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Holding Tight Five in a Bed 03

Page 11

by M. A. Blisher

  Nicky licked her finger between the bars of his crate.

  “Nah, he’s fine. I’m hoping he’ll fall asleep,” Danny told her.

  “You have a real cute puppy there. Is there anything I could get you three gentlemen?”

  “No, thanks.” Ricky and TJ both declined the soft drinks and pretzels on offer.

  “Um, do you have anything else besides what’s on the cart?” Danny asked, stretching out over his seat.

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “Um...anything alcoholic?”

  The flight attendant gave a flirtatious laugh. “How old are you?”

  “How old do I have to be?”

  Suspecting the young man to be far younger than the legal drinking age, she looked over at his companions for confirmation.

  “Nice try, kid,” TJ said, ruffling Danny’s hair.

  Danny batted his hand away, annoyed with TJ for making it appear he was even younger than his years. Unfortunately for him, he reflexively used his dominant hand, and he winced in pain when he jarred his injured wrist.

  “Oh, are you okay? How did you hurt your hand? Do you need an aspirin?” Much to Danny’s increased annoyance, the young attendant appeared to want to fuss over him as if he were a child.

  “I’m fine,” Danny snipped with an elbow shoved towards TJ.

  “He’s just a little testy when he hasn’t had his nap,” TJ apologized to the attendant with a wink.

  Ricky groaned, weary of the way his partners insisted on pushing each other’s buttons so early on the trip.

  Mitch turned around from his seat. “What’s going on back there?”

  He wasn’t sure what they were up to. But, Danny’s sour face, offset by TJ’s smirk and Ricky’s worrisome frown, told him more than he needed to know. After excusing his pardon to the flight attendant as she hastily pushed her cart forward, Mitch hauled Danny up from his seat and plopped him in the empty space between him and Antonio.

  Danny griped about unfair treatment, and accidently kicked the seat in front of him.

  “Do you need to sit on my lap for the remainder of this flight?”

  Antonio raised an eyebrow. “Sweetheart, are you sure that’s a good idea? It may not be the safest option.”

  “Well, we don’t have a car seat to put him in,” Mitch fired back.

  Danny’s whole body slumped. He was mad at Mitch’s unkind crack, but he had to admit, he was pushing the man to his limit.

  “Why don’t you sit back, honey, and relax for the rest of the flight?” Watching Danny fidget and Mitch’s patience wane, Antonio continued to offer suggestions. “Did you bring along anything to read?”


  “How about starting your schoolwork? Don’t you have assignments to complete while we’re away?”

  “I don’t feel like it.”

  “Then just rest your eyes. Here, lean against me.”

  Danny resisted until Antonio insisted. After ten minutes of Antonio brushing his hand through Danny’s hair, the boy nodded off with his face pressed against Antonio’s huge bicep.

  TJ shook his head from the seat behind him. He couldn’t help snickering at the fate of his young partner. “It seems like only yesterday I was in an airplane bringing the brat home. He was every bit as ornery as he is today. I’m glad he’s got Mitch and Antonio looking after him now.”

  Ricky smiled, hearing the affection behind TJ’s musing. “He’s just nervous. What’s Antonio’s family like?”

  “Oh, they’re good peeps. You’ll like them–especially if you get a chance to spend time with his cousins and uncles, who are mostly jazz musicians. You wouldn’t believe how much old people can party.”

  “I would kill for an opportunity to jam with authentic N’awlins musicians.”

  “Yeah, they’re a pretty tight group, but it’s Mama C who heads the family. She’s a trip. Spoils Danny rotten, and will challenge anyone who tries to stop her. She’s the only person I’ve ever seen scold Mitch and live to tell about it.”

  “She seems fiery.”

  “Nah, she’s real sweet, like Antonio. She puts you at ease, and then puts you in your place without you even knowing what hit you. Still, you wouldn’t want to get on her bad side. I bet she swung a mean spoon at Antonio’s backside when he was a kid.”

  “Must be where he gets it from,” Ricky laughed. “What about your family? What are they like?”

  “Well, I’m the youngest of six, as you know.”

