His Mate - Brothers - Halloween Special

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His Mate - Brothers - Halloween Special Page 16

by M. L. Briers

  Her fingers curled against the hard muscles beneath his skin. Her fingernails pressed causing a deep warning growl to rumble through him, and she wanted to hear more – to feel more…

  “Bite now – let me feel it…” She breathed out against his ear to the sound of a darker growl, a hungrier one that shot excitement deep into the very heart of her.

  Jake stood no chance of keeping his beast at bay. The wolf was already too close to the surface, and his fangs elongated, locked into place…

  There was no way in hell that he was going to bite deep into her flesh until she was lost in the moment, but he did open his jaws around her shoulder, slowly closing them until he felt the razor sharp tips of his fangs pierce her skin…

  Jake’s beast roared within him – She’d been claimed and the wolf rejoiced that fact as Jake tasted her blood upon his tongue for the first time… but it wouldn’t be the last.

  He felt the need clawing inside of him, a fever starting in his blood to bite, to bond, and as he thrust her over the edge into mindless oblivion; then he bite down hard…

  Mind, body, and soul they bonded together. His beast roared with the victory of wooing their mate, claiming her, and joining their souls together as one forever.

  Elizabeth wasn’t afraid of the darkness within her soul anymore because together they had banished it. Together they had walked out of that darkness and found each other, and she wasn’t afraid to meet this challenge head on.

  The pleasure and the pain of bonding with him marked the turning point in her life, and she welcomed him with open arms.

  Jake eased his fangs from her flesh. He used his tongue to seal her wound as that fever spiked within him.

  He needed more – he needed to place his seed deep within her womb to seal their bond.

  He took her down to the bed beneath him, caging her there with his body. That fever turned into desperation as he thrust inside of her – a grunt on his lips every time that he hit home.

  The sound of her dark curses spurred him on. He was taking her body right back up with his – the friction building to a frenzy as those thrusts became erratic.

  He couldn’t seem to move fast enough, get deep enough inside of her – need gnawing at him. He growled, he grunted, and he let out curses of his own with each deep thrust until he heard her cry out, felt her inner muscles suckling the seed right from his balls…

  His head went back on his neck, every muscles strained, burned within him until he felt the fire consume him, and then he howled with the first hard wave of release. His hips met hers, over and over, locking in place as his seed exploded against her womb… not enough, never enough… that fever spiked, that need clawed harder, and he became as close to feral as he ever wanted to get with her…

  Jake yanked his body backwards and turned her on the bed. With her curvy backside up in air; he thrust back to the hilt, making her curse long and hard on a moan against the covers as his hands grabbed her hips, fingers biting into the flesh as he took her harder, faster, deeper – deeper until he lost his mind inside of her body…

  His beast growled a warning, but the fever burned within him. He was insatiable, and even when she bucked, even when another hard orgasm ripped through her – he still couldn’t find an end to the intensity that threatened his sanity…

  Jake heard her call to him – somewhere deep within his soul he could hear her voice… Her body was climbing again, climbing without having come back down, and she cursed and begged for that next release, consumed by the need for it, for him… lost just as he was.

  He felt the hard fist of the orgasm that took her back over the edge – sharing her pleasure – mixing with his own, and then his whole body felt as if it was being ripped apart on hard, crashing waves of pure pleasure that tore through every inch of him, leaving him panting for breath when it finally dissipated.




  Elizabeth snapped awake at the sound of the rooster’s morning call, and she tried to push upwards in the bed, but the heavy limbs, one over her legs, and one wrapped around her waist, had her locked in place. Jake had her in some kind of protective death lock and it took a long moment to realise that she wasn’t going anywhere fast.

  “Relax, baby.” Jake’s sleep filled, deep tones drifted over her and soothed her slightly, but only slightly…

  “That damn jumped up chicken…” She growled out, adding a few curses along the way. “I thought you said you dealt with that.” The accusation in her voice snapped him wide awake.

  “Good morning to you too, baby.” He chuckled as he pushed up in the bed to get something of a death glare for his trouble. “You really hate mornings, don’t you?” He grinned.

  “I really hate rooster alarm clocks.” She hissed back, miffed.

  “You want me to show you how mornings can be the best time of the day?” He teased, pressing his hard length against her thigh and watching her eyes flare and her breathing hitch as her body responded to his…

  “I want you to kill the damn rooster. No half measures, no reprieve…” She scowled at him. “Can you eat rooster?” She had something of a wickedly evil look upon her face, as his eyebrows rose slowly towards his hairline.

