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Ardent Page 1

by Jan Irving

  It sounded like something from one of the graphic novels Jaime Anderson aspires to create, but Arden Kaller is real. Once the lover of Jaime’s older brother, his blood

  him after Jaime is involved in an altercation in a brick-lined alley. Arden has spent long years studying his amphora, his

  mystical token.

  Jaime’s life is complicated enough just handling classes.

  Arden, his dark, dangerous, and slightly nerdy vampire lover.


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  incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are

  persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright 2011 by Jan Irving

  or in part in any form.

  Published by

  Albion, NY 14411

  Editing by Kimiberly Brandt

  Print Format

  Also available in ebook format

  Issued 2011

  or distribution via any means is illegal and a violation of

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  To the original group of friends who helped me with this one. You know who you are.


  Arden, keep him safe for me.

  give into his true nature.

  He opened his eyes and stared through the glasses that

  engaged in a standoff, their fresh-faced innocence stimulating


  He took off his glasses and rubbed his forearm against his


  in the bruise forming on Jaime’s cheek, the passion in his tilted dark eyes.

  I want to taste him.

  How unfortunate. For someone.

  Please forgive me. Please let me touch you. Jesus. save for Arden, Larry, and Jaime. oblivious to the vibe of a real predator. Arden reached out easily, still smiling, yanked Larry close and bit his neck.



  face darkened as he made out Arden. Pain lived in the almondshaped eyes. “You

  beating frantically in Jaime’s neck.

  Instead, he knelt beside him, reaching out and touching



  of unshed tears. his dark eyes curious.

  Arden remembered that Jaime’s older brother, Derek, had also


  smearing blood on it, as if marking his human. He actually felt ouch!

  Uh, not that script.

  been kissed?


  sucked him.

  He could smell the sudden heat in Jaime as he reacted to



  so long ago.

  For years he’d been haunted by visions of him, laughing and

  § § § §

  Alone in his dilapidated house, Arden tossed his peridot comfortably.

  He ran a hand through his long hair, freeing it from a ribbon so it fell softly around his face as he considered the talisman he’d

  had been gone? His boy.

  villain self. He closed his eyes and hot possibilities sparked through his mind.

  A simple kiss.

  He caught his breath, stirred, nipples hardening under his silk shirt.


  have to offer someone like him, hundreds of years old? He didn’t


  He closed his eyes again, concentrating. Okay, door number

  He wanted Jaime under his control, sucking his cock on command, pleasing him, lovin—

  Arden turned his back on the charm, staring out at the garden bridged by an arching span of rock, some of it dangerously

  matter to a vampire.


  have a boyfriend? himself from Jaime.

  the spell. He picked the charm up and concentrated on bending

  he’d make use of his inconvenient obsession to keep his boy safe. He ran the crystal over the hard outline of his cock, but the sensation didn’t satisfy him, so he impatiently opened his black linen pants and freed himself.

  A little fantasy just for Jaime.

  creaking under his grip as his breathing picked up— His seed spilled over his hand, over the crystals, sealing the

  hands locked around his neck.

  archeological digs, Aphrodisias. He could stand under the marble

  human slave auction and his sire had asked for his presence. He

  date his dusty bones and clay containers.

  soft heart to trick him. § § § §

  the alley, of

  to remember Arden holding him, comforting him the night of Derek’s death.

  back from a high forehead and tied in a neat black ribbon and he


  sped up and his palms got damp, and all his instincts screamed at

  He wants something from me.

  tugging him easily into the alley.

  Dark, gorgeous thing popped into Jaime’s mind reach his nipples.

  Jaime found himself remembering from one of his classes

  to someone.

  He let out a soft sigh. Arden didn’t need to do that.

  palms on either side of his head to bracket him. He kept his taller and larger frame from touching Jaime’s slighter form, but Jaime

  his embarrassing arousal. As Jaime stared, he thought there might be a cameo etched in the


  for a long time. He couldn’t be as dangerous as he sometimes Jaime closed his eyes, remembering that after the tears he’d cried the night Derek died, he’d brushed his lips against Arden’s.

  And Arden had kissed him back.

  old friend and then dump the thing as soon as he got home. “I

  sound as Arden snapped it closed. Jaime shivered.

  Jaime opened his eyes, helplessly caught in Arden’s snare. CHAPTER TWO

  Jaime referred to it grumpily as Arden’s stones.


  at himself, but that didn’t stop him from closing his eyes and for the hundredth time reliving opening his lips and sucking Arden’s and he—

  Above stairs something shattered. Flinch.

  brother the best parts of the house they’d inherited. He could

  Jaime glanced at the faces on graphic novels spread out like a fan on his bed as he climbed off and hesitated at the landing.

