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Holding Tight Five in a Bed 03

Page 12

by M. A. Blisher

  Mitch interrupted his thoughts. “Then it should be starting to grow back. I won’t have you scratching at yourself during our visit.”

  “I don’t do that!”

  “Oh no?”

  “NO!” Danny shouted back.

  Mitch gave him a look that warned him to check his temper. “Well, either way, I’m not listening to you moan about itchy hair growth, so we’re going to get it taken care of now.”

  Ever since TJ first shaved him down when they were getting silly in the shower, being hairless had been a bone of contention for Danny. Despite of the erotic memory with Antonio, being the youngest made it harder to not have body hair. He already felt different from the others. Nonetheless, the growing back phase was excruciating. Danny couldn’t tolerate the itch. Therefore, the decision was made that he was to stay smoothly shaven.

  Still, whenever it came time for a fresh shave, Danny couldn’t bring himself to do it. The task usually went to whichever man happened to be able to cajole him in the shower with a razor. TJ had told him not to be such baby, a lot of men shaved, and he thought it was sexy. Danny remembered bitterly that TJ had promised he would shave, too. Somehow, he had yet to get around to it. Even so, he liked the attention it elicited from the men who took turns admiring and caressing his silky skin.

  “Danny, stop fidgeting! I have a razor in my hand.” Mitch’s reprimand once again brought him back to the present situation.

  “Then stop tickling me!”

  “Hold still, I’m almost done. Do I have to have Antonio hold you down for me?” Mitch threatened.



  Danny bit back his anger, and mumbled, “Sir.”

  He stood as patiently as he could while Mitch sprayed him with liberal amounts of shaving cream before expertly shaving all his delicate spots. In the end, there wasn’t much different, but Danny had to admit it felt better to get rid of the budding stubble.

  Mitch toweled off as Danny stepped out of the shower, smooth and squeaky clean. He took another dry bath towel from the rack and draped it over Danny’s back.

  For a naive moment, Danny felt relieved his ordeal was over. “What?” he asked defensively, when Mitch blocked him from leaving the bathroom.

  “What happens to naughty little boys who swear and kick things when they don’t get their way?”

  Danny shoulders sunk, he licked and then bit down on his lip.

  “Answer me.”

  “But you already made me eat soap,” Danny said desperately.

  “You had your mouth cleaned out as a reminder not to use offensive language. But telling me to fuck off will not be reconciled with a little soap.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it. I just lost my temper.”

  “You’ve been doing a lot of that lately. Antonio and I are trying to help you with that, which is why we wanted you to go to bed early. But, you need to start being responsible for your own behavior.”

  “You didn’t give me a chance to.”

  “Did I not give you an opportunity to cool your jets before you decided to use my luggage as a football, knocking it into the furniture?”

  Danny nodded hesitantly.

  “And did you choose to ignore that warning?”

  Danny didn’t answer; he knew a set up when he heard one.


  “It was an accident,” he pouted.

  “Did you not kick my luggage because you didn’t like being told no?”

  Danny nodded his head while biting his nails.

  “Did I not give you adequate warning what was in store for you if you didn’t calm down?”

  Danny shrugged, but couldn’t deny the truth.

  “Did you make the choice to calm down?”

  Danny shook his head no, while he slipped the thumb he was biting into his mouth.

  “What happens when you misbehave?”

  Danny popped his thumb out. “I get...spanked.”

  Mitch lifted his leg, and rested his foot on the edge of the bathtub.

  Danny took a deep breath as a big brawny leg bent in front of him made a high masculine bench. Damn. Mitch was overwhelmingly sexy. His buff naked body was both a beautiful and intimidating sight. Danny looked up unsure. Why would anybody protest about being forced to sleep with him? And, why the hell would I care about the Knicks, when I coulda had Mitch and Antonio to myself? Danny’s stupid pride was always getting in his way. He was mad at himself for ruining what could have been a nice evening.

