A Helluva Man

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A Helluva Man Page 42

by Sable Hunter

  “Are you…sure? Me?” She looked up at him with wonder in her eyes.

  “God, yes. You’re the only woman in the world for me.”

  Tamara felt happiness rise in her heart like a wellspring. Hugging him tight, she whispered, “yes, yes, yes. Answer is – yes!”

  * * *

  “How do? I look?” Tamara smoothed her hands down her skirt, thinking she should’ve bought a new dress.

  “Amazing.” He kissed her soundly. “As always. I love this little pink dress.”

  “I feel in ad…in ad…” She made a fist. “Less.”

  “Inadequate.” He framed her face. “I always know what you’re saying, but you aren’t inadequate and you sure as hell aren’t less. You’re perfect in my eyes.”

  Tamara shook her head, bowing her head. “You’re…blind.”

  He slapped her on the bottom. “Let’s go. My family awaits.”

  While escorting her to his truck, he recalled the reaction he’d gotten from his family. Mixed, to say the least. Their reactions had ranged from playful ribbing, to skeptical concern, to down and dirty teasing. He hadn’t given them any hint as to what he had to say, only that he had ‘news’.

  “Ryder and Pepper have been cooking all afternoon. The whole family will be there, our branch, at least.”

  “Nervous. Ner…vous.” She clutched the hem of her dress. “I so want them…to like me.”

  He glanced at her questioningly. “They know you. They liked you before.”

  “Be-fore.” She hugged herself tightly, counting off the passing yellow marks on the road that noted the passing distance. “I’m not…same girl. At all. I’m…”

  Seeing she was making herself upset, he whipped over to the side of the road. “Stop it.” He unbuckled his seat belt and tugged on her until she unlatched it, then he brought her over into his arms. “You are you. Same sweet spirit. Same beautiful face.” He whispered in her ear. “Same hot body. Same tender heart.” He picked up her hand and kissed her palm. “I love you. Not what you do. Not how fast you can run or how well you swim. You.” He kissed her. “You.” He kissed her again.

  She cupped his face. “That’s…what I…tried. To tell. You. After…your accident.”

  “I know.” He passed his thumb down her cheek to catch a tear. “You are my love, Tamara. My only love.”

  Once he was satisfied that she was reassured, they continued on. When he drove up, he was taken aback by the sight of a familiar car. “Looks like Chelsea’s here.”

  Tamara held her breath. “Chel…sea. Good.” Bad. Very bad.

  “Heck, I’m sorry. I forgot she was passing through today.”

  “Not…problem.” Problem. Big, big problem.

  “Yea, what does it matter?” He grabbed her hand. “As long as we’re together.”

  Tamara held on to that thought as she was led into the Highlands main house. She hadn’t been here since the BBQ and that seemed like a lifetime ago. Jaxson introduced her to everyone and she was very glad to meet Molly, Ryder’s husbands, and the famous singer, Judah James. “Hel..lo every…” She took a breath. “Every…one.”

  They seemed to collectively hold their breath as she spoke.

  “And you remember Chelsea, of course.”

  “Tamara.” The Houston socialite came up to take her hand. “It’s been a while. What have you been up to?”

  Jaxson bristled a bit. Chelsea knew exactly what she’d been up to. He’d told her on the phone. “Making me happy, that’s what’s she’s been up to.”

  Tamara cut him a grateful glance but made no comment.

  “Well, let’s have a drink, shall we?” Pepper moved to the wet bar. “Judah, you want to help me, love?”

  “Absolutely.” The dashing celebrity helped his wife fill glasses, then he passed them out with teasing aplomb.

  Once they all had a glass of champagne, Jaxson held up his hand. “Ryder, are you sure you don’t want to make the announcement? You’ve been saying you know what’s going on.”

  “Oh, no.” She sat down on the arm of her dad’s wheelchair and held up her phone to tape the moment. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

  “Okay.” He looked from one member of his family to the next. “You know my life has had its ups and downs – but tonight is definitely one of the good times.” He raised his glass to Tamara. “I want you all to know that I’ve asked Tamara to marry me and she’s said yes.”

