Champagne Bubbles & Lipstick Stains: An Erotic Romance (Book 1)

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Champagne Bubbles & Lipstick Stains: An Erotic Romance (Book 1) Page 14

by Janae Keyes

  Nate was my fire, burning deep from the inside out. We’d only been together for a matter of days, but I knew what I was feeling inside. That feeling was an unmistakable one, my only wish was that he was feeling it too.


  EVERY MORNING STARTED the same, I woke up in Nate’s bed. This morning he was already awake and sitting up in bed with his laptop. I watched him for a moment as he typed away. My favorite part about when he worked was that he wore glasses, he looked incredibly sexy as he sat shirtless in his black framed glasses. He worked extremely hard, and this just showed how dedicated he was to his business, I admired his work ethic.

  Over our short time together, I began to know him. I knew when his moods were going to be shit and when he was going to be the runny insides of his egg with me. I’d learned ways to counteract his bad attitudes, like calling him Baby. I felt like the moment I uttered my term of endearment, he softened up.

  Slowly his eyes diverted in my direction, and a smile crossed his face. I could live like this forever. This was how I’d spent the last two weeks, with Nate at every possible moment. Nate closed his computer and set it on the bedside table. He was so quick because before I knew it, I was laying flat on the bed, and he was hovering over my naked frame.

  He bent to me pressing his lips to mine. His tongue demanded entrance into my mouth, and I allowed it. We were latched onto one another as if our very lives depended on it. Nate slid his hand under the blanket and along my curves. He lightly bit at my lips before kissing and nipping down my neck.

  “Spread your legs,” Nate demanded of me in a husky growl against my skin.

  “Yes, my Lord,” I responded in the way he preferred. Following directions, I spread my legs for him, and his hand began to graze my inner thigh. I inhaled as a finger slipped over my wetness.

  “Good girl, nice and wet for me,” he murmured before taking one of my nipples into his mouth. I let out a gasp as I pressed my head into the pillows.

  One thing I learned about Nate, he was a breast man. He couldn’t get enough of them. He always found an excuse to touch and fondle them. He also particularly loved when I wore low cut tops.

  I enjoyed what we had, it wasn’t just the sex, though amazing, it was being connected with him. There was never a moment that I didn’t feel completely connected with him, and that was my favorite part of this relationship. I’d never felt so aligned with another human being. Our hearts, minds, souls, and bodies were always linked in a symphony, making glorious music.

  Running my hands down his muscular chest, I took in every dip and defined crevice, all while dragging my nails along his skin. As my hands reached his waist, I was greeted with his manhood, hard and weeping for me. As I took him into my hands, Nate nearly purred out in joyance. I moved my hands slowly, taking my time as I felt the source of his arousal. Looking into his face, seeing the glorious remnants of pleasure on his face, it made me feel powerful. As much as Nate craved the control, I secretly knew that I held the key.

  “Fuck,” he purred out as I watched his eyes begin to gloss over.

  Before I could continue more, Nate took hold of my hands and forced them above my head. Though I loved the moments that he allowed me all of the control, I delighted in the times when he took all his control back and made me his, only his. My need to give him pleasure by allowing him to pleasure me grew every day. I yearned to follow his every demand and instruction, in the bedroom he owned me.

  His eyes, his olive eyes studied me as they frequently did. The wicked grin that spread across his lips told me so much. He was pleased, that was a good sign. He had a plan, I would be given an instruction very soon. Being connected with Nate allowed me to read him at nearly all times, he was an open book to me and I to him.

  “I’m going to let your hands go. Once I’ve done that, turn over and get on your knees,” he instructed me. I wanted to smile at myself as I truly was able to predict his every move.

  “Yes, Lord Branagan,” I mused out coyly as Nate released his grip on my hands. Without any hesitation, I turned over to my stomach before getting on all fours.

  “Mmm, look at that pretty round arse of yours,” he growled out before he slid a hand down over my ass. I shivered at his touch.

