Forever, Please (Please #4)

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Forever, Please (Please #4) Page 1

by Willow Summers

  Forever, Please

  Please Series #4

  Willow Summers


  Other Titles by Willow Summers


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15


  Try Surviving Love

  Try Jessica Brodie Diaries

  Try the Growing Pains Series

  Also by Willow Summers

  About the Author

  Other Titles by Willow Summers

  Montana Wilds

  Surviving Love

  Conquering Love

  Please Series

  Yes, Please

  Now, Please

  More, Please *coming soon

  Jessica Brodie Diaries

  Back in the Saddle, Book 1 – FREE

  Hanging On, Book 2

  A Wild Ride, Book 3

  Growing Pains Series

  Lost and Found, Book 1 - FREE

  Overcoming Fear, Book 2

  Butterflies in Honey, Book 3

  Love & Chaos; Cassie’s Story

  Check them out here.

  Never miss a new release! Sign up here

  Copyright 2015 by Willow Summers

  All rights reserved. The people, places and situations contained in this book are figments of the author’s imagination and in no way reflect real or true events.

  Contact info:


  Email: [email protected]

  Created with Vellum

  Chapter One

  “Come in here.” Hunter passed by my desk with a determined stride. His palm slapped the door, pushing it wide as he went into his office.

  I looked over at Brenda with comically wide eyes and a thin mouth. “Sounds like I’m in trouble…”

  “I’ll say. What’d you do?”

  I got up and grabbed my notepad, just in case the bad mood wasn’t directed at me. I didn’t have high hopes. “Not sure.”

  “Close the door,” Hunter said as I made my way toward him.

  A thrill arrested me. My breath quickened. Since moving in with him two months ago, we hadn’t partaken in much office fornication. He usually just left work earlier and went home with me. He wanted to take his time. I was all for being bent over the desk, though. Since finding out I was pregnant, he’d been too gentle by half. I needed a good rogering.

  “You wanted to see me?” I asked with a grin. I stood beside his desk.

  “Sit.” He leaned his elbows against the desk. The light from the windows behind him showered his broad shoulders. His sexy, hooded eyes trained on me. I marveled at his handsome face, with its strong jaw, straight nose, and lush lips.

  I was the luckiest girl in the world to be able to kiss those lips. To feel his firm touch and reap the benefits of his clever fingers. There was a list a mile long of girls that wanted him, but he’d chosen me. I didn’t have to understand why; I just had to bask in the glory.

  “Your game goes live tomorrow, right?” Hunter asked, his gaze dipping for a brief moment, touching my stomach. “Come here.”


  He stood and reached for me. “Come here and sit on my lap.”

  I smiled like an idiot. I bounced up and grabbed his hand. He reeled me in before sitting on his chair and settling me onto his lap. His lips grazed my neck as his palm covered my belly. “How are you?”

  I laughed with the change in his tone. “I’m good. Kind of tired. The baby blogs say that’s normal, though.”

  “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. You’re doing too much. You have shadows under your eyes and you’re dragging.”

  I tensed. “Hunter, I haven’t had much choice. We had the final push for the app these last few weeks. We’re good now, though. The marketing is all set up, the game is loaded, the bugs are worked out—we’re ready. Now I can relax.”

  “Bruce says you have another project coming up. You have more levels to design for this game…”

  I got off his lap. I couldn’t help my testy tone. “You’re my boss in this job, Hunter. You’re not my boss with the side project.”

  “It’s my job to look after you and our baby, Olivia. You’re doing too much. It has to end.”

  I snatched up my notepad. He’d been saying this for the last few weeks. Over and over he harped on about the amount of work I was doing, but at the same time, most of it was for him. By the time I finished all of his tasks, it was late. Then I could do what I loved, which was working for Bruce. In order to break this cycle, I had to choose. One job or the other. Hunter knew it, Bruce knew it, and, unfortunately, I knew it too.

  The problem was that the one that paid well, and was with the man I loved, didn’t interest me. My favorite part of the day was working on Bruce’s projects. Most of the new levels were my design. Bruce was starting to step away a little to come up with the next great thing while I took on the future of the current game. I even had an idea for a game of my own.

  I shook my head and started for the door.

  “Olivia.” The deep, commanding voice dripped down my spine and pooled in my lady parts. I slowed despite myself. I loved when he used that tone. It did things to my body that should be illegal.

  I turned to him, raising my eyebrows in a silent question.

  “I love you. Good luck tomorrow.” He turned to his computer.

  Warmth spread throughout my chest. My heart surged.

  I left the office, wondering where my irritation at his talk had gone. The man could knock me off balance way too easily.

  “Did you get in trouble?” Brenda asked as I sat down.

  “Kinda. Same old thing—I work too much.”

  “That’s rich, coming from him.”