  “Damn woman, remind me never to get on the wrong side of you first thing in the morning.” He chuckled again.

  “You’re not moving…”

  “You’re seriously wanting me to leave the warmth of this bed – the heat of my mate’s body, to go kill the damn bird?” He grinned harder, but there was a determined look in her eyes.

  “Y-e-s…” She narrowed those eyes on him, and his eyebrows crinkled as they tried to meet.

  “O-k-a-y.” He tossed back the covers and turned in the bed, pushed upwards, and started to pad towards the door.

  “That’s it?” She rolled onto her side and took him in all the way from his head to his toes and back up again, pausing at the jutting length of his manhood for longer than was entirely necessary as she felt the jolt of excitement fire inside of her.

  “What’s it?” Jake frowned harder.

  “You just gonna leave like that without doing you duty as a mate?” She raised her eyebrows up expectantly, and Jake reached up and scratched his head.



  “I’m confused-”

  “That’s a given.” She shrugged her shoulder at him, a wicked smile on her lips that reached up to her eyes.

  “You want me to kill the damn bird?” His voice pitched a little and she resisted the urge to chuckle.

  “Yes!” She shot back and he gave a nod of his head.

  “That’s what I was doing.” He offered, his voice pitching again. His eyes questioning her sanity.

  “Well, you didn’t put up much of a fight about leaving the bed, leaving me here, letting that good morning wood go to waste.” She shot back and he snapped his head back on his neck…

  “Fight?” He scratched his head harder – those eyebrows danced on his forehead. “Morning wood?” His head fell forward and he looked down at his manhood.

  “You want me to kill the bird?” He asked again and she rolled her eyes.


  “Well, okay then.” He reached for the door handle.

  “But not now.” She noted the way that his eyes rose to the ceiling and his lips moved on a silent curse before he turned to look at her. “Are you messing with me?”

  “Yes!” She snapped out, and then gave a hearty chuckle to the sound of his growl and the look on his face.

  It didn’t take him more than a few strides to reach the bed, but those few seconds of viewing his hard muscles moving under the skin, seeing his erection bobbing and waving at her, and the sound of deep growl as his eyes turned black, was enough to make her heart stop, start on a thud, and then race away as excitement shot through her.

  She kind of liked waking up with a mate.




sat at the kitchen table and eyed the others. Belle looked a little tired and Melody had a goofy grin on her face as she stared down into her coffee mug. She was just about to make a snarky comment when all hell broke loose outside…

  Elizabeth groaned inwardly at the sound of the rooster kicking up a fuss and protesting wildly, and she didn’t need to wonder what the hell it was protesting about. She shot up from her chair and the legs scrapped over the tiled floor, grating on her nerves even more than the sound of the rooster fleeing for its life.

  A few rushed strides and she was yanking open the back door; stepping out onto the porch; her eyes took in the scene. There was the supernatural equivalent of the three stooges; Ed, Richie, and Mitchell, all standing around and watching as her mate – the alpha – Mr Big Bad Wolf himself – was chasing the damn rooster around the back garden as it fled for its life.

  She had to wonder exactly which of them looked like a headless chicken.

  “Don’t kill it!” Elizabeth yelled and Jake’s head snapped up; those eyebrows dancing on his forehead again.

  “Are we going to go through this every morning?” He growled on a scowl that covered most of his eyes with those thick brows.

  “Hey, you signed up for a mate.” She folded her arms and tipped her head to one side.

  “Could my mate actually get a grip on her decision making disorder?” He growled back and she raised her eyebrow up towards her hairline.

  “Oh, how quickly they turn on you.” She accused with her tone and her eyebrows as they shot upwards. Jake’s head snapped back on his neck as if she’d zapped him or slapped him.

  “Turn?” He looked more than confused this time. His eyes flicking about as he tried to remember what she was taking offence at.

  “I’m back to being an insane person again.” She raised a hand and inspected her nails.

  “Well if you know that then can’t you get a grip on it?” Jake asked and Mitchell chortled, while his brothers sniggered like schoolboys. But it was the sound of gasps that came from the two witches behind her that warned him he was stepping on dangerous ground.

  “I guess the wooing part is over and he’s settling in to the twenty year hitched stage.” Mitchell tossed out.

  “You don’t think she’s being unreasonable?” Jake demanded, baited by the vampire’s words.

  “Now I’m unreasonable?” Elizabeth’s expression turned sour and Jake swallowed hard. His eyes narrowed and his top lip twitched as he considered her stance.

  “N…oooo.” He slowly shook his head. His eyes snapping towards his brothers as they chuckled and enjoyed the moment.