  A chorus of congratulations filled the air. Only Heath and Chelsea seemed reticent. Jaxson chose to ignore them. “This was his and Tamara’s night and he was damned if he’d let anyone put a damper on it.”

  “I’m beyond excited!” Pepper came to give Tamara a hug. “I have longed for this day from the moment I met you.”

  “I’m the same way.” Ryder kissed her on the cheek. “You’re so good for Jaxson.”

  Molly and Cato came forward, pushing their way between the sisters-in-law. “We’ve got to talk bridal shower,” Molly offered with bright eyes.

  “Heck, I think we need a girl’s night out!” Cato said with gusto.

  Phillip came to kiss her cheek. “Welcome to the family, pretty girl.”

  “Thank…you. Thank – all. Of you.” She looked from one to the other, then accepted a hug from Tennessee. “You’re so. Nice.”

  “You’re the nice one, baby,” Jaxson said, bringing her into the circle of his arms. “You putting up with me deserves a medal.”

  “Here. Here.” Heath finally spoke up, raising his glass. “When do we eat?”

  “Soon.” Pepper motioned to the girls. “We just need a few more minutes. Tamara, do you want to join us?”

  “Yes.” She needed to do something to occupy her mind. There were butterflies in her stomach as big as chicken hawks.

  After a reassuring touch from Jaxson, she let Molly lead her to the kitchen. Every step she took, Tamara was reminded that she was among a family who had been richly blessed in many ways. She’d made good money for a while, but at no time did she have anything like this. The house was phenomenal. Tamara thought it looked as fancy as any five-star resort she’d been to. When she entered the kitchen, she gasped, “Dream…kitchen!” A gourmet’s delight. Yet, there was a definite feeling of home everywhere she looked. On one wall, she was drawn to photographs of the family. They reminded her of the ones Pepper had sent her of Jaxson when they’d split up. Soon, she’d have to get them out and show them to him. He’d probably be surprised his sister had stayed in contact with her.

  “What can I do?” she asked, coming to stand by Ryder at the island.

  “How about making a salad?” Pepper asked, bringing all of the ingredients to her.

  “Sure. I can…handle that.” Glancing around, she saw that Chelsea hadn’t come with them. “Where’s – Chels?” she asked Cato.

  Cato rolled her eyes. “Who knows? She’s too good to help in the kitchen.”

  Tamara found that funny. “All…you are…too good to…be in here.”

  Molly fanned a dishtowel. “Honey, I was raised in a motel. My mother was a maid. I definitely married up.”

  Pepper wasn’t having any of that. “Tamara, we’re just regular country folk. We’ve been very blessed, but we don’t have help. We do all of our own housework.”

  “Well, I have Thurgood, but he’s part of the furniture. Samson and Gideon love him as much as they do their parents, I think.” Ryder told Tamara about the butler at Falconhead. “He rules the roost, for sure. When I want to cook. I come here.”

  “Every…thing smells – wonder-ful.” She glanced at all of the food laying out on the buffet. There were hams, brisket, chicken and dumplings, chicken and dressing. Good food, not necessarily fancy. She smiled. Maybe she would fit in after all.

  …Jaxson walked a few steps away from his old friend and gazed out a window toward the lake. “What did you want to talk about?”

  “You. What’s wrong with you? Have you lost your mind?”

  Jaxson wasn’t sur
e he wanted to hear this. “What do you mean?”

  Chelsea came closer, one arm wrapped around her waist, the other holding a drink. As she moved, the clank of heavy gold bracelets on her arm made an obvious noise. “Tamara. After you told me what you did the other day, I was worried about you. I looked up aphasia and my concerns are well founded. This is a serious handicap. This isn’t something that’s going to go away or get better. How can you even consider marrying her?”

  Jaxson narrowed his eyes. “I think you’d better mind your manners. Take your drink and join the others. I don’t want to hear what you have to say.”

  …Tamara finished the salad and stood back to admire her handiwork. Tapping Ryder on the shoulder, she spread her hands. “Good?”

  Ryder grabbed a piece of radish. “Yummy.”

  “Coffee’s ready.” Cato announced from across the bar. “Anyone want a cup?”

  “I’ll…take. Jaxson. One.” She looked to his family for permission.

