A Helluva Man

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A Helluva Man Page 20

by Sable Hunter

  Tamara laughed at his silliness. “No, not a tail, a tell. It’s a poker term, a change in someone’s behavior or demeanor that gives away how they feel about the hand they’ve been dealt.”

  “Oh, really?” He let his hand skate down to her bottom and gave her a playful pinch. “And what’s my tell, pray tell?”

  Glancing around, she made sure there was no one around. Seeing they were alone, she turned to him and slipped her hand between them, cupping his already burgeoning erection. “See, you like me.” With a gentle squeeze to his package, she gave him a kiss. “I can tell.”

  Jaxson threw back his head and laughed. “You got me, baby. You’ve got me in the palm of your hand.”


  “Why didn’t you tell me you had this evening planned?” Tamara strolled next to Jaxson as they left Trattoria Lisina, her hand resting on his back.

  “I wanted to surprise you.” He loved her touch, but he couldn’t wait to dispense with these damn crutches, so he could place a possessive hand on her as they walked. “This is a nice place.”

  “Do you want me to go get the car?” she offered. “The grounds are rock strewn, I don’t want you to fall.”

  “I’ll be fine.” Jaxson continued on the path. “Just be ready to catch me if I stumble,” he joked.

  “Always.” Her breath hitched in her throat when she realized the truth of her declaration. “I’m so happy,” Tamara declared as she surveyed their beautiful surrounding. The impressive stone manse sat on a gentle hill overlooking a formal garden. “I bet the view from here is incredible in the daytime.”

  “We’ll come back. I enjoy seeing the sunset over the vineyards.”

  As they approached her car, she pressed the unlock button. “You’re full of surprises. Sometimes you’re this rough-tough cowboy, and other times you’re this sophisticated jet-setter type.”

  Jaxson chuckled as he waited patiently while Tamara opened his door. “Maybe I like being a man of mystery.” He didn’t really like her taking care of him like this, gallantry was a man’s job. “Seriously, believe me, I don’t have a sophisticated bone in my body. When they were passing that trait out in our family, I was overlooked completely.”

  “Nonsense.” She went on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. “You’re suave, worldly, and sexy as they come.” Jaxon just grunted as Tamara hurried around to get behind the wheel. Once she was in place, she pulled the seat belt over her middle to fasten it. “I ate too much, I don’t know if I like the bread dipped in the peppery olive oil or the deep-fried mozzarella cheese better.”

  “How about the four-cheese ravioli bathed in the creamy buttery sauce or the Italian spice-cake donuts dredged in cinnamon with the dollop of sweet custard filling?”

  Jaxson grinned as Tamara groaned. “Stop, you’re going to give me a food-gasm.” She started the car and began to back out of the parking lot.

  “A food-gasm?” He laughed, enjoying this. Hell, he enjoyed every moment he spent with this woman. “I think I can give you a real gasm or two. Our evening isn’t over. I have another surprise for you.

  “What?” She bounced a little in her seat. “I love surprises! My life has been so regimented, just the mention of the word makes me giddy.”

  He filed that tidbit of information away for future use. “Head toward Wimberley. We’re not far, I’ve booked us the Blue Hole House for the night. We’re going to swim in the warm waters of the spring and do…what comes naturally.”

  The words ‘I love you’ fluttered on the tip of her tongue. She didn’t say them, but she thought them. “Thank you, Jaxson. You’re so good to me.”

  “You’re easy to be good to, baby.” He ran a hand up under her hair to caress her neck.

  “You are too. I want to do all kind of things for you. Cook. Pamper you. Please you,” she said the words jokingly, but she meant every word. Jaxson McCoy had stolen her heart and all she could think about was planning a future for them to share. “Oh, look!” As if by magic, or maybe an omen, they were passing by the beautiful Chapel Dulcinea, a stone structure that sat daringly on an ancient walking trail on the side of a nearby hill. “The lights of the chapel are on. They must be having a wedding. The people at the Wizard Academy let couples marry there free of charge.”

  “A wedding chapel, hmmm,” he muttered noncommittally.

