pulled her into my office and shut the door. “Well, dinner was actually really wonderful. We have a lot in common, she’s some big IT Tech Mastermind or something and you’ll never believe what else I found out.” I sat there, eyes wide and eyebrows arched. “What!?” Dana squealed. I leaned in. “The Pulse”. Dana’s eyes widened. “The Pulse?” she said with disbelief. “Yep.” I turned on my laptop and went to the site. After a bit of scrolling I found a photo of her at a party between Usher, Fergie and David Beckham. “Wow. Did you hit the jackpot! What are you going to do, does she know you know? Will you tell her you know?” My grin turned upside down as I hadn’t considered this. “Well, shoot, I don’t know. I did google her last night, she told me about her tech company but not about this.” “Maybe you should let her offer it up naturally.” Dana suggested. “What if she doesn’t? How can I pretend I don’t know?” Dana bit her lip and shook her head. “I’m not sure, but that sure is exciting. When are you seeing her again?” “Tonight at 8.” “Well, maybe she’ll get a call from Jude Law and then cat will be out of the bag.” I laughed and rolled my eyes, “Here’s hoping!” I joked.

  The day drug on, time seemed to stop and by noon I still hadn’t heard from her. I was about to cave and text when I heard a familiar chime. “Good Afternoon, Beautiful” she began. “Sorry I’ve not texted, it’s been a hectic morning-excited for our date tonight at 8. ;)” A huge smile spread across my face and I replied. “Good Afternoon ;) I have to say I slept very well after last night…I’m looking forward to it, too.” She replied with a kiss emoticon and I felt warmth spread through my body. It was a gorgeous day out, I decided to leave work for the afternoon and head to the shop to find something to wear for tonight. “Dana, cancel my 3:00, would you? I need to go shopping!” I winked as I grabbed my things. “Get it, girl!” she yelled to me as I put on my sunglasses and headed downstairs.

  The place she was taking me was a celeb hotspot. What if we ran into someone? I wanted to look good for myself but for her, too. A little black dress just wouldn’t do. Three shops in and I found the outfit. I opted for tight, black leather pants, akin to the ones she wore the other night. They hugged my curves just right. I bought a pair of green suede high heels with a gold tip. For the blouse, I opted for a silky black halter top and emerald green earrings to match my shoes. I stopped at the salon and got a blowout, I was feeling hot and ready for my second date with Ms. Sarah when my phone rang. It was her.

  “Oh, hey Sarah” I said, trying to not sound surprised she was calling. “Hey, you. I hope I’m not interrupting your work day or anything” she said, sounding very sincere. I looked at the bags in my hand, “No, not at all. What’s going on?” “I’m sorry, I’m going to have to push back dinner tonight. Something with work has come up. Actually, probably can’t have dinner at all.” “Oh” was all I could manage. “But I’m not cancelling-unless you don’t want to go to this party for work I have to attend last minute.” My mind raced and images of clinking glasses with Selena Gomez ran though my head. “Oh, well, no, I mean, what is the party for?” “Just a few colleagues, it’s a networking party of sorts at this tech guys house in the Hills. Fairly swanky, I will admit. There will be light appetizers and cocktails provided, I won’t let you starve.” I smiled at this. “Sure, sounds great.” “Wonderful! Care if I pick you up at your place around 7:30?” “Not at all, that’s great.” We hung up and I was so grateful I took the afternoon off to buy clothes and get my hair done. I squealed with delight but also was very nervous. I usually get very shy around new people, and if they’re famous? I can’t imagine what I’ll do. It was five o’clock. I had better hurry home if I wanted to get ready for the night.