  I felt his movements behind me. I waited patiently as I knew he wanted me to do. There were his hands again, on me, worshiping my body as if it was golden. Nate took hold of my hips, and the tip of his erection sat at my entrance that was waiting, wet for him, only him. He began his entry into me, quickly pulled out, before doing it again. I let out a huff of disappointment, I needed him. He was tampering with my sanity by not giving into me and keeping his control.

  “Tsk, tsk, my darling. We do this in my time, and only my time, you know that ” he reprimanded.

  “Yes, I do,” I murmured into the plush pillows of his bed that my elbows rested upon.

  “Yes, I do, what?” he inquired firmly to the fact I hadn’t answered him in the way he found pleasing. I’d done this on purpose alas.

  We’d gone further into his lifestyle, and we’d discussed punishment, which I think he knew I enjoyed. I’d always been a rule breaker, never coloring in the lines. With Nate, that hadn’t changed. He preferred to spank me and with his bare hand. It was never hard enough to give me any real pain, and I enjoyed the sting of pleasure that radiated through my veins with each swat he gave me.

  “Yes, I do ... my Lord,” I answered in correction, knowing what was to come. Next, I actually ached for it and craved it. The best part was I knew it pleased him, and that pleased me.

  “You know you have to be punished?” he questioned as if I didn’t already know this fact.

  “Of course, Lord Branagan,” I said dutifully.

  At once, his hand came in contact with my backside. I let out a hiss at the sting that flew through me. I could have come right there with nothing else as the vestige of pleasure flew through my system. Right after his hand came back onto my skin, but gentle as he rubbed at the spot he’d hit me.

  “And what do you say?” he asked me, his tone insistent upon the answer I knew he wanted from me. This always made is apparent that he knew I enjoyed being punished at his hands. I bit my lip for a second before giving his answer.

  “Thank you, my Lord,” I murmured out seductively knowing what was expected of me and willing to give it.

  Following my punishment, his hands were back on my hips, gripping at me. He stroked the head of his arousal along my slick opening before he filled me abruptly. I cried out as he continued to fill me continuously. Rocking me into a storm of wondrous heat. I burned for a release, yet I forced it away, knowing he’d want to control that moment, hold it as his own.

  “PleasePleasePlease,” I began to beg him for it, it was getting impossible to hold my release in. Nate snaked a hand around my hip and slipped his fingers down to my core where he came in contact with my aching knot. He started to rub my clit hard and fast. I bit my lip and shut my eyes.

  “Now,” he whispered, and I completely crumbled under him, yelping out as spasms took me, prisoner. My yelps were joined by Nate’s own as he came to his own climax.

  I collapsed, my limbs giving out on me. Nate’s body covered mine as he nuzzled into my neck, kissing and biting.

  “I’m going to miss that when I go back to the States,” I whispered out.

  “I don’t want to think about it, it’s not time,” Nate grumbled.

  I was heading back in another month, and a half since my sister’s wedding was approaching. I had to be there as maid of honor. Nate and I hadn’t discussed much of what our future looked like when I’d completed my job with him, but my trip for my sister’s wedding was non-negotiable, my parents would murder me if I missed it.

  “Nate,” I started. I felt his body shift as he looked down at me.

  “Yes, my darling.”

  “You always stress honesty and the one thing I can’t wrap my mind around is why you can’t be the honest one.”

��What do you mean?” He pulled his body off mine. He sat up in bed and pulled me close to him.

  “You are such a fantastic person. You have a huge heart, but to the outside world, you are this reclusive shell of a person. Why can’t you be honest with the world about who you really are?”

  “Because the world is rarely honest to me.” I could understand his sentiment. There were so many people who put off being great people when inside they were dark and soulless, but Nate was so different, his heart was big, and he was a person worth the world knowing. I took a breath. I wasn’t going to fight him on it. “Let’s shower,” he said as he seemed to be ending the conversation.

  I turned off of my stomach and sat up in his large bed as I watched him dispose of his condom. One thing I would be taking care of during my trip home was getting on birth control once more. I’d quit after my ex. I was in a dry spell and prospects were looking bare. I knew Nate was frustrated with the condoms as he’d expressed he didn’t care for them much, but we wanted to be as safe as possible, and right now they were our only option.