  “So, five sisters, huh? What was that like?”

  “Crazy, they about smothered me growing up.”

  “I can’t wait to meet them. What about your parents?”

  “They’re good folk, older–my oldest sister has almost twenty years on me. They lavished me with a lot of love, but sorta parented from a distance. I think by the time your sixth kid comes along, not much bothers you, and you’re ready to take life easy. I guess you could say I got away with murder. If it wasn’t for my three oldest sisters, I may have been completely out of control.”

  “You? Out of control? I don’t believe it!” Ricky joked with an expression of exaggerated shock.

  “I have a sister nearly two years older. She’s the authentic wild child. They only had her because they were trying for a boy. When I came around, I have to admit, it was pretty much all about me. They were heartbroken when I moved to New York. But they’ve got grandkids to occupy them now. I don’t get to see them as often as I’d like. One of my nephews is a handsome little tyke, takes right after his Uncle ‘J.”

  “Poor parents,” Ricky laughed. “With a baby like you they’ll have their hands full.”

  “Speaking of which, how do you think our baby is doing up there? Sounds quiet.”

  Danny bolted upright as unexpected turbulence rocked the plane.

  “Shh, it’s all right.” Antonio reached for Danny’s seat belt to strap him in. He exchanged a look of concern with Mitch. Danny’s eyes began to dilate and Antonio could feel his heart rate accelerate. “Danny, listen to my voice, it’s just turbulence.”

  Danny nodded as he forced himself to concentrate on his surroundings; the pattern of the seat in front of him, the way the snack tray vibrated, the stale air of the plane mixed with Antonio’s aftershave. Another jolt jarred the plane, followed by the voice of the pilot who calmly apologized to the passengers that due to excessive winds and harsh rain blocking visibility, they were altering their course and would be landing behind schedule at a different airport. A collective moan reverberated through the cabin.

  Danny’s sweaty hand held on tight to Antonio’s. Mitch’s supportive hand steadied his knee during their landing. He was safe. Irritable, but otherwise unscathed, the men breathed out relief as the wheels of the aircraft bumped along the runway.

  Chapter 6

  A Handy Hand Job

  The five men entered their hotel room exhausted from travel and disappointed by their extra layover. Mitch was able to secure them the last room in the closest place that allowed dogs. It was a no thrills suite with an adjacent room and single beds. TJ and Ricky dropped their bags in the smaller room, and made a beeline for the sack. They got cozy and flipped on the television.

  The youngest picked up his puppy and went to follow them, but was stopped short.

  “Sorry, you’re going to be sleeping with us tonight,” Mitch flatly informed him.

  “Why can’t I sleep with them?” Danny questioned with a whine. “They’re gonna stay up and watch the Knicks.”

  “Because you’re sleeping with us.”

  “But that’s not fair! You and Antonio are going to sleep and I wanna stay up.”

  “That’s not an option tonight, sweetheart,” Antonio said calmly.

  “But we’re on a vacation, and I slept on the plane.”

  “Danny, not another word.” Mitch could hear a revolt coming and was not in the mood to negotiate. He decided it was time to nip Danny’s poor attitude in the bud. “We’re waking up early to get to t
he airport. I am not going to risk you being in a crabby mood when we arrive in New Orleans.”

  “But we’re all getting up at the same time, so why do they...”

  “What did I just say?” Mitch asked more sternly.

  Knowing enough to heed the warning, Danny clamped his mouth shut. Unfortunately, his resentment was still festering, which was evident in his furrowed brows. Nicky announced his desire to get down with a bark. Sensing trouble brewing between his young master and the Alpha dog, he ran off to find the other two pups.

  “Sorry, kid. I’ll tell you the score in the morning,” TJ consoled from the other room.

  “This is bullsh...”


  After slamming his luggage to the ground, Mitch’s heavy hand swooped around and caught Danny’s bottom for the second time that day. Danny kicked Mitch’s luggage in anger, causing it to skip across the floor. It hit an end table, wobbling the reading lamp standing on it.


  The next swat to his backside lifted him on his toes. Danny took a step forward to steady himself. Spinning around in an act of defiance he shouted, “Ow!”

