Cabin In The Woods

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Cabin In The Woods Page 96

by Kristine Robinson

  But the time flew and soon the president’s campaign for a second term was in full swing – the eyes of the country once more locked on his every move. He was always out at some fundraiser or some dumb TV show these days, relaying his prepared speeches to the masses who hungrily lapped it up. But the threat of scandal was never far behind.

  On more than one occasion he warned his daughter to break things off with the tennis players as he ‘saw no future’ in the ‘affair’ as he called it. Not that he was in any position to talk about affairs of any nature and Ava told him that much. He persisted that her behavior was hurting his chances of getting re-elected but she was not going to let him dictate her life anymore. For too long she had been just a pawn in his game and she was tired of not being allowed to live. He told her she was being unreasonable and she, in turn, called him selfish – there was no win-win scenario.

  But in the end, her father still held all the proverbial cards. As much as Ava tried to pay no mind to him, her mother was quick to remind her that he could make her life very unpleasant if he wanted to. She was still living in his house on his allowance and Ava was verging dangerously close to a scenario where he would revoke all her privileges. It was the first time she was ever threatened with being cut off and the thought of being locked up with an ‘army’ of bodyguards put the fear in Ava. The thing about being the ‘good girl’ was that you never had to deal with the consequences of a ‘bad girl’s’ behavior.

  So Ava did the only thing she could – she decided to publicly break things off with Leah and Haley before it all went too far and her overprotective father locked her up like Rapunzel of the White House. Technically she was old enough to make her own decisions but she couldn’t deny the fact that she was completely dependent on her father – she had always been.

  So there was no other way to preserve her livelihood but to denounce it all. As such, Ava called a press conference to appease her parents. It was the Tuesday before school was to start up again – she would always remember that day and how nervous she was. Before then, she was usually an extra at her father’s press conferences, a voiceless face that was there merely to complete the image of the ‘happy family’. This time all the attention was on her.

  By this point, her father's campaign was in full swing with some story or the other making the front page almost daily. This was a ‘juicy scoop' and the room was packed as reporters hungrily awaited Ava's statement. She took her time to dress modestly, playing up her old ‘girl next door from the country' look that she used to ease into so naturally. On this Tuesday it felt forced; she felt foreign in the long sweater that made her feel prudish – like a fake. But it was all part of the act and her mother assured her that she was ‘doing the right thing'.

  She nervously cleared her throat, adjusting the microphone awkwardly as the camera flashes blinded her. So it happened that in a forced statement Ava announced to the public that her ‘rebellious streak’ was over. She was once again committed to her studies and to her father, both which were to take center stage in her life again. She apologized for straying and assured everyone that it was all a thing of the past now – a fad that had passed.

  She kept it short and to the point, forcing every false word out bitterly. She was so uncomfortable and relief washed over her when the final line on the page sounded over the microphone. The media had a ton of questions but she walked off before answering any of them, keeping her head down. She had done her part, she didn’t owe them anything more.

  “Are you happy now?” she hissed at her mother, as she pushed past to the car without even bothering to wait for a response. Her mother had been standing just out of sight, listening to the speech without really listening. She was used to being on the sidelines with her husband – this was no different.

  “Ava, don’t be like that. You know it’s for your own good,” her mother pleaded with her but Ava wasn’t listening. She put in her headphones and turned the music on full blast to drown out the world. Her mother took another car home – thankfully.

  Her phone’s message tone sounded almost immediately as they left amidst a sea of reporters following them out. It was her group chat on WhatsApp with Haley and Leah.

  ‘Do you think they bought it?’ – It was Haley who messaged first.

  ‘I think so,’ Ava replied. ‘I read the damn thing word for word, so it should be fine.’

  ‘Such a shame that you’re done with your ‘rebellious streak now,’ Leah responded, followed by a string of laughing emoticons.

  ‘See you guys tomorrow?’

  ‘Of course,’ Haley said. ‘Just make sure nobody sees you. We’re going to have to be more discreet now.’

  ‘Please, I don’t want to be forced to give you up for real.’

  ‘Oh, don’t worry about that – you’re stuck with us now haha,’ Haley said.

  ‘Just take an Uber and wear some sunglasses. The whole world knows what you look like,’ Leah suggested.

  ‘I’m a good girl now – don’t worry. I’ll watch my back,’ Ava joked.

  ‘As long as you leave that ‘good girl’ at the White House when you get here,’ Haley said.

  ‘Oh you know there’s nothing that makes this good girl go bad as quickly as you two. Okay, see you then. I have to run and go do the whole studying thing to keep up my image. You two better make this up to me – just saying.’

  ‘Oh we will, don’t you worry.’

  They always kept their word and would more than make it up to her.


  Too soon school started up again officially and Ava continued her sexcapades in secret, stealing away as much time as she possibly could without arousing any suspicion to see the tennis stars. It was more difficult these days but the trio was resourceful or as Haley liked to call it rather ‘sneaky’.

