A Helluva Man

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A Helluva Man Page 10

by Sable Hunter

  “I’m not sure. He’s threatened to cut off my money, but I don’t think it will come to that. He says he’s afraid I’m going to hook up with some broke down cowboy.”

  Jaxson laughed. “Like me?”

  Chelsea joined in with a giggle. “Well, not exactly. You are a McCoy, after all.”

  “Hey, there’s our…”

  “Exit, yea.” She made the turn and slowed down to pull into a park. “This good enough?”

  “Yea, sure.” As soon as she stopped, Jaxson jumped out and marched straight over to a group of bushes by the urban creek. “Here you go, Slinky. Happy snakey business.” He eased the sack to the ground and turned it on its side, waiting a bit impatiently for the reptile to slither out and be on its way. Once it was gone, he picked up the bag, wadded it and tossed the crumpled ball into a nearby trash can with a shudder.

  From behind him, Chelsea laughed. “You’re such a macho man.”

  “I am,” Jaxson asserted. “Snakes just aren’t my favorite animal anymore. Give me a horse, a bull, a dog, even a cat – anything that walks on four legs.” He shivered again as he returned to the truck.

  “Wanna go get a drink?” she asked as she turned the engine over and put the vehicle in gear.

  Jaxson looked at Chelsea closely, wondering if she was joking. “No, I need to get back to Tamara. She’s waiting.”

  After giving him a long, blank look, she guided the truck in the direction they’d come from. “Okay, can’t say I didn’t ask.”

  There were a few minutes of awkward silence before Chelsea flipped on the radio. “I heard something about your family.”

  Jaxson let out a long breath. “There’s nothing to it. Philip is innocent. Zane Saucier will have his name cleared in no time.”

  Chelsea waved her hand. “I know that, I wasn’t even going to dignify the idea by bringing up. Now that you have…” She reached over and squeezed his knee. “Just know that if there’s anything me and Daddy can do, we’re at your disposal.”

  “Thanks.” He stared at the passing street lamps, counting them in his head. Just the thought of Philip spending time in prison ate at his gut like a cancer. “So, what did you hear about the family?”

  “I hear you’ve found some long-lost relatives. Is that true?”

  Jaxson chuckled. “Man, news travels fast. Yes, turns out Daddy had a twin brother we never knew about by the name of Sebastian. Long story. One that I’m not real sure about, to tell you the truth. All sounds pretty wild to me.”

  “Oh, I remember Sebastian and Sue McCoy. I know their sons, a couple of them quite well. Two of them used to ride rodeo, I’m surprised you never crossed paths with them before.”

  “Yea, it’s a wonder. We’re still feeling one another out, to tell you the truth. They’ve had ups and downs like we have. I know you’ve heard about Aron’s disappearance.”

  “I did, it was all over the news. Kidnapped by a female drug lord and brainwashed. Wild.” She put on her blinker to take the exit leading back to RNG park.

  “He’s on the mend. I’ll have to tell you the whole story one day, but he had a friend in the enemy camp and the chemist didn’t give him the drug she was ordered to. The crazy thing was that I’m the one who located him. Totally by accident. I’d gone down to buy a breed bull from this ranch in Mexico, not knowing the daughter of the rancher was a queenpin. When I saw Aron working there, he looked so much like Heath that I thought I was going nuts. A day or two after I returned home, the mess with Philip came up and I forgot about it.”

  “How did you find out you were related?”

  “The lawyer we hired to represent Philip is a good friend of the Tebow McCoys. He connected the dots.”

  “Zane Saucier?”

  Jaxson cut a glance at Chelsea. “Do you know everybody?”

  She chuckled. “Just the important people. Like you.”

  “Yea, right. Anyway, when Zane researched our family situation and broke it to us all, I remembered seeing that guy who reminded me so much of Heath. I called the Tebow McCoys and told them what I’d seen.”

  “And Aron was rescued.” She pulled up next to Jaxson’s rig. “You’re a hero.”

  “Hardly.” He opened the door. “Thanks for the ride.”

  “Glad to do it.” She gave him a smile.

  “Happy coincidence for you to be standing outside my trailer just as I need to dispose of a snake.”