  § § § §

  mission accomplished.

  “Come on, you get the basic idea, Jaime. You need to move

  “No, your brother is taking advantage of you because you are

  Elizabeth, I feel so fucking alone.

  the sketch so he needed to pull the illustration into his laptop and

  Arden dominated his imagination.

  foisted on him.

  Eyes half closed, he rubbed the stones and for some reason felt calmer.


  § § § §

  earlier than had been previously supposed. Very interesting. He


  kneeling by their vampire masters. Perhaps not. long abstinence — Arden didn’t think it polite to decline the peaceful at Arden’s feet.

  He couldn’t help but remember the collar he’d tricked Jaime

  unless Arden’s hands removed it.

  Before he’d had to make his cameo appearance at the ball this

  liked that. Arden couldn’t see much through the cloth tacked on a

  because he tried to see himself i
n some of them.

  Caring is an old fashioned notion with no place in the life of a vampire who wants to continue living his quiet, comfortable life.

  glasses he didn’t need but found a strange kind of security in He could be a very pleasant companion.

  Arden stared a moment at the beautiful, naked Asian man

  and nothing else. He reminded Arden faintly of Jaime because Jaime’s mother had been Japanese-American.

  “You’d live like a monk if I didn’t send you someone from time to time. And you don’t have to sound so unhappy to be here.

  vampire sire. He’d never done anything to Arden that Arden

  patience for melodramatic demon politics. Made me what? § § § §

  Jaime’s dream freaked him out.


  Holy jumping beans! He’d never had such an erotic dream in

  body to lie on top of him, take control. counted his graphic novel covers. Besides, obviously Arden felt

  Jaime guessed since he couldn’t sleep that he should steal


  eyes, sensual lips held in a stubborn line. Arden.

  of the light. Very evenly, Arden said, “Let me in or I’ll knock

  Cursing, Jaime leaped off his bed, racing up the stairs and

  —to discover an indolent Arden leaning against the side of the house, smiling in a friendly manner. He reached out and

  gesture so the silky strands brushed against Jaime’s bare arms, making him shiver.

  Arden stroked Jaime’s bed hair.


  nervousness and tentative desire, the feel of his hair tangled in

  He hefted Jaime in his arms, almost at the point of just taking him. No asking him, no damnable conversation and saying please,

  He pressed Jaime against the side of his house, inserting himself into the cradle of Jaime’s thighs, the heavy bulge of his

  Arden released him, seeing the sheen of tears in almond

  Jaime’s shoulders tensed.

  Arden didn’t miss that. “If you still think of him, you should

  Jaime made a rude sound.

  Arden shrugged. “Your talent has to be suffering, living in the


  Jaime blinked. “Owned


  Jaime looked so indignant that Arden couldn’t resist lifting

  the skin.

  Embarrassed by Arden’s gesture, he moved to more familiar ground.

  hard to have his boy under his roof and not fully claim him. But

  and Jaime could concentrate on his all-important art. Besides, he


  have second thoughts.

  § § § §

  Jaime took a deep breath.

  buried in his bones and pots to keep the house in good shape. He

  Jaime looked back over his shoulder and gave Arden an

  thought it should.

  “I have Voltaire. And lots of poetry books. And those graphic virgin.

  Patience, demon.


  old-fashioned, heavy silver key.

  Jaime gave him a smile as he opened the door. “A garden


  bedspread, a bedside table, and a stack of books sitting on the

  Jaime gave him a look under his eyelashes, as if he continued

  Japanese, their smooth bodies not unlike Jaime’s. Jaime must have seen the resemblance. He cleared his throat, delicious color heating his cheeks.

  loud in the quiet room.

  have class in the morning, and I didn’t even bring my shaving


  “First, this is your home.

  “And I’ll go to your house to collect your belongings in the Arden bit his lip. Hurting people? Did taking a sampling of



  balanced things. You have no idea what you ask from me. How hard it is to tame a beast.

  laughed. the bed.

  him, and then he’d slide his tongue over Jaime’s and make his toes curl.

  himself, hesitating.

  vulnerable skin.

  should train Jaime to be a good demon’s pet.

  Arden laughed.

  Jaime tugged up his jeans and the shielding hand didn’t drop,

  mused, considering. He rolled up his sleeves, tired but happy, the

  offering an enticing display and distracting Arden. Boy? Master?

  possessive touch.

  up his jeans again, obviously embarrassed by his display of


  shoulders. “I’m missing some kind of delicate human sensibility

  masterful from the


  Jaime nodded, his shoulders tense.

  single bed. He shoved off Jaime’s jeans briskly but immediately

  touch. § § § §

  clothing for Jaime but he left money, trying to respect Jaime’s rules.

