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Hell Freezes Over (Hellscourge Book 6)

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by Diem, J. C.

  Hell Freezes Over

  Hellscourge: Book Six

  J.C. Diem

  Copyright © 2016 J.C. DIEM

  All rights reserved. Published by Seize The Night Agency.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, incidents and dialogues are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover by: Ravven

  Cover Photograph (female model) Copyright © 2016 by J.C. Diem

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty


  Chapter One

  Staring at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, I was stunned by how awful I looked. My eyes were shadowed and my cheeks were far too hollow. I’d only been back on Earth for one night and I’d already lost weight.

  Makeup might be able to camouflage the fact that I was dying, but it was much harder to hide my changing skin color. My flesh turning darker was a sure sign that the toxin was growing worse. Sophia had seen a vision of what would eventually happen to me. Towards the end, I would become as dark as a demon. Once that happened, the taint would have spread too far and I would surely die.

  Dabbing foundation on my face, I did my best to cover up the evidence that I was doomed. I was far from a beautician, but I did my best with the few items that I possessed. When I was finished, I brushed my hair, but I didn’t bother to braid the sides. It was doubtful that I’d encounter any action today. I was feeling far too weak to even think about engaging in a fight with my enemies.

  Leaving the bathroom, I was halfway along the hall when I was hit with a dizzy spell. I stumbled and went down to my knees. Sam was in the living room, watching the new TV that Sophia had bought while we’d been away. He heard me fall and appeared in the doorway. Seeing me kneeling on the ground, he ran to the rescue and put a hand on my shoulder to steady me. “Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine,” I lied. “My feet just got tangled up for a second.”

  His frown indicated that he didn’t believe my excuse. He helped me to stand then slid an arm around my waist when I swayed on my feet. “You have lost weight,” he said. “I can feel your ribs.”

  “I can feel yours, too,” I replied dryly. He’d filled out a bit since he’d started reverting from an imp back to a human, but he was still too skinny. I wondered how long it would be before he would have to start eating again. It was inevitable that his body would begin to function like a normal person’s sooner or later.

  Sam didn’t even glance at the doorway to the living room when we walked past it. He was too concerned about me to worry about the shows that he’d missed while we’d been gone for five weeks. “Coming back here has weakened you,” he said. The toxin made me stronger in hell, but it was killing me when I was in this dimension. I was in a race between dying if I remained here, or becoming a demon forever if I stayed in the underworld.

  “I know.” My reply was weary and almost defeated. “But I can’t stay in hell indefinitely. You know what will happen if I do.”

  We shared a look and he nodded miserably. “You will become something that you would not wish upon your greatest enemy.”

  “I’m not so sure about that,” I muttered as we started down the stairs. “It might actually improve Hag’s personality if she turned into an imp.”

  Leo sniggered then appeared at the bottom of the stairs. “You have good timing,” he said. “I was just about to call you for breakfast.” I grimaced before I could stop myself. His grin dropped away as he examined me. “You do not look well.”

  “Tell me something I don’t already know,” I replied sourly as we followed him into the kitchen.

  Sophia placed a plate of waffles on a tray next to a teapot and two cups. Her sharp eyes took in the slight change in my skin tone and her brow crinkled in worry. “I made your favorite breakfast,” she said brightly in an effort to lift my mood.

  I didn’t have the heart to tell her that my appetite had fled. Instead, I forced a smile and let Sam guide me into the front room. He deposited me in my usual seat at the large round table.

  The chair across from me was empty, which wasn’t really a surprise. Nathan still hadn’t forgiven me for ingesting Raziel’s grace. He’d witnessed my theft of the angel’s essence and had been understandably horrified. He believed that this was the first step in a slippery slope that would eventually turn me to the dark side. I hadn’t meant to evict the angel from his host. I’d only been trying to avoid getting zapped with holy fire again. It was far too late to take it back and Nathan now had doubts about me.

  Sophia, Sam and Leo all took their seats. Sophia poured us both tea then Sam sat my cup down within my reach. I nodded in thanks and eyed my plate of waffles without enthusiasm. Reluctantly, I started to eat. Even covered in syrup, they were bland and almost tasteless. It wasn’t just my sense of taste that had been affected. Even colors and smells seemed washed out and muted to me now.

  Pausing before taking my next bite, I asked a question. “What happened while Sam and I were away?” I noticed that the books and other items that had been destroyed by Hagith and Orifiel’s minions had now been repaired. Nathan and Leo must have restored them for Sophia. They could use their angelic magic for mundane things, but it was usually frowned on. Doing so drained their power and they needed to recharge afterwards. They’d probably fixed the damage a bit at a time until it was all done.