  Danny began to twitch. He didn’t know how to go about folding himself over the tall leg or if he was supposed to wait for Mitch to do it. Detecting the boy's uncertainty, Mitch made it easy for him by lifting Danny up and placing him over his knee. Then he pushed the towel up so that Danny’s entire backside was exposed.

  Danny dangled precariously in the air with neither feet nor hands reaching the floor. He did not like this feeling of utter helplessness. The butterflies he always felt before a spanking were now trapped uncomfortably, as his tight stomach muscles laid rigid over the thick, hard quadriceps.

  Mitch tucked him in close under one arm, and began to spank his wet bottom a bright shade of red.


  “Turn the TV up, TJ.”

  “I didn’t know you were that into basketball.”

  “I’m not, really. I don’t want to listen to Danny being disciplined.”

  TJ cocked his head. “You have good ears for that.” He aimed the remote toward the television to raise the volume. “Certainly you’re used to Danny being spanked by now?”

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it.

  “Aw, don’t worry. He’s in good hands.”

  “I’m sure he is. I’m still not fond of hearing it though.”

  “How ‘bout I give you something else to focus on?” TJ bit Ricky’s earlobe between his lips while sinking with him to the mattress. He nibbled down his lover’s neck, sending shock waves and hot shivers through his body.

  With his face and chest to the sheets, Ricky tucked his knees under, spreading his bottom cheeks apart in invitation. TJ licked his lips and sprung to action. Taking a firm grip of his boyfriend’s hips, he pulled them up higher. Enjoying the sights from a Dominant position, TJ rubbed his penis up and down Ricky’s crack. Then he slapped it against the plump bottom. “Holy cow, you’re freakin’ hot. Let me in.”

  Ricky reached his hands back to spread his cheeks as wide as he could, giving his lover’s tongue easier access. TJ shoved his nose to the tip of his crack and took a bite of a voluminous butt cheek.

  “Ow,” Ricky cried.

  “Shh,” TJ scolded. “You can’t blame me can you?”

  Before Ricky could form a response, TJ’s tongue darted in to rim his enticing rosebud. Ricky began moaning in pleasure. He feverishly grabbed on to his cock, pumping frantically.

  TJ lifted Ricky’s hips up higher, slowly breaching his opening. As soon as he was safely in, he began thrusting. Ricky mewed with fervor, causing TJ to increase his momentum. Ricky began pumping his cock faster. With the same eagerness, TJ quickened his pace.

  The sounds of their lovemaking were soon mingled with the background noise of Danny being spanked. The sexual energy heightened. With guilty arousal, the temperature heated to dizzying degrees. Ricky grabbed onto the sheets, shoving a mouthful between his teeth to quiet his screams. TJ’s pelvis charged forward of its own volition. His nut sacs tightened, and he shot his warm load into Ricky’s hot bottom.


  “Oh, ah, ow,” Danny cried at the unexpected additional sting his wet skin provided.

  Mitch’s powerful hand quickly tenderized Danny’s upper thighs and the round little cheeks peeking out from the towel that had inched down with each whack. Danny shut his eyes tight, not wanting to stare at the dizzying sight of the swaying floor. The tears built up with each painful swat. Danny hitched in a few sobs, but did not cry out, too embarrassed that his anguish might be heard. Somehow, he bravely
managed to take his spanking without a fight or any significant amount of tears.

  Mitch finally lifted him off his knee. Danny stood with one shameful hand to his backside, and the other clutching the towel around his neck. It was humiliating to be spanked in the bathroom of the hotel. Danny was even more embarrassed by his own behavior.

  “Now, is there something you would like to tell me?” Mitch asked, coaxing out the words he suspected were caught in Danny’s throat.

  “I’m sorry,” the boy sniffed.

  “Brush your teeth and then come to bed,” Mitch ordered in a matter-of-fact tone, telling him that his punishment was over.

  Danny brushed his tears out of his eyes, and then brushed his teeth, grateful to have the mundane task to focus on. When he was done, he heaved a heavy sigh before daring his entrance back into the main room.

  Antonio pulled back the covers. “Come to bed, sweetheart.”

