Home > Other > OUTLAW > Page 2

by Olympia Queen

  “Make me, bitch!” He slaps me hard in the face and sends me flying to the ground. The gun goes off and I clench all over, afraid I’ve shot myself. When I open my eyes, I see I’m not the one who’s hurt. Redman clutches his stomach, a gaping wound in his side. I start screaming my head off. The handful of mutants left smell the blood and start attacking the Hellhound.

  “You alright?” I swing the gun up but it’s kicked from my hand.

  “Watch where you’re swinging that gun.” I sniffle as Champion pulls me up and into his arms. He rubs my back and I break down. An ugly sound rips through me, tears blurring my vision and pooling inside my goggles. When I’m finally all cried out, Champion let’s go and takes a step back.

  “T-Thanks…” He holds my bruised cheek, anger burning like hot coals in the back of his eyes. His mask is torn, and his goggles are gone. The sides of his suit are ripped as well, but otherwise, he’s looking much better than me. Having gone face first into the snow, my skin feels like a block of ice. Redman’s fist also scrapped my goggles, leaving a dent.

  “No cuts?” I whisper.

  “No cuts.” The corner of his mouth lifts up in a half-smile.

  “He did this?” I nod. Champion turns to the pack of mutants left—around four in total—and empties his clip into them. He walks towards the bodies and I shuffle behind him, exhausted and afraid.

  “He’s…alive?” Redman is shaking underneath the pile. Each of his limbs has a mutant attached, and his stomach is gushing blood. I turn and once again, I have nothing on my stomach to spill.

  “Yeah. But not for long.” Champion holsters his gun and walks over to where he kicked Redman’s gun out of my hand. He comes back and empties the clip into the Hellhound and the mutant’s corpses.

  “What are you doing!” Champion looks down at me, leveling his gaze with my cheek.

  “Payback’s a bitch. We’ll stock up once we get to the shelter. A few bullets won’t hurt none.” I place the tips of my fingers against my swollen cheek, realizing he’s getting revenge for me. It’s empty seeing as our enemy will become a mutant in a matter of days. But it’s a…sweet gesture in the most fucked up and twisted sense of the word.

  “Shouldn’t you put him out of his misery?” I grip the back of Champion’s suit. I don’t know Redman personally, and from what I’ve witnessed, he’s a piece of shit. Nevertheless, he’s still human…for now. The thought of him turning alone in the freezing cold turns my stomach.

  “No. He’ll be an example for the fucks tracking us. This territory ain’t there’s to take. This pyschofuck is getting what he deserves.” It’s coldblooded logic, but I’m not going to question it. Champion roams out of sight and I rub my face trying to stay warm. He comes back with a small tank of gas I assume he siphoned from Redman’s bike.

  “Let’s go.” Champion laces his fingers through mine. I stare at our interlocked hand as he tugs me forward. Slowly, we make our way back to his bike. I help Champion fill up. He picks up his knife, almost completely buried, and gets on. I crawl behind him, permafrost starting to form on my exposed face.

  “Hold on tight. Don’t let go.” Champion takes off as the bitter night grows darker still.


  Before I know it, the endless sea of white evaporates as we pull into a fortified enclave. It looks like some sort of encampment was here before, but it’s been abandoned for a while. The sheet of ice we’ve been riding on turns into busted concrete. Champion slows down, the shift in terrain causing his bike to shudder.

  “Don’t you dare give out on me,” He mutters. I turn back and I’m relieved to see soot still pouring out. We keep riding until we come to the mouth of a large cave. It’s lined with huge, yellow warning signs though they’re covered in snow. Once we’re inside, the cavern narrows to the size of a tall man.

  “We’ll rest here!” He shouts. I nod my understanding, even though most of the words scatter in my brain. I’m still recovering from my brush with death and hunger has resulted in a pounding headache. I slide off from the back as he rides forward.

  “Wait here,” he calls over his shoulder. Champion takes the bike down a separate path, disappearing into the darkness. He emerges a few minutes later, bending his head so he won’t get hit. We walk the rest of the way until we come to a reinforced steel door. No code entry means it has to be open with brute strength from the outside. I watch as he unseals the door. Even under all his clothing, the play of his back muscles working is incredibly hot. Damn. Redman knocked my logical brain out of my head.