  “Knock yourself out, girl,” Cato pushed her a cup. “Black, right?” At Tamara’s nod, she poured the coffee. “I warn you about spoiling him, though. I made that mistake with Heath and he’s rotten.”

  “Aww, he loves you so much.” Pepper beamed at Cato. “He’s so lucky to have you.” She looked at Tamara. “Jaxson’s lucky too.”

  Happy to feel so accepted, Tamara picked up the cup and headed to take it to him. When she entered the living room, holding the cup carefully, she was surprised to find him gone. Ten spotted her and pointed to the den. “He’s catching up with Chelsea.”

  “Oh. Okay.” She smiled at the other brothers and brothers-in-law who were watching some kind of sports game on a huge flat-screen television.

  As she neared the den, she could hear raised voices.

  “Don’t you realize how unsuitable she is for you, Jaxson? She’ll never be able to live a normal life. Just think about the things she can’t do. Think about the things you’ll never be able to do together?”

  Jaxson’s voice was quieter. “That’s enough, Chelsea. You just don’t understand.”

  Tamara froze, mortified at what she was hearing.

  “She’s simple. She’s pretty, but she’s like a child! My God, you’re a McCoy. You’re not just some simple cowboy. Your family owns a damn empire. What kind of wife would she be? She can’t mix in society! She can’t run a home! She can’t help your children with their homework! If you marry her you’ll just be babysitting a retard for the rest of your life!”

  Tamara felt her spirit as it crushed within her breast. She couldn’t stand to hear another word. With a silent scream, she shook, spilling a bit of the coffee. “Leave. Leave.” Without waiting to hear Jaxson’s response, she set the coffee on the edge of a table and retreated as quickly as possible. With tears flowing from her eyes, she fled. There was no way she could face Jaxson or any of the family. Hurrying out the backdoor, she called for Dylan to come and get her. Leaning against the side of the house, she cried and wondered how she could’ve ever thought things would work out.

  Chelsea was right.

  Jaxson deserved better than her.

  …Inside, Jaxson faced Chelsea. Furious. “Fuck society and fuck you! I love that woman. She makes me happy. She may not speak quickly, but at least she says something when she talks. You speak nonsense!” He moved a step closer to the barrel racer. “You think you’re so special, but you’re not. You’re selfish. Self-absorbed. Self-centered. A narcissist!” He waved his hand. “I don’t know how I ever thought you were a friend.” He stomped from the room. “Get out of my house and don’t come back.”

  When he stepped into the hall, he saw a coffee cup sitting so close to the edge of a table that it was about to fall off. Knowing it was his mother’s china, he picked it up and carried it to the kitchen. He needed to see Tamara and he needed to see her now. His stomach hurt and his heart ached. The only thing that would make him feel better was to hold her in his arms.


  “Where’s Tamara?” Jaxson asked as he moved to the bar where his sisters were slicing the ham and the brisket for serving.

  Glancing at the coffee cup, Ryder shrugged. “She took that cup of coffee down to you a few minutes ago.” Seeing the look on Jaxson’s face, she grew concerned. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

  “Chelsea happened. I think Tamara heard her spouting off.”

  Setting his mother’s cup down, he whirled around so fast, he almost lost his balance. Grabbing onto the bar, he steadied himself.

  “It’s okay.” Pepper touched his shoulder. “Do you need help?”

  “Yea, find her. Find Tamara.”

  As requested, the females in his family scattered in different directions. He retraced his steps, hoping to catch her on the front verandah. When he passed the den, a hand grabbed his arm. Thinking it might be Tamara, he jerked his head to look – finding only Chelsea. “I thought I told you to leave.”

  “You don’t mean that, Jaxson.” She put her arms around him. “We belong together you and me. We always have. I’m like you. We suit! Our family’s suit.”

  Jaxson shook Chelsea off of him. “No, we don’t suit. You’re wrong. Tamara is a lady. She’s good. She gives meaning to my life.”

  “You’re not thinking clearly, Jaxson!”

  He laughed, shaking his head. “I’ve never thought more clearly in my life. I love her, you see, I love her more than anything! She makes me smile. She makes me laugh.”