  Chapter Sevenr />
  I did what any normal girl would do in this situation and called my best friend over to help. Once I gave her the update on everything that had happened she said she would be over with a bottle of wine within twenty-minutes. I could always count on her. I turned up the slow jams and got in the shower to rinse off. “Did I have time to….?” I wondered with a naughty grin. No. No, Lauren would be over soon and no-better save myself for this evening, I told myself. Jumping out of the shower, I did give last night’s texts a look- “Nipples in your mouth…..fingers inside you..” I shivered. I could not wait. Would it even happen tonight? I shook the thought out of my head and began to get ready. “Happy Hour is from 6-7!” I heard as Lauren let herself into my place. “Hey girl!” I said, taking the bag from her. “I will pour us some wine and tell you all about my new crush!” I gave her more details about what I found and we spent a fair amount of time scrolling through the website. “Six-thirty!” I exclaimed, I only have an hour! Lauren laughed, “You’re hair is done and you have your outfit! Relax!” ‘But what if she’s early?” I argued. I got dressed and finished up my make-up. “Pour me another glass of wine, please! I need the liquid encouragement!” “Have you got fancy lingerie on under there?” she gestured. “I may have…I need to be prepared!” We both laughed, finished the bottle of wine and continued scrolling through Sarah’s celebrity life when I heard a knock on the door. “It’s her!” I looked at my phone, one missed call and text from Sarah. “I’m going to be a bit early, hope that’s ok.” She had written-thirty minutes ago. “See! I hissed at Lauren, I knew I had to get ready!” I straightened up, immediately felt the wine hit me, and made my way to the door. “Hi, so sorry I missed your call” I began, but I was interrupted with a small kiss on my lips. “But I see you are ready and that’s a good thing.” She smiled. “You look absolutely stunning.” She said, looking me up and down. “Why, thank you.” I said, feigning a curtsey. “And who is this?” she asked, walking into my apartment. “Oh, this is Lauren, my best friend, she was keeping me company tonight.” “Very nice to meet you” Sarah said, reaching out her hand. “Let me just get my things and we can go!” I said as I walked quickly to my room. “Great space you have here, Meredith.” I heard footsteps coming into the bedroom. “Oh, thanks, be right out!” I shouted but it was too late. Sarah walked in and saw my laptop open and her website on full display. Lauren was behind her and gave me a “I’m sorry I didn’t get there in time to close it!” kind of face. She made eye-contact with me, then the laptop. I made eye-contact with her and then Lauren. Sarah looked concerned and unsure of how to proceed when Lauren chimed in. “I am just a big fan of your work, I love your website. I coludn’t believe Sarah hadn’t heard of it before.” She tried. “You hadn’t?” Sarah said, sounding surprised, but in a good way. I assume like a humble celebrity might feel when they are treated like a regular person somewhere and are caught-off-guard by it. “Um, no, I am not that into celebrity gossip I guess. I mean, it’s fun, I just, I wasn’t aware of the site.” I felt myself stumbling over my words. “It’s ok, Meredith. It’s kind of refreshing, most people do and I get treated differently because of it. I wasn’t going to bring it up, actually, until I learned about this event tonight.” I forced my face to look indifferent. “Is this a party for your site?” I asked as innocently as I could. “Yes, Richie Brinkhead, this IT magnate, is throwing a little get together at his home with some of my best clients and since he and I have been friends forever, he’s put all this together.” “Oh, how lovely of him.” I offer. I felt like I needed another bottle of wine. “Thank you for inviting me to this.” I offered. “Of course, it will be a lot of fun.” Behind Sarah, Lauren was giving me air high-fives and doing a little dance. I was trying to ignore her and not laugh. “Well, I just need a minute and I’ll be ready!” I said. “I’ll wait in the car.” We waited until we heard the click of the front door. “Oh my-Oh, my..” I began. Lauren was laughing and said, “Girl, you are going to have the best time.” “Thank you for covering me back there, like, seriously. So necessary.” “Of course, you can’t look like a psychopath.” ‘Ha. Ha.” “Alright, do I look great or what?” I asked her as I put on my leather jacket. “You look fab, now go and text me all about it from the bathroom!”

  As I walked outside, the passenger door opened from the inside. Sarah looked gorgeous as well. Her hair was piled up on top her head in a very sleek and put together bun. She donned a sharp white blazer, a green silk blouse and tight white pants. She wore black stilettos and looked as fierce as I would expect someone in her role to look. “Are you ready for this?” she asked. The car wasn’t moving, we were sitting in the drive. “Yes, it will be wonderful, I am sure.” She leaned in closer. I could smell that scent of hers again, whatever perfume it was intoxicated me instantly. Her lips touched mine, softly at first and then our kiss turned more passionate. After a minute, she pulled back. “You’re a great kisser.” She said. “It takes one to know one” I retorted. With a playful smile, she grabbed my thigh then reversed out of my driveway and we headed toward the Hollywood Hills.