  Jaxson didn’t say so, but she could tell the topic made him nervous. “Yea, it’s neat looking. Great view.” She breezed through the topic before he felt any more uncomfortable. “Do you like to rock climb?”

  “I have gone rock climbing occasionally with Tennessee, but I prefer living in cowboy boots, honey child.” He tugged on her hair. “There’s only one sport I willingly take them off for…and you know exactly what that is – my favorite sport.”

  “I didn’t know you could ride bulls barefoot,” she giggled.

  “Yea, you know what I’m talking about.” He squeezed her nape, then stroked her skin gently. “Would you want to get married at that chapel back there?”

  Was this a trick question? “Yes, I think it’s a perfect place.”

  “Why?” The soft rubbing of his fingers continued on her hyper-vulnerable skin.

  “The chapel is amazing. Simple. Romantic. Personal. Did you know it only seats twelve people? Only thirty if some of them stand up. Can you imagine anything more perfect?”

  Jaxson was quiet for a time. “I thought all women wanted a big, fancy wedding.”

  “Well, I’m not most women,” she countered with a grin.

  “Damn straight.”

  Soon, they drew near Wimberley and he gave her directions to the cabin on Cypress Creek. “I remember when this whole thing flooded. Several people lost their lives.”

  “Yea, that was a once in a lifetime flood. We’ll be safe tonight, I’ll protect you.”

  “Oh, yea? Who’s going to protect me from you?”

  “I don’t think you want to be protected from me, do you?” His voice had dropped to it’s lowest timbre and his fingers were dancing over her shoulder and down the square neckline to tease the top swells of her breasts.

  “No.” She didn’t. Tamara just hoped he didn’t break her heart.

  “I didn’t think so.” He pointed to an open area underneath a large tree. “Park there.”

  “Okay. Since I just came from my trip, I have clothes. What about you?” Tamara reached into the back and pulled her small duffle from between the seats.

  “I have a spare pair of tighty-whiteys in my pocket.”

  His answer made Tamara giggle. “I don’t even have a bathing suit.”

  Jaxson made his way to the front of the vehicle. “Come on, worry-bug. You’re not going to need a suit. This place has a private swimming hole and a hot tub, we’re set.”

  “I’m excited.” Tamara bounced in place, waiting for him to come alongside her. “I love doing things with you.”

  “Me too, treasure. Me too.” When they got to the porch, he balanced on one leg and leaned a crutch against the wall in order to slip the key out of his pocket. True to his word, a pair of white underwear came with it.

  “Well, there’s your Fruit of the Looms, you weren’t kidding.” She took the key from his hand and opened the door.

  “You will find that I never kid about my drawers.” As they moved in, he gazed around with satisfaction. “Nice.”

  “Oh, yea, it is,” Tamara agreed, taking in the interior of the log cabin. “Rustic, but beautiful. “I love the stone fireplace.”

  “I love what we can do in front of that fireplace later.” He stood still and beckoned her to him. “Come here.” When she was near, he moved to face her, sliding his palm across her cheek, then around to weave through her hair. “You’re so beautiful.”

  The low growl of his voice sent shivers dancing over her skin.


  She reached up and curled her fingers around his wrist, just needing to feel his strength. When she lifted her face, it was like a switch was
flipped. In the blink of an eye, she was pushed up against the wall, her hand pinned beside her head and he was surveying her with a predatory smile on his face.

  “Yea, you do something to me, girl.”

  “What do I do?”

  “You turn me every which way but loose, that’s what.”

  “Good to know.”

  “Put your arms around my neck.”

  She obeyed, reveling in the silky softness of his hair between her fingertips. The ultra-sensitive tips of her breasts brushed his chest, her nipples began to swell and throb.

  “That’s my girl.”

  “I like being your girl, cowboy.”

  “Fandamntastic, now kiss me.”

  “K.” She loved being this close to him. He was so warm. So solid, like a human shield from the raging tumult of the world around her. With her heart racing, she eased up on her tiptoes and placed her lips to his, opening her mouth to welcome the erotic storm he aroused within her.