  Sophia and Leo shared a look before the clairvoyant answered me. “Our former allies surrounded the store. They attempted to break in for several days and became increasingly angry at their continued failure. “

  Leo’s expression turned smug. “They were quite put out that they were unable to breach our defenses.”

  “Eventually, we grew tired of the constant banging on the doors and windows,” Sophia continued. “Nathan arranged for himself and Leo to meet with Hagith and Orifiel on neutral ground. Hagith was furious and she demanded that we hand you back to them. Nathan advised them that they could not fulfil their request. He explained that you and Samuel were in the fifth realm of hell a
nd that you were performing the task that Fate had set for you.”

  Leo took over the story from her. “Hagith was not pleased to be scolded for impeding your mission by taking you prisoner.” He smirked at the memory of their meeting. “She actually tried to take credit for you finding the latest portal. She believed that you only found it after you escaped from their custody.”

  Sam was instantly indignant. “Did you tell her that Violet found the portal before she was kidnapped?”

  “Nathan had that pleasure,” the teen replied. “Her expression at being reprimanded by him was priceless.”

  “I bet it was,” I said with a nasty smile and forced myself to take another bite of the waffle.

  “Is that when you came up with the compromise?” Sam asked.

  Leo nodded and sat forward to put his elbows on the edge of the table. “Brie was the one who suggested it. The metal objects that you bring back each time you travel to the underworld are important to our cause, even if we do not yet know why. She thought that having control of them would be a suitable compromise to locking Violet away. We all knew that they did not have a choice in the matter, but Hagith and Orifiel made a pretense of thinking it over before they agreed.”

  “Nathan made them all vow that they would not attempt to take you into their custody again,” Sophia added.

  “How binding is their promise?” I asked. Even to myself, I sounded jaded.

  “Not very,” Leo replied despondently. “Only God has the power to make us keep our vows, although he never enforced it. He gave us free will, just as he gave humans the freedom to make their own choices.”

  “I wonder if he regrets that decision now,” I mused and an uncomfortable silence fell. Humanity was on the brink of an all-out war with demonkind and they didn’t even know it. Only one person was aware that hell spawn was poised to flood into Manhattan. Speaking of Detective Reynolds, I would have to call him soon. Nathan had run into the cop and Reynolds apparently had some information for me.

  “Did anything else of note happen during our absence?” Sam asked.

  Sophia was reluctant to answer him, but she spoke anyway. “Two more girls that match Violet’s description were found murdered.”

  I inhaled a piece of waffle and choked. Sam handed me my tea and I took a large swallow to wash the lump down. “That brings the number up to thirteen,” I said dully.

  “Thirteen?” Leo said in confusion. “Only twelve bodies have been discovered.”

  “You’re forgetting about Heather. Her body is still in hell.”

  Comprehension dawned and he looked sad. “I forgot that she was taken to hell rather than killed here in the city like the other victims.”

  “More random murders have occurred as well,” Sophia went on. “We assume they are vessels that have been evicted of their demonic hosts.”

  “How many bodies have turned up?” Sam queried.

  Leo answered him. “Thirty-six.”

  “That’s six whole packs,” I said. “I’m surprised their souls didn’t find me when Sam and I stepped out of the portal. Maybe they found new hosts, since I wasn’t even here when they were evicted.”

  Sophia shifted in her seat and I knew she was hiding something from me. Catching my pointed stare, she sighed. “I received a vision while you were gone.” I lifted a brow to prompt her to continue. “As you know, the demon wards that were placed around the city lock angels and demons into their hosts as well as preventing them from leaving Manhattan.” At my nod, she went on. “It would also seem that they prevent them from finding a new host when they have been forcibly expelled from their vessels. Since you are missing your own soul, your body is the only one that they can inhabit.”

  “I guess that explains why they’re always drawn to me.” I wasn’t happy about it, but there was nothing I could do to stop the influx of evil. “Why didn’t they inundate me when Sam and I returned from our mission?”

  A familiar voice spoke from within the kitchen. “Perhaps I teleported you back here before they could track you down,” Nathan said as he stepped into sight.

  Six foot one, lean and muscled, he had chin length black hair, a flawless face and dark blue eyes. He took my breath away without even trying. His gaze latched onto me and my insides clenched when I saw his longing before he managed to hide it. He might not be happy that I’d stolen Raziel’s grace, but he was still as addicted to me as I was to him.

  Sam elbowed me in the side and I realized I’d been staring at my guardian for too long. “I guess I’d better go outside,” I said unhappily. “There’s probably a bunch of demon souls lining up waiting to be ingested.”