  Danny crawled in sheepishly. Antonio had already wrapped ice in a towel, anticipating the need to soothe the boy’s wrist. He wiggled the newly mended fingers on his boy’s hand. Pleased, he said, “These seem good as new.” After twenty minutes of alternating the ice from Danny’s tender knuckles to his wrist, Antonio fitted the brace back on. He kissed Danny and got him snug in bed before making his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

  “Stubborn little squirt,” Mitch said to Antonio, as he stepped aside to share the sink with him.

  “You got that right,” Antonio agreed. “We were prepared that visiting family would be difficult for him.”

  “Do you think I was too hard on him?”

  “Danny is a bright boy. He knows the consequences for his behavior, so he’s the one calling the shots. He was letting us know what he needed. He’s settled now.”

  “Maybe it was bad timing to take a vacation with everything going on.”

  “I don’t think so. We need to get our minds on better things. Let’s try to make this a relaxing a trip.”

  “I’m trying.”

  “Come in the shower with me, and I’ll massage your tired muscles.”

  “Not all my muscles are tired,” Mitch said with a TJ style wink.


  Mitch and Antonio spent a long time under the hot water getting reacquainted. It had been a while since they had spent any quality time alone. Mitch closed his eyes as the water poured over him, and surrendered his worries to Antonio’s skillful hands.

  Danny was feeling calmer. But listening to Mitch and Antonio moaning in the shower, and TJ and Ricky laughing in the next room, made him feel left out. They were each respectively closer in age, and seemed a perfect match as they coupled. But where do I fit in? His mind began to wander, and he started to feel anxious again about meeting more of Antonio’s family.

  Danny loved Mama Cecelia, and wanted to be a part of her extended family. Being the only one without real family of his own made him uncomfortable at large family gatherings. Feelings of rejection and abandonment permeated all thoughts of family. Danny was told to reason through those unwanted feelings. He may have been neglected as a child, but he was loved and cared for now. Danny couldn’t help it. The longer he was left alone in bed, the more these dangerous ruminations began to crack through his defenses.

  It wasn’t long after that Mitch and Antonio came to bed, each taking the opposite side. Mitch laid down facing Danny, resting an arm over him.

  Deciding he was still mad at Mitch for the spanking, Danny rolled over to snuggle up with Antonio.

  Mitch chuckled at Danny’s attempt to thwart his affection. He kissed Antonio over the boy’s head, before leaning down and kissing his cheek.

  Danny slept uneasily and then woke up to a pounding heartbeat. He turned and found Mitch was staring at him. Danny stared back. Mitch smiled and Danny blushed.

  “Still mad at me?”

  Danny shook his head no.

  “Were you having a bad dream?”

  A little pout snuck past his grinding teeth.

  “Baby?” Antonio asked drowsily, when he felt the emptiness where Danny’s body had been.

  “Are there going to be a lot of people at your mom’s tomorrow?”

  “Sweetheart, what did I tell you about that? There is nothing for you to worry about. Everyone will like you just fine. If it gets to be too much all you have to do is come and sit by one of us.”

  “I’m not worried. I was only wondering.”

  “I see. It was just a random question you thought to ask at three in the morning.”

  “Umm, yeah.”

  “Either that, or you are avoiding my question,” Antonio pushed.

  “I’m not avoiding or worried, I just woke up, that’s all. You two are up...”

  “We were awoken by your restlessness. Care to tell us about the dream you were having?”

  Danny turned to face Mitch’s question directly. “I dreamt I went to sleep and was being mauled by two giant bears who wanted to smother me, and prevented me from watching the Knicks.”

  “If you’re done with your wisecracks, why don’t you tell us what’s really on your mind.”

  “I don’t know what’s on my mind.”

  “Then tell us about your dream. Terry recommended you start talking about them.”

  When Danny didn’t answer, Antonio spoke up. “It might help you to get back to sleep, honey. You need to get a good night’s rest. We all do.”

  “I don’t remember my dream anymore. ‘Sides...” Danny added with a naughty twinkle in his eye, “I know what will make me fall asleep faster...unless I’m still in trouble.”