  “Ed, Richie, Mitchell!” Elizabeth snapped out, and the three men all jumped in place as she unexpectedly turned her scowl onto them. “Better build a dog house so I can put the alpha in it.”

  Jake’s mouth opened as his jaw sagged, but the sound of his brothers chuckles were like a slap in the face, and he snapped his jaws shut, teeth clicking together, and his eyes narrowed on her.

  “Dog house?” He offered in a dry tone, raising his eyebrows high once more. “Woman, I’ve got a bed, and you’re not…” He bit down on a growl the moment that she zapped him.

  “W-o-m-a-n?” She offered; watching his muscles unlock as her magic slipped away.

  Jake lifted a hand and pointed his index finger at her – he opened his mouth to speak just as the rooster took off, wings flapping and its feet moving like it was on a treadmill and somebody had turned the speed to maximum… Jake’s head snapped around towards it and his body followed…

  “Kill or not?” He demanded over his shoulders and saw her lips turn up at the corners – her eyes sparkled with mischief.

  “Capture… if you can – or that dog house had better get built. I hear there’s rain coming in tonight.” She turned on her heels and found her path back into the house was blocked, but only momentarily as the witches parted and she sailed through.

  “If I can…” Jake growled. “Ha!” He took off after the rooster… to the sound of whoops and chuckles from his brothers.

  Grumbling, grunting, and cursing at the little beast that was faster than sin when it had a wolfman on its trail. He couldn’t blame it, but he was damn well going to catch it.

  He’d found his mate, and he wasn’t about to start the first day of the rest of their lives together sleeping on the floor.

  “What are you waiting for?” Belle called to Ed and the man snapped to attention, a frown taking his eyebrows down.

  “Seriously?” He growled and Belle grinned.

  “Have at it.” She tossed him the challenge and he grumbled, but set off on fast feet to join the hunt.

  “You just going to stand around?” Melody asked Richie and the man nodded, a smug smile on his lips.

  “That was the plan.” He assured her.

  “Get that rooster.” She shooed him into the action, and he kicked a clump of grass as his head dropped downwards and he grunted out a curse.

  “The joys of having a ball and chain.” Mitchell grinned, folding his arms across his chest, and leaning his shoulder against the house as he watched three grown Lycans chasing a little frantic rooster.

  “You’re upsetting it!” Melody yelled.

  “Well, it’s not going to be happy, is it?” Ed growled back, tripping over his own feet and falling down into the mud as the rooster shot by and he’d tried to turn too fast…

  “Stop scaring it!” Melody snapped.

  “You want it caught, it’s gonna poop a little.” Richie growled.

  “Men!” Melody snorted her contempt for them as she spun on her heels and stalked back into the house to join Elizabeth.

  “Go get it!” Belle teased, beaming like a lunatic and rubbing her hands together in glee as the rooster evaded each and every one of them.

  “I’m going to enjoy having you witches around to liven up the place.” Mitchell offered, grinning at the sight of Belle’s amusement. “Maybe tomorrow we could borrow a lion from the zoo and get them to catch that.”

  Belle didn’t take her eyes off the action for one moment, but she did raise her hand and zap the vampire a good, hard one…

  “I take it all back.” He bit out on a grimace. “Except the lion.”

  The End.

  A note from the Author;

  I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking the time to read one of my books. I hoped you enjoyed it, and if you would be kind enough to leave a review at Amazon that would be amazing.

  If you would like to keep up to date with what’s coming out you can visit my website at;


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  I pinky swear never to pass on your details to another living or dead soul.

  Thanks and Blessings to you all.


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  Comedy/ Romance Lycan Novella’s

  The Mating Season (Book one)

  The Mating Season (Book two was a Christmas Special and was written after Stealing his Mate)

  The Lycan, the Witch and the wardrobe

  Protecting His Mate

  Chasing His Mate

  Defending His Mate

  Winning His Mate

  Finding His Mate

  Gathering Their Mates

  Denying His Mate

  Captivating His Mate

  Guarding His Mate

  Saving His Mate

  Stealing His Mate

  Misplacing His Mate

  Wooing His Mate

  Rejected By His Mate

  Betting on His Mate

  Not His Mate

  Rescuing His Mate

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  Revenge- The Alpha’s Nightmare (Book One)

  Revenge- The Alpha’s Nightmare (Book Two)<
br />
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  His Mate- Brothers- Ramsey (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Wynn and Clancy (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Jett (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Brice and Kendric (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Donal (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Kai and Jai (Book One)

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