  Danny was tired of Mitch embarrassing him. He didn’t need to spank him in the hotel room, in front of everyone! The teen rubbed the sting out of his back cheeks, and glared at his eldest partner.

  “Boy, if I need to place you over my knee and warm your bottom to ensure that you are subdued and cooperative when we meet Antonio’s family tomorrow, then tell me now, because I’ve had a long night, and I would prefer to get it over with.”

  Danny rolled his eyes. Muttering about being treated like a baby, he collected his things and stomped his way to the bathroom.

  Mitch decided to follow Danny, to curb the rebellion and remind him of who was in control.

  “Apparently you’re still working yourself up to a tantrum, so let’s get you ready for bed, and then get any discipline you’re requiring out of the way.”

  Danny’s mouth opened to defend himself, but the words, “fuck you,” flew out before he had a chance to formulate a smarter verbal tactic.

  “Okay, that’s it,” Mitch said in a tired but steady voice. He grabbed Danny and hoisted him up on the counter sink.

  Danny nervously swung his feet back and forth kicking the side drawer. He was frightened by his outburst, and even more afraid of Mitch’s reaction.

  Mitch slapped his legs. “Sit still.”

  Danny fixed Mitch with a look that lost its venom when stone gray eyes stared back.

  Mitch took a calming breath to steady his frayed nerves from the tedious flight. He untied Danny’s sneakers to take them off followed by his socks. Standing up straight again, he surveyed Danny quietly before saying, “Lift up your arms.”

  Danny folded his arms and huffed. Mitch was too tired to play games, so he pried the boy’s arms apart and slapped his uninjured one down to keep him from crossing them again.

  Mitch’s stern but calm demeanor soothed Danny’s escalating temper, and he took an unconscious comfort in giving up control. When Mitch grabbed the hem of his shirt, Danny obediently lifted his arms and allowed him to pull his shirt up over his head. With tousled hair and a flushed face, he sullenly watched as Mitch opened a new bar of hotel soap. A sinking realization hit as Mitch lathered it under warm water.

  Mitch tilted Danny’s head back, and then opened his mouth by placing his thumb to the boy’s chin and pressing it down while supporting his jaw in the palm of his hand. Feeling guilty and resigned to his fate, Danny did not resist when Mitch placed the foaming soap on his tongue

  Mitch gently pressed Danny’s jaw shut and said, “Hold it until I tell you otherwise.”

  Danny stared down the tip of his nose at the soap. His eyes instantly began to water. Fighting the urge not to retch, he retracted his tongue back as far as he could. He breathed out forcefully, and tried to keep the bar securely in place between his teeth without biting down too hard. He desperately did not want to have to start the process over by dropping the soap.

  Mitch peeled back the Velcro of his wrist brace and removed it carefully. “How’s it feeling?” he asked.

  “Itsth fiin,” Danny mumbled irritably, while trying not to drop the soap.

  “It looks a little swollen.” Mitch brushed a finger over Danny’s healing knuckles. “Make sure it’s iced before you go to bed.” He then unbuttoned his boy’s pants, and lifted him down from the counter in order to strip him of the rest of his clothes. Danny squirmed away out of habit until Mitch pulled him in by his waistband, unzipped his pants, and yanked them to his knees.

  Struggling to cooperate, Danny assisted by clumsily stepping out of his pants as quickly as he could. Mitch took one regretful look at Danny as the young man stood with tears leaking down his face, trying not to gag. He had not wanted to start their vacation this way, but Danny’s anxieties often took the form of defiance. Mitch was going to rein it in before it spiraled out of control.

  Danny was still unwilling to accept his limitations. He needed help to soothe his nerves if he was ever going get a decent night’s sleep. Mitch shook his head at the sight of his little man, and prayed he wasn’t gearing up for a fight. The sooner he got Danny to relinquish his stubborn control, the sooner they could all get some rest. Mitch turned on the showerhead, adjusted the temperature, and got undressed. He steadied himself as he prepared for a battle that he was determined not to lose.