  “Sweetheart, we all have to get up shortly.”

  “I’ll take care of him. Come here you.”

  Danny bashfully scooted closer to Mitch.

  Within three minutes he was panting as the experienced hand of his lover brought his throbbing erection to the height of ecstasy. With the purpose of getting Danny to sleep as soon as possible, Mitch opted for a vigorous and steady technique that forced Danny to arch his back, crying out in urgency. Mitch added to his rapture by massaging his loaded baby-making sacs. With feathery fingers catching the wetness from his dripping tip, he spread nature’s lubrication down the base of Danny’s cock bringing his crescendo to a dizzying finish.

  “I think that was a record, even for you,” Mitch teased.

  Danny turned to cuddle up in his arms, too tired and satisfied to be embarrassed.

  Antonio laughed in amazement at how quickly his little man was at peace and breathing softly. He got up to get a dry towel from the bathroom so he could wipe the spunk from between his lovers’ tangled legs. Danny whined out in a sleepy complaint at being disturbed from his slumber. Antonio quit the cleaning so the boy could fall back into Mitch’s arms while he was still in the grip of post sex exhaustion. “Well, at least we know how to get him to fall asleep in a pinch.”

  “I don’t know why we didn’t think of it sooner,” Mitch chuckled in agreement.

  Dumping the soiled towel to the floor, Antonio climbed back under the covers to rest beside his pair of lovers. He gave Mitch a passionate kiss, while caressing a loving hand over Danny’s backside. Pulling away before things got too heated, he dropped his arm around the two of them, and rested his head against Mitch’s shoulder. “This is going to be a memorable vacation,” he murmured contently, as he drifted off to sleep.


  The flight into New Orleans was a quiet blur. Danny had napped between his two big men and awoke with nervous energy.

  “When will we get to Mama C’s?” he asked.

  ““I’m starving!” TJ piped from the seat behind them.

  “As soon as we get the car, we should be there in an hour,” Mitch responded.

  Antonio pulled out his phone. “I just sent a text saying we’ll be there shortly. Mama responded back that lunch will be ready for us when we get there. Some of the other relatives have started to arrive.”

  “Other relatives?” Danny questioned. “I thought it
was only gonna be us the first day.”

  “It was, remember? We’re arriving a day later.”

  “Oh, right.” Danny’s face fell. “Who’s gonna be there?”

  “My aunts and uncles and a few of the cousins who I’m close with. Perhaps a couple of their kids, as well.”

  “Why do all those people hafta come?” Danny grumbled under his breath.

  “What’s that, sweetheart?”


  By the time the men were standing in line to receive their rental, everyone was relieved to have the longest leg of their trek behind them. Fatigued, Mitch got to the counter to request the spacious utility vehicle he ordered. Unfortunately, it was rented to someone else when they showed up late to pick it up. The next biggest available rental was a small compact car. Mitch was more than a little displeased and he expressed his dissatisfaction loudly to the frightened clerk. The portly man scurried to get them an upgrade to a luxury sedan, at half price.

  It still fell short of their needs.

  “Help get the car packed,” Mitch barked. “Not much is going to fit back here.” He lifted Ricky’s saxophone out of the trunk to repack the items to fit better. “I’m afraid this is going to have to go in the backseat.”

  “How?” TJ asked. “There’s barely room for the three of us.”

  “Danny may have to sit on your lap.”

  Danny watched anxiously as the sax was wedged securely in the middle seat. With the empty dog carrier on the floor between them, there was no other option.

  “Why can’t Ricky sit on his lap?”

  “Because you’re the smallest and we have an hour’s drive.”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t bite, unless you ask nicely.” TJ teased by groping Danny around the waist and biting at his neck.

  Danny let a giggle escape, but having to meet a house full of strangers had him on edge. With increasing irritability, he shoved TJ away. TJ lost his patience and swatted Danny as he pulled him into the car and onto his lap.

  Mitch slammed the door after them. His scowl through the other side of the window was a clear warning to get their behavior in control. The effect lasted for less than ten minutes.


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