A Helluva Man

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A Helluva Man Page 38

by Sable Hunter

  Excited and turned on, Jaxson cupped her bottom, lifting her. When she clasped her legs around his hips, he became unsteady, almost dropping her. “Damn!” Feeling his erection flag, he gently lowered her until her feet touched the floor. “God, I’m sorry.”

  “All right.” She touched his face. “Please.”

  “See? Now who has problems?” He tried to laugh it off and pretend it didn’t bother him, but it did. He felt embarrassed. Deflated. “Are you ready to go?”

  “Okay.” She kissed him once more. “Had such…good time.”

  “Yea, right.” Jaxson led her back to the truck, finding no words to repair the mood.

  Their drive home was quiet. Tamara took advantage of the silence to think. Her body was giving her signals that the feelings she’d thought were dead were very much alive. She was still a woman. Staring out into the darkness, Tamara remembered the pleasure and the thrill of being with Jaxson and she wanted it again. She was under no illusion that this could lead somewhere, but when they were together before it had been casual. As Jaxson said, they’d been ‘playing’. This time could be the same.

  When they arrived at her house and he walked her to the door, she pressed a kiss to his lips and issued an invitation. “Come in…with me. Please?”

  Jaxson was hesitant, but his cock had a mind of its own. “After that fiasco, you’re willing to give it another shot?”

  “I have a bed,” she said simply, offering what she thought was the perfect solution.

  “Oh, hell yeah.” Jaxson didn’t need any further encouragement.

  After she unlocked the door, Tamara led him to her room. When they entered, he didn’t turn on the light like he used to. Instead, he undressed her in the dark, letting his hands and lips reacquaint themselves with her beautiful body. She tugged at his clothes. “You too.” Tamara was as eager as he. “Missed you. Missed this.”

  When she tugged on his zipper, he held her hands. “I’m not…”

  She rubbed herself against him. “You want me.”

  “I do.” He couldn’t deny the greatest truth he’d ever known. “I just need you to remember what I am now.”

  Tamara understood his fears. She shared them. “I know. Who you are.” She went to her knees and he allowed her to help with his jeans and shorts. When she took his erection in her hand and soothed it with her cheek, Jaxson thought it was all over. “Careful, my cock has a hair-trigger where you’re concerned.”

  She licked the bold vein. “Don’t care. Want you.”

  Jaxson managed to sit down. He glanced at the window. There was too much light coming through it to satisfy him. “Pull the curtains. I don’t want you to see.”

  Tamara was torn. She wanted him to understand that she thought he was perfect. Knowing her own fears, she did as he asked. Rising, she pulled the drapes together, eliminating most of the light in the room. “Don’t need to hide. Not from me.”

  “It’s not a pretty sight.” Jaxson wanted her so much, he needed this so badly, he fought off his shame. “Just give me a minute. I’ll move better without the prosthetic.”

  “Jaxson.” She went to him, wrapping her arms around him. “It’s all you and I want. You.”

  His heart clenched in his chest. Despite his trepidation, he quit protesting. When she knelt at his feet again and bent to kiss his knee, the breath caught in his throat. Feeling her lips and fingers move over his thigh, then down to his stump, he thought he might never breathe again. “You don’t have to.” When her fingers strayed to his cock, he gasped. “Oh, God.”

  “I need you,” she told him, understanding that this was her chance to heal him. “Need you so much.”

  That was all it took. Tamara was convincing and he wanted to be convinced. “I need you more.” He was so fucking lost in her, he always had been. “How did I do without this? Without you?”

  “Same as…me. Poorly.” She climbed on the bed with him, her body remembering how they fit together. “How?”

  Jaxson realized she was asking how he wanted to do it. God knows, he wasn’t particular. “For the first time, you on top might be easier for me. Let me get used to this again. Get back on the horse, so to speak.”

  She liked the idea that this was the first time. Nipping his shoulder, she told him what she didn’t like. “Not a horse.”

  He chuckled and she giggled and Jaxson felt someone had opened a door to a prison where he’d been held captive. This was fun. She was fun. “God, I’m so glad you’ve come back to me.”