  “Finish eating your breakfast first,” Sophia said firmly. “You need to keep your strength up.”

  I was pretty sure food wasn’t going to help me much, but I dutifully continued to force the waffles down.


  Chapter Two

  Finishing my breakfast, I drank my tea then pushed away from the table. Nathan spoke before I could pick my dishes up and carry them into the kitchen. “I will take Violet to a safe location somewhere nearby so that she can absorb any demon souls that may be lurking around.” He strode over to me and took my hand. Then we both disappeared in a blinding flash of white light.

  We appeared on a rooftop of a neighboring apartment building only a few doors down from the store. Nathan drew me back into the shadows and nodded towards a building across the street. “Hagith’s spies are everywhere,” he told me quietly.

  Peering across the street, I saw two people watching our lair. My eyesight wasn’t as good here, but I could see that they were inhumanly good looking. “Why are they watching our base?” I asked just as quietly. “Don’t they realize that we don’t need to use the front door and that you and Leo can just teleport us in and out?”

  “It gives them a sense of purpose,” he replied with a shrug.

  “I thought their purpose was to find as many of your kind as they can.” They were supposed to be gathering an army. Hag was convinced that I would fail in my mission to save humanity. She planned to fight the hordes of hell spawn that would flood into the city once the gates to hell broke open.

  “They have over fifty angels now. Each one has been given a task to perform, even if it is pointless.”

  Before I could respond, I saw a dark cloud boiling along the avenue. Humans didn’t even see the demon souls that were heading straight for me. The angels were looking in the wrong direction. They didn’t even notice what was happening right behind their backs.

  Angling upwards, the souls were blocked from my sight for a few seconds before they flooded onto the rooftop. Nathan put his hands on my shoulders to catch me a moment before my knees buckled.

  Inundated with the memories of thirty-six new demons, it was a bewildering barrage of images. I saw their fall from grace and their banishment to the fiery first realm of hell. Over time, they’d been taken to the outer realms by various captains and lords.

  Six of them had managed to defeat five hellgates, including the gate in the ninth realm that led to this city. As captains, they were able to bring lesser demons along as their entourage. They were all newly escaped from captivity and they were still adjusting to life on Earth. I was glad that I was spared seeing the usual horrible deeds that their kind resorted to the moment they became free. They hadn’t had a chance to unleash their evil on unsuspecting people yet.

  Each captain longed to increase their standing. They’d planned to work their way up to becoming lords, but their ambition had to be put aside. Their orders were to remain in Manhattan and to wait for further instructions.

  During the barrage, I saw the same face show up a few times from some of the lesser demons. It was a woman in her thirties with short black hair and pale blue eyes. I found it strange that a member of three different demon packs would know the same person. They tended to stake out a territory and defend it to the death. It was rare that they would mix with other packs, let alone with humans.
The next time I visited the legion, I’d have to ask them about her.

  “Are you alright?” Nathan asked me when the memories faded and I opened my eyes.

  My legs had failed me at some point. He was sitting down and had pulled me onto his lap to cradle me against his chest. “Yeah,” I replied unconvincingly and made no move to stand up.

  “Did you see anything important in their memories?” he asked and shifted a stray lock of hair behind my ear.

  Being so close to him was wreaking havoc with my ability to think. “What was the question?” I asked.

  His eyes crinkled at the corners in a smile. “I missed you,” he said wistfully. “I know I should fear your ability to absorb my grace, but our bond makes it very difficult for me to keep my distance from you.”

  “The only people who should fear me are the ones who want to hurt me,” I told him. By ‘people’ I actually meant angels and demons. Normal humans didn’t want to imprison or kill me. Except for the cops who knew I was in the city. They’d want to lock me in a cell and throw away the key. First, they’d have to get over their surprise that I was alive, if not exactly well. Being shot twice should have killed me and it would have if Nathan hadn’t intervened.

  “How did you manage to draw me to you?” he asked.

  I frowned in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

  “I did not voluntarily teleport to you when you stepped out of the portal. One moment, I was talking to Sophia and Leo and the next moment I was standing in front of you.” My mouth dropped open and nothing came out. “As far as I am aware, it should not be possible for you to do that,” he added.

  “I have no idea how it happened,” I said uneasily. I vaguely remembered holding onto the sapphire that had been in my pocket. I’d wished that Nathan could forgive me for what I’d done to Raziel. He’d appeared a moment later and had seemed startled. Now I knew why. Being teleported against his will by someone who wasn’t even within touching distance must have been a shock.


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