  Danny was breathing heavily, and was concentrating on not concentrating on the vile taste in his mouth. It took every ounce of willpower he had not to spit the soap out and curse. Fuck, fuck, fuck, he repeated in his head.

  Aware of his youngest partner’s internal struggles, Mitch swiftly picked Danny up and placed him in the shower. He stepped in after. Turning Danny around to face him he said, “Open up.”

  Danny gratefully opened his mouth for Mitch to take the soap away. He was soon bent over, hacking up the bitter taste. Mitch pulled him under the showerhead, patting his back. Danny filled his mouth with water, rinsing and spitting until most of the residue was gone.

  Taking the same bar of soap, Mitch began to wash Danny down. The efficiency and thoroughness of his cleaning prevented Danny from taking any enjoyment from it. He was lathered and scrubbed in every crevice and crack of his body. He even stood patiently while his hair was roughly shampooed. It wasn’t until Mitch spread his bottom cheeks apart and asked, “When was the last time you washed yourself properly?” that he put up a fuss.

  Danny jerked away, and cried, “What? No! I don’t know...”

  “If you don’t know, then it has obviously been too long.”

  Held close against Mitch’s muscular body, Danny couldn’t help but get aroused.

  With his right arm hugging him snug, Mitch reached around with his other hand and ran the ivory bar down Danny’s chest, stomach, and between his legs, soaping the proudly growing erection.

  The cleaning continued down his legs. Left unsatisfied, Danny reached a hand to his attention-deprived groin.

  Mitch batted it away. “This is not playtime,” he scolded.

  Danny blushed as he let out a whimper.

  Mitch was unaffected. He lathered his hands with the soap before putting it aside. Bending Danny under his arm, he ran his hand through the tiny butt crack. Danny tensed up when Mitch reached a large, probing finger to his tight little opening.

  “No!” Danny squeaked out in shock, clenching his buttocks together.

  “Hold still, Daniel, or would you prefer an enema?”

  “What? No! I don’t want one of those!”

  “Then stop being a baby. I’ve had my finger here before.”

  “I know, but...”

  “But what?”

  “I dunno.”

  Somehow this felt different, more intrusive, because this was business, not pleasure. He tried to wriggle free, but Mitch was too tough.

  “The more you fight me the more uncomfortable it will be.”

  Danny shot straig
ht up to complain, causing Mitch to jab his finger in a little further than he’d planned.

  “Oww!” Danny cried.

  Mitch took his hand out to swat his backside.

  “OW!” Danny continued to shout. “That hurt!”

  “Good! Now stop your nonsense and lets’ get this over with.”

  Mitch rinsed off of his finger and lathered up his hand again. Danny gifted him with a sizeable pout before bending back over to allow Mitch to finish his cleaning.

  “Okay, good boy.” Mitch complimented Danny for being more cooperative. “Rinse off while I get the shaving kit.”

  It took Danny a minute to register the implication of what Mitch had said. He peeked around the shower curtain as Mitch wrapped a towel round his waist, and called to Antonio to fetch the shaving supplies.

  “Um...I don’t need a shave!” Danny yelled out from the shower. “Mitch!”

  Danny had just shaved his face early that morning, and much to his chagrin his facial hair grew rather slowly. Unlike Mitch, who required two shavings a day, Danny could easily get away with less than two shavings a week.

  Mitch came back to the bathroom to lecture Danny about leaving the shower curtain open and the dangers of dripping water on the floor. Danny rolled his eyes and popped back into the shower, praying the shaving kit was not intended for him. He knew otherwise. Mitch dropped his towel, and stepped his large muscular frame back into the shower. Danny eyeballed the razor and can of Gillette he was holding like they were covert weapons.

  “Stand still while I shave off that pesky pubic hair.”

  “What pubic hair? Antonio already shaved me bare a week ago,” Danny protested.

  He thought back to the quite intimate day he shared with Antonio. It was a rare gift to have him all to himself. Danny remembered being splayed on the bed with a towel under him while Antonio carefully and meticulously shaved all of the fine hair between his legs. Surprisingly, the act of lying submissively, with complete faith in Antonio’s careful and loving hands, ended up being one of the most sensual nights of his young life.


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