  “Yes,” she agreed with him, coaxing him to lie down by straddling his thighs and pressing herself to his body.

  Reaching between them, she cupped his dick and Jaxson lost the ability to speak. Words failed him. There was nothing better than her hand on his aching cock. He was teetering on the edge and he knew it.

  “Nice,” she whispered as she stroked his length. “Big.”

  “You’re killing me,” Jaxson muttered, secretly glad his package still pleased her.

  “No. Want you alive.” Wiggling around, she dropped down on his cock. Tamara didn’t know where all this courage was coming from. She only knew that she wanted this man to realize he had nothing to be ashamed of. Her intent to heal him didn’t lessen her own desire. She was ravenous for him.

  Jaxson was in paradise. He couldn’t stop touching her. Rubbing her velvety skin. Cupping her breasts, raising up to suck her nipples deep into his mouth. While he feasted, he slipped one hand between her legs and found her creamy wet. “Oh, fuck.”

  “Good idea,” she whispered, grabbing his wrists and pinning them over his head.

  Jaxson laughed, loving this more than she’d ever know. “So fierce.”

  “Hungry,” she told him as she began to rock back and forth.

  “Love you wild.” To his ever-loving shock, she seemed daring. She wanted him and was doing her best to show him. Tamara’s courage made him bold.

  Lowering her face to his, she whispered in his ear. “Just wait.”

  Releasing his hands, she moved down his body, taking his dick in her hands. As he moaned, she stroked him, taking the weeping head in her mouth to lick and suck. “Oh, fuck me, fuck me,” he moaned. Helplessly, his hips bucked as she suckled on him, taking him deep into her mouth, making him crazy. His whole body was sizzling. Celebrating. He shivered and shook. “How did I survive without this?”

  Tamara didn’t try to answer; her mouth was full at the moment. Wrapping her hand around the wide base of his erection, she squeezed. When he bellowed his pleasure, she kept up the pace, drawing him deep – using her tongue to bathe and tease his throbbing flesh.

  “Tamara!” he cried, knowing he couldn’t hold back. A climax was rising from his balls, gathering force. When her tongue tickled into the slit and she lapped at the underside – he lost it. Indescribable pleasure shot through him as a powerful orgasm rocked his world. He cupped her head, holding her in place, his whole existence burning white hot with ecstasy.

  While he panted, coming down slowly, she nuzzled his cock, licking the length. Moving even further down his body, she kissed his balls, then surprised him again when she rubbed her face on the end of his incomplete leg. “God, baby. What am I going to do with you?”

  She moved back up the bed and cuddled close. “Hold me.”

  Jaxson was bushed. “But I want to make you cum.”

  “You will. Later.” Kissing his eyelids, she sealed the deal. “For now, sleep.”


  Jaxson woke up with enough morning wood to build a house. The sweet woman in his arms was cuddly and warm. The hour was early, but he had a full day ahead of him. No matter – some things were just more important. He wasn’t about to leave before making love to Tamara. “Hey, baby.”

  Tamara opened one eye. Jaxson was on his side, looking her right in the face. “Morning.”

  Unable to resist, he ran a hand over her body, fondling her breasts, then skimming down to find her silky and ready for him. “I need inside
you.” When she opened her thighs in welcome, he moaned with anticipation. “Let’s see if this will work.” He held himself up and covered her. “I don’t think I have time for a lot of preliminaries.”

  “Don’t need any.” She looped her hands around his neck and began to play in his hair. “Do it.”

  Lust rushed down his spine. Lowering his face, he swept his tongue across her lips, dipping inside to claim her when she opened her mouth in reply. Their kiss found an instant, familiar rhythm. As Tamara ran her nails over his back, he kissed her harder. Hungrier. He kissed her until it wasn’t enough, he needed more.

  Jaxson didn’t know if he could balance on his knees, but he was determined to try. Raising up over her, he looked his fill. “God, you’re gorgeous.” Her breasts were just as beautiful as he remembered. Soft, creamy mounds, topped with rosy pink nipples. Bending to her, he held himself up as he drew one delicious tip into his mouth and began to suck.