  § § § §

  Jaime sat up at a nudge from Arden, blinking. He sniffed and

  “I brought you a very late supper and some kind of yogurt

  back of Arden’s hand and that gentle gesture broke his control. He leaned close and licked the taste of ketchup and mustard from Jaime’s lips.

  Jaime tentatively pulled him closer, accepting.

  But Arden had a purpose.

  “I kept my end of the bargain, so I’d like you to do something

  softly rounded stones.

  Arden stroked his back soothingly.

  for a possessive demon to give in to Jaime’s demands for his as a covering for Jaime’s penis. Get myself off.


  of something. It smelled good. He licked his lips, still groggy

  bare ass.

  dick like a glove, leaving his crotch hair and balls visible. Kind

  Jaime gave it an annoyed glance and caught soft laughter.

  “Huh? You mean I’ll be deformed like those Chinese feet

  the men’s if he got desperate enough.

  “No? No as in NO

  looked at your class schedule and you need to eat so you can do “And second, it’s kind of strange being encouraged to eat my breakfast and go to school by dark mystery man. Doesn’t suit

  “I’m really more of an absent-minded professor, as you should

  oatmeal. He hadn’t been able to rest after he’d fed Jaime a late

  human food.

  discuss. “I skimmed a book after you fell asleep on nutrition. I tightened at the last.

  § § § §

  links so it fell softly into his hands. amazing to be hard. He reached for himself.

  And Arden smacked his hand.

  caress. Jaime into the cubicle.

  Arden slapped Jaime’s bare ass.

  pressing insistently against one of his ass-cheeks.

  He glanced at Arden’s impassive face and felt a little

  intimidating. And the house rules — nutrition, home before dark, don’t touch himself unless Arden said he could — all felt

  He put his hands on the ledge.

  all he could think about since Arden had denied him.

  arms and legs before beginning to soap his chest.

  Arden shook his head. “I don’t like you to hurt, but you need

  all of him, being permitted release.

  § § § §

  tenderly. He pulled Jaime close and kissed him, deep and

  felt a strange urge to press his lips against it, suck on the cool

  of sincerity in Arden’s voice.

  § § § § him.”


  § § § §

  He had one crayon in his mouth as he studied his composition.

  He jumped, not having heard Arden enter the room.

  steamed about something.

  looked clueless.


  His hand stroked Jaime’s length, dissolving Jaime’s ability to arms crossed.


little breathless from Arden’s command performance.

  Jaime’s breath left his body and he could hear his heart

  Could a guy die of having a stiffy?


  but he had a feeling it possessed special qualities, like the pendant

  as intimate as a kiss.

  Jaime let himself be guided into place, feeling cool air against his upraised ass, feeling blood throbbing in his needy cock. Please control me.

  “I’ll bring you off, but you are in need of a little discipline for

  Jaime suppressed a smile. “Yeah, you do seem really serious

  Jaime heard Arden rooting for something and then a purring

  erection against the edge of the desk and rubbing discreetly, biting his lip at the feel. Arden returned and used his ankle inside Jaime’s to spread his A ruler smacked his right ass-cheek. “Oh!



  Smack! Smack!

  side of Jaime’s face.

  When I open you, you will be ready.

  hissed out a long moan.


  pulling Jaime onto his lap, tucking his head against him so that

  Jaime took Arden’s hand, the hand that had spanked him, and of hand cream.

  the idea occurred to him that it had been the prelude to Arden

  He began to thrust, unable to stop himself despite the mild

  Jaime’s head fell back and he made a thready sound. God, so close at last!

  his dancer, his slut. CHAPTER SIX

  He had one possessive arm looped around him as he studied the

  Jaime also looked at it, thinking he’d been a different person


  Your slut.

  much he’d enjoyed being submissive to Arden.

  kissed the side of Jaime’s face.

  Jaime leaned against Arden, sighing, “I like your house very I like you.

  Arden’s face tightened.

  helping him adjust his clothing, as if he didn’t intend to share more.

  Okay, we table this for now.

  § § § §

  grateful for the time alone to process, and admired the mosaic pearl shells cut in oblong.

  the most wonderful ache he’d ever felt. He thought he might

  as bossy.

  a slut, making him perform, rutting against his palm.

  He felt desirable.

  his bath.

  Jaime closed his eyes and savored it.

  the feel of Jaime’s skin under his touch. response.

  closed his thighs on that hand, encouraging Arden’s touch.

  Ask me,

  “No, you don’t. You can come for me just from this, can’t


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