  Jaxson growled as he accepted her kiss. Her mouth had been this close to him dozens of times, yet each time was brand new. He’d never felt so greedy with a woman that he wanted to do everything but maul her. He traced her lower lip with his tongue and she whimpered, following his mouth with her own, urging him to complete the joining.

  Leaning into her left his hands free of the damn crutches and he couldn’t resist filling them with her tits. Hard nipples pressed into his palms, the plump female flesh seeming to beg to be molded, the swollen tips demanding to be sucked.

  Tamara shifted against him, feeling achy and slippery between her legs. He touched her with an air of possessiveness, enveloping her with his body as if declaring he wouldn’t share. God, she loved him selfish. Rough and selfish.

  “You want me, baby?” Jesus, he was hurting. His cock was strutted with lust. He’d never needed sex so badly, been so hungry for one particular woman. “I wish I could sweep you off your feet, I’d carry you outside, stand you down by the water and undress you slowly, kissing every inch of your body.”

  “You will. Soon. You’re so strong.” Her palms moved over his shoulders and chest, caressing and rubbing him through his shirt. “For now, I’ll take you anyway I can get you.” She giggled and ducked underneath him, handing him his crutches before scampering out the French doors to a lush flagstone covered patio situated right on the creek. “Oh, look, Jaxson! It’s beautiful.”

  Jaxson hurried, only a step or two behind her. When he arrived, he found her stripping. “Oh, hell yeah. You’ve got the right idea.”

  Once she was down to her bra and panties, she turned to help him undress. “Hold on to the lamp post,” she nodded toward a gaslight lamp. “Let me do the honors.”

  Jaxson wasn’t used to giving a woman so much control, or letting himself feel so vulnerable, but when he saw the dazed expression of desire – for him! – on her face, a wave of affection hit him with the force of a fastball to the heart. “You’re amazing, Tam.” He cupped the side of her face, running his thumb over her plump lips. “How’d I get so lucky?”

  “I don’t know,” she looked up at him and winked, licking those pink lips he’d just caressed, “but you’re about to get even luckier.”

  She finished unbuttoning his shirt, then feathered kisses over his face and throat as she unfastened his belt, then pulled down the zipper. Pausing the kisses so she could glance down, Tam worried her lower lip with her teeth as she pushed his pants and briefs past his knees and steadied him as he kicked them aside. “I love how big you are,” she whispered.

  Jaxson threw his head back, his hat falling off unnoticed as she began to stroke him. Jaxson loved her hand on him, he especially loved the fact that she shook a little with excitement. This was no tease, no woman getting him off because she thought he was rich. This girl wanted him, and she had no problem showing him how much.

  “You’re so damn sweet.” He bent to kiss her, his eyes drawn to watch her hand moving up and down his cock.

  “I’ve been told differently, some say I’m cold.”

  “Whoever said that was a fool.” His fingers found their way into her panties, and he groaned as he parted the folds of her pussy, finding her creamy and wet. “See, you’re sweet as sugar, and oh so hot.”

  As he pushed a thick finger into her heat, she shuddered and dug her fingers into his shoulders with one hand while gripping his thick cock with the other. When he began to slide the bold digit in and out, twisting it from side to side, a soft moan of delight spilled from her lips. “You know just how to touch me, Jaxson.”

  Tamara groaned and went up on her tiptoes, clinging to his shoulder with one hand as she held his thick cock with the other.

  “Yes, I can make you want me, can’t I?” He added a second finger to her tight channel, stroking it in and out.

  Tamara’s was so focused on what Jaxson was doing to her, all she could do was dance on his fingers, her body trembling with pure exhilaration. “You can. I do.”

  “You’re so tight. My girl needs a hard fuck, doesn’t she?”

  His dirty talk set her off. She gasped, burying her face in his neck and biting his throat. The strokes to his cock became erratic as he found the secret spot inside of her that made her entire body jolt with electric ecstasy. “Jaxson! I need you, I can’t wait another second.”

  “Me either. Let’s get in the water, I’ll have more stability there.”

  “Your cast, you’ll get it wet.”

  “Nah, I planned this. Got a waterproof cover for it.” He sat down in a chair and jerked off his boots and socks. “Just trust me, I can’t wait long enough to explain.”