  “Right.” She looked straight ahead. “Have a good night.”

  Jaxson stepped back while she drove away. He thought about what had just happened, finding Chelsea outside his trailer at this time of night, right about the time he… “Huh.” After walking on a little farther, he dismissed his suspicions. “Nah.”

  …Inside the trailer, Tamara let the curtain drop. Seeing Jaxson get out of Chelsea Stanhope’s truck left her feeling a bit confused. By the time he got the door open and was stepping inside, she’d managed to scramble to the far side of the bed. She didn’t want him to think she was spying on him. Although…she sure would like to know –

  “Hey!” Jaxson bounded in and made a dive for Tamara, landing on top of her. His bulk pushed her into the mattress, but he managed to support his weight so she wasn’t crushed. “I missed you!”

  In between kisses and giggles, Tamara managed to get a few words out. “I missed you too. Did you get Slinky somewhere safe?”

  Jaxson rolled over on the bed and took Tam with him, pulling her up to rest on the length of his body. “I did. When I walked outside, I ran into Chelsea. She gave me a ride to Buffalo Bayou, saved me from disconnecting the gooseneck.”

  Tamara smiled against his shirt, loving that he volunteered the information. “That was fortuitous.”

  “Fortuitous?” He goosed her sides making her wiggle deliciously over the sensitive region below his belt buckle. “That’s a big word for such a little girl.”

  “I’m a big girl,” she whispered as she rose up to look him in the face, a palm resting on the pillow at either side of his head. “Old enough to do all kinds of things.”

  “Like what?” Jaxson was intrigued by the mischievous twinkle in her eye. “I like this T-shirt you have on.” He ran his hands up under the thin material, finding her deliciously naked underneath.

  “Don’t get too attached to it.” She sat up, astraddle of him and whipped it over her head. “I think I’ll work better without it.”

  “Holy fuck,” he breathed, his hands automatically rising up to cup her tits. “You make my dick hard as nails.”

  “Oh?” she teased. “Let me see.” Moving down his body a few more inches, she began undoing his belt buckle, then unzipped his pants, filling her hands with his cock. “Wow.”

  “Damn, baby.” Jaxson laughed, feeling pressure build in his gut, the muscles of his abs twisting in anticipation of what lay ahead. As she began to stroke him, he groaned, “I love your hands on me.”

  “How about my mouth?” she gave him a sly smile, then bent low, her breasts swinging with the move.

  Jaxson’s eyes devoured their pendulous sway. “You’re so fuckin’ sexy,” he ended the sentence with a gasp as she wrapped her lips around him. He closed his eyes in ecstasy as she sucked on the head, swirling her tongue in luxurious circles. “Jesus,” he moaned at the pleasure, his balls filling so full, it felt like they were being squeezed in a vise. “This is so good it could kill me.”

  “Mmmm,” she made a savoring noise as she continued to lick and caress his dick. Jaxson couldn’t be still. Every time she slid her mouth up the thick stalk of his shaft, he lifted his hips in an effort to follow her.

  “Don’t stop, baby. Please!” he ground out the words, clawing at the covers on the bed as she sank down on him, consuming at least four inches, then tightening and sucking him off as she dragged her lips back toward the head. “God, don’t stop.”

  Tamara smiled around his cock. She loved how honest he was in his pleasure. She hummed her contentment as she lavished affection on his erectio
n, one hand massaging the muscles of his thigh like a happy cat making up dough.

  Completely at her mercy, Jaxson arched his back. His whole existence and focus narrowed down to this woman’s mouth on his cock. It wouldn’t have surprised him if he blacked out from sheer pleasure. He’d been blessed with blow-jobs before, but this with Tamara was different…new, fresh, he felt it deeper. His nerve endings were sizzling like sparklers. Every move she made with her hands and tongue were magnified, he could feel them all the way to his toes.