  “I know, right?” I scoffed. I’d found my irritation again. “He works more now than before—” I snapped my mouth shut. I was about to say “before I got pregnant.” That was a big no-no. All the blogs and books said it was best not to tell anyone before the three-month point, when the chance of miscarriage dropped significantly. Besides that, I wasn’t married, hadn’t known Hunter that long, and didn’t have one thing in my future figured out. There were more than a few reasons not to spread the news around yet.

  “What is he doing so late, anyway?” I asked as I turned to my computer. “I tried to spy on him, but his calendar is locked up tight.”

  “He had me block it off for structural organization. Probably trying to fit the pieces of that new company into this one.”

  “Huh.” I squinted at my company email. Seeing that nothing new had come in, I checked my personal email on my phone. Three new messages, all from Bruce.

  “What was that sigh for?” Brenda was facing her computer.

  “You’re nosy.”

  “You’re more interesting than my job.”

  I read the first message, then the second, then rolled my eyes on the third. “Bruce is just as demanding as Hunter. He wants me to complete a bio for our website.”

  “You have a website? What’s it called? I wanna look.”

  “It’s not live yet. For a guy who just sold his business, Bruce is hellbent on jumping right back into the fire.”

  “At least you like the work.”

  I couldn’t argue with that.

  I pulled up the report I was supposed to be working on, but my brain kept sliding sideways. First it
would go to Bruce’s emails. Then I’d think about the game I wanted to design until my thoughts returned to the baby.

  It wasn’t just me using this body anymore.

  Holy crap, I’m pregnant!

  I worked on hiding my smile. If Brenda randomly glanced over and saw it, she’d ask what I was so happy about. Being happy was sometimes a personal affront to her mood.

  I still couldn’t believe it. I was going to have a baby. With Hunter Carlisle! Karma was shining on me; that was for sure. I didn’t even care that he’d gotten way overprotective. Given his past, he was forgiven.

  Letting a small smile curl my lips, I tried again to focus on my work.

  At eight o’clock I rolled my shoulders and sat back, totally drained. My eyelids drooped and my body felt completely depleted. This growing a human thing was taxing on the energy front, I’d say that much.

  I took a deep breath, checked my phone, but ignored the little red button on my email. I’d bet those six messages were all from Bruce. The man couldn’t consolidate. He’d think of something, fire off an email, think of something else a moment later, and fire off another. Apparently a notepad for ideas leading to a summary was too much to ask.

  I walked into Hunter’s office. When he noticed me, he glanced at the clock at the top of his desk. His lips turned into a thin line.

  “Don’t say anything,” I warned. Not waiting for an invitation, I walked directly to him and draped myself across his lap. I flung my arms around his shoulders and buried my face into his neck. “It won’t help.”

  “How much work do you still have to do?”

  “For you, or for Bruce?”

  He paused. “This isn’t working, Olivia. We agreed to stop working so much when we had a family. Our family starting quickly doesn’t negate the need to slow down.”

  “I have six months to slow down. Let’s just get this release out of the way, and then I’ll have less to do. A couple more days and I’m in the clear.”

  “What do you have to do for Bruce tonight?” he asked as he softly ran his fingertips down my back. His hands pulled on my silk blouse, untucking the ends from my skirt. His palms ran up the bare skin of my back.

  “Little things, I think. By the time you’re done here, I’ll be done.”

  “I might be late. I have a couple meetings.”

  “I didn’t see any on your calendar…”

  His fingers glided over my bra strap. A quick tightening and then my bra loosened. His hand slid over my skin until he reached up and cupped a breast.

  I moaned as my nipple tightened under his palm.

  “I’m just trying to square everything away. I foresee a few late nights hammering out a new direction for the company.”

  I let my head fall back as he kneaded my breast. “Does that brain ever shut off?”

  His lips traced a trail of heat up my neck. “How are you feeling?”

  “If you’re asking if I’m feeling good enough to bend over your desk, I absolutely am.”

  His hand dropped to between my thighs. I spread my legs as my breath quickened. His fingers traced down the middle of my sex before pushing aside my panties. He rubbed in the right spot.

  “Oh, Hunter.” I put pressure on his chin, turning his head my way. I nibbled his lips as a digit worked into my body. My core wound up, needing him.

  I put my palm on his cheek and deepened the kiss. My tongue flirted with his as his finger sped up. His thumb worked lazy circles around my clit.

  “Oh.” I sighed against his lips, gyrating clumsily while still on his lap. His pace quickened, rubbing and thrusting. My body started to burn. My moans intensified.

  “Oh, God. I’m going to—” My words cut off in a hasty release of breath. Shivers racked my body as pleasure coursed through me, setting me on fire. I spasmed with the climax before melting in his lap.

  After I’d come down, Hunter stood me up gently. His body pushed against mine, trapping me against the desk. His kiss became insistent as his palms worked up the outside of my thighs, lifting my skirt. I wrapped my arms around his neck, lost in the kiss. In the feel of him.

  He turned me around. A palm in the middle of my back had me bending. I heard his belt jingle, and then felt his blunt tip against my opening.

  “Hmm,” I said as my eyes fluttered closed.