  Tamara’s response was instantaneous. She moaned, clasping his head. “Yes. Like that.”

  While attending to one breast, he cupped the other, tweaking the nipple as he sucked. Her throaty whimpers did it for him.


  He agreed. This was fucking amazing. Months had gone by. Months without this. He was starved for this woman and he intended to eat his fill. Burying his face in her tits, he nuzzled the valley between them, licking the globes and lapping her nipples.

  “Need you,” she whispered and her request was music to his ears.

  “I’ll make it good. Promise.” Holding his cock in his hand, he balanced on his good leg long enough to rub the tip in between her slippery folds.

  “Jaxson.” She moaned his name, making it sound like the sexiest syllables in the universe.

  “I’m here, baby.” Lining up his cock to her opening, he began to push in. “Oh, fuck me,” he groaned. “This feels so good.”

  “Yes,” she whispered her agreement.

  Jaxson reveled at the welcome he received. “Heaven.” Pure heaven. She was perfect. Snug. Warm. Wet. As he held himself over her, he pulled out and pushed back in, finding a rhythm. He was in awe at the way she tightened around him as he filled her. She wasn’t just accepting his attention, she was reveling in it. Her hands came to his chest and she gripped his shoulders, moving her hips in tandem with his. Jaxson moaned at the ecstasy of his cock sliding in and out – in and out – over and over. Harder. Faster. The more he gave, the more she seemed to want. As he fucked her deep, she ground against him, seeming to seek the perfect friction that she longed for.

  Bliss. Pure fuckin bliss. How had he done without this? Why had he starved himself? As he moved in her body, as she moaned and sighed – as the sound of their bodies joining filled the air – Jaxson knew the answer.

  He’d been waiting for her.

  As if she read his thoughts, Tamara responded. “Want it all.”

  She was only asking for what he longed to give. Burying himself to the hilt, he stared into her eyes. Feelings he couldn’t define swept over him. He wanted to please her. Fulfill her. Give her exactly what she needed. Threading his fingers in her hair, he fucked her even harder. Deeper. Circling his hips as he feathered kisses over her face.

  She brought her legs up to delicately encircle his hips. This time it didn’t faze him, he kept his balance, he proved his worth. He could please his woman. With renewed vigor, he pumped between her thighs – thrusting and pounding – until she was screaming his name.

  “Jaxson! Close. Don’t stop.”

  He had no plans to stop.

  Canting her hips, she rocked up into him, seeking the perfect, exact angle. “Oh, God!”

  Found it.

  As Tamara began to shiver, she panted and whimpered, “Coming. Coming.”

  When the orgasm hit, slamming through her body, he followed her helplessly. Pleasure coursed through him in immeasurable, incalculable waves. Bolts of heat spiked from his cock, to his balls, and up his spine. He gave her the last few strokes they needed, fucking her with an intense abandon until a full-body shudder shook him to the core. Jets of passion rushed from him, filling her up.

  With a moan, he collapsed on top of her. The moment he realized what he’d done, he tried to move – but she wouldn’t let him. “Stay.”

  Tamara held him to her, loving the way his weight pressed her into the mattress. “Feel safe.”

  He didn’t move, but he propped himself up so he wouldn’t crush her. “You’re little.”

  “Nuh-uh.” She kissed his chest, looking up into his eyes. “Perfect. You were perfect.”

  Jaxson felt his heart swell in his chest. “Thank you.” He kissed her lips. “This was just what I needed.”

  For once, Tamara was glad of her speech problems. Since she had to concentrate on every word, there was no way she would slip and say the words hovering on her lips. Words he wouldn’t want to hear. Words that were on the tip of her tongue and fighting to be free. “Me too,” was all she would allow herself. “Thanks.”

  They held one another a little longer, but soon he had to rise to begin his day. He hopped to the bathroom to do his business, then returned to attach his prothesis. All the time, she sat cross-legged and watched him, the sheet pulled up to her nose.

  “What does your schedule look like?” he asked.

  “No stables today…Myra’s son. Visits.”

  “Oh, good. I hope that goes well.” Her answer reminded him to visit old man Sykes, but he didn’t tell her that. Jaxson intended to take care of the problem for her. “How about I bring over some take-out tonight?”