  Pulling up we were greeted by a large white gate. I could barely see the house yet but I knew it was going to be massive. Suddenly, the realization of what was happening set it and I felt sick. I felt very out of my element. My palms got clammy and I had the urge to change my clothes, my hair, my face-everything. Sarah turned to me, “Relax, babydoll, you look great. Everyone will love you and I won’t leave your side.” She gave my hand a squeeze just as the gate opened up. In front of me was a sprawling estate. Palm Trees lined the path to the house as did candles. The house was very modern and looked like it had several levels. On the second, there was a large balcony and I could make out at least ten people looking out at the view. As she parked, the cars went from Maserati’s to Ferrari’s to Range Rovers. The grass could not have been greener and when we stepped out of the car, the scent of jasmine and rose filled my nostrils. “Quite the place, eh?” she chuckled. As we walked in, she took my hand. The doors opened and there was a very large man, in his late fifties. He had a cigar in his mouth and a whiskey in his hand. “There’s the guest of honor!” he beamed and reached in to give Sarah a hug. “And who is this beautiful woman you brought tonight?” Both looked at me. “Hi. I’m Meredith. Nice to meet you.” I offered, extending my hand. I felt like a schoolgirl meeting her friends cool older siblings. Ridiculous. He gave a big belly laugh. “Come in, come in, both of you. Sarah, you know where to find things. Mi Casa es Su Casa.” She took my hand again and led me to the kitchen where at least twenty more people milled about. When she was noticed, everyone gave a little clap and shouted her name. She hugged everyone and introduced me. At one point, she got lost in hello’s and I was alone by the bar. “A Vodka Soda please.” I requested from the bartender. I leaned my elbow on the bar and looked around. I didn’t recognize anyone in here. No celebrities. I was relieved. I didn’t feel like I was making a great impression already. I drank my drink down way too fast but asked for another. “Meredith, please, come meet Millie.” It was Sarah’s voice and she ushered me over to meet one of her friends and her stylist. The night continued like this for awhile until Sarah grabbed my hand and told me she wanted to take me on a tour of the house. I was relived to be getting away from all the intensity for a bit. “Come upstairs to Richie’s room, it’s the best place in the house.” We walked up two levels until we could barely hear the party. Everything was mid-century and exquisite. Opening the large white doors, we entered a room bigger than my apartment. It was lovely, everything was pristine. His closet was immaculate and the view from the balcony was something out of a dream. The light of the city were bright under the navy sky and for once that night, I felt calm. Sarah leaned in close and kissed my cheek. “My friends think you’re very sweet, you know that?” “Oh, well that is very kind of them. I don’t feel like I’ve said much all night!” “It’s ok, just relax. You’re just fine. Here, come see this.” She took my hand and led me to the room next door. It
was all navy and gold, very chic and ornate. It had its own marble tub and shower, it was very masculine yet felt feminine too. “Is this your room?” I asked her. “Good guess. Yes. We collaborate together so much and work so often on projects, sometimes until 3 a.m. that Richie was sweet enough to design a bedroom for me for those occasions.” What a gesture, I thought. She had her own little balcony, it over looked the pool below and from here we could see the party raging on. She walked into the room and sat on the bed. With a tap, she motioned to the seat beside her. “I’ve been dying to have time alone with you all night.” The alcohol hit me and I found myself standing in front of her, my legs on either side of hers. “Have you, now?” I teased. I lowered myself onto her, my arms supporting me as she laid her head on the bed. Our faces were close, I leaned in to kiss her and she took off my jacket. I looked at her, wanting to confirm what I thought we were about to do. “Yes, right here, right now.” She said. She took off her blazer and her top. I stood up and took off my silk blouse. She wore a sexy white lace bra, her breasts, round and full, filling it to the brim. She pulled me closer and laid on top of me on the bed. I unzipped my pants, kicked off my heels and found myself in my lingerie in front of her. She licked her lips and took me all in. “Meredith, my darling, there are no words…” as she ran her hands up and down my body. I took her buttons in my fingers and slid her pants off, revealing a matching white thong. Her body was perfection, her legs, long and toned. Seconds later she had me flipped over and her hands rubbing my clit above my underwear. I did the same to her, the friction doing us both good. With her other hand, she unclasped my bra and was sucking my nippes, letting out little moans as she made them hard. I felt her fingers inside me, as she went deeper, I got more aroused. We both released at the same time. Our hot and slightly sweaty bodies, collapsed on the bed. I looked at her, “You are incredible.” I said with a laugh. “It takes one to know one” she said, our new little joke. “Do we need to get back to the party? How long have we been gone?” She checked her phone, “Oh, about thirty minutes.” “Is that all?” It seemed like at least an hour. “I suppose we better”. We got up and got dressed, before walking out the door, she gave me the biggest kiss on the lips. “There will be more where that came from, later.” She winked.


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