  They even had a couple of classes together in which they nonchalantly ignored one another, playing it cool. This just added to the excitement of their public game even more. The formal ‘hellos’ and careful brushing past to get to their seats – that was what they lived for now. The ultimate build-up for the times they finally managed to find privacy.

  Somewhere along the line they cleverly devised a study group, meeting regularly on Tuesdays and Thursdays under the guise of furthering their studies. It all seemed legit and above board, so the parents on all sides were happy with the arrangement. They were relieved that the excitement of the summer was now just a distant memory and the girls were all focused on their studies again. It was good to have everything ‘back to normal’. What they didn’t know couldn’t hurt them and they all enjoyed the blissful ignorance. There really was nobody as blind as those who did not want to see. But this suited the girls perfectly.

  However, the only studying that got done during those ‘sessions’ was on human anatomy and finding different combinations of satisfying each other at the same time. This wasn’t exactly a good for any of their marks but college wasn’t too high on the priority list right now – it merely provided the perfect cover up. They even took some books along to make the exercise seem legit but these never got opened. Some of them even got left behind or lost from time to time – but it was a small price to pay to continue their exciting secret life.

  To ensure their game remained a secret, the ‘study group’ met at a different motel each time, working their way through the city map. The only one who really knew what was going on was Hayley’s driver but he was a solid confidant and nobody ever doubted his loyalty to the striking tennis star.

  It was different each time and not just because of the changing locations. They didn’t even get to the sex part some of the days (though when they did, things got pretty steamy quite quickly as they found new ways of getting one another off).

  On some days they just fall asleep in each other’s arms, watching movies or listening to songs. They painted each other’s nails and did ‘spa days’ with face masks and wine. It’s hard to pin down at which point exactly their outings became m
ore like ‘real couple’ dates than the ‘friends with benefits’ set up it started out as. But it crossed the barrier seamlessly, comfortably.

  “You know, it was surprisingly easy to make the good girl go bad, hey?” Leah joked one day as Ava lay in her arms, playing with her naked breasts, rubbing them between her fingers as she always found herself doing.

  “If your daddy could see you now – shame. That was quite the star-turn you did there,” Haley agreed, teasing her as she continued playing her fingers over Ava’s privates lazily. It was another one of their ‘study groups’ but nobody had been doing any studying.

  “I don’t think I was ever such a ‘good girl’, I was just waiting for a pair of bad girls to sweep me up and make me realize that there is more to life than doing what my father tells me to do,” she said, placing her hand over Haley’s as she rubbed harder, pressing the hand deeper into her yearning flesh.

  “You don’t like being told what to do, hey?” Haley grinned, pinching the flesh beneath her fingers and making the small girl tense up.

  "Depends on who's doing the telling," she smiled, pushing her hips up against the hand.

  The naked trio laughed, getting back into the full swing of pleasuring each other. It was always such an easy switch between joking around and fooling around – none of them had ever experienced that before. The natural chemistry was undeniable. But it was more than that – almost like an understanding of one another’s souls.

  Haley had the driver stop at a remote sex shop on the way to the motel earlier that they and they had picked out a sizeable pink vibrator to take their fun to the next level. She was eager to try it out and her fingers quickened their pace over Ava’s genitals to make sure she worked up enough natural lubrication for the foreign object she planned on inserting. She rubbed the juices over the opening of Ava’s lips, dipping a finger inside momentarily before pulling it out and replacing it with the pink vibrator, slowly sliding it in.

  Ava’s body tensed as the object entered her – this was new for her but she liked it. Only because in her mind it was an extension of Haley. Leah kissed her fervently, distracting her from the thing filling her hole.

  She wasn’t a virgin, but this felt different, less awkward.

  Haley had gotten up, hunching over Ava’s crotch to get a better look at what she was doing. The pink shape was now inside Ava completely. She suddenly pressed the button on the shaft of the vibrator and it hummed to life, buzzing rhythmically from Ava’s private parts.

  Haley ran through the various settings (eight of them to be exact), laughing as she watched Ava’s body squirm under the different sensations. She finally settled on a randomized function that would buzz slow, slow, fast, slow in an unpredictable rhythm. She gripped the vibrator firmly, pushing and pulling as she worked it in and out of Ava's bucking hips. With her other hand, she continued to rub the blonde's most sensitive spot, stimulating her in unison with the penetrating object, making sure the rhythm of her fingers matched the speed of the vibrator as they edged Ava towards a climax.

  Leah, for her part, made sure Ava’s breasts got the attention they deserved, swallowing the blonde girl’s passion in a series of kisses as she moaned tenderly beneath her. Vicariously Ava’s ecstasy rippled through her.

  “So what do you think – a good investment?” Haley asked eventually as Ava collapsed in spent passion. She wiped the moist vibrator on the bed, grinning at Leah.