  Tamara followed his example, removing her clothing until she was nude. “I hope the water’s warm.”

  “If it’s not, it will be when I get in.” His gaze clashed with hers as he stood and grabbed one crutch to maneuver to the water’s edge. “I’m burning up. For you.”

  They eased into the creek and immediately into one another’s arms. The water was much warmer than the air, but it still brought a gasp to Tamara’s lips. “I need you inside me,” she whispered, “as deep as you can get.”

  Jaxson needed no more encouragement. Latching on to her mouth, he eased her back against a rock and guided his cock home, punching his hips upward, determined to sink every throbbing inch into heaven. As always, he had to work his way in to her tight, grasping channel. The pleasure of being inside her made him groan as he ground into her heat. “It’s just been a few days and I was starving for you.”

  “I love it.” She loved him. Tamara framed his face, looking into his eyes. “Move, baby. Make me scream.” The creek wasn’t deep, the water came to just above their waist, enough to allow them to float.

  “Fuck, yea,” He wrapped an arm around her waist and began to thrust, every muscle tight with the need for release. It took so little time with this woman to work him up into a frenzy. When she laid her head back against the rock, he licked her neck, scoring the silky flesh with his teeth. With every thrust of his hips, her tits broke the water in a tempting jiggle, almost driving him insane. For a few tantalizing seconds, he played ‘catch the nipple’ with his tongue, loving how she whimpered at his every touch.

  “More, Jaxson, more.” Her eyelids fluttered, she was so enthralled it was hard to focus her vision. “You are…such a man,” she groaned, her palms caressing his pecs. With his supporting hands and the buoyancy of their bodies, Tamara was free to float in a wave of hypnotizing ecstasy. Nothing existed but the two of them, the stars above, and the free-flowing stream. “My man,” she whispered softly.

  “Fuck, yes,” Jaxson ground out the words between his teeth as he relished her declaration. He knew she was close to coming, her little pussy was choking his cock. Bringing a hand between them, he used his thumb to tease her clit, his pumps becoming even more forceful. “Feel good?”

  “Oh, yea, there’s no better feeling than this,” She arched her back and clamped herself around his cock. “Not even winning.”

  “Really?” He knew what a rush coming out on top of a competition could be. “Better, huh?” Wanting to reinforce the idea, he began to move his hips in a slow circle, making sure he rubbed the sensitive spot that made her crazy.

  “So, much better.” She sank her fingernails into his hips. “You’ve got the greatest ass.”

  “Oh, really?” Jaxson laughed, the moment giving him a little leeway in the control department.

  “God, yes. Hard. Muscular. Big.”

  “What?” He croaked another laugh, thrusting so hard he was making waves.

  “No. I like it. I love it. It’s so damn sexy,” she whimpered the words in time to the pounding she was receiving.

  Hearing his ass extolled caused the pressure in his balls to reach a critical level. Burying his face in her neck, he battered into her relentlessly – over and over – in and out. Harder. Faster. Deeper. He rubbed her clitoris again, finding it plump and swollen. Swirling the little nub with his thumb, whispered in her ear. “Every part of you is sexy, sugar, especially this little wonder.” His simple compliment pushed her over the edge. She screamed his name, her head thrashing from side to side.”

  “Jaxson! God, yes. Yes!”

  Her pussy tightened around him like a vise, her hips undulating as she rode his cock to orgasm, her feet up and out of the creek, splashing water on his back. With her pussy spasming around him, there was no way Jaxson could resist the inevitable. “So good, so tight. Mine. Mine!” His voice grew louder as lightning flashed behind his eyelids. The release was so powerful, he became lightheaded. The aftershocks from her climax caressed him, and she wrapped her legs around his hips, seeking the deepest most intimate contact he could give her. “Tamara, baby, oh god, you’re killing me.” He shook with the force of his passion as he came and came. His body depleted itself in an endless round of pulsing pleasure. “But what a way to go.”

  Tamara giggled as she panted, joyful at his obvious contentment. She wrapped her arms around Jaxson and held him tight. “I wish we could stay right here, like this, forever.” Giving up the rest of the world would be no problem at all.


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