  With his head thrashing from side to side, Jaxson’s heels dug into the bed, his hips raising and lowering as he endeavored to fuck her mouth. “Jesus, baby,” he glanced up and found her eyes zeroing in on his, holding his attention the way she was holding his cock. This erotic connection between them caused his climax to rise high like an oncoming rogue wave. “God, here it comes,” he slapped the bed as she doubled down on her erotic efforts, taking him as deep into her throat as she could, lapping and sucking with her determination to give him what they both needed. “Tamara, Tamara,” he chanted, breath expelling from his lungs like air from a pair of bellows, his hips pumping desperately. “Fuck!” he cried as cum boiled up from his balls and shot from his cock down her throat. Jaxson writhed in ecstasy as his muscles constricted hard with the climax.

  “Good?” Tamara asked as she kissed his exhausted flesh, then wiped her mouth on the back of her hand.

  “Perfect.” He pulled her into his arms. “You know, I’m not going to be ready to let you go on Monday.”

  Tamara cuddled down next to him, her heart aching with happiness. She knew she wouldn’t be ready to let him go after a month of Mondays.


  After seeing to Memphis’ needs at the crack of dawn, the couple spent a lazy morning in bed, rising only when their appetites for food overcame their hunger for one another. Jaxson couldn’t seem to keep his hands off Tamara. If the shower had been big enough, he would’ve shared it with her. However, since it was tiny, he waited outside the curtain with a towel, so he could dry the water droplets from her smooth, silky body. When he heard the curtain rustle, he held the towel up and when she stepped out in a fragrant cloud of steam, he enveloped her. “Gotcha!” Pulling her close, his hands used the soft terry cloth to rove over her body.

  Tamara giggled, loving how he touched her and how cherished he made her feel. “You’re very handy to have around. Maybe I should take you along on my trip as my personal valet.”

  Turning her to face him, he bussed the velvet skin beneath her breasts. “I’d rather be your personal sex toy, Miss Grayson.”

  “I think that can be arranged.” She sat down on his knee while she pulled on a pair of pink panties and a matching bra. “Will you fasten me?”

  “With pleasure.” He pulled the straps together and aimed the hook and eye clasps together, the tip of his tongue at the side of his mouth to help focus his concentration. “There!” When he completed the pleasurable task, he kissed her between the shoulder blades. “I’ll rinse off while you finish dressing, then we’ll go get some breakfast.”

  “Okay.” She stood and backed up to give him some room in the small bath. “What time do you have to be at the arena tonight for the rodeo?”

  “The opening ceremony starts at 6:45, so I need to be there by six to get Memphis ready and to draw to see what bull I’ll be riding.”

  Tamara shivered. She wasn’t sure if the reaction was due to the thought of Jaxson on the back of a dangerous bull – or the sight of his ripped golden body as he stepped into the shower. “You’re gorgeous, you know that, don’t you?” As soon as she spoke, she covered her mouth, shocked as the truth bubbled to the surface.

  He peeked out from behind the curtain. “Are you looking at yourself in the mirror or are you talking to me?”

  “What do you think?” Tamara giggled as she applied some mascara. “I’m talking to you, of course.”

  “Why, thank you, ma’am.” Jaxson soaped his body, running his hand over his sensitized package. They’d had sex twice this morning already and his greedy cock was up for an encore. “Although, you’re mistaken if you don’t know you’re as cute as a speckled pup.”

  “What?” Tamara giggled. “Did you just call me a dog?”

  “No. No.” He chuckled. “No. No. A thousand times no. That was something my mama used to say, and I can promise you she meant it as only the highest compliment.”

  “All right, if you say so.” When Tamara heard him shut off the water, she grabbed a towel, and when he pulled back the curtain she stepped forward and wrapped it around him.

  Jaxson’s eyes were tightly shut to keep the water and soap from burning them when he felt the towel and her arms go around him. His automatic response was to hug her right back.

  “Hey, you’re getting me wet!” She was dabbing at his face as he was trying to kiss her.

  “Of course, I am. I’m sexy as hell. Let me see how wet you are.” He skimmed his hands under the towel, running his fingers under the waistband of her panties and down to the softness between her thighs. To his gratification, she was slick and warm, completely ready for him. “Oh, yea, you want me.”

  “Always,” she confessed breathlessly as he tugged her panties down and sat her on the sink. “I thought you were starving.”

  In amazement, she saw the big, beautiful man go to his knees as he spread her legs.

  “I am. For you.”