  “Definitely!” Ava panted, exhausted, her whole body still tingling from the pent up release that exploded through her only moments ago. “I never knew I could be this happy.”

  “Wow, who knew a piece of plastic could rock your world like that,” Leah smiled teasingly, throwing Haley a knowing look.

  “Oh you know it is more than just the vibrator,” Ava grinned, pulling them both towards her, pressing their naked breasts against hers. “I think I’m getting used to you two,” she smiled.

  In fact, she was getting more than just ‘used to’ them. She was really starting to like them. And not just for the random sneaking away and the wild sex. Part of her wanted this to continue forever, to live like a real couple. But she knew that would never be possible with her father’s ongoing campaign. They wouldn’t understand. But maybe when it’s all over, maybe then they can be real, she thought but didn’t say out loud. She didn't press the issue, though – she knew the time wasn’t right.

  So they did the only thing they could do – continued to meet in secret. They shared birthday parties and date nights, sometimes reading to one another until they all fell asleep momentarily in a sweet embrace. But they could never justify staying out all night anymore. Their parents were too on guard – so their trips sadly always came with a time limit. And the girls would have to get up, put on their clothes again and get back to their ‘real' lives that they considered pretending. It got harder and harder to leave each time and Ava tried not to think about her feelings or where this was all heading.

  It was like being in a real relationship – the most real Ava has even been in her whole life – yet the rest of the world could never know. There is too much at stake.

  But a secret can only be kept for so long…


  It was the Monday after the first time they tried out the vibrator. But that world seemed like an eternity away as they ran through the routine of their day-to-day lives at school.

  The English lecture dragged on endlessly and Ava was painfully aware of her lovers sitting two rows behind her. She could feel their gaze on her body but carried on pretending to concentrate on the writing on the board in front. Yet, all she can think about is their naked bodies, how they smelled, how they tasted… she started drawing pictures in her notebook, desperately trying to look busy.

  After what felt like hours, the lecture finally ended and she rushed out, bag slung loosely over her shoulder.

  But Ava didn’t get far before feeling a familiar grip on her arm.

  Before she even knew what was happening, Haley had pushed her into the empty classroom next door, Leah hot on her heels, closing the door behind them.

  “What are you doing?!” Ava exclaimed, laughing as they both hugged her tight. The encounter was unexpected but exhilarating at the same time.

  “You know you make it impossible to be good in public,” Haley said, kissing her passionately.

  “How are we supposed to concentrate when you look so sexy?” Leah added, kissing her too when Haley stood back.

  “Ha! It’s just your libidos – I’m not doing anything,” Ava joked, her hands tracing their outlines and settling on their shapely hips, a position that felt so familiar to her touch. Her girls, she thought. She liked thinking of them as ‘hers’.

  Leah kissed her neck tenderly as Haley slipped a hand under her shirt, searching for the breasts hidden by the thin white shirt.

  “It has nothing to do with libidos,” Haley confessed, caressing Ava tenderly as she kissed her forehead. She pulled her hands out from under the shirt and grabbed Ava’s face gently, kissing her eyelids, her nose, finally her lips.

  “What do you mean?” Ava asked when she finally came up for air.

  Leah picked the small girl up in one smooth sweep and lay her down on the lecturer’s desk amidst the ungraded papers seemingly long forgotten by a careless professor.

  “You guys are silly!” Ava laughed. “There are people everywhere!” She didn't get up from the desk, though.

  “We don’t care about people – we care about ‘you’!” Leah said, cupping her breasts firmly, tenderly. Haley slipped a hand into Ava’s pants, slowly massaging the familiar lips under the panties.

  “What do you mean?” Ava asked, pulling herself up on the desk so she could face the girls who still had their hands all over her.

  “I mean we like you, Ava,” Haley said, sitting down on the table next to her and kissing her deeply, playfully biting her lip as she pulled away.

  “As in really like you,” Leah added, sitting down on
the other side. “More than we should. And we really hope that one day we can do this for real.”

  “All we want is for it to stop mattering what your father, what anyone for that matter, thinks of us all being a thing… because we are,” Haley bit down on a breast still covered by a shirt. She never could keep her hands off Ava but it didn’t subtract anything from the beautiful moment.

  Ava didn’t know how to respond and she couldn’t help but blush with all the attention the two were showering upon her. She didn’t think they liked her as much as she liked them – hearing it made her heart happy. But on the other hand, it also made her sad because she knew it could never be. Considering who she was, who they were… This was all she ever wanted but she knew she could never have it… they were being so sweet – she didn’t expect this.

  She squeezed Leah’s breasts tight before kissing her on the mouth, hand in Haley’s crotch. They felt so familiar, so good. She wanted to stay in this embrace forever. But she knew she couldn’t. They had to be careful or else this would be taken from them.


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