  As I lifted my body from his bed, I slid off, and my feet touched the hardwood floor. I padded across the room toward Nate’s en suite. As I reached Nate at the entrance to the bathroom, a knock came at the door to his room.

  “Go in, I’ll be there in a moment,” he told me. I nodded and entered the large bathroom.

  I went straight to the remodeled shower and turned it on, the rainfall shower head began to allow water to rain down. I stepped inside as steam began to build. The feeling of the warm water trickling over my skin was nice and relaxing. I relished in the refreshment that came from it. I took my shower gel that I had started to keep in Nate’s bathroom, since I took most of my showers there, and lathered up my body.I allowed our morning encounter to flutter through my mind. Nate knew exactly how to keep me satisfied, and I knew it pleased him to keep me that way. I understood why he enjoyed his particular lifestyle as I’d grown accustomed to it in only the past weeks.

  Nate explained to me one thing that set him apart, he never took it outside of the bedroom. That was his personal rule. In the bedroom, while we were sharing pleasurable moments, he was in control, and that is how he liked it. When outside of those moments, we were us, and I had no requirement to be submissive to him.

  Rinsing my body, I was disappointed that Nate hadn’t joined me. I finished my shower and stepped out to take my towel. I dried myself and put my robe on.

  Stepping out of the bathroom, I found Nate. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, his phone to his ear and laptop open on his lap. He was talking to someone, and his tone was hard and angry. I frowned at seeing him this way.

  “Get it right,” Nate growled into the receiver of the phone. “I don’t pay you to fuck up!” he shouted. I jumped at his outburst as I stood by in the doorway to the en suite, fearing to move. “Please fix this or I will be in London, and there will be people losing their jobs. There are no excuses for this shit.”

  Nate removed the receiver from his ear and slid his finger across the screen, I assumed he was ending the call. He tossed the phone onto the mattress and placed his head in his hands before letting out a loud and annoyed growl. He wasn’t in control and that frustrated him.

  Quietly, I went toward the bed and sat down next to him on the edge. The screen on his laptop was filled with charts and graphs that I didn’t understand. I placed my arm around his waist and leaned onto him as a way to calm him, without words.

  “I’m irritated right now my darling,” he hissed.

  “I can tell,” I mentioned as I turned my head and planted a kiss on his bare arm. It was like magic that I felt him start to soften. “Baby, how about you leave work alone for the day. We can find something fun to do.”

  “You know it is hard to resist you when you call me Baby,” he mumbled before kissing my forehead. I knew this fact from the moment I’d started to call him that. He instantly was wrapped around my finger, and I loved it.

  “I know,” I quipped happily.

  “I think I have an idea of what to do, I will call Langston,” he said before he reached for his phone. “Go get dressed. Something comfortable will do.” I lifted my head from his shoulder and gave him an excited smile. I had no idea what he had in mind, but I was game right away.

  GOING DOWNSTAIRS, I found Nate. He was standing in the entranceway talking to Langston, his driver. My favorite part about seeing Langston was begging to see pictures of the newest addition to his family. His son, Bryce, was the cutest thing, and I lived to see new photos of the small bundle of joy.

  I skipped down the last few stairs toward the two men in my jeans and low cut crop top. Nate’s eyes were on me right away, and I spotted the smile that just curved at the edge of his mouth, he liked the outfit I’d picked, but I knew that already. As soon as I made it toward them, Nate pulled me to him and rested his hand on my hip, holding me close.

  “Good morning, Taylor,” Langston greeted me.

  “Morning, I know you have new pictures of the baby for me,” I cooed out eager to see how much the little boy had grown in just the last few days. Langston chuckled as he pulled out his cell phone and opened up to a sweet photo of Bryce being held by one of his older sisters. “Aww, so adorable.”

  “The girls cannot get enough of him,” Langston noted proudly of his children.

  “I bet they can’t, he is going to be a little ladies man,” I gushed out before Langston placed his phone back in his pocket.