  “Come inside,” Champion’s voice is commanding and curt, “Pazite! The ledge is steep.”

  His warning comes too late and I trip. Champion catches me with both of his arms, lifting me over as though I weighed the same as a feather. Warmth encircles me once he pulls the door shut. We made it. Somehow, against all odds and the elements, we didn’t die!

  “I hope what happened didn’t traumatize you too much. Know you’re safe with me as long as we’re in here.” Champion brushes me aside. He walks deeper into the shelter and turns the corner into what I suspect is a larger room.

  “Traumatized doesn’t even begin to sum up my feelings,” I say to myself before steeling my mind. I'm trapped inside with the gunman. I need to take in my surroundings; it’ll help ease my worries. The shelter is modest at best, but large enough I could see a family hiding out here. I walk down the lines of shelves in wonder, letting my fingers graze each item. There’s an incredible stockpile of weapons, food rations, and medicine. This place was built before Doomsday. There’s no way someone could have stocked this many supplies during or after the riots.

  “Reminds me of home.” Home. If only I hadn’t run my mouth, I’d be counting an even larger stockpile of supplies underground.

  “I don’t mess with my brother’s property and neither should you.” I jump as Champion appears by my side. I look up at him, the dim gaslights casting eerie shadows on his chiseled face.

  “Over there. That shelf on the far corner is mine. Take what you like.” He walks away.

  “Okay…” I drag myself down the corridor into his room. Food can wait for now. I’m feeling much better now that I know I won’t die at any moment.

  Sure enough, the room is much bigger than the hallway but barer. A pile of thick furs from some unknown animal acts as a makeshift bed. Behind it is a large basin resembling a tub. Two gaslights provide some heat, and a small horizontal window near the top of the cave is blocked off by snow. Snow. I’m starting to hate it more with each passing minute. I’m so sick of looking at fields of white.

  “I miss the grass,” I sigh. Champion grunts in reply, moving to a corner.

  Walking to the furthest corner from him, I begin shedding my clothes. There’s no real privacy in this place but I try to give myself the illusion. I peel off my stained windbreaker and gloves. When I get to my snow pants I nearly jump for joy. Freeing my stomach from the vice grip of my too small snow pants is a small blessing. Down to my long white t-shirt, yellow bra, and a plain pair of underwear, I plop down on the fur rugs. It’s only when I hit the rugs I realize he’s been tracking me all along. My eyes search Champion’s expressionless face, looking for a reaction. Does he like what he sees? I wasn’t trying to turn him on, but if he’s up for a little friction I won’t say no. We’ll be trapped together for at least a night. As long as he isn’t infected, I don’t mind sharing what I can offer him.

  “What’s your name?” I ask. He responds by removing his torn mask. As he takes off his clothes, I'm pulled in by his magnetic aura. To my surprise, he’s only wearing a pair of black boxers underneath his radium suit. Champion tugs and his synthetic skin falls off. The gelatin-like material clumping together in a small ball. I’m grossed out for a moment but it passes. Champion’s tanned skin throws me for a loop. How the hell does he stay tanned in the damn Arctic?

  “I hate small talk.” He states matter-of-factly. When did a name get lumped in with small talk?

��…My name’s Arcadia. How long do you think the blizzard’s gonna last?” I keep asking questions, trying to delay the inevitable.

  “Who knows? The snow’s pilling on heavy and I can’t ride against the wind. I’d burn through the tank and we’d both freeze to death.” His voice is demanding and irritated.

  “Who were you before the war?” I try another angle.

  “A fuck up.” He pushes off the wall. Champion bends over and tugs off his boots.

  “W-weren’t we all?” My nervousness causes me to stutter. I’m not some eighteenth-year-old virgin. But, I damn sure feel like one face to face with a walking masterpiece. I’m starting to feel boxed in, suffocated under the weight of his steady gaze. Prey understands predators. And, unfortunately, I’m the prey. I search the room for anything to keep him distracted. That’s when I spot an all too familiar leather insignia on the back of his suit as the frost thaws.

  “Radium Raiders,” I say and look up at him. His shoulder tense.

  “What about them?”

  “Y’all are bikers. Thieves.” His eyes narrow into slits, wild and dangerous.