  “You don’t mean that!” Chelsea repeated, plastering herself to him to kiss his neck, trying to get him to turn his head so she could kiss his lips. “You love me.”

  Grabbing her arms, Jaxson forced her to stop. “No! You’re making a fool out of yourself, Chelsea! I don’t want you. I never have!”

  Breaking away, he hurried outside. “Tamara! Tamara!” he called her name, looking around frantically. To his relief, he spotted her standing forlornly at the end of the drive. Hurrying down the steps as fast as his prothesis would allow, he crossed the yard, calling her name. “Tamara!” Just as he reached her a car drove up. Realizing she was about to leave, he tried to stop her. “No! Don’t go! Please.”

  Tamara faced him, her eyes so full of tears she couldn’t see. “I need to. Go.”

  Jaxson shook his head. “No, please stay. I don’t care what you heard, you’ve got to realize – you’re my world. You’re it. My perfect love. I can’t live without you! Pay no attention to what Chelsea said, she doesn’t know how we are together. She doesn’t know us.”

  “She…knows. You.”

  Before Jaxson could stop her, Tamara climbed into the vehicle and it sped away, leaving him to watch her go.

  “Oh, no. This isn’t over sweet cheeks.” He was just about to head to his truck when Chelsea’s Mercedes sped by him so closely, he jumped back and fell down.

  Coming around the corner of the main house, Pepper saw her brother land on the ground hard. As she ran toward him, she began to scream! “Jaxson! Are you all right? Are you okay? What happened?”

  “Chelsea almost ran me over.”

  Ryder joined them. “I saw that. Bitch!”

  “Where’s Tamara?” Pepper asked with a worried frown. “Did you see her?”

  “She’s gone.” Jaxson managed to get to his feet. “I have to go to her.”

  They were all heading back to the house when Philip threw open the door. “What the hell? I’ve called the fire department! The house is on fire!”

  For the next few moments, chaos reigned supreme. Tennessee and Molly got the babies out safely and Ryder’s husbands made sure all the women were accounted for. Judah, Heath, and Philip sprayed down the drapes in the den with an extinguisher and made sure there were no other fires set anywhere in the house. By the time the fire department arrived, the blaze was out, but they checked everything anyway.

  “I’m so sorry. I feel like this is my fault.” Jaxson couldn’t believe his friend had set fire to their home.

  Heath pat
ted him on the back. “That woman was just crazy. Jealous. Let’s see if a few days in jail will cool her off.”

  “No, let’s don’t press charges. I’d just rather have nothing else to do with her.” He was much more worried about Tamara. “I need to go.”

  Heath hugged him hard. “Go. With my blessing.”

  After giving his family a wave, he hurried to his truck, determined to make Tamara see reason.

  * * *

  At home, Tamara closed all the curtains and locked the doors. She just wanted to hide. She could’ve gone to her parents, but she didn’t want to have to answer a lot of questions. Feeling like she needed to disappear, she went into her bedroom and sat down in a corner by the window, hiding partially in the folds of the curtains.

  Holding her head, she tried to make sense out of what just happened. What had she been thinking? She’d let Jaxson make all these plans when she knew they wouldn’t work. He was such a good man, he spent his days trying to help people – and that’s how he saw her – as someone who needed to be helped. Their history together made him feel responsible for her and she couldn’t allow him to make such a mistake. Jaxson deserved a full life with a normal woman – not her.

  As she sat, torturing herself by letting Chelsea’s words ring in her ears, she heard a banging on the door. “Jax-son,” she whispered. “No. Can’t. Just. Can’t.” Tamara didn’t move, thinking he would give up and go home.

  No such luck.

  In a few moments, the window behind her creaked. Tamara jumped, looking behind her. She always left it cracked for ventilation and he was opening it from the outside. Pushing away from the wall, she watched as Jaxson hoisted himself up and over. In a few moments, he was in the room with her, sitting a few feet away. “Hey. You locked me out.”

  “What? Doing here?” Her throat was raw from crying.

  “Where else would I be? The woman I love with all my heart lives here.”

  She barked out a wry little laugh. “Stop.”

  He looked deep into her eyes. “No.”

  Tamara shook her head. “We. Can’t. Go on. Over.”


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