  She looked confused.

  Jaxson jumped to conclusions. “What did you think this was, just a hook-up for old times’ sake?” Before she could answer. “Or was this pity-sex for the cripple?”

  His outburst made her mad. She flung off the covers and went to her knees at his side. “Don’t be…ridicu…stupid!” She fumed. “You’re perfect!” Oddly, this time her anger made the words flow a bit freer. “Not about you. Don’t know how to do this!”

  Jaxson stared at her, trying to figure out what she was saying. “What are you talking about?” His eyes got tangled up in hers. God, the woman didn’t know it, but she had him wrapped and hog-tied.

  “What are…we doing? Can’t date!”

  Jaxson frowned. “Why ever not?”

  Tamara sputtered and stammered. “Be-cause you’re a McCoy! I muck stalls and - - I’m brain dam-aged!”

  He didn’t argue with her. She was such a spitting kitten. “Yea, but you’re cute,” he gave her a disarming grin. “Chinese all right?”

  “Jax-son!” She stomped her foot, but he just kissed her and whistled as he left.

  * * *

  After leaving Tamara’s, he didn’t go straight home. Instead, he found himself heading to the stables where Tamara worked. Finding a place to park, he climbed from his truck and looked up the hill to the office, wondering if old man Sykes or his idiot son was about. His intention was to do whatever it took to stop Royce from harassing Tamara.

  “Get out of here.” A voice sounded behind him. “You’re not welcome on our property.”

  “I don’t give a flying fuck!” Jaxson turned, just in time to be impacted by the full force of Royce’s body as he barreled into him.

  The blow pushed Jaxson into the side of the barn, but he found his footing easy enough. Taking the thin man by the shirt collar, he flipped him around and held his flailing body against the hard surface. “You listen to me and you listen good. If you ever.” Jaxson said the words through gritted teeth. “Ever. Touch Tamara again or even look at her cross-eyed, I will skin your hide and nail it to this wall. Jail will be your destination of choice. Do you hear me?”

  “Shit. McCoy. I didn’t know she was yours. What are you doing with that…”

  “With that what, Royce?” Jaxson slammed the man’s head against the wall, rattling his teeth. “With that lady? With that pretty, gentle girl? Is that what you mean?”
br />   “Yea. Yea.” Royce pushed against him. “Just get off me.”

  Jaxson did, but he shook his finger in Royce’s face. “Just don’t forget what I said. If you do, you’ll have to deal with me.”

  “Okay. Okay.” He held up his hands in surrender.

  “Where’s your Daddy?”

  Royce pointed to the office. Jaxson left him and went to pay the owner a visit. The old man rose to greet him, recognizing Jaxson immediately. “Mr. McCoy, what can I do for you?” Another man was with him. “This is Ed Carver.”

  Jaxson nodded to them both. “I’m here about Tamara.”

  “Oh, the incident.” Royce’s father folded his hands across his chest. “I’m sorry about that.”

  “Sorry isn’t enough. I need your reassurance that it won’t happen again. And I need you to promise me that there’ll be no repercussions against her because I had a little…discussion with your son.”

  “Is he still walking around?”


  Ed put his hand over his mouth to hide a smile.

  “There won’t be any repercussions and I promise I’ll do what it takes for her to feel safe.”

  “Good. Thank you.”

  As he was about to depart, the owner stopped him. “If she belongs to you, McCoy? What is she doing working in a place like this?”

  Jaxson let out a harsh breath. He was wondering the same thing himself. “Because she wants to.” This was the only explanation he was willing to share, but he knew he’d be considering the point again very soon.

  On the way out, he was aware of Royce’s steely gaze on him, but he didn’t look back. The idiot just wasn’t worth it.

  …Back in his truck, Jaxson noticed there was a message from Heath. Where are you?

  Jaxson: On the way home.

  Heath: Where you been?

  Jaxson shook his head. Around.

  Heath: Your bull’s loose. No one has found him yet.

  Jaxson: Hell.

  Heath: Meet me and we’ll ride the range together until we locate the beast.

  Jaxson: On my way


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