  I continue, “The Underlords talk about your brothers. Fraternity. Freedom. Family. Isn’t that how the slogan goes?”

  “An Ararat brat like you wouldn’t understand.” There’s undeniable venom in his words as he spits the word “Ararat” like a curse. I knew people who live in The ARC were met with jealousy on the outside, but to see it with my own eyes is shocking. I shrug it off and stand firm. Showing weakness above ground is a mistake I can’t afford to keep making in front of him.

  “Brat?” I scoff at the absurdity, “I’m all woman thank you very much. I’m not looking for trouble; I’m just trying to understand.”

  “Well, you’ve found him. Trouble, that is. Civilians like you love to talk shit. But, that’s all it is. Talk. Without us thieves, North Central would have starved to death above ground.” He has a point. While we grow our own food, we know where it is and when it’s coming. Even if I had outrun the mutants, if I hadn’t run into Champion, I’d have starved to death in days.

  “All that freedom down there and yet you come up here to judge us…” I can’t tell if he’s actually offended or amused.

  “Freedom in principle is no freedom at all...” My voice peters out. I pull at the ends of my t-shirt trying to cover more of myself. I feel insignificant.

  “Why are trying to hide your body from me?” Champion sure knows how to be direct. He switches the topic and I abandon my fight to lead his mind elsewhere.

  “I have…a lot of it. Scars. A busted cheek.” I go down the list.

  “Scars tell a story,” Champion states bluntly, strolling towards me.

  “Yeah? What’s yours?” I ask. I just fucking promised myself I wouldn’t fight this! He pauses mid-step. Something is different in his gaze. It’s no longer distant, mean, or amused. No. Now his eyes see right through me, so intense I start to quiver.

  “What’s yours?” I repeat, not knowing what else to do. I stuff my hands underneath the rolls of fur so he can’t see me shaking. Why am I shaking? Honestly, I already know why. The way he’s undressing me with his eyes has already clued me in on what’s about to go down.

  “Later. I hate small talk. The more you know about me, the more it’ll drive us apart. We shouldn’t focus on what makes us different. We should be focusing on what we can do for each other,” Champion’s voice is one long caress to my ears. How this beast of a man changed into Casanova in a split second is a mystery I’ll never solve.

  “We need each other,” he pauses, dragging his brown eyes from my chest to my lips, “In more ways than one.”

  “I’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop. Look, I get it. You saved me and I should thank you.” I reach back and unsnap my flimsy bra. It’s the only one I own and I don’t want it ripped off. I pull my shirt off, not sure if I should slide off my panties or let him. Up until now, Champion has shown a preference for being in control. He’s probably the type that wants to undress not watch.

  “Right. Nothing’s for free.” He shrugs. I nod, holding up my breasts with my forearm as I wait. Champion drops his boxers and I can’t stop gawking. He finally makes his move, coming to lay beside me in all his naked glory. My eyes trace every inch of him, widening as I take in his seven inches, uncut cock. Champion is so raw, brimming with untapped energy. He’s everything I expected and then some.

  “L-let’s talk about boundaries first,” My voice is shaking. Shit!

  He smirks. Champion’s such a cocky bastard. A nameless fucking stranger who goes by an absurd title. Leather, motorbikes, and guns are an unholy trifecta of shit I shouldn’t be getting myself mixed up with. But, here I am, getting naked for the Devil, wet, willing, and ready to sign a deal.

  “So you’re making the rules now, huh?” He’s on top of me in a flash. My breathe hitches as he pushes me onto my back. In the dim light, I can read a bit of the tattoo on his upper pec. The time we lost can’t get back. I don’t think I’ve read something so true in years.

  “Boundaries. Don’t hurt me. That’s all.” I stroke his chest, telling myself I can do this. I can give myself to this man.

  He raises an eyebrow. Then, he leaves featherlike kisses on my face and forehead. Champion’s gentleness surprises me but it’s not unwelcomed.

  “That’s it? And here I thought you were going to lay down the law. I don’t get off on hurting women. But I can’t promise I’ll fuck you like a civilian.” He chuckles, grinding his now hard cock against my stomach. I moan before sighing deeply. A sense of satisfaction washes over me. This is right. This is good. I’ve found safety in the middle of this never-ending shitstorm. I can do this!