  “I’m ready when the two of you are,” Langston noted to Nate and I.

  “We’re ready,” Nate informed the driver. “I’m taking the Aston one-77 today, what do you prefer?”

  “The Ferrari FF is calling my name this morning,” Langston noted with a grin.

  “Good choice,” Nate replied as he took me by the hand. We started down a hall that I knew led toward the garage, where Nate’s most prized possessions were kept.

  Going inside of the large garage, Nate flipped on the lights and the room burst into illumination. There were cars on either side of the room, parked perfectly in their designated spots.

  Nate allowed my hand free as he took out a key and used it to open a lock box on the wall. The box was lined with car keys, all of them belonged to a different car. He took out two keys from the box before closing it shut. Nate tossed a key to Langston, who looked giddy with excitement as he started off toward a red sports car, one of two Ferraris that Nate owned.

  Like any guy who had the money, Nate splurged on cars. He kept ten cars in the garage here, but there were others at his home in London. He’d taken me for rides in a few of them already. Heads always turned when we were out in one of his luxury cars. Even the car that Langston chauffeured him in was an extension of this collection.

  “Come on, my Darling, we’ve got the Aston,” he mused as he took my hand once more and we strolled along a row of cars before reaching the sleek dark bronze car that Nate intended to drive.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, intrigued to why we were taking a separate car from Langston.

  “We are going racing my darling,” Nate informed me, with just enough cheer lacing his voice while he opened the passenger door and allowed me to sit inside. Once he closed the door, I watched him walk around the front of the car before he seated himself in the driver’s seat.

  “You’re serious?” I inquired as he started the engine. He only gave me a smirk before we were off.

  During the drive, Nate explained to me that something he loved to do, especially when stressed was to race. There was a track not far from the manor, and he would go there frequently with Langston or race others. I was nervous, but Nate assured me it was okay. I trusted him thoroughly.

  Upon reaching the track, I sat alone in the car watching Nate and Langston chat with the caretaker. There were other cars already racing, it was exciting to see them zoom around the track at their top speeds, but to be in the car while doing those types of speeds, made me a bit nervous.

  The driver’s side door opened, and there was Nate, handing me a helmet. I anxiously took it from him as he entered the car already wearing his own. I couldn’t see his entire face, but I could see his olive eyes that peered into mine and instantaneously eased my anxiety. I offered a timid smile before I worked to get my own helmet on.

  “We’re next, Darling,” Nate informed me. I nodded as he started the car and began to drive.

  The race I’d been watching ended, and Nate pulled up to the start line. He turned his attention to me and began to check that my seatbelt was secured. I now understood why some of his cars had racing seat belts, it wasn’t for decoration, but practicality.

  I glanced to see that Langston had pulled alongside us. He revved his engine loudly, causing Nate to respond with revving our own engine. I laughed at the two men as they lived out the fantasy of small boys. Nate rolled his window down and so did Langston.

  “I say we make a wager old friend,” Nate called out to Langston who grinned in response.

  “Deal, if I win, you give me a raise. I have more mouths to feed you know,” Langston offered.

  “Sounds game,” Nate responded before rolling up his window. I didn’t say anything, I only allowed my heart to beat rapidly out of my chest.

  I glanced up to see flashing lights, at once the light turned green, and Nate slammed onto the gas. We were off flying. I gripped tightly at the sides of the seat as we zoomed around the first corner. My heart flew into my throat, and I worked to not gag on the sensation.

  As much as I wanted to close my eyes, I couldn’t. I allowed them to watch everything as we flew through the track. I watched the speedometer and after awhile, though I knew we were going faster, I couldn’t feel it. Allowing my grip to loosen from the seat, I found myself enjoying the exhilaration of the speed as it flooded through my veins.

  Nate was deep into his zone, his eyes keeping watch on the road and on Langston who was inching upon us. I bit my lip as I watched Langston struggle to catch up. We came to a bend and Nate took it expertly. I let out a squeal at the motions that flew through the car and myself.


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