  That tip applied pressure, parting my folds. I braced, expectant. His hard length entered me slowly, so large. The breath rushed out of my lungs, everything focused on the searing pleasure that worked into my body.

  “Yes, Hunter.” I bent over further, wanting more.

  His chest lay against my back as his hips met my skin. He held himself inside me before backing out slowly.

  “Faster,” I begged.

  He complied. With a hard thrust, he entered me completely. I moaned, pushed against the desk.

  “Let me know if this is uncomfortable,” he said softly, his voice shaking slightly.

  He pumped into me again, and then again, his movements becoming frantic. I braced against the desk, my eyes closed, as pleasure ran through me in waves. My core, already warmed up, was now in overdrive, soaking up each thrust in ecstasy.

  “Yes, Hunter,” I said. I gripped the edge of the wood, focused on that pounding pleasure. On the friction. On his body inside mine. “Oh, yes.”

  I rocked my hips in tiny movements, adding just that bit more. The feelings now overwhelming. The sensations pulling me under.

  “Oh God. Oh my God. Oh—” Everything tightened up. My toes curled.

  “Oh!” I blasted apart. Intense wave after wave rocked through me. The orgasm stole my breath as Hunter quaked over me.

  His hands slid down my arms. His fingers threaded through mine as we came down, panting over the desk.

  “I promised myself I’d be more careful with you,” he whispered.

  I turned my face toward him until his lips were glancing off my cheek. “The human body isn’t that fragile, Hunter.”

  “Still. I don’t want anything to go wrong, Olivia. I don’t want you or the baby put in any kind of danger.”

  If I wasn’t mistaken, there was a tiny plea in his voice. His past was trying to encroach on this conversation, I had no doubt.

  I straightened up. I knew a moment of regret when his body left mine—something that never seemed to go away—before I turned around and put my arms around his neck. “I’m good. I need a little bump and grind every so often.”

  He gave me a lingering kiss. “Okay, off you get.” He helped me straighten up my clothes. “I don’t want you awake when I get home. You need your rest.”

  “What time are you coming home?”

  “A couple hours, I think.”

  I gave him a flat look. “That’s more than a twelve-hour day, Hunter. I’m not the only one who agreed to work less…”

  He kissed me on the forehead. “Off you get.” He gently nudged me toward the door.

  I should’ve argued, but those orgasms put me over the tired cliff and I still had work to do.

  I dragged myself to my desk, packed everything up, and headed home. Once there, I grabbed the dinner out of the oven, went to my office, and opened my personal laptop. Time for job number two.

  I just hoped all this work was going to be worth it. Tomorrow would be the moment of truth on if we’d wasted our time or not. Unfortunately, tomorrow would also be a deciding factor on my future involvement. If this took off as Bruce said it would, I’d have some hard decisions to make, because Hunter was right—I couldn’t keep this up. I had two full-time jobs. I’d have to choose, and I wasn’t sure that I was going to choose Hunter.

  Chapter Two

  My eyes were glued to the screen of my phone when Bert pulled up outside. I didn’t have any sales numbers yet, but the game was live. People could download it, anywhere in the world.

  But was anyone downloading it?

  “Good morning,” Bert said as I climbed into the passenger seat.

  “Hey, Bert. Did you download th
e game?”

  “Yep.” He held up his phone for me to see. “Right there. I even played a couple levels—it’s pretty fun.”


  The car pulled away from the curb. “When will you know if it is doing well?”

  I refreshed the app store and started scrolling through the ranking. “I think it takes a while. The marketing campaign starts today. Bruce seems to think the strategy is genius, but he’s not a marketing guy. There’s no telling if his plans will work. He probably plastered up a few flyers on the corkboard at his local college thinking that was still how college kids got their news.”

  “I thought he had a really profitable—get out of the way, you…” I grabbed the handle on the door as Bert swerved. “What is it with Mercedes drivers? They think they own the road.”

  “You are driving a Mercedes, Bert…”

  “Exactly—why can’t they drive like me?”

  I didn’t point out that they were.

  Bert turned onto one of the busy streets that ran from one end of the city to the other. “Anyway, I thought the owner had a really profitable business before this?”

  “Yes, but he had no idea how it exploded. He’s really smart, but there’s a reason he sold to Hunter.”

  “Oh. Well, I’m sure he knows a thing or two. But how is he paying for ads? On his own dime?”

  “No, he got investors. He incorporated his business. I own a bit of it, as well as some investors. I mostly just look after the code, though.”

  “I still don’t know how you do it, Livy. I really don’t. Working for Mr. Carlisle, I wouldn’t have the stamina to work for anyone else, and I mostly just sit around, waiting for someone to need a ride.”

  “I’m tightly wound.”

  He blew air out of his nostrils, his version of tsking. He pulled up in front of the office building. “Okay, Livy. Text me if you hear anything.”

  I thanked him for the ride and made my way in, gripping my phone the whole time. I dropped my bag on the floor and checked my phone again. No change.


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