  “Mutants or a hard, human cock. I think I know my options.” And with that, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull his face towards mine. He gets the message. One of his hands cup my breast and the other holds the back of my head. Years of pent-up frustration and longing pour out in a hungry kiss. I can’t remember the last time I felt this way. Ten years since the apocalypse flew by, seven of which I spent in forced celibacy. When they found out I wouldn’t be a baby factory to save the human race, I was pushed aside and passed over by every man. Now I have my jackass of a hero who’s all man, all muscle, ready to end my curse. I’m feeling greedy as hell.

  Clawing his back, I start to grind against his cock too. I moan into his mouth as he teases my hard nipples. Champion pulls away for air, hooded eyes filled with lust.

  His voice is husky as he whispers in my ear, “I’m gonna fuck your brains out.” I giggle like I’m some kid. But, that’s exactly how I feel. His kiss becomes more urgent, heavy. Our tongues taste each other, and I relish every second of his skillful mouth on mine. He moves his hands down my curves to my panties. Champion starts tugging them off, kissing and sucking his way down my chest. I raise my hips to help him.

  “Ah!” Sharp pain shots up my leg. He freezes.

  “What’s wrong?” His eyes find mines. Though his face remains stoic, I know he’s worried.

  “Permafrost. Nothing dangerous. My boot must’ve slipped when I rolled down the hill,” I mutter, grimacing at the tiny scar I see. I know I couldn’t have twisted it or I would be in a lot more pain.

  Champion wraps his hand around my ankle and squeezes it tentatively, “You sure?”

  “I’m fine. Don’t stop now...” He scoots down and kisses my ankle with absolute tenderness. Then, Champuon places it on the furs like it’s something precious and fragile. When he sees I’m not in pain anymore, he cups my pussy, thumb stroking the kinky black hair in-between my thighs.

  “Ump!” I cover my mouth, shocked by the sounds pouring out as he finds my clit. My thighs start shaking and my breathing is ragged. Nothing can compare to having someone else stroking me down there.

  “Fuck... So fucking sexy.” He grits out, two of his fingers finding my entrance. I start to buck wildly as he fingers fucks and strokes me into a miniature orgasm. It’s all
too much. I’ll lose my nerve if he sends me over the edge too soon.

  “S-stop! Not yet. Champion...” His name’s a whisper. I watch him watch me. Champion pumps his hard cock. I wonder what it tastes like?

  “Don’t be embarrassed,” he rasps. He pulls his fingers out slowly, watching as I cling to him. He raises them to his mouth and laps up my juices. If he could see me blushing right now, I’d die on the spot. Champion reaches back in-between my thighs and continues his lazy circles on my clit.

  “I’m not!” I lie, his hand squeezing my generous thighs. I push against his shoulders, eyes rolling back as I peak once again. Every time I get too close, he pulls away. It’s a bittersweet torture.

  “Enough! I can’t take it anymore. Fuck me! Please!” My voice breaks.

  “With pleasure,” his voice is gravelly as he kisses my throat. His big hands lift me by my ass. He boxes me in but this time I’m not afraid. Champion pulls back and slams forward, filling me entirely with his thick cock. I scream as he starts to fuck me at an earth shattering pace, each thrust harder and deeper than the last.

  “Champ! Cham—” I can’t finish his name. The slapping of our bodies becoming one heat up our little shelter. All my senses are on fire and melt into one.

  “Keep screaming for me baby,” He bites my neck and I cry out. Clawing his back, I let him ride me to his heart’s content. My eyes roll back, tensing all over as he fills me to my core. Champion pulls back then buries all seven inches inside of me. The world fades to white and my stomach coils into knots. I gasp for air as I climb to a mind-blowing climax. As I fall apart, Champion pulls out and flips me onto my back.

  “Aaah!” I’m vaguely aware at the sounds coming out of my mouth. I grip the fur beside me.

  “You like it? You fucking want this dick!” His grunts turn into groans, strokes wild and erratic as he spends his load.

  “Yes! Yes!” I scream back. I want him to know how good it feels.

  “Ahh! Arcadia!” Champion crushes my body as he collapses onto me. We lie together in a hot sweaty mess, my mind a white, fuzzy mess. Time passes impossibly slow as we come down from our mutual high.


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