  All Tamara could do was hold on to the sink as he feasted on her pussy. She couldn’t take her eyes off him. Never in a million years had she expected someone like this to come in her life. Moving one hand to caress his hair, she beckoned him. “Come here. Come up here.” Jaxson lifted his eyes to her and she smiled. “I need you inside me.”

  Placing one last kiss to her clit, he rose. “You’re interrupting my meal, woman.”

  “I’ll feed you, I promise.” She let her eyes meander over his smoking hot body, especially the swollen erection that she couldn’t resist. After hooking her legs around his hips, she closed her hand around the thick shaft, tucking the head of him inside her. “I need you so much. I ache.”

  “God, baby, what you do to me.” A hoarse sound left him as he rolled his hips and pressed deeper into the well of her vagina. “Fuck, you feel so good.” Fitting his mouth to hers, he kissed her with increasing desperation as he began to flex his hips, filling her up, his tongue exploring deeper.

  Tamara plastered herself to him, loving how his stubble scored her chin, and how his big chest heaved so hard, creating a mind-blowing friction against her nipples. All the time he was pumping inside of her like a well-oiled machine, his fingers gently traced the features of her face, conveying both a gentleness and a possessiveness that made her hormones go crazy.

  “More. More.” She held him as he surged forward, pounding her, owning her. His possession gave her untold pleasure, but even more than that, it was the closeness to him that she loved. Being one. Feeling him inside of her, tremors passing through her body. Tamara licked a path up his neck, taking a nip of his flesh, wishing she could press this moment between the pages of her mind forever. “Give me everything you’ve got, cowboy.”

  “Shit, baby,” he whispered, his muscles seizing, the blood rushing to his cock heating to the boiling point. What was happening to him? This woman was getting under his skin, and inside his bones. For the first time he looked forward to holding someone through the night. Hell, he craved the feel of her skin against his so much he couldn’t think straight. Give her everything?

  No problem.

  Keeping a tight hold of her ass, he drew back and pulled his throbbing flesh from where it longed to stay and rammed it back into the hot perfection of her pussy. Repeatedly. Soon, she was shaking and writhing in his arms as he plowed into her, his hips hammering – up and in – up and in. Every muscle in his body tensed and prepared for their impending release. “Is this what you want? What you need?”

  “Yes,” she gasped, her fingers di
gging into his shoulders as he fucked her. “You’re what I need.”

  Teetering on the brink of a mind-bending orgasm, he tugged her into his body until she was no longer supported by the vanity ledge, her full weight was supported by him, the center of her pleasure rubbing against his rock-hard flesh.

  “Jaxson, oh God!” she cried, tilting her hips forward, grinding on him, her eyes glazed over with sublime bliss. “I’ve never…”

  “Feel it. Feel what I can give you,” he grunted out the words, his head swimming with the pressure to keep on until she wrung every bit of pleasure from him that she could. He wanted her to need him. Only him. “What only I can give you.”

  Tamara felt euphoria saturate her being, she was standing on a cliff and about to go sailing over the edge of the world. “Jaxson!” She raked her fingernails down his back, burying her face against his chest as her whole body jerked with one incredible spasm after another.

  When her pussy clamped down on his dick like a velvet covered fist, Jaxson lost it. He held her tight, circling his hips, grinding into her as an avalanche of an orgasm rocked him from head to toe. “Oh baby, baby, baby.” He burrowed his face into the curve of her neck and bit the soft flesh he found there. “You slay me,” Jaxson whispered as they swayed in one another’s arms until he regained his strength and her breathing had evened out. “You okay?”

  “I don’t know.” She giggled, still holding on to him. “My insides are still shaking, and my knees are weak.”

  Scooping her up, he carried her back to the bedroom and deposited her on the bench at the end of the bed. “Finish getting dressed and I’ll feed you.” As he backed up slowly, Jaxson smiled at the sight of Tamara – her tumbled hair, her kiss-swollen lips, her pinkened skin still flushed with passion’s residue. “You’re pretty as a picture, did you know that?”

  “Cute as a speckled pup. Right?” She gave him an indulgent look as she put on the clothes she’d previously laid out for the day.

  “Right.” As he pulled on his own clothes, his heart contracted at her playfulness. “Do you like breakfast tacos?”


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